IBM Cloud Docs
Pipeline parameters

Pipeline parameters

Parameters are provided for the pull request, continuous integration, continuous deployment, continuous compliance, and promotion pipelines.

You can add parameters to the pipelines on the pipeline UI and access them from the custom scripts.

Tables 1 to 5 list and describe the pull request, continuous integration, continuous deployment, continuous compliance, and promotion parameters for pipelines.

Table 1. Pull request parameters
Name Type Description Required or Optional
artifactory-dockerconfigjson SECRET The base64-encoded Docker config.json file that stores credential information for artifactory. Optional
base-branch text The target branch where the PR is merged. Typically, master is the default base branch. If a PR Git trigger is configured, which is typically the case, this parameter is populated from the trigger. Required
base-repo text The URL of the repo where the PR is merged. If a PR Git trigger is configured, which is typically the case, this parameter is populated from the PR trigger. Required
base-repo-name text The name of the repo where the PR is merged. If a PR Git trigger is configured, which is typically the case, this parameter is populated from the PR trigger. Required
base-repo-owner text The owner of the repo where the PR is merged. If a PR Git trigger is configured, which is typically the case, this parameter is populated from the PR trigger. Required
baseimage-auth-email text The email credential for the base image of the application Dockerfile, required by the Code Risk Analyzer scan. Optional
baseimage-auth-host text The host credential for the base image of the application Dockerfile, required by the Code Risk Analyzer scan. Optional
baseimage-auth-password SECRET The password credential for the base image of the application Dockerfile, required by the Code Risk Analyzer scan. Optional
baseimage-auth-user text The user credential for the base image of the application Dockerfile, required by the Code Risk Analyzer scan. Optional
cocoa-config-retry-status-code text The response status code for an API call that needs to be retried in the cocoa CLI. For example: 500,404. Default value: 500 Optional
cocoa-config-max-retry-attempts text The number of times that the cocoa CLI can retry the API call. For example: 5. Default value: 3 Optional
cocoa-config-git-default-branch (supported in Q4, 2022) text The default Git branch for the cocoa CLI. For example: main. Default value: master Optional
cra-custom-script-path text Path to a custom script to be run before CRA scanning. This script is sourced to provide the option to set ENV variables in the context of the CRA BOM tool. Optional
cra-cveignore-path text File path to the cveignore, relative to the application repository root. The default file path is .cra/.cveignore if value is not provided. Optional
cra-docker-build-context text If this flag is specified, Code Risk Analyzer uses the directory in the path parameter as the Docker build context. The default value is false. Optional
cra-docker-buildflags text Customize docker build command for build stage scanning. The parameter is empty by default. Optional
cra-dockerfile-pattern text Ability to add Dockerfile with a different naming convention, such as enterprise-linux.Dockerfile Optional
cra-exclude-devdependencies text Specifies whether to exclude dev dependencies from scanning (true or false). The default value is false. Optional
cra-gradle-exclude-configs text Specifies which Gradle configurations to exclude dependencies in scanning. Example: runtimeClasspath,testCompileClasspath. The parameter is empty by default. Optional
cra-maven-exclude-scopes text Specifies which maven scopes to exclude dependencies in scanning. Example: test,compile. The parameter is empty by default. Optional
cra-nodejs-create-package-lock text Enable Code Risk Analyzer discovery to build the package-lock.json file for node.js repos. This parameter is set to false by default. Optional
cra-python-create-requirements-txt text Deprecated. The new CRA tools don't use this parameter anymore. Enable Code Risk Analyzer discovery to build the requirements.txt file for Python repos. This parameter is set to false by default. Optional
detect-secrets-baseline-filename text The name of the baseline file in your app repository. Optional
detect-secrets-exclusion-list text A regex list of files to be excluded in the detect-secrets scan. Optional
detect-secrets-image text Specifies an alternative detect-secrets image, including custom images or specific versions of the official image. Optional
detect-secrets-verbose text Outputs the name of the file that is currently being scanned. Optional
dind-image text Base image to run sidecars. Optional
git-token SECRET The Git repo access token. Optional
github-token SECRET The GitHub repo access token. Optional
grit-token SECRET The Git Repos and Issue Tracking access token. Optional
head-branch text The source branch where the PR is raised. If a PR Git trigger is configured, which is typically the case, this parameter is populated from the PR trigger. Required
head-repo text The URL of the repo where the PR is raised. If a PR Git trigger is configured, which is typically the case, this parameter is populated from the PR trigger. Required
head-sha text The HEAD commit on the head-branch. If a PR Git trigger is configured, which is typically the case, this parameter is populated from the PR trigger. Required
