IBM Cloud Schematics delivers Terraform so that you can use a high-level scripting language to model the resources that you want in your IBM Cloud environment, and enable Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Terraform is an open source software that is developed by HashiCorp that enables predictable and consistent resource provisioning to rapidly build complex, multitier cloud environments.
IBM Cloud Schematics and Ansible are the complementary solutions, where Ansible helps you to provision use case, config management, and deploy a secured application. IBM Cloud Schematics also supports Ansible Galaxy to streamline your automation tasks by using roles
and collections
The following list provides the detailed documentation.
The code examples on this tab use the IBM Cloud Schematics SDK for Java.
compile group: '', name: 'schematics', version: '0.+'
The code examples on this tab use the IBM Cloud Schematics SDK for Node.js.
npm install --save @ibm-cloud/ibm-schematics
The code examples on this tab use the IBM Cloud Schematics SDK for Python.
pip3 install ibm-schematics
The code examples on this tab use the IBM Cloud Schematics SDK for Go.
go get -u
Before you begin
- Make sure that you have access to a paid IBM Cloud account.
- Learn more about IBM Cloud Schematics.
- Familiarize yourself with the key terms, such as Workspaces, Terraform templates, and resources.
- Find the IBM Cloud resources that you want to create with IBM Cloud Schematics.
- Use sample Terraform templates as a basis for your own Terraform template.
- Review how to create a Terraform template and properly store it.
- Plan your workspace structure.
- Learn how to use IBM Cloud Schematics to manage the lifecycle of your resources.
The IBM Cloud Schematics API uses Identity and Access Management (IAM) to authenticate requests. Pass a bearer token in an Authorization header or an apikey
. Tokens support authenticated requests without embedding service credentials in every call. API keys use basic authentication. For more information, see IAM access.
Authentication with external configuration
In this scenario, configuration is defined with an external credentials file and authenticator that is constructed by SDK's authenticator factory during client initialization. It avoids hardcoding credentials within application code.
The default name of the credentials file is ibm-credentials.env
. It is expected to be located in either the current directory or in the user's home directory. The path and name of the file can be controlled by using the IBM_CREDENTIALS_FILE
environment variable.
The name of each configuration property contains the service name along with the actual attribute name in the form <service-name>_<attribute-name>
It is not necessary to use a .env
file, these properties can be set by using environment variables with the same name in the environment where the applications ran.
Variable guide for the authentication code samples
`{apikey}` | IAM API key |
`{url}` | URL of Schematics instance |
SDK managing the IAM token. Replace {apikey} and {url}.
Schematics service = Schematics.newInstance("ibm-schematics");
const SchematicsV1 = require('@ibm-cloud/ibm-schematics/schematics/v1');
const service = SchematicsV1.newInstance({
serviceName: 'ibm-schematics'
from ibm_schematics.schematics_v1 import SchematicsV1
from ibm_cloud_sdk_core.authenticators import IAMAuthenticator
service = SchematicsV1.new_instance(service_name="ibm-schematics")
import (
schematicsService, err := schematicsv1.NewSchematicsV1UsingExternalConfig(&schematicsv1.SchematicsV1Options{
ServiceName: "ibm-schematics",
Programmatic authentication
In this scenario authentication that is configured by constructing an authenticator instance provides the configuration attributes programmatically and then passing this instance to a client instantiation.
SDK managing the IAM token.
IamAuthenticator authenticator = new IamAuthenticator("{apikey}");
Schematics service = new Schematics(Schematics.DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME, authenticator);
const SchematicsV1 = require('@ibm-cloud/ibm-schematics/schematics/v1');
const { IamAuthenticator } = require('ibm-cloud-sdk-core');
const authenticator = new IamAuthenticator({
apikey: '{apikey}'
const service = new SchematicsV1({
authenticator: authenticator
from ibm_schematics.schematics_v1 import SchematicsV1
from ibm_cloud_sdk_core.authenticators import IAMAuthenticator
authenticator = IAMAuthenticator('{apikey}')
service = SchematicsV1(authenticator=authenticator)
import (
authenticator := &core.IamAuthenticator{
ApiKey: "{apikey}",
URL: "{url}",
Authenticator: authenticator,
To use the IBM Cloud Schematics API, you must be authorized to work with IBM Cloud Schematics. Schematics uses service access roles in Identity and Access Management (IAM) to determine the permissions that you have in Schematics. For more information about needed permissions, see Managing user access.
If you are assigned an IBM Cloud Schematics service access role, you can view, create, update, delete, or run an action against your Workspaces in Schematics. To provision the IBM Cloud resources that you defined in your Terraform template, you must be assigned the IAM platform or service access role that is needed to provision the individual resource. For example, to provision an IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service cluster, you must have the Administrator platform role and the Manager service access role for IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service in addition to the permissions in IBM Cloud Schematics. Refer to the documentation for your resource to determine the access policies that you need to provision and work with your resource.
API endpoints
IBM Cloud Schematics provides different APIs that you can use to create and work with Workspaces in specific locations. The API endpoint determines where your Schematics actions run and where your Workspace data is stored. By default, the information that is stored in Schematics is encrypted in transit and at rest. To ensure disaster recovery, your data is replicated to another location within the same region. Make sure that your data can be stored in these regions before you start by using Schematics.
The GetServiceURLForRegion
function with the x-ibm-region
parameters in the API returns the service URL to be used for the specified region. Following table lists the servers object in the API definition.
Location | API endpoint | Location where Schematics actions run | Data is stored in | Data is replicated to |
North America | Public: |
IBM Cloud Schematics actions that are run in either the us-south or us-east location. |
Workspaces that are created with this endpoint and all associated data are stored in the US. | Data is replicated between two locations in the US. |
Dallas | Public: Private: |
All IBM Cloud Schematics actions run in the Dallas (us-south ) location. |
All Workspaces are stored in the Dallas (us-south ) location. |
Data is replicated between two locations in the US for disaster recovery purposes. |
Washington | Public: Private: |
All IBM Cloud Schematics actions run in the Washington (us-east ) location. |
All workspaces are stored in the Washington (us-east ) location. |
Data is replicated between two locations in the US for disaster recovery purposes. |
Europe | Public: |
IBM Cloud Schematics actions that are run in either the eu-de or eu-gb location. |
Workspaces that are created with this endpoint and all associated data are stored in Europe. | Data is replicated between two locations in Europe. |
Frankfurt | Public: Private: |
All IBM Cloud Schematics actions run in the Frankfurt (eu-de ) location. |
All Workspaces are stored in the Frankfurt (eu-de ) location. |
Data is replicated between two locations in Europe for disaster recovery purposes. |
London | Public: Private: |
All IBM Cloud Schematics actions run in the London (eu-gb ) location. |
All Workspaces are stored in the London (eu-gb ) location. |
Data is replicated between two locations in Europe for disaster recovery purposes. |
Error handling
This API uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate whether a method completed successfully. A 200
response always indicates success. A 400
type response is some sort of failure, and a 500
type response usually indicates an internal system error.
HTTP error code | Description | Recovery |
200 |
Success |
The request was successful. |
400 |
Bad Request |
The input parameters in the request body are either incomplete or in the wrong format. Be sure to include all needed parameters in your request. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
You are not authorized to make this request. Log in to IBM Cloud and try again. If this error persists, contact the account owner to check your permissions. |
403 |
Forbidden |
The supplied authentication is not authorized to access '{workspace}'. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions. |
404 |
Not Found |
The requested resource might not be found. |
408 |
Request Timeout |
The connection to the server timed out. Wait a few minutes, then try again. |
409 |
Conflict |
The entity is already in the requested state. |
429 |
Too Many Requests |
Too many requests are made within a time window. Wait and then call the API again. |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
IBM Cloud Schematics is disabled. Your request might not be processed. Wait few minutes and try again. If you still encounter this problem, note the incident ID and contact IBM Cloud support. |
503 |
Service Temporarily Unavailable |
IBM Cloud Schematics might not process the request, due to a temporary overloading or maintenance. Try to reduce your request rate, or retry after a few minutes. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support. |
Code example
If an error response from the server endpoint the Java SDK throws
an exception from the
The base class for all exception classes is ServiceResponseException
- that derives
from unchecked RuntimeException
- to handle any error response from the server.
The list provides predefined exceptions and their corresponding statusCode
and message
Exception | Status Code and default error message |
ServiceResponseException | Base class for all exceptions |
BadRequestException | 400 Bad Request |
UnauthorizedException | 401 Unauthorized |
ForbiddenException | 403 Forbidden |
NotFoundException | 404 Not found |
ConflictException | 409 Conflict |
UnsupportedException | 415 Unsupported media type |
InternalServerErrorException | 500 Internal server error |
IllegalArgumentException | An invalid argument was passed to the method. |
All service exceptions contain the following fields:
Field | Description |
statusCode | HTTP response status code |
message | the error message returned in the response |
debuggingInfo | a Map<String, Object> that contains the unmarshalled error response object when a JSON error response is returned.It provides more information beyond the error message. |
Example error handling
try {
// Invoke a Schematics method request
} catch (BadRequestException e) {
// Handle Bad Request (400) exception
} catch (UnauthorizedException e) {
// Handle Unauthorized (401) exception
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
// Handle Not Found (404) exception
} catch (ServiceResponseException se) {
System.out.println("Service returned status code "
+ se.getStatusCode() + ": " + se.getMessage());
System.out.println("Detailed error info: " + se.getDebuggingInfo().getOrDefault("reason", "")););
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
// Handle other error conditions
System.out.println("Unexpected Exception: \n" + re.getMessage());
Code example
If an error response from the server endpoint the Node SDK creates
an Error
object that contains either the HTTP response error message or a generic error message.
If the network problems the axios
package generates an Error
This Error
object is passed as the first parameter to the callback function,
its failure describes the content as shown in the following table.
Field | Description |
status | HTTP response status code |
statusText | a text description of the status code |
message | generic error message |
body | the error response body as text |
Example error handling
service.<Schematics API Method Request>(params)
.then((response) => {
// ...handle successful response...
.catch(error => {
console.log("Error status code: " + error.status);
console.log("Error status text: " + error.statusText);
console.log("Error message: " + error.message);
console.log("Error details: " + error.body)
Code example
If an error response from the server endpoint the Python SDK
throws an ApiException
that includes more information about the cause
of the failure. It provides the following details:
Field | Description |
code | HTTP response status code |
message | the error message returned in the response |
reason | a more detailed description about the cause of the failure |
Example error handling
from ibm_cloud_sdk_core import ApiException
# Invoke a Schematics method request
except ApiException as ae:
print("Method failed")
print(" - status code: " + str(ae.code))
print(" - error message: " + ae.message)
if ("reason" in ae.http_response.json()):
print(" - reason: " + ae.http_response.json()["reason"])
from requests import ConnectionError, ReadTimeout, RequestException
# Invoke a Schematics method request
except ConnectionError as cerr:
print("Connection error occurred:")
except ReadTimeout as rt:
# The server did not send any data in the allotted amount of time.
print("Read timed out:")
except RequestException as re:
# Handle other request failures
print("Request Exception:")
Code example
If an error response from the server endpoint the Go SDK creates an error
object that contains either the HTTP response error message or a generic error message.
An extra detailedResponse
is returned by the service
that contains the following fields:
Field | Description |
StatusCode | HTTP response status code |
Result | JSON error response object that is unmarshalled as map[string]interface{} |
RawResult | raw non-JSON error response object as []byte |
Example error handling
_, detailedResponse, err := // Invoke a Schematics method request
if err != nil {
if (detailedResponse != nil) {
fmt.Println("Error status code: ", detailedResponse.StatusCode)
fmt.Println("Error message: ", err.Error())
errorMap, ok := detailedResponse.GetResultAsMap(); if ok {
fmt.Println("Reason: ", errorMap["reason"])
} else {
// Handle other error conditions
fmt.Println("Error message: ", err.Error())
List supported schematics locations
Retrieve a list of IBM Cloud locations where you can create the Schematics workspace or action. workspaces.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v1/locations
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
getSchematicsLocationOptions := schematicsService.NewListSchematicsLocationOptions() locations, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.ListSchematicsLocation(getSchematicsLocationOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } w, err := json.MarshalIndent(locations, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(w))
schematicsService.listSchematicsLocation({}) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
list_schematics_locations = schematics_service.list_schematics_location().get_result() print(json.dumps(list_schematics_locations, indent=2))
ListSchematicsLocationOptions listSchematicsLocationOptions = new ListSchematicsLocationOptions(); Response<List<SchematicsLocations>> response = service.listSchematicsLocation(listSchematicsLocationOptions).execute(); List<SchematicsLocations> listSchematicsLocations = response.getResult(); System.out.println(listSchematicsLocations);
A list of the IBM Cloud locations where you can create the Schematics workspace or action.
The name of the location.
The ID of the location.
The country where the location is located.
The geography that the location belongs to.
Geographical continent locations code having the data centres of IBM Cloud Schematics service.
The metro area that the location belongs to.
The multizone metro area that the location belongs to.
The kind of location.
The list of paired regions used by Schematics.
The restricted region.
The metadata of an agent.
Examples:[ { "name": "purpose", "value": [ "git", "terraform", "ansible" ] }, { "name": "git_endpoints", "value": [ "", "", "" ] } ]
Status Code
Successfully returned the location information.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
{ "ID": "us", "Name": "us", "Country": "", "Geography": "na", "Kind": "country", "Metro": "", "MultizoneMetro": "" }
List supported locations
Retrieve a list of IBM Cloud locations where you can work with the Schematics objects.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v2/locations
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
curl --location --request GET --header "Authorization: <access_token> " --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "X-Feature-Region-Visibility: true"
schematics_locations_list = schematics_service.list_locations(headers={'X-Feature-Region-Visibility' : 'true'}).get_result() print(json.dumps(schematics_locations_list, indent=2))
ListLocationsOptions listLocationsOptions = new ListLocationsOptions(); service.setDefaultHeaders(Collections.singletonMap("X-Feature-Region-Visibility", "true")); Response<SchematicsLocationsList> response3 = service.listLocations(listLocationsOptions).execute(); SchematicsLocationsList schematicsLocationsList = response3.getResult(); System.out.println(schematicsLocationsList);
const header = { "X-Feature-Region-Visibility":"true", } const params = { headers : header }; schematicsService.listLocations(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
listLocationsOptions := schematicsService.NewListLocationsOptions() schematicsLocationsList, response, err := schematicsService.ListLocations(listLocationsOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(schematicsLocationsList, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(b)) fmt.Println(response)
The list of locations details.
The list of locations.
Status Code
Successfully listed all the locations.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "locations": [ { "region": "eu-de", "metro": "Frankfurt", "geography_code": "eu", "geography": "Europe", "country": "Germany", "type": "mzr", "paired_region": [ "eu-gb" ], "restricted": true }, { "region": "eu-gb", "metro": "London", "geography_code": "eu", "geography": "Europe", "country": "United Kingdom", "type": "mzr", "paired_region": [ "eu-de" ], "restricted": true }, { "region": "us-east", "metro": "Washington DC", "geography_code": "NA", "geography": "North America", "country": "United States", "type": "mzr", "paired_region": [ "us-south" ], "restricted": false }, { "region": "us-south", "metro": "Dallas", "geography_code": "NA", "geography": "North America", "country": "United States", "type": "mzr", "paired_region": [ "us-east" ], "restricted": false } ] }
List resource groups
Retrieve a list of IBM Cloud resource groups that your account has access to.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v1/resource_groups
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
listResourceGroupOptions := schematicsService.NewListResourceGroupOptions() resourceGroups, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.ListResourceGroup(listResourceGroupOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } w, err := json.MarshalIndent(resourceGroups, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(w))
schematicsService.listResourceGroup({}) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
list_resource_group_response = schematics_service.list_resource_group().get_result() print(json.dumps(list_resource_group_response, indent=2))
ListResourceGroupOptions listResourceGroupOptions = new ListResourceGroupOptions(); Response<List<ResourceGroupResponse>> response = service.listResourceGroup(listResourceGroupOptions).execute(); List<ResourceGroupResponse> listResourceGroupResponse = response.getResult(); System.out.println(listResourceGroupResponse);
A list of resource groups that your account has access to.
The ID of the account for which you listed the resource groups.
The CRN of the resource group.
If set to true, the resource group is used as the default resource group for your account. If set to false, the resource group is not used as the default resource group in your account.
The name of the resource group.
The ID of the resource group.
The state of the resource group.
Status Code
Successfully returned resource groups information.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
No Sample Response
Get Schematics API information
Retrieve detailed information about the IBM Cloud Schematics API version and the version of the provider plug-ins that the API uses.
GET /v1/version
No Request Parameters
curl -X GET
schematicsVersion, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.GetSchematicsVersion(&schematicsv1.GetSchematicsVersionOptions{}) if err != nil { panic(err) } b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(schematicsVersion, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(b))
schematicsService.getSchematicsVersion({}) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
version_response = schematics_service.get_schematics_version().get_result() print(json.dumps(version_response, indent=2))
GetSchematicsVersionOptions getSchematicsVersionOptions = new GetSchematicsVersionOptions(); Response<VersionResponse> response = service.getSchematicsVersion(getSchematicsVersionOptions).execute(); VersionResponse versionResponse = response.getResult(); System.out.println(versionResponse);
Successful response when you retrieve detailed information about the IBM Cloud Schematics API.
The date when the API version was built.
The build number that the API is based on.
The SHA value for the Git commit that represents the latest version of the API.
The Terraform Helm provider version that is used when you install Helm charts with Schematics.
The Helm version that is used when you install Helm charts with Schematics.
Supported template types
The version of the IBM Cloud Terraform provider plug-in that is used when you apply Terraform templates with Schematics.
The Terraform version that is used when you apply Terraform templates with Schematics.
Status Code
Successfully returned version information.
