IBM Cloud Docs
Continuous integration pipeline for Infrastructure as Code

Continuous integration pipeline for Infrastructure as Code

The continuous integration pipeline for Infrastructure as Code (IaC) builds the deployable configuration from the IaC repositories (Terraform content).

Before it builds artifacts, the pipeline checks that the code is scanned and tested, in the same way that pull requests are processed. Built artifacts are also scanned for vulnerabilities and signed in the pipeline before they are marked ready for release and deployment in the inventory. For more information, see Inventory. Unlike the pull request pipeline, the continuous integration pipeline collects evidence and result artifacts on each stage of the build, such as testing, scanning, and signing. This data correlates to the built artifacts and can be tracked through the deployment process and change management.

Stages and tasks

Continuous integration for IaC stages and tasks
Task or stage Short description Customizable in .pipeline-config.yaml
start Sets up the pipeline environment. No
setup Sets up your build and test environment. Yes
test Runs unit tests on configuration, IaC. Yes
static-scan Runs static scan code on the IaC. Yes
compliance-checks Runs Code Risk Analyzer scans and other compliance checks on app repos. Yes
build-artifact Builds the artifacts corresponding to the configuration. Yes
sign-artifact Signs the built artifacts. Yes
deploy Deploys the configuration, by using the built artifacts, to the dev environment. Yes
acceptance-test Runs acceptance and integration tests on the deployed configuration on the dev environment. Yes
release Adds the built artifacts to the inventory. Yes
finish Collects, creates, and uploads the logs files, artifacts, and evidence to the evidence locker. No

For more information about how to customize stages by using the .pipeline-config.yaml file, see Custom scripts. e) and Pipeline parameters lists.

Parameters to configure Terraform context and variables

For Terraform definitions that define infrastructure-as-code source, the context and variables that are related to Terraform and Terraform-related scan and checks can be defined by using the parameters that are described in Table 1.

Parameters to configure Terraform context and variables
Property Default Description
tf-dir . Location or path in the source repository where is located.
TF_VAR_<XXXX> Pipeline or trigger property (secured or unsecured) that provides the value for Terraform variable <XXXX>
tfvars-repository Infrastructure source code Git repository. Git repository that contains tfavars files. The repository must be declared in the toolchain.
tfvars-branch main Branch of the Git repository that contains the tfvars files.
tfvars-files Files that contain Terraform variables values.
terraform-version 1.2.9 Terraform CLI tool version to install if not present in the image used for the stages.You can also provide versions like 1.5.0-1. Here is the [list of Terraform versions].(

The same parameters apply for the scripts that are used in an IaC CD deployment process. Because the CD process can process multiple inventory entries, you can scope a parameter for an inventory entry. To specify Terraform context and variables for a scope (inventory entry), prefix the property with the inventory entry name, for example: <inventory_entry>_. This prefix applies for the environment entries tf-dir, TF_VAR_<XXXX>, tfvars-repository, tfvars-branch, and tfvars-files.


hello-iac-sample_TF_VAR_resource_group : Default

Scans and checks in Static code scan

The static code scan stage runs a number of static code analyzer tools on the specified IaC repositories. The repos that are provided by the pipelinectl save_repo command and the default app repo are scanned.

You can use any of the methods that are defined for static code scan configurable for application relate continuous integration pipeline.

The IaC continuous integration pipeline defines more tools that are enabled by using the opt-in-* parameters from Table 2 set to 1.

Scan or check Description Enablement
tflint Runs tflint $tflint_args --format=json from tflint to warn about deprecated syntax, unused declarations and enforce best practices, naming conventions. opt-in-tflint set to 1
fmt Runs terraform fmt -check from fmt to rewrite Terraform configuration files to a canonical format and style. opt-in-terraform-fmtvalidate set to 1
terraform-validate Runs ibmcloud cra terraform-validate from terraform-validate to warn about specified Terraform plan file for compliance with rules that are specified in IBM Cloud® Security and Compliance Center opt-in-terraform-fmtvalidate set to 1
IaC static scan tools parameters
Name Type Default Description Required or optional
opt-in-terraform-fmt-validate text Runs the terraform fmt and terraform validate commands in static-scan stage. optional
opt-in-tflint text Runs the tflint command in static-scan stage. optional
tflint-version text v0.53.0 Indicate the tflint version to install if not provided in the image used for static-scan stage execution. optional
tflint-config text The config file to use for tflint. optional
tflint-args text The command arguments that are passed to tflint during tool invocation. optional

Scans and checks in compliance checks

Compliance checks defined for application related continuous integration pipeline are also performed for the IaC continuous integration pipeline.