iam_retry_count text The number of retries to wait for fetching the IAM token. Optional
iam_retry_sleep text The amount of wait time for fetching the IAM token. Optional
ibmcloud-api-key SECRET The IBM Cloud® API key that interacts with the ibmcloud CLI tool. Required
one-pipeline-dockerconfigjson SECRET The base64-encoded Docker config.json file that pulls images from a private registry. Optional
pipeline-config text The configuration file that customizes pipeline behavior. Optional
pipeline-config-branch text The branch of the DevSecOps pipeline configuration. Optional
pipeline-config-repo text The repo URL of the DevSecOps pipeline configuration location. Optional
pipeline-dockerconfigjson SECRET The base64-encoded Docker config.json file that pulls images from a private registry. Optional
pipeline-debug select The pipeline debug mode switch. Optional
slack-notifications text The switch that turns the Slack integration on or off. Optional
[slack-notifications](#pipeline-parm-slack-notifications) text The switch that turns the Slack integration on or off Optional
Table 2. Continuous integration parameters
Name Type Description Required or Optional
app-name text The name of your application that is specified in the toolchain settings. Required
artifactory-dockerconfigjson SECRET The base64-encoded Docker config.json file that stores credential information for artifactory. Optional
baseimage-auth-email text The credentials for the application Dockerfile base image that is required for the Code Risk Analyzer scan. Optional
baseimage-auth-host text The credentials for the application Dockerfile base image that is required for the Code Risk Analyzer scan. Optional
baseimage-auth-password SECRET The credentials for the application Dockerfile base image that is required for the Code Risk Analyzer scan. Optional
baseimage-auth-user text The user credential for the base image of the application Dockerfile, required for the Code Risk Analyzer scan. Optional
batched-evidence-collection text Set this flag to enable evidence collection in batch mode, which minimizes the network calls. Default 1 Optional
branch text The Git repo branch of the repository that contains the source code of your application. Default value: master Optional
ciso-ibmcloud-api-key SECRET Overrides ibmcloud-api-key for image signing and signature verification. Optional
cocoa-config-retry-status-code text The response status code for an API call that needs to be retried in the cocoa CLI. For example: 500,404. Default value: 500 Optional
cocoa-config-max-retry-attempts text The number of times that the cocoa CLI can retry the API call. For example: 5. Default value: 3 Optional
cocoa-config-git-default-branch (supported in Q4, 2022) text The default Git branch for the cocoa CLI. For example: main. Default value: master Optional
cluster-name text The name of the Docker build cluster. Required
compliance-baseimage text The base image for running the built-in pipeline code. Optional
cos-api-key SECRET The Cloud Object Storage API key. Optional
cos-bucket-name text The name of the bucket in your Cloud Object Storage instance that is used as an evidence locker. Optional
cos-endpoint text The endpoint that stores the evidence in the Cloud Object Storage instance that is used as an evidence locker. For more information, see Endpoint Types. Optional
cr-ibmcloud-api-key SECRET Overrides ibmcloud-api-key if provided, for pulling the image from Container Registry for the Sysdig scan. Optional
cr-resource-group text The resource group that is used to access the Container Registry. Optional
cra-custom-script-path text Path to a custom script to be run before CRA scanning. This script is sourced to provide the option to set ENV variables in the context of the CRA BOM tool. Optional
cra-cveignore-path text File path to the cveignore, relative to the application repository root. The default file path is .cra/.cveignore if value is not provided. Optional
cra-docker-build-context text If this flag is specified, Code Risk Analyzer uses the directory in the path parameter as the Docker build context. The default value is false. Optional
cra-docker-buildflags text Customize docker build command for build stage scanning. The parameter is empty by default. Optional
cra-dockerfile-pattern text Ability to add Dockerfile with a different naming convention, such as enterprise-linux.Dockerfile Optional
cra-exclude-devdependencies text Specifies whether to exclude dev dependencies from scanning (true or false). The default value is false. Optional
cra-gradle-exclude-configs text Specifies which Gradle configurations to exclude dependencies in scanning. Example: runtimeClasspath,testCompileClasspath. The parameter is empty by default. Optional
cra-ibmcloud-api-key SECRET Overwrites the ibmcloud-api-key that is used by the CRA tasks. Optional
cra-maven-exclude-scopes text Specifies which maven scopes to exclude dependencies in scanning. Example: test,compile. The parameter is empty by default. Optional
cra-nodejs-create-package-lock text Enable Code Risk Analyzer discovery to build the package-lock.json file for node.js repos. This parameter is set to false by default. Optional
cra-python-create-requirements-txt text Deprecated. The new CRA tools don't use this parameter anymore. Enable Code Risk Analyzer discovery to build the requirements.txt file for Python repos. This parameter is set to false by default. Optional
custom-exempt-label text Defines the custom label with which the incident issue is marked as exempted. Optional