{ "commitsha": "f905818892a0fa73d6b74792cfeabd0b49aeb930", "builddate": "2019-11-01T07:06:27Z", "buildno": "3230", "terraform_version": "v0.12.24", "terraform_provider_version": "v0.18.0", "helm_version": "v2.14.2", "helm_provider_version": "v0.10.0" }
Get variable metadata by parsing the template
Get the variable metadata from the template. This metadata can be passed in the payload during Schematics workspace create or update API call.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
POST /v2/template_metadata_processor
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.The personal access token to authenticate with your private GitHub or GitLab repository and access your Terraform template.
Create template metadata request.
Template type such as terraform, ansible, helm, cloudpak, or bash script.
Source of templates, playbooks, or controls
Region on which request should process. Applicable only on global endpoint.
Type of source for the Template
Allowable values: [
curl --location --request POST --header "Authorization: <access_token> " --header " Content-Type: application/json" --data-raw "{"region":"us-east","template_type": "terraform_v0.15","source": [{"source_type": "git_hub",[{"git": "computed_git_repo_url": "string", "git_repo_url": "","git_repo_folder": ".", "git_release": "latest", "git_branch": "master"}]}] "source_type": "git_hub"
external_source_model = { 'source_type': 'git_hub', 'git' : { 'computed_git_repo_url': 'string', 'git_repo_url': '', }, } template_meta_data_response = schematics_service.process_template_meta_data( template_type='terraform_v0.15', source=external_source_model ).get_result() print(json.dumps(template_meta_data_response, indent=2))
ExternalSource externalSourceModel = new ExternalSource.Builder() .sourceType("git_hub") .git(new ExternalSourceGit.Builder().gitRepoUrl("").build()) .build(); ProcessTemplateMetaDataOptions processTemplateMetaDataOptions = new ProcessTemplateMetaDataOptions.Builder() .templateType("terraform_v0.12") .source(externalSourceModel) .region("us-east") .build(); Response<TemplateMetaDataResponse> response = service.processTemplateMetaData(processTemplateMetaDataOptions).execute(); TemplateMetaDataResponse templateMetaDataResponse = response.getResult(); System.out.println(templateMetaDataResponse);
const params = { templateType: 'terraform_v0.15', source:{ source_type: "git_hub", git:{ computed_git_repo_url: "string", git_repo_url: "", git_repo_folder: ".", git_release: "latest", git_branch: "master" } }, source_type: "git_hub" }; schematicsService.processTemplateMetaData(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
externalSourceModel := &schematicsv1.ExternalSource{ SourceType: core.StringPtr("local"), } processTemplateMetaDataOptions := schematicsService.NewProcessTemplateMetaDataOptions( "testString", externalSourceModel, ) processTemplateMetaDataOptions.SetTemplateType("terraform_v0.12") source := &schematicsv1.ExternalSource{ SourceType: core.StringPtr("git_hub"), Git: &schematicsv1.ExternalSourceGit{ ComputedGitRepoURL: core.StringPtr("string"), GitRepoURL: core.StringPtr(""), }, } processTemplateMetaDataOptions.SetSource(source) processTemplateMetaDataOptions.SetRegion("us-east") processTemplateMetaDataOptions.SetSourceType("git_hub") templateMetaDataResponse, response, err := schematicsService.ProcessTemplateMetaData(processTemplateMetaDataOptions) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(templateMetaDataResponse, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(b)) fmt.Println(response)
Template metadata response
List of variables and its metadata
The template type such as terraform, ansible, helm, cloudpak, or bash script.
Status Code
Successfully processed the template.
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "type": "terraform_v0.15", "variables": [ { "name": "softlayer_username", "metadata": { "type": "string", "description": "Enter your IBM Infrastructure (SoftLayer) full username, you can get this using:" } }, { "name": "softlayer_api_key", "metadata": { "type": "string", "description": "Enter your IBM Infrastructure (SoftLayer) API key, you can get this using:" } } ] }
List workspaces
Retrieve a list of Schematics workspaces from your IBM Cloud account that you have access to. The list of workspaces that is returned depends on the API endpoint that you use. For example, if you use an API endpoint for a geography, such as North America, only workspaces that are created in us-south
or us-east
are returned.
For more information about supported API endpoints, see API endpoints.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v1/workspaces
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Query Parameters
The starting position of the item in the list of items. For example, if you have three workspaces in your account, the first workspace is assigned position number 0, the second workspace is assigned position number 1, and so forth. If you have 6 workspaces and you want to list the details for workspaces
, enter 1. To limit the number of workspaces that is returned, use thelimit
option in addition to theoffset
option. Negative numbers are not supported and are ignored.Possible values: value ≥ 0
The maximum number of items that you want to list. The number must be a positive integer between 1 and 2000. If no value is provided, 100 is used by default.
Possible values: 1 ≤ value ≤ 2000
Level of details returned by the get method
Allowable values: [
]The resource group (by default, fetch from all resource groups) name or ID
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
listWorkspacesOptions := schematicsService.NewListWorkspacesOptions() workspaceList, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.ListWorkspaces(listWorkspacesOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } w, err := json.MarshalIndent(workspaceList, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(w))
schematicsService.listWorkspaces({}) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
workspace_response_list = schematics_service.list_workspaces().get_result() print(json.dumps(workspace_response_list, indent=2))
ListWorkspacesOptions listWorkspacesOptions = new ListWorkspacesOptions.Builder() .build(); Response<WorkspaceResponseList> response = service.listWorkspaces(listWorkspacesOptions).execute(); WorkspaceResponseList workspaceResponseList = response.getResult(); System.out.println(workspaceResponseList);
List of workspaces
value that you set in your API request and that represents the maximum number of workspaces that you wanted to list.The
value that you set in your API request. The offset value represents the position number of the workspace from which you wanted to start listing your workspaces.The number of workspaces in the IBM Cloud account that you have access to and that matched your search criteria.
The list of workspaces that was included in your API response.
Status Code
Successfully listed the workspaces that you have access to.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "offset": 0, "limit": 1, "count": 6, "workspaces": [ { "id": "us-east.workspace.testWorkspaceApi.bb026f5e", "name": "testWorkspaceApi", "crn": "crn:v1:staging:public:schematics:us-south:a/0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0:00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000:workspace:us-east.workspace.testWorkspaceApi.bb026f5e", "type": [ "terraform_v1.0" ], "description": "terraform workspace", "resource_group": "", "location": "us-east", "tags": [ "department:HR", "application:compensation", "environment:staging" ], "created_at": "2021-09-28T11:34:22.88125945Z", "created_by": "", "status": "DRAFT", "failure_reason": "", "workspace_status_msg": { "status_code": "", "status_msg": "" }, "workspace_status": { "frozen": true, "frozen_by": "", "frozen_at": "2021-09-28T11:34:22.306393108Z", "locked": false }, "template_repo": { "url": "", "commit_id": "", "full_url": "", "has_uploadedgitrepotar": false }, "template_data": [ { "id": "6fef745e-dfaa-42", "folder": ".", "compact": false, "type": "terraform_v1.0", "values_url": "", "values": "", "variablestore": [ { "name": "sample_var", "secure": false, "value": "THIS IS IBM CLOUD TERRAFORM CLI DEMO", "type": "", "description": "Description of sample_var" }, { "name": "sleepy_time", "secure": false, "value": "15", "type": "", "description": "" } ], "has_githubtoken": false } ], "runtime_data": [ { "id": "6fef745e-dfaa-42", "engine_name": "terraform", "engine_version": "v0.12.31", "state_store_url": "", "log_store_url": "" } ], "shared_data": { "resource_group_id": "" }, "applied_shareddata_ids": null, "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "last_health_check_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "cart_id": "" } ] }
Create a workspace
Create an IBM Cloud Schematics workspace that points to the source repository where your Terraform template or the IBM Cloud software template is stored. You can decide to create your workspace without connecting it to a GitHub or GitLab repository. Your workspace is then created with a Draft state. To later connect your workspace to a GitHub or GitLab repository, you must use the PUT /v1/workspaces/{id}
API to update the workspace or use the /v1/workspaces/{id}/templates/{template_id}/template_repo_upload
API to upload a TAR file instead.
Getting API endpoint:-
- The Schematics API endpoint that you use to create the workspace determines where your Schematics actions run and your data is stored. See API endpoints for more information.
- If you use the API endpoint for a geography and not a specific location, such as North America, you can specify the location in your API request body.
- If you do not specify the location in the request body, Schematics determines your workspace location based on availability.
- If you use an API endpoint for a specific location, such as Frankfurt, the location that you enter in your API request body must match your API endpoint.
- You also have the option to not specify a location in your API request body if you use a location-specific API endpoint.
Getting IAM access token :-
- Before you create Schematics workspace, you need to create the IAM access token for your IBM Cloud Account.
- To create IAM access token, use
export IBMCLOUD_API_KEY=<ibmcloud_api_key>
and executecurl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type= application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey&apikey=$IBMCLOUD_API_KEY" -u bx:bx
. For more information, about creating IAM access token and API Docs, see IAM access token and Create API key. - You can set the environment values
export ACCESS_TOKEN=<access_token>
andexport REFRESH_TOKEN=<refresh_token>
. - You can use the obtained IAM access token in create workspace
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
POST /v1/workspaces
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.The personal access token to authenticate with your private GitHub or GitLab repository and access your Terraform template.
Input parameter to create the IBM Cloud Schematics workspace.
List of applied shared dataset ID.
Information about the software template that you chose from the IBM Cloud catalog. This information is returned for IBM Cloud catalog offerings only.
Workspace dependencies
The description of the workspace.
The location where you want to create your Schematics workspace and run the Schematics jobs. The location that you enter must match the API endpoint that you use. For example, if you use the Frankfurt API endpoint, you must specify
as your location. If you use an API endpoint for a geography and you do not specify a location, Schematics determines the location based on availability.The name of your workspace. The name can be up to 128 characters long and can include alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes, and underscores. When you create a workspace for your own Terraform template, consider including the microservice component that you set up with your Terraform template and the IBM Cloud environment where you want to deploy your resources in your name.
The ID of the resource group where you want to provision the workspace.
Information about the Target used by the templates originating from the IBM Cloud catalog offerings. This information is not relevant for workspace created using your own Terraform template.
A list of tags that are associated with the workspace.
Input data for the Template
Workspace template ref
Input variables for the Template repoository, while creating a workspace
List of Workspace type
WorkspaceStatusRequest -
agent id which is binded to with the workspace.
Input settings to be applied to the workspace, for example,
curl --request POST --url -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" -d '{"name":"<workspace_name>","type": ["terraform_v1.0"],"location": "<location>","description": "<workspace_description>","resource_group": "<resource_group_ID>","tags": [],"template_repo": {"url": "<source_repo_url>"},"template_data": [{"folder": ".","type": "terraform_v1.0","variablestore": [{"name": "variable_name1","value": "variable_value1"},{"name": "variable_name2","value": "variable_value2"}]}]}'
curl --request POST --url -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" -d '{"name":"<workspace_name>","type": ["terraform_v1.0"],"location": "<location>","description": "<workspace_description>","resource_group": "<resource_group_ID>","tags": [],"template_repo": {"url": ""},"template_data": [{"folder": ".","type": "terraform_v1.0","variablestore": [{"name": "variable_name1","value": "variable_value1"},{"name": "variable_name2","value": "variable_value2"}]}]}'
curl --request POST --url -H Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" -d '{"name":"<workspace_name>","type": ["terraform_v1.0"],"description": "terraform workspace","tags":[ "department:HR", "application:compensation","environment:staging"], "template_repo":{"url":"" },"workspace_status":{"frozen":true},"template_data":[{ "folder":".","type":"terraform_v1.0","variablestore":[ {"name":"sample_var","secure":false,"value":"THIS IS IBM CLOUD TERRAFORM CLI DEMO", "description":"Description of sample_var"},{ "name":"sleepy_time","value":"15"}]}]}'
curl --request POST --url -H 'authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \ 'cache-control: no-cache' \ 'content-type: application/json' \ 'postman-token: dc2ea316-12a3-597b-4353-3150078d5d5e' \ '{"name": "<workspace_name>","shared_data": {"region": "us-south"}, "type": ["terraform_v1.0"], "description": "terraform workspace", "template_repo": {"url": ""}, "template_data": [ {"folder": ".","type": "terraform_v1.0", "env_values": [{"__netrc__":"[['','msundeep4','<githubtoken>']]"}] }]}'
templateSourceDataRequestModel := &schematicsv1.TemplateSourceDataRequest{ Folder: core.StringPtr("."), Type: core.StringPtr("terraform_v1.0"), Variablestore: []schematicsv1.WorkspaceVariableRequest{ { Name: core.StringPtr("<variable_name1>"), Value: core.StringPtr("<variable_value1>"), }, { Name: core.StringPtr("<variable_name2>"), Value: core.StringPtr("<variable_value2>"), }, }, } templateRepoRequestModel := &schematicsv1.TemplateRepoRequest{ URL: core.StringPtr("<source_repo_url>"), } createWorkspaceOptions := &schematicsv1.CreateWorkspaceOptions{ Description: core.StringPtr("<description>"), Name: core.StringPtr("<workspace_name>"), TemplateData: []schematicsv1.TemplateSourceDataRequest{*templateSourceDataRequestModel}, TemplateRepo: templateRepoRequestModel, Type: []string{"terraform_v1.0"}, Location: core.StringPtr("<location>"), ResourceGroup: core.StringPtr("<resource_group>"), Tags: []string{"<tags>"}, } workspaceResponse, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.CreateWorkspace(createWorkspaceOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } w, err := json.MarshalIndent(workspaceResponse, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(w))
const templateSourceDataRequestModel = { folder: '.', type: 'terraform_v1.0', variablestore: [ { name: '<variable_name1>', value: '<variable_value1>', }, { name: '<variable_name2>', value: '<variable_value2>', } ] }; const templateRepoRequestModel = { url: '<source_repo_url>, }; const params = { description: '<description>', name: '<workspace_name>', templateData: [templateSourceDataRequestModel], templateRepo: templateRepoRequestModel, type: ['terraform_v1.0'], location: '<location>', resourceGroup: '<resource_group>' tags: ['<tags>'], }; schematicsService.createWorkspace(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
workspace_variable_request_model = {} workspace_variable_request_model['name'] = 'variable_name1' workspace_variable_request_model['value'] = 'variable_value1' template_source_data_request_model = {} template_source_data_request_model['env_values'] = [{ 'foo': 'bar' }] template_source_data_request_model['folder'] = 'testString' template_source_data_request_model['type'] = 'terraform_v1.0' template_source_data_request_model['variablestore'] = [workspace_variable_request_model] template_repo_request_model = {} template_repo_request_model['url'] = '<source_repo_url>' workspace_response = schematics_service.create_workspace( description="<description>", name="<workspace_name>", template_data=[template_source_data_request_model], template_repo=template_repo_request_model, type=['terraform_v1.0'], location="<location>", resource_group="<resource_group>", tags=['<tags>'], ).get_result() print(json.dumps(workspace_response, indent = 2))
// Construct an instance of the WorkspaceVariableRequest model WorkspaceVariableRequest workspaceVariableRequestModel = new WorkspaceVariableRequest.Builder() .name("variable_name1") .value("variable_value1") .build(); // Construct an instance of the TemplateSourceDataRequest model TemplateSourceDataRequest templateSourceDataRequestModel = new TemplateSourceDataRequest.Builder() .folder(".") .type("terraform_v1.0") .variablestore(new java.util.ArrayList<WorkspaceVariableRequest>(java.util.Arrays.asList(workspaceVariableRequestModel))) .build(); // Construct an instance of the TemplateRepoRequest model TemplateRepoRequest templateRepoRequestModel = new TemplateRepoRequest.Builder() .url("<source_repo_url>") .build(); CreateWorkspaceOptions createWorkspaceOptions = new CreateWorkspaceOptions.Builder() .description("<description>") .name("<workspace_name>") .templateData(new java.util.ArrayList<TemplateSourceDataRequest>(java.util.Arrays.asList(templateSourceDataRequestModel))) .templateRepo(templateRepoRequestModel) .type(new java.util.ArrayList<String>(java.util.Arrays.asList("terraform_v1.0"))) .location("<location>") .resourceGroup("<resource_group>") .tags(new java.util.ArrayList<String>(java.util.Arrays.asList("<tags>"))) .build(); Response<WorkspaceResponse> response = service.createWorkspace(createWorkspaceOptions).execute(); WorkspaceResponse workspaceResponse = response.getResult(); System.out.println(workspaceResponse);
Workspace details
List of applied shared dataset ID.
Information about the software template that you chose from the IBM Cloud catalog. This information is returned for IBM Cloud catalog offerings only.
The timestamp when the workspace was created.
The user ID that created the workspace.
The workspace CRN.
Workspace dependencies
The description of the workspace.
The unique identifier of the workspace.
The timestamp when the last health check was performed by Schematics.
The IBM Cloud location where your workspace was provisioned.
The name of the workspace.
The resource group the workspace was provisioned in.
Information about the provisioning engine, state file, and runtime logs.
Information about the Target used by the templates originating from IBM Cloud catalog offerings. This information is not relevant when you create a workspace from your own Terraform template.
The status of the workspace.
Active: After you successfully ran your infrastructure code by applying your Terraform execution plan, the state of your workspace changes to
.Connecting: Schematics tries to connect to the template in your source repo. If successfully connected, the template is downloaded and metadata, such as input parameters, is extracted. After the template is downloaded, the state of the workspace changes to
.Draft: The workspace is created without a reference to a GitHub or GitLab repository.
Failed: If errors occur during the execution of your infrastructure code in IBM Cloud Schematics, your workspace status is set to
.Inactive: The Terraform template was scanned successfully and the workspace creation is complete. You can now start running Schematics plan and apply jobs to provision the IBM Cloud resources that you specified in your template. If you have an
workspace and decide to remove all your resources, your workspace is set toInactive
after all your resources are removed.In progress: When you instruct IBM Cloud Schematics to run your infrastructure code by applying your Terraform execution plan, the status of our workspace changes to
In progress
.Scanning: The download of the Terraform template is complete and vulnerability scanning started. If the scan is successful, the workspace state changes to
. If errors in your template are found, the state changes toTemplate Error
.Stopped: The Schematics plan, apply, or destroy job was cancelled manually.