The IaC CI pipeline performs some additional checks that are enabled by using opt-in- features.

The IaC CI pipeline defines more tools that are enabled by using the opt-in- parameters set to1.

IaC additional compliance scans and checks
Scan or check Description Enablement
cra-tf Use the ibmcloud cra terraform-validate command from IBM Cloud CRA tool to analyze a Terraform plan for compliance opt-in-cra-tf-validate set to 1.
tfsec Use the TFsec tool to find potential misconfigurations and create compliance issues. opt-in-tfsec set to 1
checkov Use the Checkov tool to find misconfigurations and create compliance issues. opt-in-checkov set to 1
IaC compliance scans and checks configuration parameters
Property Default Description
opt-in-cra-tf-validate The flag to run compliance checks by using the ibmcloud cra terraform-validate tool.
cra-tf-policy-file The path to policy profile file. For more information, see Terraform command options.
cra-tf-scc-instance-name Default to the Security and Compliance Center tool integration configured in the toolchain The Security and Compliance Center tool integration name to be used to fetch profile and attachment to configure cra terraform validate command.
cra-tf-ignore-rules The comma-separated list of rules to ignore from the ibmcloud cra terraform-validate report.
cra-tf-ignore-rules-file The path to the JSON file that contains the list of rules to ignore from the ibmcloud cra terraform-validate report. For more information on the file format, see Format for cra-tf-ignore-rules-file.
opt-in-tfsec The flag to run compliance checks by using tfsec tool.
tfsec-version `v1.21.0`` The tfsec version to use.
tfsec-args The tfsec command arguments.
opt-in-checkov The flag to run compliance checks by using the checkov tool.
checkov-image bridgecrew/checkov The image that performs the checkov compliance check.
checkov-args The checkov command arguments.

These scripts are run on all the repos that the pipeline is aware of. To add repos to these scans, use the pipelinectl interface that is provided in your setup stage. For more information, see pipelinectl.

For more information about the expected output from user script stages, see Custom scripts.

Format for cra-tf-ignore-rules-file

The expected format for the file that is defined by the cra-tf-ignore-rules-file format. The format is similar to the format (without the scc_parameters field) that is in Example SCC V2 classic profile file for the terraform-validate command.

Sample content for cra-tf-ignore-rules-file file:

    "scc_rules": [
            "scc_rule_id": "rule-8cbd597c-7471-42bd-9c88-36b2696456e9"
            "scc_rule_id": "rule-c97259ee-336d-4c5f-b436-1868107a9558"

Build artifact

In the build artifact stage, you can build your own artifacts. For the IaC CI pipeline, the default build feature creates a Tar file that contains the Terraform configuration.

The default build feature can be configured by using specific parameters from Table 5.

Build artifact configuration parameters
Property Default Description
configuration-name The "humanish" part of the Git repository name. The name of the IaC configuration. Used for the artifact file name and inventory entry that is built by the IaC CI pipeline.
build-ignore-file Path to an ignore list file (used for tar --exclude-from)

For more information about how to access parameters and secrets in custom script stages, see Custom scripts.

Artifact sign

The sign artifact stage provides a default behavior to use a GPG key to create a detached signature file for one or more artifacts.

Build artifact GPG key
Property Description
signing-key GPG private key value that is used for the ascii version of detached signatures of one or more artifacts

To use a different sign process, customize this stage by using the .pipeline-config.yaml configuration in your project.