custom-image-tag text The custom tag for the image in a comma-separated list. Optional
detect-secrets-baseline-filename text The name of the baseline file in your app repository. Optional
detect-secrets-exclusion-list text A regex list of files to be excluded in the detect-secrets scan. Optional
detect-secrets-image text Specifies an alternative detect-secrets image, including custom images or specific versions of the official image. Optional
detect-secrets-verbose text Outputs the name of the file that is currently being scanned. Optional
dev-cluster-namespace text The Kubernetes cluster namespace where the Docker engine is hosted and deployed. Required
dev-region text The IBM Cloud region that hosts the cluster. Required
dev-resource-group text The cluster resource group. Required
doi-buildnumber text The build number value to use as the --buildnumber flag in ibmcloud doi commands. Optional
doi-environment text The DevOps Insights target environment. Optional
doi-ibmcloud-api-key SECRET The IBM Cloud API key that interacts with the DevOps Insights instance where DOI records are uploaded. Optional
doi-logicalappname text The app name to use as the --logicalappname flag in ibmcloud doi commands Optional
doi-tags text Comma-separated custom tags. Optional
doi-toolchain-id text The DevOps Insights instance toolchain ID. Optional
evidence-repo tool integration The evidence repo URL. Optional
git-token SECRET The Git repo access token. Optional
github-token SECRET The GitHub repo access token. Optional
gosec-additional-flags text Extra flags to be appended to the start of the gosec command. Optional
gosec-private-repository-url text (deprecated) Your private repository base URL. For example, Optional
gosec-private-repository-host text Your private repository host. For example, Optional
gosec-private-repository-ssh-key secret The SSH key for the private repository. Optional
gosec-private-repository-user text User for the private repository with https access (default to x-oauth-basic) Optional
gosec-private-repository-token secret The token that is used for https access to a private repository (default to the token configured for the first Git integration in the toolchain whose repository URL is hosted on gosec-private-repository-host's value) Optional
gosec-proxy-virtual-repository-token secret The virtual repository token for gosec proxy. Optional
gosec-proxy-virtual-repository-user text The virtual repository user for gosec proxy. Optional
gosec-proxy-virtual-repository-url text The virtual repository url for gosec proxy. Optional
gosec-scan-image text Specifies an alternative gosec image, including custom images or specific versions of the official image. Optional
grit-token SECRET The Git Repos and Issue Tracking access token. Optional
iam_retry_count text The number of retries to wait for fetching the IAM token. Optional
iam_retry_sleep text The amount of wait time for fetching the IAM token. Optional
ibmcloud-api-key SECRET The IBM Cloud API key that interacts with the ibmcloud CLI tool. Required
ibmcloud-enable-session-keep-alive select Keep the IBM Cloud CLI session alive for long-running jobs in Code Risk Analyzer scan, if this value is set to 1. Optional
icr-dockerconfigjson SECRET The base64-encoded Docker config.json file that stores credential information for IBM Container Registry. This parameter is used by SLSA attestation. Optional
incident-assignee text The assignee for the incident issues (GitHub or GitLab username). Optional
incident-assignees text The assignees for the incident issues (one or more usernames that are separated by a comma). This parameter can be used only with GitHub and GitLab Premium accounts. Optional
incident-label text The label for new incident issues. Optional
incident-labels text The labels for new incident issues. incident-labels can be one or more labels that are separated by a comma. Optional
incident-repo tool integration The incident issues the repo URL. Optional
inventory-repo tool integration The inventory repo URL. Optional
dind-image text Base image to run sidecars. Optional
opt-in-gosec text Enables the gosec static scan. Optional
one-pipeline-dockerconfigjson SECRET The base64-encoded Docker config.json file that pulls images from a private registry. Optional
opt-in-dynamic-api-scan text To enable the OWASP Zap API scan. Optional
opt-in-dynamic-scan text To enable the OWASP Zap scan. Optional
opt-in-dynamic-ui-scan text To enable the OWASP Zap UI scan. Optional
opt-in-pr-collection text Add any value to enable PR collection. Optional
opt-in-sonar text Sonarqube scan integration. Optional
opt-in-sonar-hotspots text Allows hotspot detection in Sonarqube scans. Optional
opt-out-ci-set-commit-status text If this parameter has any value, the commit status value of the source code repository is not set by the CI pipeline according to the CI pipeline execution's result (success or failure). Optional
opt-out-nonvulnerability-issue-collection text Add any value to opt out of nonvulnerability related issue collection. Optional
peer-review-compliance text Set the peer-review-compliance environment variable to 1 in your CI and CD Pipeline to activate the peer-review check. Similarly, in the CD pipeline, this configuration runs peer review validation for all pull requests linked to your current deployment. Optional
peer-review-collection text To retrieve a list of pull requests and their associated titles for your ongoing deployment, Set this value to 1 Optional