Template Error: The Schematics template contains errors and cannot be processed.
A list of tags that are associated with the workspace.
Information about the Terraform or IBM Cloud software template that you want to use.
Workspace template reference.
Information about the Template repository used by the workspace
The Terraform version that was used to run your Terraform code.
The timestamp when the workspace was last updated.
The user ID that updated the workspace.
The associate cart order ID.
The associate project ID.
Name of the last Action performed on workspace.
ID of last Activity performed.
Last job details
Response that indicate the status of the workspace as either frozen or locked.
Information about the last job that ran against the workspace. -
Agent name, Agent id and associated policy ID information
Input settings to be applied to the workspace, for example,
secrets manager reference to git token
Encryption details about the workspace such as scheme (byok/kyok) and key CRN.
Status Code
Successfully created the workspace in IBM Cloud Schematics. Your resources are not provisioned until you use the
POST /workspaces/{id}/apply
API.Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The workspace already exists. To find a list of workspaces, use the
GET /workspaces
API.The workspace is frozen and disabled. Unfreeze the workspace first before you retry the request. Or the Schematics create, update, delete action has not completed. Wait until the create, update, delete, plan, apply, destroy or refresh action completes before you try again.
Too many requests have been made within a time window. "IBM Cloud Schematics supports 50 API requests per minute, per host, and per customer. The host can be
, oreu-de
region". Wait before calling the API again.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
IBM Cloud Schematics could not process the request, due to a temporary overloading or maintenance. Try to reduce your request rate, or retry after a few minutes. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "id": "us-east.workspace.testWorkspaceApi.bb026f5e", "name": "testWorkspaceApi", "crn": "crn:v1:staging:public:schematics:us-south:a/0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0:00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000:workspace:us-east.workspace.testWorkspaceApi.bb026f5e", "type": [ "terraform_v1.0" ], "description": "terraform workspace", "resource_group": "", "location": "us-east", "tags": [ "department:HR", "application:compensation", "environment:staging" ], "created_at": "2021-09-28T11:34:22.88125945Z", "created_by": "", "status": "DRAFT", "failure_reason": "", "workspace_status_msg": { "status_code": "", "status_msg": "" }, "workspace_status": { "frozen": true, "frozen_by": "", "frozen_at": "2021-09-28T11:34:22.306393108Z", "locked": false }, "template_repo": { "url": "", "commit_id": "", "full_url": "", "has_uploadedgitrepotar": false }, "template_data": [ { "id": "6fef745e-dfaa-42", "folder": ".", "compact": false, "type": "terraform_v1.0", "values_url": "", "values": "", "variablestore": [ { "name": "sample_var", "secure": false, "value": "THIS IS IBM CLOUD TERRAFORM CLI DEMO", "type": "", "description": "Description of sample_var" }, { "name": "sleepy_time", "secure": false, "value": "15", "type": "", "description": "" } ], "has_githubtoken": false } ], "runtime_data": [ { "id": "6fef745e-dfaa-42", "engine_name": "terraform", "engine_version": "v0.12.31", "state_store_url": "", "log_store_url": "" } ], "shared_data": { "resource_group_id": "" }, "applied_shareddata_ids": null, "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "last_health_check_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "cart_id": "" }
Get workspace details
Retrieve detailed information for a workspace in your IBM Cloud account.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v1/workspaces/{w_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
The ID of the workspace. To find the workspace ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
curl -X GET{id} -H "Authorization: Bearer <iam_token>"
workspaceDetails, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.GetWorkspace(&schematicsv1.GetWorkspaceOptions{ WID: <workspace_id>, }) if err != nil { panic(err) } w, err := json.MarshalIndent(workspaceDetails, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(w))
const params = { wId: '<workspace_id>', }; schematicsService.getWorkspace(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
workspace_response = schematics_service.get_workspace( w_id='<workspace_id>' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(workspace_response, indent=2))
GetWorkspaceOptions getWorkspaceOptions = new GetWorkspaceOptions.Builder() .wId("<workspace_id>") .build(); Response<WorkspaceResponse> response = service.getWorkspace(getWorkspaceOptions).execute(); WorkspaceResponse workspaceResponse = response.getResult(); System.out.println(workspaceResponse);
Workspace details
List of applied shared dataset ID.
Information about the software template that you chose from the IBM Cloud catalog. This information is returned for IBM Cloud catalog offerings only.
The timestamp when the workspace was created.
The user ID that created the workspace.
The workspace CRN.
Workspace dependencies
The description of the workspace.
The unique identifier of the workspace.
The timestamp when the last health check was performed by Schematics.
The IBM Cloud location where your workspace was provisioned.
The name of the workspace.
The resource group the workspace was provisioned in.
Information about the provisioning engine, state file, and runtime logs.
Information about the Target used by the templates originating from IBM Cloud catalog offerings. This information is not relevant when you create a workspace from your own Terraform template.
The status of the workspace.
Active: After you successfully ran your infrastructure code by applying your Terraform execution plan, the state of your workspace changes to
.Connecting: Schematics tries to connect to the template in your source repo. If successfully connected, the template is downloaded and metadata, such as input parameters, is extracted. After the template is downloaded, the state of the workspace changes to
.Draft: The workspace is created without a reference to a GitHub or GitLab repository.
Failed: If errors occur during the execution of your infrastructure code in IBM Cloud Schematics, your workspace status is set to
.Inactive: The Terraform template was scanned successfully and the workspace creation is complete. You can now start running Schematics plan and apply jobs to provision the IBM Cloud resources that you specified in your template. If you have an
workspace and decide to remove all your resources, your workspace is set toInactive
after all your resources are removed.In progress: When you instruct IBM Cloud Schematics to run your infrastructure code by applying your Terraform execution plan, the status of our workspace changes to
In progress
.Scanning: The download of the Terraform template is complete and vulnerability scanning started. If the scan is successful, the workspace state changes to
. If errors in your template are found, the state changes toTemplate Error
.Stopped: The Schematics plan, apply, or destroy job was cancelled manually.
Template Error: The Schematics template contains errors and cannot be processed.
A list of tags that are associated with the workspace.
Information about the Terraform or IBM Cloud software template that you want to use.
Workspace template reference.
Information about the Template repository used by the workspace
The Terraform version that was used to run your Terraform code.
The timestamp when the workspace was last updated.
The user ID that updated the workspace.
The associate cart order ID.
The associate project ID.
Name of the last Action performed on workspace.
ID of last Activity performed.
Last job details
Response that indicate the status of the workspace as either frozen or locked.
Information about the last job that ran against the workspace. -
Agent name, Agent id and associated policy ID information
Input settings to be applied to the workspace, for example,
secrets manager reference to git token
Encryption details about the workspace such as scheme (byok/kyok) and key CRN.
Status Code
Successfully retrieved details about your workspace.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Not found. The specified workspace could not be found. Verify that the workspace ID is correct. To list workspaces in your IBM Cloud account, use the
GET /v1/workspaces API
.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "id": "us-east.workspace.testWorkspaceApi.bb026f5e", "name": "testWorkspaceApi", "crn": "crn:v1:staging:public:schematics:us-south:a/0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0:00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000:workspace:us-east.workspace.testWorkspaceApi.bb026f5e", "type": [ "terraform_v1.0" ], "description": "terraform workspace", "resource_group": "", "location": "us-east", "tags": [ "department:HR", "application:compensation", "environment:staging" ], "created_at": "2021-09-28T11:34:22.88125945Z", "created_by": "", "status": "INACTIVE", "failure_reason": "", "workspace_status_msg": { "status_code": "200", "status_msg": "" }, "workspace_status": { "frozen": true, "frozen_by": "", "frozen_at": "2021-09-28T11:34:22.306393108Z", "locked": false }, "template_repo": { "url": "<displays your Git repository URL>", "commit_id": "<displays the workspace version of the Git repository templates that are used by same repository>", "full_url": "<displays your Git repository URL with all the files.>", "has_uploadedgitrepotar": false }, "template_data": [ { "id": "6fef745e-dfaa-42", "folder": ".", "compact": false, "type": "terraform_v1.0", "values_url": "", "values": "", "values_metadata": [ { "default": "hello", "description": "A sample_var to pass to the template.", "name": "sample_var", "type": "string" }, { "default": "0", "description": "How long our local-exec will take a nap.", "name": "sleepy_time", "type": "string" } ], "variablestore": [ { "name": "sample_var", "secure": false, "value": "THIS IS IBM CLOUD TERRAFORM CLI DEMO", "type": "", "description": "Description of sample_var" }, { "name": "sleepy_time", "secure": false, "value": "15", "type": "", "description": "" } ], "has_githubtoken": false } ], "runtime_data": [ { "id": "6fef745e-dfaa-42", "engine_name": "terraform", "engine_version": "v0.12.31", "state_store_url": "", "log_store_url": "" } ], "shared_data": { "resource_group_id": "" }, "applied_shareddata_ids": null, "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "last_health_check_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "cart_id": "" }
Update workspace
Use this API to update or replace the entire workspace, including the Terraform template (template_repo
) or IBM Cloud catalog software template (catalog_ref
) that your workspace points to.
Tip:- If you want to update workspace metadata, use the PATCH /v1/workspaces/{id}
To update workspace variables, use the PUT /v1/workspaces/{id}/template_data/{template_id}/values
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
PUT /v1/workspaces/{w_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.The personal access token to authenticate with your private GitHub or GitLab repository and access your Terraform template.
Path Parameters
The ID of the workspace. To find the workspace ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
Replace the Workspace definition.
Information about the software template that you chose from the IBM Cloud catalog. This information is returned for IBM Cloud catalog offerings only.
The description of the workspace.
Workspace dependencies
The name of the workspace.
Information about the Target used by the templates originating from the IBM Cloud catalog offerings. This information is not relevant for workspace created using your own Terraform template.
A list of tags that you want to associate with your workspace.
Input data for the Template
Input to update the template repository data
List of Workspace type.
Input to update the workspace status.
Information about the last job that ran against the workspace. -
agent id that process workspace jobs.
Input settings to be applied to the workspace, for example,
curl --request PUT --url{id} -H Authorization: <iam_token>" -d '{"name":"testWorkspaceApi","type":[ "terraform_v1.0"],"description":"terraform workspace updated", "tags":["department:HR","application:compensation","environment:staging"], "template_repo":{"url":""}, "workspace_status":{"frozen":true},"template_data":[{"folder":".", "type":"terraform_v1.0","variablestore":[{"name":"sample_var","secure":false,"value":"THIS IS IBM CLOUD TERRAFORM CLI DEMO", "description":"Description of sample_var"},{"name":"sleepy_time","value":"15"}]}]}'
templateRepoRequestUpdateModel := &schematicsv1.TemplateRepoUpdateRequest{ URL: core.StringPtr("<source_repo_url>"), RepoURL: core.StringPtr("<catalog_repo_url>"), } replaceWorkspaceOptions := &schematicsv1.ReplaceWorkspaceOptions{ WID: ws.ID, TemplateRepo: templateRepoRequestUpdateModel, CatalogRef: &schematicsv1.CatalogRef{ ItemID: core.StringPtr("<item_id>"), ItemName: core.StringPtr("<item_name>"), ItemURL: core.StringPtr("<item_url>"), ItemReadmeURL: core.StringPtr("<item_readme_url>"), ItemIconURL: core.StringPtr("<item_icon_url>"), OfferingVersion: core.StringPtr("<offering_version>"), LaunchURL: core.StringPtr("<launch_url>"), }, } replaceResponse, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.ReplaceWorkspace(replaceWorkspaceOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } w, err := json.MarshalIndent(replaceResponse, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(w))
const catalogRefModel = { item_icon_url: '<item_icon_url>', item_id: '<item_id>', item_name: '<item_name>', item_readme_url: '<item_readme_url>', item_url: '<item_url>', launch_url: '<launch_url>', offering_version: '<offering_version>', }; const templateRepoUpdateRequestModel = { repo_url: '<catalog_repo_url>', url: '<source_repo_url>', }; const params = { wId: '<workspace_id>', templateRepo: templateRepoUpdateRequestModel, catalogRef: catalogRefModel }; schematicsService.replaceWorkspace(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
catalog_ref_model = {} catalog_ref_model['item_icon_url'] = '<item_icon_url>' catalog_ref_model['item_id'] = '<item_id>' catalog_ref_model['item_name'] = '<item_name>' catalog_ref_model['item_readme_url'] = '<item_readme_url>' catalog_ref_model['item_url'] = '<item_url>' catalog_ref_model['launch_url'] = '<launch_url>' catalog_ref_model['offering_version'] = '<offering_version>' workspace_variable_request_model = {} workspace_variable_request_model['name'] = 'variable_name1' workspace_variable_request_model['value'] = 'variable_value1' template_source_data_request_model = {} template_source_data_request_model['variablestore'] = [workspace_variable_request_model] template_repo_request_model = {} template_repo_request_model['url'] = '<source_repo_url>' workspace_response = schematics_service.replace_workspace( w_id='<workspace_id>', description="<description>", name="<workspace_name>", catalog_ref=catalog_ref_model, template_data=[template_source_data_request_model], template_repo=template_repo_request_model, type=['terraform_v0.12.20'], location="<location>", resource_group="<resource_group>", tags=['<tags>'], ).get_result() print(json.dumps(workspace_response, indent = 2))
// Construct an instance of the CatalogRef model CatalogRef catalogRefModel = new CatalogRef.Builder() .itemIconUrl("<item_icon_url>") .itemId("<item_id>") .itemName("<item_name>") .itemReadmeUrl("<item_readme_url>") .itemUrl("<item_url>") .launchUrl("<launch_url>") .offeringVersion("<offering_version>") .build(); // Construct an instance of the TemplateRepoUpdateRequest model TemplateRepoUpdateRequest templateRepoUpdateRequestModel = new TemplateRepoUpdateRequest.Builder() .repoUrl("<catalog_repo_url>") .url("<source_repo_url>") .build(); ReplaceWorkspaceOptions replaceWorkspaceOptions = new ReplaceWorkspaceOptions.Builder() .wId("<workspace_id>") .catalogRef(catalogRefModel) .templateRepo(templateRepoUpdateRequestModel) .build(); Response<WorkspaceResponse> response = service.replaceWorkspace(replaceWorkspaceOptions).execute(); WorkspaceResponse workspaceResponse = response.getResult();
Workspace details
List of applied shared dataset ID.
Information about the software template that you chose from the IBM Cloud catalog. This information is returned for IBM Cloud catalog offerings only.
The timestamp when the workspace was created.
The user ID that created the workspace.
The workspace CRN.
Workspace dependencies
The description of the workspace.
The unique identifier of the workspace.
The timestamp when the last health check was performed by Schematics.
The IBM Cloud location where your workspace was provisioned.
The name of the workspace.
The resource group the workspace was provisioned in.
Information about the provisioning engine, state file, and runtime logs.
Information about the Target used by the templates originating from IBM Cloud catalog offerings. This information is not relevant when you create a workspace from your own Terraform template.
The status of the workspace.
Active: After you successfully ran your infrastructure code by applying your Terraform execution plan, the state of your workspace changes to
.Connecting: Schematics tries to connect to the template in your source repo. If successfully connected, the template is downloaded and metadata, such as input parameters, is extracted. After the template is downloaded, the state of the workspace changes to
.Draft: The workspace is created without a reference to a GitHub or GitLab repository.
Failed: If errors occur during the execution of your infrastructure code in IBM Cloud Schematics, your workspace status is set to
.Inactive: The Terraform template was scanned successfully and the workspace creation is complete. You can now start running Schematics plan and apply jobs to provision the IBM Cloud resources that you specified in your template. If you have an
workspace and decide to remove all your resources, your workspace is set toInactive
after all your resources are removed.In progress: When you instruct IBM Cloud Schematics to run your infrastructure code by applying your Terraform execution plan, the status of our workspace changes to
In progress
.Scanning: The download of the Terraform template is complete and vulnerability scanning started. If the scan is successful, the workspace state changes to
. If errors in your template are found, the state changes toTemplate Error
.Stopped: The Schematics plan, apply, or destroy job was cancelled manually.
Template Error: The Schematics template contains errors and cannot be processed.
A list of tags that are associated with the workspace.
Information about the Terraform or IBM Cloud software template that you want to use.
Workspace template reference.
Information about the Template repository used by the workspace
The Terraform version that was used to run your Terraform code.
The timestamp when the workspace was last updated.
The user ID that updated the workspace.
The associate cart order ID.
The associate project ID.
Name of the last Action performed on workspace.
ID of last Activity performed.
Last job details
Response that indicate the status of the workspace as either frozen or locked.
Information about the last job that ran against the workspace. -
Agent name, Agent id and associated policy ID information
Input settings to be applied to the workspace, for example,
secrets manager reference to git token
Encryption details about the workspace such as scheme (byok/kyok) and key CRN.
Status Code
Successfully updated the workspace metadata.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Not found. The specified workspace could not be found. Verify that the workspace ID is correct. To list workspaces in your IBM Cloud account, use the
GET /v1/workspaces API
.The workspace is frozen and disabled. Unfreeze the workspace first before you retry the request. Or the Schematics create, update, delete action has not completed. Wait until the create, update, delete, plan, apply, destroy or refresh action completes before you try again.