Deploy to development

The deploy stage deploys configuration artifact into a development environment. You can provide your variables and credentials for this stage from variables in the pipeline UI and the pipeline trigger webhook payload.

The scripts that are provided as part of the common base image can help perform a deployment by using schematics or Terraform CLI. The parameters to configure the scripts for the deployment action are described in Table 8 and Table 9.

Configuration parameters to use Schematics as deployment tool

Configuration parameters to use Schematics as deployment tool
Property Default Description
schematics-ibmcloud-api-key Overwrites the ibmcloud-api-key that is used for the schematics related actions (schematics workspace retrieval/creation, plan & apply).
schematics-workspace-name <schematics-workspace-prefix><toolchain name>-<pipeline id> Workspace to use or to create if it does not exist. If the workspace exists, it must be a workspace created without a link to a Git repository. For more information, see Schematics Workspace creation. This restriction is because the script uploads the IaC configuration artifact as a tar file by using Schematics Workspace upload.
schematics-workspace-prefix Prefix used for workspace creation when no workspace is specified for the deployment action.
schematics-workspace-resource-group Defaults to the resource group of the toolchain. Resource group to be used for the schematics workspace creation.
schematics-workspace-region Defaults to the region of the toolchain. Region to be used for the schematics workspace creation.
schematics-workspace-netrc Computed from known repositories. Value for the netrc configuration of the schematics workspace to be created. For more information, see Supporting to download modules from private remote host.
schematics-workspace-terraform-version Defaults to the schematics terraform version retrieved using ibmcloud schematics version --output JSON Terraform version used for the schematics workspace to be created. See Overview of Schematics images and packaged Terraform providers.

To configure the scripts in the IaC CD deployment process, define the parameter that is scoped for a given inventory entry. To specify Schematics as deployment tool related environment properties for a given scope (inventory entry), prefix the property with the inventory entry name, for example: <inventory_entry>_. This prefix applies for the all the schematics-related environment entries (except schematics-ibmcloud-api-key).


hello-iac-sample_schematics-workspace-name : workspace-for-deployment-of-hello-iac-sample

Configuration to use Terraform CLI as deployment tool

Configuration to use Terraform CLI as deployment tool
Property Description
tf-backend-s3-bucket Bucket name that stores the state.
tf-backend-s3-key Name to use to persist the state.
tf-backend-s3-region Region of the Cloud Object Storage instance.
tf-backend-s3-endpoint Cloud Object Storage endpoint.
tf-backend-s3-access_key HMAC access_key subsection of the credentials.
tf-backend-s3-secret_key HMAC secret_key subsection of the credentials.

Note the following:

  • For more information on how to use the Cloud Object Storage endpoint or bucket to store Terraform state, see: Store Terraform states in Cloud Object Storage.
  • To configure the scripts in the IaC CD deployment process, define the parameter that is scoped for an inventory entry. To specify Terraform CLI as deployment tool-related environment properties for a scope (inventory entry), prefix the property with the inventory entry name, for example: <inventory_entry>_. This prefix applies for the all the schematics-related environment entries.


hello-iac-sample_tf-backend-s3-bucket : bucket-to-store-tfstate-of-hello-iac-sample

Release to inventory

Use the release to inventory user script stage to add artifacts to the inventory by using the cocoa inventory add CLI command. For more information about cocoa inventory add, see cocoa inventory add.

You can use the pipelinectl interface to access your repos and artifacts by using the list_repos, load_repo, list_artifacts, and load_artifact commands. For more information, see pipelinectl.

Collecting compliance data on build

When the pipeline runs successfully, you can collect information about the build.

Evidence is collected on all checks, scans, tests, and artifact signings and is placed into the evidence locker. The pipeline log files are also saved to the locker, along with the pipeline data itself, containing the Tekton definitions. Compliance data on peer reviews is also collected in this step. The pipeline uses pipelinectl to search for repos with pull requests that were merged since the last build. The pipeline also checks PR review status, saves it as an artifact, and creates evidence based on the result.

The final script is an evaluator, which marks the pipeline status green or red, based on the evidence statuses. If there are any failures, the continuous integration run is marked as red.