pipeline-config text The configuration file that customizes pipeline behavior. Required
pipeline-config-branch text The branch of the DevSecOps pipeline configuration. Optional
pipeline-config-repo text The repo URL of the DevSecOps pipeline configuration location. Optional
pipeline-debug select The pipeline debug mode switch. Optional
registry-namespace text The Container Registry namespace for the image. Required
registry-region text The IBM Cloud region for the image registry. Required
repository text The URL of your application's source code repository. Optional
repository-integration text The integration name for the repo. Optional
sbom-validation-collect-evidence text Enable evidence collection for sbom validation scan for cyclonedx sbom. If this value is set to 1, then the sbom validation collects evidence. Optional
signing-key SECRET The base64-encoded private key for signing images by using .pfx file data. Required
skip-inventory-update-on-failure text The switch that stops inventory update on a failed CI run. Optional
slack-notifications text The switch that turns the Slack integration on or off Optional
slsa-attestation select The switch that enables SLSA attestations. Optional
slsa-attestation-public-key SECRET The base64-encoded public key to verify SLSA attestation reports. Optional
sonarqube tool integration The Sonarqube tool integration. Optional
sonarqube_standby tool integration The standby Sonarqube tool integration that can be used as a fallback. Optional
sonarqube-config text Runs a SonarQube scan in an isolated Docker-in-Docker container (default configuration) or in an existing development Kubernetes cluster (cluster configuration). Alternatively, you can bring your own SonarQube instance and configure the SonarQube tool integration (custom configuration). Options: default, cluster, or custom. Default is default. For more information, see (Adding SonarQube to the continuous integration pipeline). Required
sonarqube-namespace text The configured Kubernetes namespace to use with the SonarQube instance created by the pipeline. Optional
sonarqube-instance-image text The sonarqube instance image that is used to run as an isolated Docker-in-Docker container. Optional
sonarqube-scanner-image text The sonarqube scanner CLI image that is used for the default sonarqube scan command. Optional
sonarqube-scan-command text The sonarqube scan command that starts the sonarqube scan. sonarqube-scan-command must be set for Maven Java projects. For more information, see sonarqube-scan-command Optional
static-scan-retry-count text The number of retries to wait for the Sonarqube instance to be established. Optional
static-scan-retry-sleep text The amount of wait time per retry iteration. Optional
subpipeline-webhook-token SECRET The webhook secret of the Subpipeline Webhook Trigger for triggering async pipelines. See also Updating the async stage webhooks. Optional
sysdig-api-token text Sysdig API token value. The token is visible from the Sysdig instance's User Profile page. This value is needed for running the Sysdig scan. Required
sysdig-inline-scanner-image text Sysdig inline scanner image to be used for the scan. The default value is Optional
sysdig-scan select Enable Sysdig scan for images. If this value is set to 1, then Sysdig scan is enabled. Required
sysdig-url text The URL of the Sysdig instance to be used for the scan. The default value is Optional
va-scan-retry-count text The number of retries to wait for the vulnerability report scan. Required
va-scan-retry-sleep text The number of wait times per retry iteration. Optional
version text The version of the app to deploy. Required
Table 3. Continuous deployment parameters
Name Type Description Required or Optional
artifact-token SECRET The token where artifacts are stored Required if artifact repo is in a different source provider.
artifactory-dockerconfigjson SECRET The base64-encoded Docker config.json file that stores credential information for artifactory. Optional
assignee text The assignee of the change request. Optional
backout-plan text Plan of how the change will be rolled back if there is a failure. Optional
batched-evidence-collection text Set this flag to enable evidence collection in batch mode, which minimizes the network calls. Default 1 Optional
ciso-ibmcloud-api-key SECRET Overrides ibmcloud-api-key for image signing and signature verification. Optional
cocoa-config-retry-status-code text The response status code for an API call that needs to be retried in the cocoa CLI. For example: 500,404. Default value: 500 Optional
cocoa-config-max-retry-attempts text The number of times that the cocoa CLI can retry the API call. For example: 5. Default value: 3 Optional
cocoa-config-git-default-branch (supported in Q4, 2022) text The default Git branch for the cocoa CLI. For example: main. Default value: master Optional
change-request-duration text The planned end time of the change. Optional
change-management-repo text The URL of the change management repository. Optional
change-request-id text The ID of an open change request. If this parameter is set to notAvailable by default, a change request is automatically created by the continuous deployment pipeline. Optional
cluster text The name of the Docker build cluster. Required
cluster-region text The IBM Cloud region that hosts the cluster. Required
compliance-baseimage text The base image for running the built-in pipeline code. Optional
cos-api-key SECRET The Cloud Object Storage API key. Optional
