IBM Cloud Docs
Managing notifications

Managing notifications

You can check notifications for the status of IBM Cloud® for VMware Solutions operations. You can use this information to investigate problems that might occur with VMware Solutions.

You can also get notified about IBM Cloud® platform-related items, such as announcements or billing and usage details.

Viewing VMware Solutions notifications

From the VMware Solutions console, click Notifications from the left navigation pane to view a summary of all notifications. To view the details of a notification, click the notification row.

Notification history
Column Description

The severity of the event that is reported by the notification.

  • Critical - A critical event might impact the entire system or service.
  • Error - An error event occurs during an operation that might need intervention from the administrator or the user.
  • Warning - A component fails or is not working properly. However, the failure does not disrupt the ongoing process of the component.
  • Informational - A system or user operation is completed. Typically, the following events report informational notifications:
    • A service is installed.
    • A service is upgraded.
    • A service is removed.
    • All services are reconfigured for the added VMware ESXi™ servers.
    • All services are reconfigured for the removed ESXi servers.
Type The type of component that the reported event is related to: instance, service, or system.
Resource The name of the instance or service that sends the notification.
Title The subject of the notification.
Creation time The date and time when the notification is sent.

Filtering VMware Solutions notifications

By default, all unread notifications are displayed. You can filter the notifications by status, severity, and type. To filter the notifications, select the checkboxes only for the items that you want to display in the Status, Severity, or Type lists.

IBM Cloud platform-related notifications

You can also choose to receive email notifications about IBM Cloud platform-related items, such as announcements, billing and usage, more notification preferences, and ordering. For more information, see Setting email preferences for notifications.