Too many requests have been made within a time window. "IBM Cloud Schematics supports 50 API requests per minute, per host, and per customer. The host can be
, oreu-de
region". Wait before calling the API again.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
IBM Cloud Schematics could not process the request, due to a temporary overloading or maintenance. Try to reduce your request rate, or retry after a few minutes. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "id": "us-east.workspace.testWorkspaceApi.bb026f5e", "name": "testWorkspaceApi", "crn": "crn:v1:staging:public:schematics:us-south:a/0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0:00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000:workspace:us-east.workspace.testWorkspaceApi.bb026f5e", "type": [ "terraform_v1.0" ], "description": "terraform workspace updated", "resource_group": "", "location": "us-east", "tags": [ "department:HR", "application:compensation", "environment:staging" ], "created_at": "2021-09-28T11:34:22.88125945Z", "created_by": "", "status": "DRAFT", "failure_reason": "", "workspace_status_msg": { "status_code": "200", "status_msg": "" }, "workspace_status": { "frozen": true, "frozen_by": "", "frozen_at": "2021-09-28T14:36:08.58852336Z", "locked": false }, "template_repo": { "url": "", "commit_id": "c0a1dbc6e7afe4dad06de617a7fc35e22ddd4f95", "full_url": "", "has_uploadedgitrepotar": false }, "template_data": [ { "id": "6fef745e-dfaa-42", "folder": ".", "compact": false, "type": "terraform_v1.0", "values_url": "", "values": "", "values_metadata": [ { "default": "hello", "description": "A sample_var to pass to the template.", "name": "sample_var", "type": "string" }, { "default": "0", "description": "How long our local-exec will take a nap.", "name": "sleepy_time", "type": "string" } ], "variablestore": [ { "name": "sample_var", "secure": false, "value": "THIS IS IBM CLOUD TERRAFORM CLI DEMO", "type": "", "description": "Description of sample_var" }, { "name": "sleepy_time", "secure": false, "value": "15", "type": "", "description": "" } ], "has_githubtoken": false } ], "runtime_data": [ { "id": "6fef745e-dfaa-42", "engine_name": "terraform", "engine_version": "v0.12.31", "state_store_url": "", "log_store_url": "" } ], "shared_data": { "resource_group_id": "" }, "applied_shareddata_ids": null, "updated_by": "", "updated_at": "2021-09-28T14:36:08.595317742Z", "last_health_check_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "cart_id": "" }
Delete a workspace
Deletes a workspace from IBM Cloud Schematics. Deleting a workspace does
not automatically remove the IBM Cloud resources that the workspace
manages. To remove all resources that are associated with the workspace,
use the DELETE /v1/workspaces/{id}?destroy_resources=true
Note: If you delete a workspace without deleting the resources, you must manage your resources with the resource dashboard or CLI afterwards. You cannot use IBM Cloud Schematics anymore to manage your resources.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
DELETE /v1/workspaces/{w_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.The IAM refresh token for the user or service identity. The IAM refresh token is required only if you want to destroy the Terraform resources before deleting the Schematics workspace. If you want to delete the workspace only and keep all your Terraform resources, refresh token is not required.
Retrieving refresh token:
- Use
export IBMCLOUD_API_KEY=<ibmcloud_api_key>
, and executecurl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey&apikey=$IBMCLOUD_API_KEY" -u bx:bx
. - For more information, about creating IAM access token and API Docs, refer, IAM access token and Create API key.
- If the token is expired, you can use
refresh token
to get a new IAM access token. - The
parameter cannot be used to retrieve a new IAM access token. - When the IAM access token is about to expire, use the API key to create a new access token.
- Use
Path Parameters
The ID of the workspace. To find the workspace ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
Query Parameters
If set to
, refresh_token header configuration is required to delete all the Terraform resources, and the Schematics workspace. If set tofalse
, you can remove only the workspace. Your Terraform resources are still available and must be managed with the resource dashboard or CLI.
curl -X DELETE{id} -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
_, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.DeleteWorkspace(&schematicsv1.DeleteWorkspaceOptions{ WID: <workspace_id>, RefreshToken: core.StringPtr("<refresh_token>"), }) if err != nil { panic(err) }
const params = { wId: '<workspace_id>', refreshToken: "Refresh Token" }; schematicsService.deleteWorkspace(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
workspace_delete_response = schematics_service.delete_workspace( w_id='<workspace_id>' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(workspace_delete_response, indent=2))
DeleteWorkspaceOptions deleteWorkspaceOptions = new DeleteWorkspaceOptions.Builder() .wId("<workspace_id>") .build(); Response<String> response = service.deleteWorkspace(deleteWorkspaceOptions).execute(); String workspaceDeleteResponse = response.getResult(); System.out.println(workspaceDeleteResponse);
Response for workspace delete job
Status Code
Successfully deleted the workspace.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Deletion failed. Could not delete the workspace template information. The workspace is frozen and disabled for updates. Unfreeze the workspace first, before you try again. Or the Schematics create, update, delete action has not completed. Wait until the create, update, delete, plan, apply, destroy or refresh action completes before you try again.
Too many requests have been made within a time window. "IBM Cloud Schematics supports 50 API requests per minute, per host, and per customer. The host can be
, oreu-de
region". Wait before calling the API again.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
IBM Cloud Schematics could not process the request, due to a temporary overloading or maintenance. Try to reduce your request rate, or retry after a few minutes. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
No Sample Response
Update workspace metadata
Use this API to update the following workspace metadata:
- Workspace name (
) - Note: Updating the workspace name does not update the ID of the workspace. - Workspace description (
) - Tags (
) - Resource group (
) - Workspace status (
Tip: If you want to update information about the Terraform template
or IBM Cloud catalog software template that your workspace points to,
use the PUT /v1/workspaces/{id}
API. To update workspace variables,
use the PUT /v1/workspaces/{id}/template_data/{template_id}/values
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
PATCH /v1/workspaces/{w_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
The ID of the workspace. To find the workspace ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
Input parameters to update workspace metadata.
Information about the software template that you chose from the IBM Cloud catalog. This information is returned for IBM Cloud catalog offerings only.
The description of the workspace.
Workspace dependencies
The name of the workspace.
Information about the Target used by the templates originating from the IBM Cloud catalog offerings. This information is not relevant for workspace created using your own Terraform template.
A list of tags that you want to associate with your workspace.
Input data for the Template
Input to update the template repository data
List of Workspace type.
Input to update the workspace status.
Information about the last job that ran against the workspace. -
agent id that process workspace jobs.
Input settings to be applied to the workspace, for example,
curl --request PATCH --url{id} -H "Authorization: <iam_token>" -d '{"name":"<workspace_name>","description": "<workspace_description>","tags": ["<tag1>", "<tag2>"], "resource_group": "<resource_grou>", "workspace_status": {"frozen": <true_or_false>}}'
updateWorkspaceOptions := &schematicsv1.UpdateWorkspaceOptions{ WID: <workspace_id>, Description: core.StringPtr("<description>"), Name: core.StringPtr("<workspace_name>"), ResourceGroup: core.StringPtr("<resource_group>"), Tags: []string{"<tag1>", "<tag2>"}, WorkspaceStatus: &schematicsv1.WorkspaceStatusUpdateRequest { Frozen: core.BoolPtr(<true_or_false>), }, } workspaceUpdateResponse, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.UpdateWorkspace(updateWorkspaceOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } w, err := json.MarshalIndent(workspaceUpdateResponse, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(w))
const workspaceStatusUpdateRequestModel = { frozen : '<true or false>' } const params = { wId: '<workspace_id>', description: '<description>', name: '<workspace_name>', type: ['terraform_v1.0'], resourceGroup: '<resource_group>', tags: ['<tags>'], workspaceStatus: workspaceStatusUpdateRequestModel }; schematicsService.updateWorkspace(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
workspace_status_update_request_model = {} workspace_status_update_request_model['frozen'] = <True or False> workspace_response = schematics_service.update_workspace( w_id='<workspace_id>', description="<description>", name="<workspace_name>", resource_group="<resource_group>", tags=['<tag1>', '<tag2>'], workspace_status=workspace_status_update_request_model ).get_result() print(json.dumps(workspace_response, indent=2))
WorkspaceStatusUpdateRequest workspaceStatusUpdateRequestModel = new WorkspaceStatusUpdateRequest.Builder() .frozen(<true_or_false>) .build(); UpdateWorkspaceOptions updateWorkspaceOptions = new UpdateWorkspaceOptions.Builder() .wId("testString") .description("<description>") .name("<workspace_name>") .tags(new java.util.ArrayList<String>(java.util.Arrays.asList("<tag>"))) .workspaceStatus(workspaceStatusUpdateRequestModel) .build(); Response<WorkspaceResponse> response = service.updateWorkspace(updateWorkspaceOptions).execute(); WorkspaceResponse workspaceResponse = response.getResult(); System.out.println(workspaceResponse);
Workspace details
List of applied shared dataset ID.
Information about the software template that you chose from the IBM Cloud catalog. This information is returned for IBM Cloud catalog offerings only.
The timestamp when the workspace was created.
The user ID that created the workspace.
The workspace CRN.
Workspace dependencies
The description of the workspace.
The unique identifier of the workspace.
The timestamp when the last health check was performed by Schematics.
The IBM Cloud location where your workspace was provisioned.
The name of the workspace.
The resource group the workspace was provisioned in.
Information about the provisioning engine, state file, and runtime logs.
Information about the Target used by the templates originating from IBM Cloud catalog offerings. This information is not relevant when you create a workspace from your own Terraform template.
The status of the workspace.
Active: After you successfully ran your infrastructure code by applying your Terraform execution plan, the state of your workspace changes to
.Connecting: Schematics tries to connect to the template in your source repo. If successfully connected, the template is downloaded and metadata, such as input parameters, is extracted. After the template is downloaded, the state of the workspace changes to
.Draft: The workspace is created without a reference to a GitHub or GitLab repository.
Failed: If errors occur during the execution of your infrastructure code in IBM Cloud Schematics, your workspace status is set to
.Inactive: The Terraform template was scanned successfully and the workspace creation is complete. You can now start running Schematics plan and apply jobs to provision the IBM Cloud resources that you specified in your template. If you have an
workspace and decide to remove all your resources, your workspace is set toInactive
after all your resources are removed.In progress: When you instruct IBM Cloud Schematics to run your infrastructure code by applying your Terraform execution plan, the status of our workspace changes to
In progress
.Scanning: The download of the Terraform template is complete and vulnerability scanning started. If the scan is successful, the workspace state changes to
. If errors in your template are found, the state changes toTemplate Error
.Stopped: The Schematics plan, apply, or destroy job was cancelled manually.
Template Error: The Schematics template contains errors and cannot be processed.
A list of tags that are associated with the workspace.
Information about the Terraform or IBM Cloud software template that you want to use.
Workspace template reference.
Information about the Template repository used by the workspace
The Terraform version that was used to run your Terraform code.
The timestamp when the workspace was last updated.
The user ID that updated the workspace.
The associate cart order ID.
The associate project ID.
Name of the last Action performed on workspace.
ID of last Activity performed.
Last job details
Response that indicate the status of the workspace as either frozen or locked.
Information about the last job that ran against the workspace. -
Agent name, Agent id and associated policy ID information
Input settings to be applied to the workspace, for example,
secrets manager reference to git token
Encryption details about the workspace such as scheme (byok/kyok) and key CRN.
Status Code
Successfully updated the workspace metadata.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Not found. The specified workspace could not be found. Verify that the workspace ID is correct. To list workspaces in your IBM Cloud account, use the
GET /v1/workspaces API
.Patch failed. The workspace is marked as frozen. Unfreeze the workspace before you retry the request.
Too many requests have been made within a time window. "IBM Cloud Schematics supports 50 API requests per minute, per host, and per customer. The host can be
, oreu-de
region". Wait before calling the API again.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
IBM Cloud Schematics could not process the request, due to a temporary overloading or maintenance. Try to reduce your request rate, or retry after a few minutes. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "id": "myworkspace-123456", "name": "myworkspace", "type": [ "terraform_v1.0" ], "description": "This is a workspace created with the API", "resource_group": "a1b23aa11bb22cc55", "location": "eu-de", "tags": [], "created_at": "2019-11-06T16:19:32.352418401Z", "created_by": "", "status": "INACTIVE", "workspace_status_msg": { "status_code": "", "status_msg": "" }, "workspace_status": { "frozen": false, "locked": false }, "template_repo": { "url": "" }, "template_data": [ { "id": "d1369548-1bc2-4d", "folder": ".", "type": "terraform_v1.0", "values_url": "\n values: ''\n values_metadata:\n - name: variable1\n type: value1\n - name: variable2\n type: value2\n variablestore:\n - name: variable1\n secure: false\n value: value1\n type: ''\n description: ''\n - name: variable2\n secure: false\n value: value2\n type: ''\n description: ''\n runtime_data:\n - id: a123456b\n engine_name: terraform\n engine_version: v0.12.24\n state_store_url: >-\n\n log_store_url: >-\n\n shared_data:\n resource_group_id: ''\n updated_at: '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z'\n last_health_check_at: '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z' " } ] }
Show workspace template readme
Retrieve the
file of the Terraform of IBM Cloud catalog template that your workspace points to.
GET /v1/workspaces/{w_id}/templates/readme
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
The ID of the workspace. To find the workspace ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
Query Parameters
The GitHub or GitLab branch where the
file is stored, or the commit ID or tag that references
file that you want to retrieve. If you do not specify this option,
file is retrieved from the master branch by default.The format of the readme file. Value ''markdown'' will give markdown, otherwise html
Allowable values: [
curl -X GET{id}/templates/readme -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
readme, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.GetWorkspaceReadme(&schematicsv1.GetWorkspaceReadmeOptions{ WID: <workspace_id>, }) if err != nil { panic(err) } w, err := json.MarshalIndent(readme, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(w))
const params = { wId: '<workspace_id>', }; schematicsService.getWorkspaceReadme(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
template_readme = schematics_service.get_workspace_readme( w_id='<workspace_id>' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(template_readme, indent=2))
GetWorkspaceReadmeOptions getWorkspaceReadmeOptions = new GetWorkspaceReadmeOptions.Builder() .wId("<workspace_id>") .build(); Response<TemplateReadme> response = service.getWorkspaceReadme(getWorkspaceReadmeOptions).execute(); TemplateReadme templateReadme = response.getResult(); System.out.println(templateReadme);
file for the template used by the workspace
file for the template used by the workspace
Status Code
Successfully retrieved the of the template that your workspace points to.
The source URL format is invalid, the source repository is not supported by Schematics, or the source repository API returns an HTTP error.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
file could not be retrieved, because an HTTP error was returned by Git.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "readme": "<p>This is my readme.</p> \n" }
Upload a TAR file to your workspace
Provide your Terraform template by uploading a TAR file from your local machine. Before you use this API, you must create a workspace without a link to a GitHub or GitLab repository with the POST /v1/workspaces
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
PUT /v1/workspaces/{w_id}/template_data/{t_id}/template_repo_upload
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
The ID of the workspace where you want to upload your
file. To find the workspace ID, use theGET /v1/workspaces
API.The ID of the Terraform template in your workspace. When you create a workspace, a unique ID is assigned to your Terraform template, even if no template was provided during workspace creation. To find this ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
API and review
Form Parameters
Template tar file
curl -X PUT{id}/template_data/{template_id}/template_repo_upload -H "Authorization: <iam_token>" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" --form "file =@<file_path>/mytarfile.tar"
fileReader, _ := os.Open(<path_of_tar_file>) fileReaderWrapper := ioutil.NopCloser(fileReader) uploadTarOptions := &schematicsv1.UploadTemplateTarOptions{ WID: <workspace_id>, TID: <template_id>, File: fileReaderWrapper, FileContentType: core.StringPtr("multipart/form-data"), } uploadResult, httpResponse, err := schematicsService.UploadTemplateTar(uploadTarOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } w, err := json.MarshalIndent(uploadResult, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(w))
fileStream = fs.createReadStream('<path_of_tar_file>'); schematicsService.uploadTemplateTar({ wId : '<workspace_id>', tId: '<template_id>', fileContentType: "multipart/form-data", file: fileStream }) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err); })
file = open("<path_of_tar_file>", "rb") template_repo_tar_upload_response = schematics_service.upload_template_tar( w_id='<workspace_id>', t_id='<template_id>', file = file, file_content_type = 'multipart/form-data' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(template_repo_tar_upload_response, indent=2))
UploadTemplateTarOptions uploadTemplateTarOptions = new UploadTemplateTarOptions.Builder() .wId("<workspace_id>") .tId("<template_id>") .file(new File("<path_of_tar_file>")) .fileContentType("multipart/form-data") .build(); Response<TemplateRepoTarUploadResponse> response = service.uploadTemplateTar(uploadTemplateTarOptions).execute(); TemplateRepoTarUploadResponse templateRepoTarUploadResponse = response.getResult(); System.out.println(templateRepoTarUploadResponse);
Response after uploading Template in tar file format
Tar file value.
Has received tar file?
Template ID
Status Code
Successfully uploaded the TAR file to your workspace.
The tar file could not be read. Make sure that the tar file was created in the right format and try again.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Not found. The specified workspace could not be found. Verify that the workspace ID is correct. To list workspaces in your IBM Cloud account, use the
GET /v1/workspaces API
.Too many requests have been made within a time window. "IBM Cloud Schematics supports 50 API requests per minute, per host, and per customer. The host can be
, oreu-de
region". Wait before calling the API again.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
No Sample Response
List workspace input variables
Retrieve a list of input variables that are declared in your Terraform or IBM Cloud catalog template.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v1/workspaces/{w_id}/template_data/{t_id}/values
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
The ID of the workspace. To find the workspace ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
API.The ID of the Terraform template in your workspace. When you create a workspace, the Terraform template that your workspace points to is assigned a unique ID. Use the
GET /v1/workspaces
to look up the workspace IDs and template IDs
in your IBM Cloud account.
curl -X GET{id}/template_data/{template_id}/values -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
inputValues, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.GetWorkspaceInputs(&schematicsv1.GetWorkspaceInputsOptions{ WID: <workspace_id>, TID: <template_id>, }) if err != nil { panic(err) } w, err := json.MarshalIndent(inputValues, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(w))
const params = { wId: '<workspace_id>', tId: '<template_id>', }; schematicsService.getWorkspaceInputs(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
template_values = schematics_service.get_workspace_inputs( w_id='<workspace_id>', t_id='<template_id>' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(template_values, indent=2))
GetWorkspaceInputsOptions getWorkspaceInputsOptions = new GetWorkspaceInputsOptions.Builder() .wId("<workspace_id>") .tId("<template_id>") .build(); Response<TemplateValues> response = service.getWorkspaceInputs(getWorkspaceInputsOptions).execute(); TemplateValues templateValues = response.getResult(); System.out.println(templateValues);
Information about the input variables that are declared in the template that your workspace points to.