cos-bucket-name text The name of the bucket in your Cloud Object Storage instance that is used as an evidence locker. Optional
cos-endpoint text The endpoint that stores the evidence in the Cloud Object Storage instance that is used as an evidence locker. For more information, see Endpoint Types. Optional
cr-pipeline-name text The name of the pipeline that is creating the change request. Optional
cr-pipeline-version text The version of the pipeline that is creating the change request. Optional
cra-ibmcloud-api-key SECRET Overwrites the ibmcloud-api-key that is used by the CRA tasks. Optional
customer-impact text The impact of the change on the customer. Optional
deployment-impact text The impact of the change on the deployment. Optional
description text The description of the change that gets appended to the Change Request Description. Optional
dind-image text Base image to run sidecars. Optional
doi-buildnumber text The build number value to use as the --buildnumber flag in ibmcloud doi commands. Optional
doi-environment text The DevOps Insights target environment. Optional
doi-ibmcloud-api-key SECRET The IBM Cloud API key that interacts with the DevOps Insights instance where DOI records are uploaded. Optional
doi-logicalappname text The app name to use as the --logicalappname flag in ibmcloud doi commands Optional
doi-tags text Comma-separated custom tags. Optional
doi-toolchain-id text The DevOps Insights instance toolchain ID. Optional
emergency-label text Identifies the pull request as an emergency. Optional
evidence-repo tool integration The evidence repo URL. Optional
force-redeploy text Forces the deployment or redeployment of the app even if the last deployment does not contain a delta in the inventory. Set this parameter to true to force a deployment of the app as if it is the first deployment on the specified target environment. By default, this parameter is set to false. Optional
git-token SECRET The Git repo access token. Optional
github-token SECRET The GitHub repo access token. Optional
grit-token SECRET The Git Repos and Issue Tracking access token. Optional
iam_retry_count text The number of retries to wait for fetching the IAM token. Optional
iam_retry_sleep text The amount of wait time for fetching the IAM token. Optional
ibmcloud-api-key SECRET The IBM Cloud API key that interacts with the ibmcloud CLI tool. Required
impact text Extra notes on what this change implementation impacts. Optional
incident-repo tool integration The incident issues the repo URL. Optional
inventory-repo tool integration The inventory repo URL. Optional
incident-assignee text The assignee for the incident issues (GitHub or GitLab username). Optional
incident-assignees text One or more assignees for the incident issues (one or more usernames that are separated by a comma). This parameter can be used only with GitHub and GitLab Premium accounts. Optional
incident-label text The label for new incident issues. Optional
incident-labels text The labels for new incident issues. incident-labels can be one or more labels that are separated by a comma. Optional
opt-in-pr-collection text Add any value to enable PR collection. Optional
opt-out-nonvulnerability-issue-collection text Add any value to opt out of nonvulnerability related issue collection. Optional
pipeline-config text The configuration file that customizes pipeline behavior. Required
pipeline-config-branch text The branch of the DevSecOps pipeline configuration. Optional
pipeline-config-repo text The repo URL of the DevSecOps pipeline configuration location. Optional
pipeline-debug select The pipeline debug mode switch. Optional
pipeline-dockerconfigjson SECRET The base64-encoded Docker config.json file that pulls images from a private registry. Optional
pre-prod-evidence-collection text Set this flag to collect the pre-prod evidences and the change requests in the production deployment (target-environment-purpose set to production). Default value is 0. Optional
priority text The priority of the change request. Optional
publish-retry-duration text Specifies the duration, in seconds, to wait before initiating the next publish evidence attempt. Optional
purpose text The reason why the change is needed. Optional
region text The target region where the app is deployed. Optional
rollback-enabled text Flag to set whether inline rollback capability to be enabled or not. Default "0" Optional
sbom-validation-collect-evidence text Enable verifying the status of sbom validation scan in the CI pipeline. If this value is set to 1, then the status of sbom validation(success or failure) scan is CI is verified. Optional
source-environment text The source environment that the app is promoted from. Required
summary-retry-attempts text Set the maximum number of retries for the evidence summary upload. The default is 5. Optional
summary-max-retry-time text Set the maximum backoff time for the evidence summary upload. The actual backoff time is generated exponentially with each retry until it reaches the maximum backoff time set with this parameter. The default is 32. Optional
target-environment text The target environment that the app is deployed. Required
target-environment-purpose text The context of the environment where the app is deployed. Valid values: pre_prod, production Required
target-environment-detail text Description of the target environment where the app is deployed. Required
version text The version of the app to deploy. Required
