IBM Cloud Docs
Requirements for VCF for Classic - Automated instances

Requirements for VCF for Classic - Automated instances

To deploy a flexible and customizable VMware® virtualized platform that best fits your workload needs, order a VMware Cloud Foundation for Classic - Automated instance.

New deployments of multizone instances are not supported.

You can also add services, such as Zerto for disaster recovery. For more information about the available services, see Available services for Automated instances.

Price calculations are automatically generated when you access the instance order page. Default selections include the Data Center SP Professional license for NSX-T, the Dual Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8260 processor / 48 cores, 2.4 GHz CPU model, and 768 GB RAM.

Ensure that you complete the following tasks:

The subdomain label is used only for existing VMware vSphere® 6.x instances.

Value format for instance and domain names
Name Value format
Domain name <root_domain>
vCenter Server login username <user_id>@<root_domain> (Microsoft® Active Directory™ user) or administrator@vsphere.local
vCenter Server (with embedded PSC) FQDN <instance_name>-vc.<root_domain>. The maximum length is 50 characters. Any hyphens (-) are removed from the instance name.
Single Sign-On (SSO) site name <root_domain>
Fully qualified VMware ESXi™ server name <host_prefix><n>.<root_domain>, where n is the sequence of the ESXi server. The maximum length is 50 characters.
NetBIOS name First string of <root_domain>. The maximum length is 15 characters.

After the instance is provisioned, do not modify any values that are set during instance order. Otherwise, the instance might become unusable. For example, if public networking shuts down or if servers and Virtual Server Instances (VSIs) move behind a Vyatta mid-provision.