Information about workspace variable metadata.
Status Code
Successfully retrieved a list of input variables that are declared in your template.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified workspace or template could not be found. Verify that you entered the correct workspace and template ID. To find the workspace and template ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
API.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "values_metadata": [ { "name": "variable_name", "type": "string" } ], "variablestore": [ { "name": "variable_name", "secure": false, "value": "variable_value", "type": "", "description": "" } ] }
Replace workspace input variables
Replace or Update the input variables for the template that your workspace points to.
PUT /v1/workspaces/{w_id}/template_data/{t_id}/values
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
The ID of the workspace. To find the workspace ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
API.The ID of the Terraform template in your workspace. When you create a workspace, the Terraform template that your workspace points to is assigned a unique ID. Use the
GET /v1/workspaces
to look up the workspace IDs and template IDs
in your IBM Cloud account.
Replace a Workspace input values
A list of environment variables that you want to apply during the execution of a bash script or Terraform job. This field must be provided as a list of key-value pairs, for example, TF_LOG=debug. Each entry will be a map with one entry where
key is the environment variable name and value is value
. You can define environment variables for IBM Cloud catalog offerings that are provisioned by using a bash script. See example to use special environment variable that are supported by Schematics.User values
VariablesRequest -
curl --location -g --request PUT{id}/template_data/{template_id}/values --header "Authorization: <iam_token>" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data-raw "{"env_values": [{"name": "env_variable_name", "value": "env_variable_value" }], "values": "string", "variablestore": [{"description": "<variable_description>", "name": "<variable_name>", "secure": <true_or_false>, "use_default": <true_or_false>, "type": "<variable_datatype>", "value": "<variable_value>"}]}
UserValues -
A list of environment variables that you want to apply during the execution of a bash script or Terraform job. This field must be provided as a list of key-value pairs, for example, TF_LOG=debug. Each entry will be a map with one entry where
key is the environment variable name and value is value
. You can define environment variables for IBM Cloud catalog offerings that are provisioned by using a bash script. See example to use special environment variable that are supported by Schematics.A list of environment variables that you want to apply during the execution of a bash script or Terraform job. This field must be provided as a list of key-value pairs, for example, TF_LOG=debug. Each entry will be a map with one entry where
key is the environment variable name and value is value
. You can define environment variables for IBM Cloud catalog offerings that are provisioned by using a bash script. See example to use special environment variable that are supported by Schematics.User values
Information about the input variables that your template uses.
Status Code
Successfully updated input variables for the template that your workspace points to.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified workspace or template could not be found. Verify that you entered the correct workspace and template ID. To find the workspace and template ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
API.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
No Sample Response
Get workspace template details
Retrieve detailed information about the Terraform template that your workspace points to.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v1/workspaces/{w_id}/templates/values
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
The ID of the workspace for which you want to retrieve input parameters and values. To find the workspace ID, use the
GET /workspaces
curl -X GET{id}/templates/values -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
Response with the template details in your workspace
Information about the provisioning engine, state file, and runtime logs.
Information about the Target used by the templates originating from the IBM Cloud catalog offerings. This information is not relevant for workspace created using your own Terraform template.
Information about the input variables that are used in the template.
Status Code
Successfully retrieved details about the Terraform template that your workspace points to.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified workspace or template could not be found. Verify that you entered the correct workspace and template ID. To find the workspace and template ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
API.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "template_data": [ { "id": "1111aa2221-a11a-11", "folder": ".", "type": "terraform_v0.12", "values_url": "", "values": "", "values_metadata": [ { "name": "variable_name1", "type": "string" }, { "name": "variable_name2", "type": "string" } ], "variablestore": [ { "name": "variable_name1", "secure": false, "value": "variable_value1", "type": "", "description": "" }, { "name": "variable_name2", "secure": false, "value": "variable_value2", "type": "", "description": "" } ] } ], "runtime_data": [ { "id": "1111aa2221-a11a-11", "engine_name": "terraform", "engine_version": "v0.12.24", "state_store_url": "", "log_store_url": "" } ], "shared_data": { "cluster_id": null, "namespace": null, "region": "", "resource_group_id": "" } }
List workspace variable metadata
Retrieve the metadata for all the workspace input variables that are declared in the template that your workspace points to.
GET /v1/workspaces/{w_id}/template_data/{t_id}/values_metadata
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
The ID of the workspace for which you want to retrieve the metadata of the input variables that are declared in the template. To find the workspace ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
API.The ID of the Terraform template for which you want to retrieve the metadata of your input variables. When you create a workspace, the Terraform template that your workspace points to is assigned a unique ID. To find this ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
API and review
curl -X GET{id}/template_data/{template_id}/values_metadata -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
A list of input variables and its metadata for the workspace template.
Status Code
Successfully retrieved the metadata of the input variables for the template that your workspace points to.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified workspace or template could not be found. Verify that you entered the correct workspace and template ID. To find the workspace and template ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
API.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "name": "variable_name", "type": "string" }
List workspace output values
Retrieve a list of Terraform output variables. You define output values in your Terraform template to include information that you want to make accessible for other Terraform templates.
GET /v1/workspaces/{w_id}/output_values
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
The ID of the workspace for which you want to retrieve output parameters and values. To find the workspace ID, use the
GET /workspaces
curl -X GET{id}/output_values -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
Terraform output values that are defined in the Terraform template or IBM Cloud software template.
The subfolder in the GitHub or GitLab repository where your Terraform template is stored. If the template is stored in the root directory,
is returned.The ID that was assigned to your Terraform template or IBM Cloud catalog software template.
A list of Terraform output values.
The Terraform version that was used to apply your template.
Status Code
Successfully retrieved the output values in JSON format.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified workspace or template could not be found. Verify that you entered the correct workspace and template ID. To find the workspace and template ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
API.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "id": "cef7da5d-dd7c-48", "folder": ".", "type": "terraform_v0.12", "output_values": [ { "sshcommand": { "sensitive": false, "type": "string", "value": "ssh root@" } } ] }
List workspace resources
Retrieve a list of IBM Cloud resources that you created with your workspace.
GET /v1/workspaces/{w_id}/resources
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
The ID of the workspace. To find the workspace ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
curl --location --request GET{id}/resources -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" -H "refresh_token: <refresh_token>"--header "Content-Type: application/json" --data-raw '{"name": "testbranchReso","type": ["terraform_v0.12"],"description": "terraform workspace","tags": ["test:bbbranch"],"template_repo": {"url": "<source_repo_url>"},"template_data": [{"folder": ".","type": "terraform_v0.12","variablestore": [{"value": "variable_value1","name": "ibmcloud_api_key","type": "string","secure": true}],"env_values":[{"TF_LOG":"debug"}]}]}'
resourcesList, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.GetWorkspaceResources(&schematicsv1.GetWorkspaceResourcesOptions{ WID: <workspace_id>, }) if err != nil { panic(err) } w, err := json.MarshalIndent(resourcesList, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(w))
const params = { wId: '<workspace_id>', }; schematicsService.getWorkspaceResources(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
list_template_resources = schematics_service.get_workspace_resources( w_id='<workspace_id>' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(list_template_resources, indent=2))
GetWorkspaceResourcesOptions getWorkspaceResourcesOptions = new GetWorkspaceResourcesOptions.Builder() .wId("<workspace_id>") .build(); Response<List<TemplateResources>> response = service.getWorkspaceResources(getWorkspaceResourcesOptions).execute(); List<TemplateResources> listTemplateResources = response.getResult(); System.out.println(listTemplateResources);
Information about the resources provisioned by the workspace template.
The subfolder in GitHub or GitLab where your Terraform templates are stored. If your template is stored in the root directory,
is returned.The ID that was assigned to your Terraform template or IBM Cloud catalog software template.
Last refreshed timestamp of the terraform resource
List of null resources.
Information about the IBM Cloud resources that are associated with your workspace.
Information about the IBM Cloud resources that are associated with your workspace. Note The
flag markstrue
when an instance is times out after few hours, if your resource provisioning takes longer duration. When you rerun the apply plan, based on theresource_taint
flag result the provisioning continues from the state where the provisioning has stopped.Number of resources.
The Terraform version that was used to apply your template.
Status Code
Successfully retrieved the resources in JSON format.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified workspace or template could not be found. Verify that you entered the correct workspace and template ID. To find the workspace and template ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
API.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
[ { "id": "445ec9f4-e157-41", "folder": ".", "type": "terraform_v0.12", "resources": null, "related_resources": [ { "resource_id": "data.template_file.test", "resource_name": "vm1", "resource_type": "ibm_compute_vm_instance", "resource_crn": "", "resource_icon_url": "", "resource_controller_url": "", "resource_group_name": "", "resource_status": "", "resource_tainted": false, "resource_extension": { "resource_name": "", "resource_data_array": null, "resource_type": "" } } ], "null_resources": [ { "resource_id": "6776381372089043143", "resource_name": "null_resource.sleep", "resource_type": "null_resource", "resource_crn": "", "resource_icon_url": "", "resource_controller_url": "", "resource_group_name": "", "resource_status": "", "resource_tainted": false, "resource_extension": { "resource_name": "", "resource_data_array": null, "resource_type": "" } } ], "resources_count": 1 } ]
Get Terraform statefile URL
This API is deprecated, and is replaced by the GET /v2/jobs/{job_id}/files
, with file_type
equal state_file
Retrieve the URL to the Terraform statefile (terraform.tfstate
). You use the URL to access the Terraform statefile. The Terraform statefile includes detailed information about the IBM Cloud resources that you provisioned with IBM Cloud Schematics and Schematics uses the file to determine future create, modify, or delete actions for your resources. To show the content of the Terraform statefile, use the GET /v1/workspaces/{id}/runtime_data/{template_id}/state_store
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v1/workspaces/{w_id}/state_stores
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
The ID of the workspace for which you want to retrieve the Terraform statefile. To find the workspace ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
curl -X GET{workspace id}/state_stores/{activity id} -H "Authorization: <iam_token>" Cache-Control: no-cache
curl -X GET <state_store_url> -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
stateFile, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.GetWorkspaceState(&schematicsv1.GetWorkspaceStateOptions{ WID: <workspace_id>, }) if err != nil { panic(err) } w, err := json.MarshalIndent(stateFile, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(w))
const params = { wId: '<workspace_id>', }; schematicsService.getWorkspaceState(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
state_store_response_list = schematics_service.get_workspace_state( w_id='<workspace_id>' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(state_store_response_list, indent=2))
GetWorkspaceStateOptions getWorkspaceStateOptions = new GetWorkspaceStateOptions.Builder() .wId("<workspace_id>") .build(); Response<StateStoreResponseList> response = service.getWorkspaceState(getWorkspaceStateOptions).execute(); StateStoreResponseList stateStoreResponseList = response.getResult(); System.out.println(stateStoreResponseList);
Information about the Terraform statefile URL.
Information about workspace runtime data.
Status Code
Successfully retrieved the URL to the Terraform statefile.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified workspace or template could not be found. Verify that you entered the correct workspace and template ID. To find the workspace and template ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
API.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "version": 3, "terraform_version": "0.11.15", "serial": 1, "lineage": "8afcf3e5-a635-39ba-8b7a-930fc52d91c4", "modules": [ { "path": [ "root" ], "outputs": { "rendered_template": { "sensitive": false, "type": "string", "value": "Hello, I am a template. My sample_var value = THIS IS IBM CLOUD TERRAFORM CLI DEMO" } }, "resources": { "data.template_file.test": { "type": "template_file", "depends_on": [], "primary": { "id": "a66b4e292bc3632041929666cc093a78bf8842030b165e38eca429d5561c51b2", "attributes": { "id": "a66b4e292bc3632041929666cc093a78bf8842030b165e38eca429d5561c51b2", "rendered": "Hello, I am a template. My sample_var value = THIS IS IBM CLOUD TERRAFORM CLI DEMO", "template": "Hello, I am a template. My sample_var value = ${sample_var}", "vars.%": "1", "vars.sample_var": "THIS IS IBM CLOUD TERRAFORM CLI DEMO" }, "meta": {}, "tainted": false }, "deposed": [], "provider": "provider.template" }, "null_resource.sleep": { "type": "null_resource", "depends_on": [], "primary": { "id": "6705893306070343458", "attributes": { "id": "6705893306070343458", "triggers.%": "1", "triggers.uuid": "eacbeee0-6710-f57c-76a1-5a1785d589d4" }, "meta": {}, "tainted": false }, "deposed": [], "provider": "provider.null" } }, "depends_on": [] } ] }
Show Terraform statefile content
This API is deprecated, and is replaced by the GET /v2/jobs/{job_id}/files
, with file_type
equal state_file
Show the content of the Terraform statefile (terraform.tfstate
) that was created when your Terraform template was applied in IBM Cloud. The statefile holds detailed information about the IBM Cloud resources that were created by IBM Cloud Schematics and Schematics uses the file to determine future create, modify, or delete actions for your resources.
GET /v1/workspaces/{w_id}/runtime_data/{t_id}/state_store
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
The ID of the workspace for which you want to retrieve the Terraform statefile. To find the workspace ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
API.The ID of the Terraform template for which you want to retrieve the Terraform statefile. When you create a workspace, the Terraform template that your workspace points to is assigned a unique ID. To find this ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
API and review the value.
curl -X GET{id}/runtime_data/{template_id}/state_store -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
statefile, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.GetWorkspaceTemplateState(&schematicsv1.GetWorkspaceTemplateStateOptions{ WID: <workspace_id>, TID: <template_id>, }) if err != nil { panic(err) } w, err := json.MarshalIndent(statefile, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(w))
const params = { wId: '<workspace_id>', tId: '<template_id>', }; schematicsService.getWorkspaceTemplateState(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
template_state_store = schematics_service.get_workspace_template_state( w_id='<workspace_id>', t_id='<template_id>' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(template_state_store, indent=2))
GetWorkspaceTemplateStateOptions getWorkspaceTemplateStateOptions = new GetWorkspaceTemplateStateOptions.Builder() .wId("<workspace_id>") .tId("<template_id>") .build(); Response<TemplateStateStore> response = service.getWorkspaceTemplateState(getWorkspaceTemplateStateOptions).execute(); TemplateStateStore templateStateStore = response.getResult(); System.out.println(templateStateStore);
The content of the Terraform statefile (terraform.tfstate
Status Code
Successfully retrieved the information from the Terraform statefile.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified workspace or template could not be found. Verify that you entered the correct workspace and template ID. To find the workspace and template ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
API.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "version": 3, "terraform_version": "0.11.14", "serial": 1, "lineage": "98aba884-11c1-7e45-f9d6-f895bbf80654", "modules": [ { "path": [ "root" ], "outputs": {}, "resources": { "data.ibm_is_image.ubuntu": { "type": "ibm_is_image", "depends_on": [], "primary": { "id": "abc111-1111-1111-aaaa-123456789", "attributes": { "architecture": "amd64", "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south:::image:abc111-1111-1111-aaaa-123456789", "id": "abc111-1111-1111-aaaa-123456789", "name": "ubuntu-18.04-amd64", "os": "ubuntu-18-04-amd64", "status": "available", "visibility": "public" }, "meta": {}, "tainted": false }, "deposed": [], "provider": "" }, "data.ibm_is_ssh_key.ssh_key_id": { "type": "ibm_is_ssh_key", "depends_on": [], "primary": { "id": "111111-0000-0001-0000-0000001111a1", "attributes": { "fingerprint": "SHA256:A1B3aaaabbb3A/ABCDEaaAA", "id": "111111-0000-0001-0000-0000001111a1", "length": "2048", "name": "mykey", "type": "rsa" }, "meta": {}, "tainted": false }, "deposed": [], "provider": "" } }, "depends_on": [] } ] }
Get workspace job log URL
Get the Terraform log file URL for a workspace job. You can retrieve the log URL for jobs that were created with the PUT /v1/workspaces/{id}/apply
, POST /v1/workspaces/{id}/plan
, or DELETE /v1/workspaces/{id}/destroy
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v1/workspaces/{w_id}/actions/{activity_id}/logs
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
The ID of the workspace for which you want to retrieve the Terraform statefile. To find the workspace ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
API.The ID of the activity or job, for which you want to retrieve details. To find the job ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces/{id}/actions
curl -X GET{id}/actions/{action_id}/logs -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
curl -X GET <log_url> -H "Authorization: <access_token>"
activityLogResult, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.GetWorkspaceActivityLogs(&schematicsv1.GetWorkspaceActivityLogsOptions{ WID: <workspace_id>, ActivityID: <activity_id>, }) if err != nil { panic(err) } w, err := json.MarshalIndent(activityLogResult, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(w))
const params = { wId: '<workspace_id>', activityId: '<activity_id>', }; schematicsService.getWorkspaceActivityLogs(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
workspace_activity_logs = schematics_service.get_workspace_activity_logs( w_id='<workspace_id>', activity_id='<activity_id>' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(workspace_activity_logs, indent=2))
GetWorkspaceActivityLogsOptions getWorkspaceActivityLogsOptions = new GetWorkspaceActivityLogsOptions.Builder() .wId("<workspace_id>") .activityId("<activity_id>") .build(); Response<WorkspaceActivityLogs> response = service.getWorkspaceActivityLogs(getWorkspaceActivityLogsOptions).execute(); WorkspaceActivityLogs workspaceActivityLogs = response.getResult(); System.out.println(workspaceActivityLogs);
Workspace job logs for all the templates in the workspace
The ID of the activity or job that ran against your workspace.
The type of actovoty or job that ran against your workspace.
- APPLY: The apply job was created when you used the
PUT /v1/workspaces/{id}/apply
API to apply a Terraform template in IBM Cloud. - DESTROY: The destroy job was created when you used the
DELETE /v1/workspaces/{id}/destroy
API to remove all resources that are associated with your workspace. - PLAN: The plan job was created when you used the
POST /v1/workspaces/{id}/plan
API to create a Terraform execution plan.