Table 4. Continuous compliance parameters
Name Type Description Required or Optional
app-url text The URL of your application that is deployed on the target. Recommended for applications that use staging application url. Required
artifactory-dockerconfigjson SECRET The base64-encoded Docker config.json file that stores credential information for artifactory. Optional
baseimage-auth-email text The credentials for the application Dockerfile base image that is required for the Code Risk Analyzer scan. Optional
baseimage-auth-host text The credentials for the application Dockerfile base image that is required for the Code Risk Analyzer scan. Optional
baseimage-auth-password SECRET The credentials for the application Dockerfile base image that is required for the Code Risk Analyzer scan. Optional
baseimage-auth-user text The user credential for the base image of the application Dockerfile, required for the Code Risk Analyzer scan. Optional
batched-evidence-collection text Set this flag to enable evidence collection in batch mode, which minimizes the network calls. Default 1 Optional
branch text The Git repo branch of the repository that contains the source code of your application. Default value: master. Optional
cocoa-config-retry-status-code text The response status code for an API call that needs to be retried in the cocoa CLI. For example: 500,404. Default value: 500 Optional
cocoa-config-max-retry-attempts text The number of times that the cocoa CLI can retry the API call. For example: 5. Default value: 3 Optional
cocoa-config-git-default-branch (supported in Q4, 2022) text The default Git branch for the cocoa CLI. For example: main. Default value: master Optional
cocoa-display-elapsed-time text Set this parameter to a nonempty value to print the elapsed time in seconds for cocoa CLI command execution. Example: Elapsed time: 5.32 seconds. Optional
compliance-baseimage text The base image for running the built-in pipeline code. Optional
cos-api-key SECRET The Cloud Object Storage API key. Optional
cos-bucket-name text The name of the bucket in your Cloud Object Storage instance that is used as an evidence locker. Optional
cos-endpoint text The endpoint that stores the evidence in the Cloud Object Storage instance that is used as an evidence locker. For more information, see Endpoint Types. Optional
cr-ibmcloud-api-key SECRET Overrides ibmcloud-api-key if provided, for pulling the image from Container Registry for the Sysdig scan. Optional
cr-resource-group text The resource group that is used to access the Container Registry. Optional
cra-custom-script-path text Path to a custom script to be run before CRA scanning. This script is sourced to provide the option to set ENV variables in the context of the CRA BOM tool. Optional
cra-cveignore-path text File path to the cveignore, relative to the application repository root. The default file path is .cra/.cveignore if value is not provided. Optional
cra-docker-build-context text If this flag is specified, Code Risk Analyzer uses the directory in the path parameter as the Docker build context. The default value is false. Optional
cra-docker-buildflags text Customize docker build command for build stage scanning. The parameter is empty by default. Optional
cra-dockerfile-pattern text Ability to add Dockerfile with a different naming convention, such as enterprise-linux.Dockerfile Optional
cra-exclude-devdependencies text Specifies whether to exclude dev dependencies from scanning (true or false). The default value is false. Optional
cra-gradle-exclude-configs text Specifies which Gradle configurations to exclude dependencies in scanning. Example: runtimeClasspath,testCompileClasspath. The parameter is empty by default. Optional
cra-generate-cyclonedx-format text If set to 1, CRA also generates the BOM in cyclonedx format (defaults to 0). Optional
cra-ibmcloud-api-key SECRET Overwrites the ibmcloud-api-key that is used by the CRA tasks. Optional
cra-maven-exclude-scopes text Specifies which maven scopes to exclude dependencies in scanning. Example: test,compile. The parameter is empty by default. Optional
cra-nodejs-create-package-lock text Enable Code Risk Analyzer discovery to build the package-lock.json file for node.js repos. This parameter is set to false by default. Optional
cra-python-create-requirements-txt text Deprecated. The new CRA tools don't use this parameter anymore. Enable Code Risk Analyzer discovery to build the requirements.txt file for Python repos. This parameter is set to false by default. Optional
custom-exempt-label text Defines the custom label with which the incident issue was marked as exempted. Optional
detect-secrets-baseline-filename text The name of the baseline file in your app repository. Optional
detect-secrets-exclusion-list text A regex list of files to be excluded in the detect-secrets scan. Optional
detect-secrets-image text Specifies an alternative detect-secrets image, including custom images or specific versions of the official image. Optional
detect-secrets-verbose text Outputs the name of the file that is currently being scanned. Optional
dev-region text The IBM Cloud region that hosts the cluster. Required for default static and dynamic scans. Required
dev-resource-group text The cluster resource group. Required
dind-image text Base image to run sidecars. Optional
doi-environment text The DevOps Insights target environment. Optional
doi-ibmcloud-api-key SECRET The IBM Cloud API key that interacts with the DevOps Insights instance where DOI records are uploaded. Optional
