IBM Cloud Docs
Using Terraform templates and modules in the repositories

Using Terraform templates and modules in the repositories

Schematics and Terraform support downloading Terraform templates and modules from a variety of repository types: Terraform Registry, GitHub, GitLab, S3/COS buckets, IBM Catalog, Artifactory so on. See Module Sources in the Terraform documentation.

When using Schematics, the downloading of Terraform templates and modules before performing a Terraform Plan or Apply operation is a two step process. At workspace create time, Schematics clones only the repository containing your template and any embedded modules in sub-folders. Any modules referenced using the module source parameter are not downloaded at workspace create time. Credentials to access the templates/configs in private repositories, must be passed to Schematics at workspace create time.

Modules referenced with the source parameter are downloaded during the terraform init phase of a plan or apply operation. The terraform init command parses the template files and downloads any modules from the repositories referenced by the source field. Modules residing in private repositories require additional credentials to be passed to Terraform. These credentials are defined and passed separately to those used by Schematics.

To download modules from a private Git repository, an IBM Cloud catalog, or any other repository, Terraform supports the use of a netrc configuration to pass any required access id's and tokens.

Supported Git repositories
Public repo
Private repository
Public repository
private repository
GitHub Yes Git token - 1 Yes Git token - 2
GitLab Yes Git token - 1 Yes Git token - 2
IBM GitLab Yes Git token - 1 Yes Git token - 2 No No Yes NA
  1. Git token defined at workspace create time.
  2. Git token defined by using netrc.

When using Schematics, netrcsupport for module credentials can be configured using the __netrc__ environment variable to the pass credentials. The __netrc__ environment variable accepts the list of hostname, username and the password argument. The setting of environment variables is supported only using the Schematics command-line and APIs. The syntax is provided using the env_values parameter in the JSON payload file.

The __netrc__ expects hostname, username, and password argument in the same order that are listed in the syntax.

Syntax of env_values with list of __netrc__:

               "__netrc__":"[['', 'user1', 'pass1']['', 'user2' , 'pass2']]"

Using private modules with templates

Schematics internally creates the .netrc file based on the env_values configured in the JSON file. Here is a syntax and sample testexample.json example file to clone all the files to create and apply the Schematics workspaces through command-line and API.

Syntax with the description:

  "name": "<workspace_name>",
  "shared_data": {
    "region": "<region_name>"
  "type": [
  "description": "<description of the workspace>",
  "template_repo": {
    "url": "<your Git repository with the module>"
  "template_data": [
      "folder": ".",
      "type": "<terraform_version>",
      "env_values": [
          "__netrc__":"[['<git repository>','<git username>','<git_password>']]"

Example testexample.json with netrc payload

  "name": "testnetrcworkspaceexample",
  "shared_data": {
    "region": "us-south"
  "type": [
  "description": "terraform workspace",
  "template_repo": {
    "url": ""
  "template_data": [
      "folder": ".",
      "type": "terraform_v1.4",
      "env_values": [

Example to create workspace

ibmcloud schematics workspace new --file testexample.json

Run ibmcloud schematics workspace get --id WORKSPACE_ID command to analyze the success workspace creation or use user interface, to view all the files from the modules are cloned and used in your workspace to provision.