- APPLY: The apply job was created when you used the
List of templates in the workspace
Status Code
Successfully retrieved the log file URL for your job.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified workspace or action could not be found. Verify that you entered the correct workspace and action ID. To find the ID of your workspace, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
API. To find the ID of the action, use theGET /v1/workspaces/{id}/actions
API.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "action_id": "123456ba12345b", "name": "APPLY", "templates": [ { "template_id": "a1245319-b1235", "template_type": "terraform_v0.12", "log_url": "" } ] }
Get latest workspace job log URL for all workspace templates
Retrieve the log file URL for the latest job of a template that ran against your workspace. You use this URL to retrieve detailed logs for the latest job.
GET /v1/workspaces/{w_id}/log_stores
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
The ID of the workspace. To find the workspace ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
curl -X GET{id}/log_stores -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
curl -X GET <log_store_url> -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
activityLogResult, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.GetWorkspaceLogUrls(&schematicsv1.GetWorkspaceLogUrlsOptions{ WID: <workspace_id>, }) if err != nil { panic(err) } w, err := json.MarshalIndent(activityLogResult, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(w))
const params = { wId: '<workspace_id>', }; schematicsService.getWorkspaceLogUrls(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
log_store_response_list = schematics_service.get_workspace_log_urls( w_id='<workspace_id>' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(log_store_response_list, indent=2))
GetWorkspaceLogUrlsOptions getWorkspaceLogUrlsOptions = new GetWorkspaceLogUrlsOptions.Builder() .wId("<workspace_id>") .build(); Response<LogStoreResponseList> response = service.getWorkspaceLogUrls(getWorkspaceLogUrlsOptions).execute(); LogStoreResponseList logStoreResponseList = response.getResult(); System.out.println(logStoreResponseList);
List of log file URL that ran against your workspace.
Runtime data
Status Code
Successfully retrieved the log URL for the most recent job that ran against your workspace.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified workspace or template could not be found. Verify that you entered the correct workspace and template ID. To find the workspace and template ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
API.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "runtime_data": [ { "id": "a134567b24-12", "engine_name": "terraform", "engine_version": "terraformv0.12.24", "log_store_url": "" } ] }
Show latest logs for a workspace template
Show the Terraform logs for the most recent job of a template that ran against your workspace.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v1/workspaces/{w_id}/runtime_data/{t_id}/log_store
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
The ID of the workspace. To find the workspace ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
API.The ID of the Terraform template or IBM Cloud catalog software template in the workspace. Use the
GET /v1/workspaces
to look up the workspace IDs and template IDs
Query Parameters
Enter false to replace the first line in each Terraform command section, such as Terraform INIT or Terraform PLAN, with Schematics INIT (Schematics PLAN) in your log output. In addition, the log lines Starting command: terraform init -input=false -no-color and Starting command: terraform apply -state=terraform.tfstate -var-file=schematics.tfvars -auto-approve -no-color are suppressed. All subsequent command lines still use the Terraform command prefix. To remove this prefix, use the log_tf_prefix option.
will hide all the terraform command prefix in the log statementsfalse
will hide all the null resource prefix in the log statementstrue
will format all logs to withhold the original format of ansible output in the log statements
curl -X GET{id}/runtime_data/{template_id}/log_store -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
templateLogResult, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.GetTemplateLogs(&schematicsv1.GetTemplateLogsOptions{ WID: <workspace_id>, TID: <template_id>, }) if err != nil { panic(err) } w, err := json.MarshalIndent(templateLogResult, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(w))
const params = { wId: '<workspace_id>', tId: '<template_id>', }; schematicsService.getTemplateLogs(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
template_log_store_string = schematics_service.get_template_logs( w_id='<workspace_id>', t_id='<template_id>' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(template_log_store_string, indent=2))
GetTemplateLogsOptions getTemplateLogsOptions = new GetTemplateLogsOptions.Builder() .wId("<workspace_id>") .tId("<template_id>") .build(); Response<String> response = service.getTemplateLogs(getTemplateLogsOptions).execute(); String templateLogStoreString = response.getResult(); System.out.println(templateLogStoreString);
The Terraform logs for the most recent workspace job.
Status Code
Successfully retrieved the Terraform logs for the most recent workspace job.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified workspace or template could not be found. Verify that you entered the correct workspace and template ID. To find the workspace and template ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
API.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
No Sample Response
Show logs for a workspace job
Show the Terraform logs for an job that ran against your workspace.
GET /v1/workspaces/{w_id}/runtime_data/{t_id}/log_store/actions/{activity_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
The ID of the workspace. To find the workspace ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
API.The ID of the Terraform template or IBM Cloud catalog software template in the workspace. Use the
GET /v1/workspaces
to look up the workspace IDs and template IDs
The ID of the activity or job, for which you want to retrieve details. To find the job ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces/{id}/actions
Query Parameters
Enter false to replace the first line in each Terraform command section, such as Terraform INIT or Terraform PLAN, with Schematics INIT (Schematics PLAN) in your log output. In addition, the log lines Starting command: terraform init -input=false -no-color and Starting command: terraform apply -state=terraform.tfstate -var-file=schematics.tfvars -auto-approve -no-color are suppressed. All subsequent command lines still use the Terraform command prefix. To remove this prefix, use the log_tf_prefix option.
will hide all the terraform command prefix in the log statementsfalse
will hide all the null resource prefix in the log statementstrue
will format all logs to withhold the original format of ansible output in the log statements
curl -X GET{id}/runtime_data/{template_id}/log_store/actions/{action_id} -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
activityLogResult, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.GetTemplateActivityLog(&schematicsv1.GetTemplateActivityLogOptions{ WID: <workspace_id>, TID: <template_id>, ActivityID: <activity_id>, }) if err != nil { panic(err) } w, err := json.MarshalIndent(activityLogResult, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(w))
const params = { wId: '<workspace_id>', activityId: '<activity_id>', tId: '<template_id>', }; schematicsService.getTemplateActivityLog(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
workspace_activity_template_log_string = schematics_service.get_template_activity_log( w_id='<workspace_id>', activity_id='<activity_id>', t_id='<template_id>' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(workspace_activity_template_log_string, indent=2))
GetTemplateActivityLogOptions getTemplateActivityLogOptions = new GetTemplateActivityLogOptions.Builder() .wId("<workspace_id>") .activityId("<activity_id>") .tId("<template_id>") .build(); Response<String> response = service.getTemplateActivityLog(getTemplateActivityLogOptions).execute(); String workspaceActivityTemplateLogString = response.getResult(); System.out.println(workspaceActivityTemplateLogString);
Workspace template job log as a string
Status Code
Successfully retrieved the template activity logs as text (string).
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified workspace, action, or template could not be found. Verify that you entered the correct workspace, action ID, and template ID. To find the ID of your workspace or template, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
API. To find the ID of the action, use theGET /v1/workspaces/{id}/actions
API.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
No Sample Response
List actions
Retrieve a list of all Schematics actions that depends on the API endpoint that you have access. For example, if you use an API endpoint for a geography, such as North America, only actions that are created in us-south
or us-east
are retrieved.
For more information, about supported API endpoints, see API endpoints.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v2/actions
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Query Parameters
The starting position of the item in the list of items. For example, if you have three workspaces in your account, the first workspace is assigned position number 0, the second workspace is assigned position number 1, and so forth. If you have 6 workspaces and you want to list the details for workspaces
, enter 1. To limit the number of workspaces that is returned, use thelimit
option in addition to theoffset
option. Negative numbers are not supported and are ignored.Possible values: value ≥ 0
The maximum number of items that you want to list. The number must be a positive integer between 1 and 2000. If no value is provided, 100 is used by default.
Possible values: 1 ≤ value ≤ 2000
Name of the field to sort-by; Use the '.' character to delineate sub-resources and sub-fields (eg. owner.last_name). Prepend the field with '+' or '-', indicating 'ascending' or 'descending' (default is ascending) Ignore unrecognized or unsupported sort field
Level of details returned by the get method
Allowable values: [
curl --location --request GET --header "Authorization: <access_token>"
listActionsOptions := schematicsService.NewListActionsOptions() actionList, response, err := schematicsService.ListActions(listActionsOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(actionList, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(b))
action_list = schematics_service.list_actions().get_result() print (json.dumps(action_list, indent=2))
schematicsService.listActions({}) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
ListActionsOptions listActionsOptions = new ListActionsOptions.Builder() .build(); Response<ActionList> response = service.listActions(listActionsOptions).execute(); ActionList actionList = response.getResult(); System.out.println(actionList);
List of Action definition response
Number of records returned
Skipped number of records
Total number of records
List of action records
Status Code
Successfully retrieved all actions.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "total_count": "xx total number of records", "limit": "xx records returned", "offset": "0 record skipped", "actions": [ { "name": "Your action name", "description": "The description of the action", "id": "Your action ID", "location": "user location", "resource_group": "user resource group", "namespace": "target namespace name", "tags": [ "string" ], "user_state": { "state": "live", "set_by": "", "set_at": "2021-03-03T13:11:14.553280062Z" }, "state": { "status_code": "normal", "status_message": "Action is ready for execution." }, "sys_lock": { "sys_locked_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, "created_at": "2021-03-03T13:11:14.558330723Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } ] }
Create an action
Create an IBM Cloud Schematics action to run on a single target or groups of target hosts, roles, policies, or steps to deploy your resources in the target hosts. You can run the IBM Cloud resources the order in which you want to execute them. Note If your Git repository already contains a host file. Schematics does not overwrite the host file already present in your Git repository. For sample templates, see IBM Cloud Automation templates.
The Schematics action API now supports bastion host connection with non-root
user, and bastion connection type is marked as optional, when inventory connection type is set as Windows Remote Management(winrm
For more information, about the Schematics create action, see ibmcloud schematics action create. Note you cannot update the location and region once an action is created. Also, make sure your IP addresses are in the allowlist.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
POST /v2/actions
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.The personal access token to authenticate with your private GitHub or GitLab repository and access your Terraform template.
Create Action request
The unique name of your action. The name can be up to 128 characters long and can include alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes, and underscores. Example you can use the name to stop action.
Stop Action
Action description
The description of your action. The description can be up to 2048 characters long in size. **Example** you can use the description to stop the targets.
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Allowable values: [
]Resource-group name for an action. By default, an action is created in
resource group.Type of connection to be used when connecting to bastion host. If the
, thenbastion_connection_type
is not supported.Allowable values: [
]Type of connection to be used when connecting to remote host. Note Currently, WinRM supports only Windows system with the public IPs and do not support Bastion host.
Allowable values: [
]Action tags
User defined status of the Schematics object
URL of the
file, for the source URL.Source of templates, playbooks, or controls
Type of source for the Template
Allowable values: [
]Schematics job command parameter (playbook-name).
Target inventory record ID, used by the action or ansible playbook
credentials of the Action
Describes a bastion resource
User editable credential variable data and system generated reference to the value.
Inventory of host and host group for the playbook in
file format. For example,"targets_ini": "[webserverhost] [dbhost]"
. For more information, about an inventory host group syntax, see Inventory host groups.Input variables for the Action
Output variables for the Action
Environment variables for the Action
curl --location --request POST --header "Authorization: <access_token> " --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data-raw "{"name": "Example-12ab2", "description": "<action_description>", "location": "<action_location>", "resource_group": "<resource_group>", "source": {"source_type": "git", "git": {"git_repo_url": ""}}}
action_list = schematics_service.create_action( name="mskpythonsamples-templates", description="<short description>", location="<location>", resource_group="<resource_group>", tags=["User environment,mytest"] source={ ‘git’: { ‘git_repo_url’:“” } } ).get_result() print (json.dumps(action_list, indent=2))
CreateActionOptions createActionOptions = new CreateActionOptions.Builder() .name("msksampletest-checkCreate") .build(); Response<Action> response = service.createAction(createActionOptions).execute(); Action actionList = response.getResult(); System.out.println(actionList);
const params = { name:"Users action name", description:"short description", location:"us", resource_group:"Users resource group", tags:["env:prod", "mytest"], source:{ "git": { 'git_repo_url':"" } } }; schematicsService.createAction(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
createActionOptions := schematicsService.NewCreateActionOptions() createActionOptions.SetName("set your name") createActionOptions.SetDescription("short description") tags := []string{"env:prod", "mytest1"} createActionOptions.Tags = tags createActionOptions.SetLocation("set your location") createActionOptions.SetResourceGroup("set the resource group") source := schematicsv1.ExternalSource{ SourceType: core.StringPtr("git"), Git: &schematicsv1.ExternalSourceGit{ GitRepoURL: core.StringPtr("set your Git repository URL"), }, } createActionOptions.SetSource(&source) actionList, response, err := schematicsService.CreateAction(createActionOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) }
Complete Action details with user inputs and system generated data
The unique name of your action. The name can be up to 128 characters long and can include alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes, and underscores. Example you can use the name to stop action.
Stop Action
Action description
The description of your action. The description can be up to 2048 characters long in size. **Example** you can use the description to stop the targets.
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Possible values: [
]Resource-group name for an action. By default, an action is created in
resource group.Type of connection to be used when connecting to bastion host. If the
, thenbastion_connection_type
is not supported.Possible values: [
]Type of connection to be used when connecting to remote host. Note Currently, WinRM supports only Windows system with the public IPs and do not support Bastion host.
Possible values: [
]Action tags
User defined status of the Schematics object
URL of the
file, for the source URL.Source of templates, playbooks, or controls
Type of source for the Template
Possible values: [
]Schematics job command parameter (playbook-name).
Target inventory record ID, used by the action or ansible playbook
credentials of the Action
Describes a bastion resource
User editable credential variable data and system generated reference to the value.
Inventory of host and host group for the playbook in
file format. For example,"targets_ini": "[webserverhost] [dbhost]"
. For more information, about an inventory host group syntax, see Inventory host groups.Input variables for the Action
Output variables for the Action
Environment variables for the Action
Action ID
Action Cloud Resource Name.
Action account ID.
Action Playbook Source creation time.
E-mail address of user who created the Action Playbook Source.
The action playbook updation time.
E-mail address of user who updated the action playbook source.
Action creation time.
E-mail address of the user who created an action.
Action updation time.
E-mail address of the user who updated an action.
Computed state of the Action
Playbook names retrieved from the repository.
System lock status
secrets manager reference to git token
Encryption details about the workspace such as scheme (byok/kyok) and key CRN.
Status Code
Successfully created a new Action definition
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource already exists
Too many requests have been made within a time window. "IBM Cloud Schematics supports 50 API requests per minute, per host, and per customer. The host can be
, oreu-de
region". Wait before calling the API again.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "offset": 0, "limit": 1, "count": 6, "actions": [ { "name": "Users action name", "description": "The description of the action", "location": "Users location", "resource_group": "Users resource group", "tags": [ "string" ], "user_state": { "state": "live", "set_by": "", "set_at": "021-03-12T09:45:44.568286818Z" }, "source": { "source_type": "git", "git": { "git_repo_url": "" }, "catalog": {}, "external_scm": {}, "cos_bucket": {} }, "source_type": "GitHub", "command_parameter": "user playbook name with the extension", "bastion": { "name": "bastionhost", "type": "string", "description": "string", "resource_query": "", "credential_ref": "ssh_key", "created_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "sys_lock": { "sys_locked_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } }, "targets_ini": "[webserverhost] \n", "credentials": [ { "name": "ssh_key", "value": "*******", "metadata": { "type": "string", "secure": true } } ], "inputs": [ { "name": "upassword", "value": "*******", "metadata": { "type": "string", "default_value": "user@123abc", "secure": true } }, { "name": "dbname", "value": "dbfoo", "metadata": { "type": "string", "default_value": "foodb" } }, { "name": "dbuser", "value": "xxx", "metadata": { "type": "string", "default_value": "xxx" } }, { "name": "mysql_port", "value": "xxxx", "metadata": { "type": "string", "default_value": "xxxx" } }, { "name": "httpd_port", "value": "xx", "metadata": { "type": "string", "default_value": "xx" } } ], "id": "Users action ID", "crn": "crn:v1::lalalalalallalallala::", "account": "0dlalalalalla", "source_created_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "source_updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "created_at": "2021-02-08T12:29:55.214763283Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "namespace": "Default", "state": { "status_code": "pending", "status_message": "Create Action is in queue, Please wait till action complete" }, "sys_lock": { "sys_locked_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } } ] }
Get action details
Retrieve the detailed information of an actions from your IBM Cloud account. This API returns a URL to the log file that you can retrieve by using the GET /v2/actions/{action_id}/logs
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v2/actions/{action_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
Action Id. Use GET /actions API to look up the Action Ids in your IBM Cloud account.
Query Parameters
Level of details returned by the get method
Allowable values: [
curl --location --request GET{action_id} --header "Authorization: <access_token> "
GetActionOptions getActionOptions = new GetActionOptions.Builder() .actionId("set your action ID.") .build(); Response<Action> response = service.getAction(getActionOptions).execute(); Action action = response.getResult(); System.out.println(action);
action = schematics_service.get_action(action_id="Users action ID").get_result() print (json.dumps(action, indent=2))
const params = { actionId: "Users action ID", }; schematicsService.getAction(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
getActionOptions := schematicsService.NewGetActionOptions("testString",) getActionOptions.SetActionID("set your action ID") action, response, err := schematicsService.GetAction(getActionOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(action, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(b))
Complete Action details with user inputs and system generated data
The unique name of your action. The name can be up to 128 characters long and can include alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes, and underscores. Example you can use the name to stop action.
Stop Action
Action description
The description of your action. The description can be up to 2048 characters long in size. **Example** you can use the description to stop the targets.
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Possible values: [
]Resource-group name for an action. By default, an action is created in
resource group.Type of connection to be used when connecting to bastion host. If the
, thenbastion_connection_type
is not supported.Possible values: [
]Type of connection to be used when connecting to remote host. Note Currently, WinRM supports only Windows system with the public IPs and do not support Bastion host.
Possible values: [
]Action tags
User defined status of the Schematics object
URL of the
file, for the source URL.Source of templates, playbooks, or controls
Type of source for the Template
Possible values: [
]Schematics job command parameter (playbook-name).