doi-tags text Comma-separated custom tags. Optional
doi-toolchain-id text The DevOps Insights instance toolchain ID. Optional
environment-tag text Tag name that represents the target environment in the inventory. Example: prod_latest Required
evidence-repo tool integration The evidence repo URL. Optional
git-token SECRET The Git repo access token. Optional
github-token SECRET The GitHub repo access token. Optional
grit-token SECRET The Git Repos and Issue Tracking access token. Optional
ibmcloud-api-key SECRET The IBM Cloud API key that interacts with the ibmcloud CLI tool. Required
ibmcloud-enable-session-keep-alive select Keep the IBM Cloud CLI session alive for long-running jobs in Code Risk Analyzer scan, if this value is set to 1. Optional
incident-assignee text The assignee for the incident issues (GitHub or GitLab username). Optional
incident-assignees text One or more assignees for the incident issues (one or more usernames that are separated by a comma). This parameter can be used only with GitHub and GitLab Premium accounts. Optional
incident-label text The label for new incident issues. Optional
incident-labels text The labels for new incident issues. incident-labels can be one or more labels that are separated by a comma. Optional
incident-repo tool integration The incident issues the repo URL. Optional
inventory-exclude text Comma-separated list of the inventory entries that are excluded for scanning and testing in the CC pipeline. Entries can also be specified by using glob patterns. Optional
inventory-include text Comma-separated list of the inventory entries that are included for scanning and testing in the CC pipeline. Entries can also be specified by using glob patterns. If not set, all entries are scanned and tested. Optional
inventory-repo tool integration The inventory repo URL. Optional
opt-in-auto-close text Enables auto-closing of issues from vulnerabilities, when the vulnerability is no longer detected by the CC pipeline run. Optional
opt-in-cra-auto-remediation text Specifies whether IBM Cloud cra auto remediation is run (true or false). Optional
opt-in-cra-auto-remediation-enabled-repos text Specifies the list of comma-separated repository names that are to be turned on for IBM Cloud cra auto remediation. This parameter is considered only if opt-in-cra-auto-remediation is set to true Optional
opt-in-cra-auto-remediation-force text Forces IBM Cloud cra auto remediation to update the packages even if the major version is different than the current vulnerable package version (true or false). This parameter is considered only if opt-in-cra-auto-remediation is set to true Optional
opt-in-dynamic-api-scan text To enable the OWASP Zap API scan. Optional
opt-in-dynamic-scan text To enable the OWASP Zap scan. Optional
opt-in-dynamic-ui-scan text To enable the OWASP Zap UI scan. Optional
opt-in-sonar text The Sonarqube scan integration. Optional
opt-in-sonar-hotspots text Allows hotspot detection in sonarqube scans. Optional
opt-out-nonvulnerability-issue-collection text Add any value to opt out of nonvulnerability related issue collection. Optional
pipeline-config text The configuration file that customizes pipeline behavior. Required
pipeline-config-branch text The branch of the DevSecOps pipeline configuration. Optional
pipeline-config-repo text The repo URL of the DevSecOps pipeline configuration location. Optional
pipeline-debug select The pipeline debug mode switch. Optional
pipeline-dockerconfigjson SECRET The base64-encoded Docker config.json file that pulls images from a private registry. Optional
publish-retry-duration text Specifies the duration, in seconds, to wait before initiating the next publish evidence attempt. Optional
region-prefix text Region name as prefix for the latest tag for the target environment. Example: us-south Optional
repo-url text The URL of your application repository. Required, if same inventory is used to store multiple application artifacts.
repository-integration text The integration name for the repo. Optional
sbom-validation-collect-evidence text Enable evidence collection for sbom validation scan for cyclonedx sbom. If this value is set to 1, then the sbom validation collects evidence. Optional
slack-notifications text The switch that turns the Slack integration on or off Optional
sonarqube tool integration The Sonarqube tool integration. Optional
sonarqube-config text Runs a SonarQube scan in an isolated Docker-in-Docker container (default configuration) or in an existing development Kubernetes cluster (cluster configuration). Alternatively, you can bring your own SonarQube instance and configure the SonarQube tool integration (custom configuration). Options: default, cluster, or custom. Default is default. For more information, see (Adding SonarQube to the continuous integration pipeline). Required
sysdig-api-token text Sysdig API token value. The token is visible from the Sysdig instance's User Profile page. This value is needed for running Sysdig scan. Required
sysdig-inline-scanner-image text Sysdig inline scanner image to be used for the scan. The default value is Optional
sysdig-scan select Enable Sysdig scan for images. If this value is set to 1, then the Sysdig scan is enabled. Required
sysdig-url text The URL of the Sysdig instance to be used for the scan. The default value is Optional
Table 5. Promotion parameters
Name Type Description Required or Optional
dind-image text Base image to run sidecars. Optional


