IBM Cloud Docs
Managing user accounts and settings

Managing user accounts and settings

Use the following procedures to invite users to update user account credentials, and to specify whether you want to receive email and console notifications for various events.

Inviting users to access services and resources

IBM Cloud® for VMware Solutions is integrated with IBM Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) for collaboration among multiple users. After you sign up for an IBM Cloud account and log in to the IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions console, you can add users to the IBM Cloud account. These added users can share the services and resources that are provisioned for the account.

For more information, see the following topics:

Setting notifications

You can also specify whether you want to receive email and console notifications for various events.

Procedure to set notifications

  1. In the IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions console, click Settings from the left navigation pane.
  2. If you want to be notified by email when events occur, click Enable email notifications.
  3. If you want to be notified in the console when events occur, click Enable console notifications.

Results after you set notifications

If email or console notifications are enabled for certain instance events, you're notified by email or console messages when these events occur.

Updating user account credentials

The information about updating user account credentials applies only to the VMware Cloud Foundation for Classic offerings: Automated, Flexible, Cyber Recovery, and Regulated Workloads.

IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions communicates with the IBM Cloud infrastructure through SoftLayer API calls. To access the SoftLayer API securely, you must link the credentials of your IBM Cloud infrastructure account to your IBM Cloud account. After your first order, you can update the user account credentials on the Settings page.

Before you begin

  • You can link only one IBM Cloud infrastructure account to one IBM Cloud user account.

  • The IBM Cloud infrastructure account that you're using must meet certain requirements. For more information, see The IBM Cloud infrastructure account.

  • If the API key for your IBM Cloud infrastructure account changes, you must update the key on the Settings page in the IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions console.

    It is your responsibility to ensure that the API key that is saved on the Settings page is correct and up-to-date. Otherwise, operations that require API key validation, such as price calculation for your order, might fail.

Procedure to update user account credentials

  1. In the IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions console, click Settings from the left navigation pane.
  2. If you have both an IBM Cloud infrastructure account and an IBM Cloud account that are linked, click Retrieve credentials to complete the credentials automatically, and then skip to Step 4.
  3. In the following situations, review the information the IBM Cloud infrastructure credentials area for the steps that you need to take:
    • If you have both an IBM Cloud infrastructure account and an IBM Cloud account that are not linked, you must link them. Follow the instructions in Upgrading your account, then click Retrieve credentials to complete the credentials automatically.
    • If you do not have an IBM Cloud infrastructure account, and you do not have a billable IBM Cloud account, first upgrade your account, and then create a classic infrastructure API key.
  4. Click Save credentials. If you receive a message that administrator access is required, you can locate an account administrator by using the steps in Locating an IAM account administrator.

Results after you update user account credentials

After the IBM Cloud account and the IBM Cloud infrastructure account are linked, the console automatically retrieves the IBM Cloud infrastructure account credentials to communicate with your VMware® environment on IBM Cloud.

The stored IBM Cloud infrastructure account credentials are used in future operations that require interaction with the IBM Cloud infrastructure.