Target inventory record ID, used by the action or ansible playbook
credentials of the Action
Describes a bastion resource
User editable credential variable data and system generated reference to the value.
Inventory of host and host group for the playbook in
file format. For example,"targets_ini": "[webserverhost] [dbhost]"
. For more information, about an inventory host group syntax, see Inventory host groups.Input variables for the Action
Output variables for the Action
Environment variables for the Action
Action ID
Action Cloud Resource Name.
Action account ID.
Action Playbook Source creation time.
E-mail address of user who created the Action Playbook Source.
The action playbook updation time.
E-mail address of user who updated the action playbook source.
Action creation time.
E-mail address of the user who created an action.
Action updation time.
E-mail address of the user who updated an action.
Computed state of the Action
Playbook names retrieved from the repository.
System lock status
secrets manager reference to git token
Encryption details about the workspace such as scheme (byok/kyok) and key CRN.
Status Code
Successfully got the Action definition
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Not found. The specified action could not be found. Verify that the action ID is correct. To list actions in your IBM Cloud account, use the
GET /v2/actions API
.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "name": "Users action name", "description": "The description of the action", "id": "Users action ID", "location": "Users location", "tags": [ "environment details, for example env:test", "mytest" ], "user_state": { "state": "live", "set_by": "", "set_at": "2021-03-12T09:45:44.568286818Z" }, "state": { "status_code": "normal", "status_message": "Action is ready for execution." }, "sys_lock": { "sys_locked_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, "created_at": "2021-03-12T09:45:44.571913075Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }
Delete an action
Delete a Schematics action and specify the Ansible playbook that you want to run against your IBM Cloud resources. Note you cannot delete or stop the job activity from an ongoing execution of an action defined in the playbook. You can repeat the execution of same job, whenever you patch the actions. For more information, about the Schematics action state, see Schematics action state diagram.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
DELETE /v2/actions/{action_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.Equivalent to -force options in the command line
Auto propagate the chaange or deletion to the dependent resources
Path Parameters
Action Id. Use GET /actions API to look up the Action Ids in your IBM Cloud account.
curl --location --request DELETE{action_id} --header "Authorization: <access_token> "
deleteActionOptions := schematicsService.NewDeleteActionOptions("set your deletion action options",) deleteActionOptions.SetActionID("set your Action ID") response, err := schematicsService.DeleteAction(deleteActionOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) }
response = schematics_service.delete_action( action_id="Set your action ID" ).get_result() print(json.dumps(response, indent=2))
const params = { actionId: "Users action ID", }; schematicsService.deleteAction(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
DeleteActionOptions deleteActionOptions = new DeleteActionOptions.Builder() .actionId("Users action ID") .build(); service.deleteAction(deleteActionOptions).execute();
Status Code
Successfully initiated stopping of the job, and deleted the job record
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Not found. The specified action could not be found. Verify that the action ID is correct. To list actions in your IBM Cloud account, use the
GET /v2/actions API
.Failed to delete the specific resoure. If the resource is locked, try again after unlocking.
Too many requests have been made within a time window. "IBM Cloud Schematics supports 50 API requests per minute, per host, and per customer. The host can be
, oreu-de
region". Wait before calling the API again.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
IBM Cloud Schematics could not process the request, due to a temporary overloading or maintenance. Try to reduce your request rate, or retry after a few minutes. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
No Sample Response
Update an action
Update or replace an action to change the action state from the critical state to normal state, or pending state to the normal state for a successful execution. For more information, about the Schematics action state, see Schematics action state diagram.
The Schematics action API now supports bastion host connection with non-root
user, and bastion connection type is marked as optional, when inventory connection type is set as Windows Remote Management(winrm
Note you cannot update the location and region once an action is created. Also, make sure your IP addresses are in the [allowlist](].
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
PATCH /v2/actions/{action_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.The personal access token to authenticate with your private GitHub or GitLab repository and access your Terraform template.
Path Parameters
Action Id. Use GET /actions API to look up the Action Ids in your IBM Cloud account.
The unique name of your action. The name can be up to 128 characters long and can include alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes, and underscores. Example you can use the name to stop action.
Stop Action
Action description
The description of your action. The description can be up to 2048 characters long in size. **Example** you can use the description to stop the targets.
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Allowable values: [
]Resource-group name for an action. By default, an action is created in
resource group.Type of connection to be used when connecting to bastion host. If the
, thenbastion_connection_type
is not supported.Allowable values: [
]Type of connection to be used when connecting to remote host. Note Currently, WinRM supports only Windows system with the public IPs and do not support Bastion host.
Allowable values: [
]Action tags
User defined status of the Schematics object
URL of the
file, for the source URL.Source of templates, playbooks, or controls
Type of source for the Template
Allowable values: [
]Schematics job command parameter (playbook-name).
Target inventory record ID, used by the action or ansible playbook
credentials of the Action
Describes a bastion resource
User editable credential variable data and system generated reference to the value.
Inventory of host and host group for the playbook in
file format. For example,"targets_ini": "[webserverhost] [dbhost]"
. For more information, about an inventory host group syntax, see Inventory host groups.Input variables for the Action
Output variables for the Action
Environment variables for the Action
curl --location --request PATCH{action_id} --header "Authorization: <access_token>" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data-raw "{"name": "<action_name>", "description": "<action_description>", "location": "<action_location>", "resource_group": "<resource_group>", "source": {"source_type": "git", "git": {"git_repo_url": ""}}, "command_parameter": "<YAML_or_YML file>", "tags": ["string"], "credentials": [{ "name": "ssh_key", "value": "<ssh_key>" ,"metadata": { "string"}}], "bastion": {"name": "bastionhost", "type": "string", "description": "string", "resource_query": "<IP_address", "credential_ref": "ssh_key" }, "inputs": [{ "name": "string", "value": "string", "metadata": {"type": "string", "secure": <true_or_false>, "default_value": "string" }}, {"name": "string", "value": "string", "metadata": { "type": "string", "default_value": "string" }}, { "name": "dbuser", "value": "string", "metadata": { "type": "string", "default_value": "string" }}, { "name": "mysql_port", "value": "string", "metadata": { "type": "string", "default_value": "string" }}, { "name": "httpd_port", "value": "string", "metadata": { "type": "string", "secure": <false_or_true>, "default_value": "string" } }], "source_type": "GitHub", "targets_ini": "[hostgroupname] "IP address" host2 [hostgroupname] "IP address" "}
updateActionOptions := schematicsService.NewUpdateActionOptions("teststring",) updateActionOptions.SetActionID("us.ACTION.sundeepKumar-patchpart.44875f1b") updateActionOptions.SetName("set your name") updateActionOptions.SetDescription("short description") tags := []string{"env:prod", "mytest1"} updateActionOptions.Tags = tags updateActionOptions.SetLocation("set your location") updateActionOptions.SetResourceGroup("set your resource group name") source := schematicsv1.ExternalSource{ SourceType: core.StringPtr("git"), Git: &schematicsv1.ExternalSourceGit{ GitRepoURL: core.StringPtr("set your Git repository URL"), }, } updateActionOptions.SetSource(&source) actionList, response, err := schematicsService.UpdateAction(updateActionOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(actionList, "", "v2/actions") fmt.Println(string(b))
action = schematics_service.update_action( action_id="Users action ID").get_result() print (json.dumps(action, indent=2))
const params = { actionId: "Users action ID", xGithubToken: "Users Github token", description:"Updated short description" }; schematicsService.updateAction(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
UpdateActionOptions updateActionOptions = new UpdateActionOptions.Builder() .actionId("action ID") .xGithubToken("testString") .build(); Response<Action> response = service.updateAction(updateActionOptions).execute(); Action action = response.getResult(); System.out.println(action);
Complete Action details with user inputs and system generated data
The unique name of your action. The name can be up to 128 characters long and can include alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes, and underscores. Example you can use the name to stop action.
Stop Action
Action description
The description of your action. The description can be up to 2048 characters long in size. **Example** you can use the description to stop the targets.
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Possible values: [
]Resource-group name for an action. By default, an action is created in
resource group.Type of connection to be used when connecting to bastion host. If the
, thenbastion_connection_type
is not supported.Possible values: [
]Type of connection to be used when connecting to remote host. Note Currently, WinRM supports only Windows system with the public IPs and do not support Bastion host.
Possible values: [
]Action tags
User defined status of the Schematics object
URL of the
file, for the source URL.Source of templates, playbooks, or controls
Type of source for the Template
Possible values: [
]Schematics job command parameter (playbook-name).
Target inventory record ID, used by the action or ansible playbook
credentials of the Action
Describes a bastion resource
User editable credential variable data and system generated reference to the value.
Inventory of host and host group for the playbook in
file format. For example,"targets_ini": "[webserverhost] [dbhost]"
. For more information, about an inventory host group syntax, see Inventory host groups.Input variables for the Action
Output variables for the Action
Environment variables for the Action
Action ID
Action Cloud Resource Name.
Action account ID.
Action Playbook Source creation time.
E-mail address of user who created the Action Playbook Source.
The action playbook updation time.
E-mail address of user who updated the action playbook source.
Action creation time.
E-mail address of the user who created an action.
Action updation time.
E-mail address of the user who updated an action.
Computed state of the Action
Playbook names retrieved from the repository.
System lock status
secrets manager reference to git token
Encryption details about the workspace such as scheme (byok/kyok) and key CRN.
Status Code
Successfully updated an action.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Not found. The specified action could not be found. Verify that the action ID is correct. To list actions in your IBM Cloud account, use the
GET /v2/actions API
.Too many requests have been made within a time window. "IBM Cloud Schematics supports 50 API requests per minute, per host, and per customer. The host can be
, oreu-de
region". Wait before calling the API again.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "name": "Users action name", "description": "Updated short description", "location": "us", "tags": [ "env:prod", "mytest" ], "user_state": { "state": "live", "set_by": "", "set_at": "2021-03-12T09:45:44.568286818Z" }, "source": { "source_type": "", "git": { "git_repo_url": "" }, "catalog": {}, "external_scm": {}, "cos_bucket": {} }, "bastion": { "created_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "sys_lock": { "sys_locked_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } }, "id": "Users action ID", "crn": "crn:v1:lalalal.ACTION.actionname.97888799a", "account": "69999991919199191f", "source_created_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "source_updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "created_at": "2021-03-12T09:45:44.571913075Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "2021-03-12T09:52:48.649631464Z", "state": { "status_code": "pending", "status_job_id": "Users job ID", "status_message": "Action is in queue. Wait until the action completes update." }, "playbook_names": [ "xx.yml", "errxx.yml" ], "sys_lock": { "sys_locked_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } }
Upload a TAR file to an action
Update your template by uploading tape archive file (.tar) file from your local machine. Before you use this API, you must create an action without a link to a GitHub or GitLab repository with the POST /v2/actions
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
PUT /v2/actions/{action_id}/template_repo_upload
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
Action Id. Use GET /actions API to look up the Action Ids in your IBM Cloud account.
Form Parameters
Template tar file
Response after uploading Template in tar file format
Tar file value.
Has received tar file?
Template ID
Status Code
Successfully received the Git repository as input TAR file for the template.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Not found. The specified action could not be found. Verify that the action ID is correct. To list actions in your IBM Cloud account, use the
GET /v2/actions API
.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
No Sample Response
List workspace jobs
Retrieve a list of all jobs that ran against a workspace. Jobs are generated when you use the apply
, plan
, destroy
, and refresh
, command API.
GET /v1/workspaces/{w_id}/actions
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
The ID of the workspace. To find the workspace ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
Query Parameters
The starting position of the item in the list of items. For example, if you have three workspaces in your account, the first workspace is assigned position number 0, the second workspace is assigned position number 1, and so forth. If you have 6 workspaces and you want to list the details for workspaces
, enter 1. To limit the number of workspaces that is returned, use thelimit
option in addition to theoffset
option. Negative numbers are not supported and are ignored.Possible values: value ≥ 0
The maximum number of items that you want to list. The number must be a positive integer between 1 and 2000. If no value is provided, 100 is used by default.
Possible values: 1 ≤ value ≤ 2000
curl -X GET{id}/actions -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
listWorkspaceActivitiesOptions := &schematicsv1.ListWorkspaceActivitiesOptions{ WID: <workspace_id>, } listWorkspaceActivitiesResult, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.ListWorkspaceActivities(listWorkspaceActivitiesOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } w, err := json.MarshalIndent(listWorkspaceActivitiesResult, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(w))
const params = { wId: '<workspace_id>', }; schematicsService.listWorkspaceActivities(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
workspace_activities = schematics_service.list_workspace_activities( w_id='<workspace_id>' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(workspace_activities, indent=2))
ListWorkspaceActivitiesOptions listWorkspaceActivitiesOptions = new ListWorkspaceActivitiesOptions.Builder() .wId("<workspace_id>") .build(); Response<WorkspaceActivities> response = service.listWorkspaceActivities(listWorkspaceActivitiesOptions).execute(); WorkspaceActivities workspaceActivities = response.getResult(); System.out.println(workspaceActivities);
List of workspace jobs
List of workspace jobs
The ID of the workspace.
The name of the workspace.
Status Code
Successfully retrieved list of workspace jobs.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "workspace_name": "myworkspace", "workspace_id": "myworkspace-123456", "actions": [ { "action_id": "a11223334b11224345", "name": "PLAN", "status": "COMPLETED", "message": [], "performed_by": "", "performed_at": "2019-08-21T14:07:25.814722573Z", "templates": [ { "template_id": "a1234b-2124", "template_type": "terraform_v0.12", "start_time": "2019-08-21T14:07:26.120106199Z", "end_time": "2019-08-21T14:07:30.088495607Z", "status": "COMPLETED", "message": "{\"messagekey\":\"M2001_ActivitySuccessful\",\"parms\":{},\"requestid\":\"1234b1234b123-1234n13\",\"timestamp\":\"2019-08-21T14:07:30.088498532Z\"}", "log_url": " " } ] } ] }
Get workspace job details
Get the details for a workspace job that ran against the workspace. This API returns the job status and a URL to the log file that you can retrieve by using the GET /v1/workspaces/{id}/actions/{action_id}/logs
GET /v1/workspaces/{w_id}/actions/{activity_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
The ID of the workspace. To find the workspace ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
API.The ID of the activity or job, for which you want to retrieve details. To find the job ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces/{id}/actions
curl -X GET{id}/actions/{action_id} -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
activityResponse, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.GetWorkspaceActivity(&schematicsv1.GetWorkspaceActivityOptions{ WID: <workspace_id>, ActivityID: <activity_id>, }) if err != nil { panic(err) } w, err := json.MarshalIndent(activityResponse, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(w))
const params = { wId: '<workspace_id>', activityId: '<activity_id>', }; schematicsService.getWorkspaceActivity(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
workspace_activity = schematics_service.get_workspace_activity( w_id='<workspace_id>', activity_id='<activity_id>' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(workspace_activity, indent=2))
GetWorkspaceActivityOptions getWorkspaceActivityOptions = new GetWorkspaceActivityOptions.Builder() .wId("<workspace_id>") .activityId("<activity_id>") .build(); Response<WorkspaceActivity> response = service.getWorkspaceActivity(getWorkspaceActivityOptions).execute(); WorkspaceActivity workspaceActivity = response.getResult(); System.out.println(workspaceActivity);
Information about the workspace jobs.
The ID of the activity or job. You can use the ID to retrieve the logs for that job by using the
GET /v1/workspaces/{id}/actions/{action_id}/logs
API.Information about the success or failure of your job, including a success or error code and the timestamp when the job succeeded or failed.
The type of actovoty or job that ran against your workspace.
- APPLY: The apply job was created when you used the
PUT /v1/workspaces/{id}/apply
API to apply a Terraform template in IBM Cloud. - DESTROY: The destroy job was created when you used the
DELETE /v1/workspaces/{id}/destroy
API to remove all resources that are associated with your workspace. - PLAN: The plan job was created when you used the
POST /v1/workspaces/{id}/plan
API to create a Terraform execution plan.
- APPLY: The apply job was created when you used the
The timestamp when the job was initiated.
The user ID who initiated the job.
The status of your activity or job. To retrieve the URL to your job logs, use the GET /v1/workspaces/{id}/actions/{action_id}/logs API.
- COMPLETED: The job completed successfully.
- CREATED: The job was created, but the provisioning, modification, or removal of IBM Cloud resources has not started yet.
- FAILED: An error occurred during the plan, apply, or destroy job. Use the job ID to retrieve the URL to the log files for your job.
- IN PROGRESS: The job is in progress. You can use the log_url to access the logs.
List of template activities
Status Code
Successfully retrieved the workspace jobs details.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Not found. The requested workspace or job cannot be located. Check that you have the correct workspace ID and job IDs in your request.