The following specifications can help to explain parameters.


This parameter is for the promotion pull request. This value holds the assignee of the change request. It must be a functional ID or an email who will be assigned to the change request in the change management system.


This parameter is for the promotion pull request. Plan of how the change will be rolled back if there is a failure. By default it is empty.


This is an optional parameter for the CI pipeline. It determines which branch pulls the code from the app repository. By default, it's master.


This is an optional parameter for the CD pipeline. The value changes the maintenance duration. The default value is 30 min.


This is an optional parameter for the CD pipeline. By providing a change request ID, the pipeline skips the creation of a new change request and uses the provided change request. If this parameter is set to notAvailable or left empty, a change request is automatically created by the continuous deployment pipeline. The default value is notAvailable.


This parameter holds the name of the cluster in the CD pipeline, which is used for the Docker deploy. This parameter is required for the example app.


This parameter holds the name of the cluster in the CI pipeline, which is used for the Docker deploy. This parameter is required.


This is a parameter for the CD pipeline. The IBM Cloud region that hosts the cluster. This is a required parameter for the example app.


This parameter holds the version of the compliance-baseimage. If you want to use something other than the latest image, use this parameter.



This is an optional parameter for the CI and CC pipelines. If you marked an incident issue that is permanently exempted with a custom label, then this parameter must hold the value of the custom label.


This parameter is for the promotion pull request. It records the impact of the change request on the customer. By default the parameter is the pipe-separated string 'Critical | High | Moderate | Low | No_Impact'. Edit the default string to select one of the options.


This parameter is for the promotion pull request. It records the impact of the change request on the deployment. By default the parameter is the pipe-separated string 'Small | Large'. Edit the default string to select one of the options.


This parameter is for the promotion pull request. This parameter contains the description of the change, that appends with the Change Request Description. By default it is empty.


This parameter specifies a custom file name for the baseline file that is used by detect-secrets. By default, detect-secrets looks for a file that is named .secrets.baseline in the repository root directory. However, if you name your baseline file differently, you can provide its file name by using this parameter.


This parameter is an environment property that overrides the default exclusion list when a run is done without an existing baseline file. This parameter identifies files to ignore so that issues are not created that are linked to them.


This parameter can be used to specify a different detect-secrets image to use, such as a custom image or a specific version of the official detect-secrets image.


This parameter, when set to 1, logs the name of the current file being scanned.


This parameter is used for setting a custom dind image. Set this parameter to use custom dind image tag


This parameter is for the promotion pull request. Additional notes on what this Change Implementation will impact. By default it is empty.


If this parameter is set to 1, the pipeline runs in debug mode, and the logs show more information. By default, it is set to 0.


This parameter is for the promotion pull request. The priority of the change request. By default it is 'Critical | High | Moderate | Low | Plan'. You can change it to one of these values.


This parameter is for the promotion pull request. The reason why the change is needed. By default it is empty.


This parameter is for the CI pipeline. It is a secret type parameter that holds the base64-encoded private key for signing images by using .pfx file data.


Switch to turn on or off the Slack Integration. This is turned off by default, so the value is 0. Set to 1 to turn it on, set to 0 to turn it off.


This parameter is for all the pipelines that use static scan stages. This is an integration type parameter. If you are using your own sonarqube integration, select that integration as value. By default, this parameter is empty.


This parameter is for all the pipelines that use static scan stages. This is the configured Kubernetes namespace to use with the SonarQube instance that is created by the pipeline, you can change it to any namespace that you want to use.


This parameter is for the pipelines that use static scan stages. sonarqube-scan-command specifies the command to start the sonarqube scan. If this parameter is not set, the default is docker run --network host -v "$SONAR_DIR":/usr/sonar_scan -v "$WORKSPACE/$path":/usr/src "$sonarqube_scanner_image" sonar-scanner The default parameter uses the Docker sonar-scanner image to perform the scan.

For a Maven Java project, set this parameter to mvn -Dmaven.repo.local="${WORKSPACE}/.m2" -Dsonar.login="$(cat /tmp/sonarqube-token)""$SONAR_HOST_URL" -Dsonar.projectKey="$SONAR_PROJECT_KEY" -Dsonar.projectName="$SONAR_PROJECT_KEY""$SONAR_DIR" sonar:sonar to use the Maven computed classpath for sonar scan.


The source environment that the app is promoted from, which is the source inventory branch of the promotion. The default value is master. Use a webhook trigger by adding the source-environment property to the payload to overwrite the value of this parameter.


This parameter is for any static scan that you want to run in a pipeline. These scans use API calls, which can take a short time to work. Therefore, retry these calls if needed. You can change the times of retries with this parameter. By default, this parameter is set to 30.


This parameter is for any static scan that you want to run in a pipeline. These scans use API calls, which can take a short time to work. Therefore, retry these calls if needed. You can change the number of seconds to wait with this parameter. By default, this parameter is set to 10.


Use a retry method to upload the evidence summary to make sure that it is successful. You can change the times of retries with this parameter. By default, this parameter is set to 5.


Use a retry method to upload the evidence summary to make sure that it is successful. You can change the number of seconds to wait with this parameter. By default, this parameter is set to 32.


The target environment that the app is deployed to, which is the target inventory branch of the promotion. The default value is prod. Use a webhook trigger by adding the target-environment property to the payload to overwrite the value of this parameter.


This parameter is for the CD pipeline. target-environment-purpose determines the context of the target environment and how it is used. Valid values are pre_prod and production. Mark anything that is not a production related change as pre_prod.


This parameter is for the CD pipeline. It describes the target environment.


This parameter is for the pipelines that use scan artifact stages to run the Sysdig scan by using sysdig inline scanner on images.