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "action_id": "a11223334b11224345", "name": "PLAN", "status": "COMPLETED", "message": [], "performed_by": "", "performed_at": "2019-08-21T14:07:25.814722573Z", "templates": [ { "template_id": "a1234b-2124", "template_type": "terraform_v0.12", "start_time": "2019-08-21T14:07:26.120106199Z", "end_time": "2019-08-21T14:07:30.088495607Z", "status": "COMPLETED", "message": "{\"messagekey\":\"M2001_ActivitySuccessful\",\"parms\":{},\"requestid\":\"1234b1234b123-1234n13\",\"timestamp\":\"2019-08-21T14:07:30.088498532Z\"}", "log_url": " " } ] }
Stop the workspace job
Stop an ongoing schematics job that runs against your workspace. Note: If you remove the Schematics apply job that runs against your workspace, any changes to your IBM Cloud resources that are already applied are not reverted. If a creation, update, or deletion is currently in progress, Schematics waits for the job to be completed first. Then, any other resource creations, updates, or deletions that are included in your Terraform template file are ignored.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
DELETE /v1/workspaces/{w_id}/actions/{activity_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
The ID of the workspace. To find the workspace ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
API.The ID of the activity or job, for which you want to retrieve details. To find the job ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces/{id}/actions
curl -X DELETE{id}/actions/{action_id} -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
curl -X DELETE{workspace_id}/actions/{job_id}?signal=interrupt -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
curl -X DELETE{workspace_id}/actions/{job_id}?signal=force-stop -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
curl -X DELETE{workspace_id}/actions/{job_id}?signal=terminate -H "Authorization: <iam_token>"
_, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.DeleteWorkspaceActivity(&schematicsv1.DeleteWorkspaceActivityOptions{ WID: <workspace_id>, ActivityID: <activity_id>, }) if err != nil { panic(err) }
const params = { wId: '<workspace_id>', activityId: '<activity_id>', }; schematicsService.deleteWorkspaceActivity(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
workspace_activity_apply_result = schematics_service.delete_workspace_activity( w_id='<workspace_id>', activity_id='<activity_id>' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(workspace_activity_apply_result, indent=2))
DeleteWorkspaceActivityOptions deleteWorkspaceActivityOptions = new DeleteWorkspaceActivityOptions.Builder() .wId("<workspace_id>") .activityId("<activity_id>") .build(); Response<WorkspaceActivityApplyResult> response = service.deleteWorkspaceActivity(deleteWorkspaceActivityOptions).execute(); WorkspaceActivityApplyResult workspaceActivityApplyResult = response.getResult(); System.out.println(workspaceActivityApplyResult);
Response after successfully initiating a request to apply
the Terraform template in IBM Cloud.
The ID of the activity or job that was created when you initiated a request to
a Terraform template. You can use the ID to retrieve log file by using theGET /v1/workspaces/{id}/actions/{action_id}/logs
Status Code
Successfully initiated the stopping of workspace job.
The specified action cannot be stopped because the job completed successfully or a user in the account already requested to stop this action. Use the
GET /v1/workspace/{id}/actions
API to find the details for your job.The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Not found. The requested workspace or job cannot be located. Check that you have the correct workspace ID and job IDs in your request.
The specified resource is marked as frozen. Unfreeze the resource before you retry the request.
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "requestid": "cf844c29-dc3e-4c34-af5e-c23d6a306c29", "timestamp": "2022-06-13T09:26:48.245448907Z", "messageid": "M1058", "message": "Cannot stop an activity that is already completed. Please check the activity details", "statuscode": 400 }
Run Terraform Commands
Run Terraform state commands to modify the workspace state file, by using the IBM Cloud Schematics API.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
PUT /v1/workspaces/{w_id}/commands
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.The IAM refresh token for the user or service identity.
Retrieving refresh token:
- Use
export IBMCLOUD_API_KEY=<ibmcloud_api_key>
, and executecurl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey&apikey=$IBMCLOUD_API_KEY" -u bx:bx
. - For more information, about creating IAM access token and API Docs, refer, IAM access token and Create API key.
- If the token is expired, you can use
refresh token
to get a new IAM access token. - The
parameter cannot be used to retrieve a new IAM access token. - When the IAM access token is about to expire, use the API key to create a new access token.
- Use
Path Parameters
The ID of the workspace. To find the workspace ID, use the
GET /v1/workspaces
command value
List of commands. You can execute single set of commands or multiple commands. For more information, about the payload of the multiple commands, refer to Commands.
Command name
Command description
curl --location --request PUT '<workspace_id>/commands' --header "refresh_token: <refresh_token>' --header 'Authorization: <iam_token>' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"commands": [{"command": "state show","command_params": "data.template_file.test","command_name": "Test1","command_desc": "Showing state","command_onerror": "continue"},{"command": "taint","command_params": "null_resource.sleep","command_name": "Test2", "command_desc": "Marking taint","command_onerror": "continue"},], "operation_name": "Workspace Command","description": "Executing command"}'
terraformCommandModel := &schematicsv1.TerraformCommand{ Command: core.StringPtr("<command_to_be_executed>"), CommandParams: core.StringPtr("<command_parameters>"), CommandName: core.StringPtr("<command_name>"), CommandDesc: core.StringPtr("<command_description>"), } runWorkspaceCommandsOptions := schematicsService.NewRunWorkspaceCommandsOptions( WID: core.StringPtr("<workspace_id>"), RefreshToken: core.StringPtr("<refresh_token>"), Commands: []schematicsv1.TerraformCommand{*terraformCommandModel}, OperationName: core.StringPtr("<operation_name>"), Description: core.StringPtr("<operation_description>"), ) workspaceActivityCommandResult, response, err := schematicsService.RunWorkspaceCommands(runWorkspaceCommandsOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(workspaceActivityCommandResult, "", ""), fmt.Println(string(b))
const terraformCommandModel = { command: '<command_to_be_executed>', command_params: '<command_parameters>', command_name: '<command_name>', command_desc: '<command_description>', }; const params = { wId: '<workspace_id>,' refreshToken: '<refresh_token>', commands: [terraformCommandModel], operationName: '<operation_name>', description: '<operation_description>', }; schematicsService.runWorkspaceCommands(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
terraform_command_model = { 'command': '<command_to_be_executed>', 'command_params': '<command_parameters>', 'command_name': '<command_name>', 'command_desc': '<command_description>', } workspace_activity_command_result = schematics_service.run_workspace_commands( w_id='<workspace_id>', refresh_token='<refresh_token>', commands=[terraform_command_model], operation_name='<operation_name>', description='<operation_description>' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(workspace_activity_command_result, indent=2)),
TerraformCommand terraformCommandModel = new TerraformCommand.Builder() .command("<command_to_be_executed>") .commandParams("<command_parameters>") .commandName("<command_name>") .commandDesc("<command_description>") .build(); RunWorkspaceCommandsOptions runWorkspaceCommandsOptions = new RunWorkspaceCommandsOptions.Builder() .wId("<workspace_id>") .refreshToken("<refresh_token>") .commands(new java.util.ArrayList<TerraformCommand>(java.util.Arrays.asList(terraformCommandModel))) .operationName("<operation_name>") .description("<operation_description>") .build(); Response<WorkspaceActivityCommandResult> response = service.runWorkspaceCommands(runWorkspaceCommandsOptions).execute(); WorkspaceActivityCommandResult workspaceActivityCommandResult = response.getResult(); System.out.println(workspaceActivityCommandResult); Node.JS const terraformCommandModel = { command: '<command_to_be_executed>', command_params: '<command_parameters>', command_name: '<command_name>', command_desc: '<command_description>', }; const params = { wId: '<workspace_id>', refreshToken: '<refresh_token>', commands: [terraformCommandModel], operationName: '<operation_name>', description: '<operation_description>', }; schematicsService.runWorkspaceCommands(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
Response after successfully initiating a request to run a workspace command on the stack of resources provisioned using Terraform.
The ID of the job that was created when you initiated a request to
a Terraform template. You can use the ID to retrieve log file by using theGET /v1/workspaces/{id}/actions/{action_id}/logs
Status Code
Successfully updated the workspace metadata.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Not found. The specified workspace could not be found. Verify that the workspace ID is correct. To list workspaces in your IBM Cloud account, use the
GET /v1/workspaces API
.Workspace Command failed. The workspace is marked as frozen. Unfreeze the workspace before you retry the request.
Too many requests have been made within a time window. "IBM Cloud Schematics supports 50 API requests per minute, per host, and per customer. The host can be
, oreu-de
region". Wait before calling the API again.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
IBM Cloud Schematics could not process the request, due to a temporary overloading or maintenance. Try to reduce your request rate, or retry after a few minutes. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "activityid": "223423423adfadf123456" }
Perform a Schematics `apply` job
Run a Schematics apply
job against your workspace. An apply
job provisions, modifies, or removes the IBM Cloud resources that you described in the Terraform template that your workspace points to. Depending on the type and number of resources that you want to provision or modify, this process might take a few minutes, or even up to hours to complete. During this time, you cannot make changes to your workspace. After all updates are applied, the state of the files is persisted to determine what resources exist in your IBM Cloud account.
Important: Your workspace must be in an Inactive
, Active
, Failed
, or
state to perform a Schematics apply
job. After all updates are applied,
the state of the files is persisted
to determine what resources exist in your IBM Cloud account.
Note: This API returns an activity or job ID that you use to retrieve the
log URL with the GET /v1/workspaces/{id}/actions/{action_id}/logs
Important: Applying a template might incur costs. Make sure to review
the pricing information for the resources that you specified in your
templates before you apply the template in IBM Cloud.
To find a summary of job that Schematics is about to perform,
create a Terraform execution plan with the POST /v1/workspaces/{id}/plan
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
PUT /v1/workspaces/{w_id}/apply
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.The IAM refresh token for the user or service identity.
Retrieving refresh token:
- Use
export IBMCLOUD_API_KEY=<ibmcloud_api_key>
, and executecurl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey&apikey=$IBMCLOUD_API_KEY" -u bx:bx
. - For more information, about creating IAM access token and API Docs, refer, IAM access token and Create API key.
- If the token is expired, you can use
refresh token
to get a new IAM access token. - The
parameter cannot be used to retrieve a new IAM access token. - When the IAM access token is about to expire, use the API key to create a new access token.
- Use
The IAM delegated token for your IBM Cloud account. This token is required for requests that are sent via the UI only.
Path Parameters
The ID of the workspace for which you want to run a Schematics
job. To find the workspace ID, use theGET /workspaces
Workspace 'apply' job options
Workspace job options template
curl -X PUT{id}/apply -H "Authorization: Bearer <iam_token>" -H "refresh_token: <refresh_token>"
curl -X GET <log_url> -H "Authorization: Bearer <iam_token>"
applyWorkspaceCommandOptions := &schematicsv1.ApplyWorkspaceCommandOptions{ WID: <workspace_id>, RefreshToken: core.StringPtr("refresh_token"), } applyResult, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.ApplyWorkspaceCommand(applyWorkspaceCommandOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } w, err := json.MarshalIndent(applyResult, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(w))
const params = { wId: '<workspace_id>', refreshToken: '<refresh_token>'', }; schematicsService.applyWorkspaceCommand(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
workspace_activity_apply_result = schematics_service.apply_workspace_command( w_id='<workspace_id>', refresh_token='<refresh_token>' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(workspace_activity_apply_result, indent=2))
ApplyWorkspaceCommandOptions applyWorkspaceCommandOptions = new ApplyWorkspaceCommandOptions.Builder() .wId("<workspace_id>") .refreshToken("<refresh_token>") .build(); Response<WorkspaceActivityApplyResult> response = service.applyWorkspaceCommand(applyWorkspaceCommandOptions).execute(); WorkspaceActivityApplyResult workspaceActivityApplyResult = response.getResult();
Response after successfully initiating a request to apply
the Terraform template in IBM Cloud.
The ID of the activity or job that was created when you initiated a request to
a Terraform template. You can use the ID to retrieve log file by using theGET /v1/workspaces/{id}/actions/{action_id}/logs
Status Code
Successfully ran a Schematics
job against your workspace.The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Not found. The specified workspace could not be found. Verify that the workspace ID is correct. To list workspaces in your IBM Cloud account, use the
GET /v1/workspaces API
.Apply failed. Could not perform an
job against the workspace. The workspace is frozen, or a Schematics create, update,plan
, delete, orrefresh
job has not completed yet. Unfreeze the workspace first or wait until the create, update,plan
, delete, orrefresh
job completes before you try again.Too many requests have been made within a time window. "IBM Cloud Schematics supports 50 API requests per minute, per host, and per customer. The host can be
, oreu-de
region". Wait before calling the API again.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
IBM Cloud Schematics could not process the request, due to a temporary overloading or maintenance. Try to reduce your request rate, or retry after a few minutes. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "activityid": "ec72d9e655e846bcbfbb840be49ef7bd" }
Perform a Schematics `destroy` job
Run a Schematics destroy
job against your workspace. A destroy
job removes all IBM Cloud resources that are associated with your workspace. Removing your resources does not delete the Schematics workspace. To delete the workspace, use the DELETE /v1/workspaces/{id}
API. This API returns an activity or job ID that you use to retrieve the URL to the log file with the GET /v1/workspaces/{id}/actions/{action_id}/logs
Important: Your workspace must be in an Active
, Failed
, or Stopped
state to perform a Schematics destroy
Note: Deleting IBM Cloud resources cannot be undone. Make sure that you back up any required data before you remove your resources.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
PUT /v1/workspaces/{w_id}/destroy
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.The IAM refresh token for the user or service identity.
Retrieving refresh token:
- Use
export IBMCLOUD_API_KEY=<ibmcloud_api_key>
, and executecurl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey&apikey=$IBMCLOUD_API_KEY" -u bx:bx
. - For more information, about creating IAM access token and API Docs, refer, IAM access token and Create API key.
- If the token is expired, you can use
refresh token
to get a new IAM access token. - The
parameter cannot be used to retrieve a new IAM access token. - When the IAM access token is about to expire, use the API key to create a new access token.
- Use
The IAM delegated token for your IBM Cloud account. This token is required for requests that are sent via the UI only.
Path Parameters
The ID of the workspace for which you want to perform a Schematics
job. To find the workspace ID, use theGET /workspaces
Workspace destroy command options
Workspace job options template
curl -X PUT{id}/destroy -H "Authorization: Bearer <iam_token>" -H "refresh_token: <refresh_token>"
curl -X GET <log_url> -H "Authorization: Bearer <iam_token>"
destroyWorkspaceCommandOptions := &schematicsv1.DestroyWorkspaceCommandOptions{ WID: <workspace_id>, RefreshToken: core.StringPtr("refresh_token"), } destroyResult, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.DestroyWorkspaceCommand(destroyWorkspaceCommandOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } w, err := json.MarshalIndent(destroyResult, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(w))
const params = { wId: '<workspace_id>', refreshToken: '<refresh_token>', }; schematicsService.destroyWorkspaceCommand(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
workspace_activity_destroy_result = schematics_service.destroy_workspace_command( w_id='<workspace_id>', refresh_token='<refresh_token>' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(workspace_activity_destroy_result, indent=2))
DestroyWorkspaceCommandOptions destroyWorkspaceCommandOptions = new DestroyWorkspaceCommandOptions.Builder() .wId("<workspace_id>") .refreshToken("<refresh_token>") .build(); Response<WorkspaceActivityDestroyResult> response = service.destroyWorkspaceCommand(destroyWorkspaceCommandOptions).execute(); WorkspaceActivityDestroyResult workspaceActivityDestroyResult = response.getResult(); System.out.println(workspaceActivityDestroyResult);
Response after successfully initiating a request to destroy
the stack of resources provisioned using Terraform.
The ID of the activity or job that was created when you initiated a request to
a Terraform template. You can use the ID to retrieve log file by using theGET /v1/workspaces/{id}/actions/{action_id}/logs
Status Code
Successfully initiated a Schematics
job against your workspace.The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Not found. The requested workspace cannot be located. Check that you have the correct workspace ID in your request. Or the requested state-file cannot be located. Run apply action to create a state-file.
Could not perform a
job against the workspace. The workspace is frozen, or a Schematics create, update,plan
, delete,destroy
, orrefresh
job has not completed yet. Unfreeze the workspace first or wait until the create, update,plan
, delete,destroy
, orrefresh
job completes before you try again.Too many requests have been made within a time window. "IBM Cloud Schematics supports 50 API requests per minute, per host, and per customer. The host can be
, oreu-de
region". Wait before calling the API again.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
IBM Cloud Schematics could not process the request, due to a temporary overloading or maintenance. Try to reduce your request rate, or retry after a few minutes. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "activityid": "12a111a1aa1111aaaaa123a11112222a11ß" }
Perform a Schematics `plan` job
Run a Schematics plan
job against your workspace. The plan
job creates a summary of IBM Cloud resources that must be created, modified, or deleted to achieve the state that is described in the Terraform or IBM Cloud catalog template that your workspace points to. During this time, you cannot make changes to your workspace. You can use the summary to verify your changes before you apply the template in IBM Cloud.
Important: Your workspace must be in an Inactive
, Active
, Failed
, or Stopped
state to perform a Schematics plan
Note: This API returns an activity or job ID that you use to retrieve the URL to the log file with the GET /v1/workspaces/{id}/actions/{action_id}/logs
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
POST /v1/workspaces/{w_id}/plan
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.The IAM refresh token for the user or service identity.
Retrieving refresh token:
- Use
export IBMCLOUD_API_KEY=<ibmcloud_api_key>
, and executecurl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey&apikey=$IBMCLOUD_API_KEY" -u bx:bx
. - For more information, about creating IAM access token and API Docs, refer, IAM access token and Create API key.
- If the token is expired, you can use
refresh token
to get a new IAM access token. - The
parameter cannot be used to retrieve a new IAM access token. - When the IAM access token is about to expire, use the API key to create a new access token.
- Use
The IAM delegated token for your IBM Cloud account. This token is required for requests that are sent via the UI only.
Path Parameters
The ID of the workspace, for which you want to run a Schematics
job. To find the ID of your workspace, use theGET /v1/workspaces
Workspace 'plan' job options
Workspace job options template
curl -X POST{id}/plan -H "Authorization: Bearer <iam_token>" -H "refresh_token: <refresh_token>"
curl -X GET <log_url> -H "Authorization: Bearer <iam_token>"
planWorkspaceCommandOptions := &schematicsv1.PlanWorkspaceCommandOptions{ WID: <workspace_id>, RefreshToken: core.StringPtr("refresh_token"), } planResult, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.PlanWorkspaceCommand(planWorkspaceCommandOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } w, err := json.MarshalIndent(planResult, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(w))
const params = { wId: '<workspace_id>', refreshToken: '<refresh_token>', }; schematicsService.planWorkspaceCommand(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
workspace_activity_plan_result = schematics_service.plan_workspace_command( w_id='<workspace_id>', refresh_token='<refresh_token>' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(workspace_activity_plan_result, indent=2))
PlanWorkspaceCommandOptions planWorkspaceCommandOptions = new PlanWorkspaceCommandOptions.Builder() .wId("<workspace_id>") .refreshToken("<refresh_token>") .build(); Response<WorkspaceActivityPlanResult> response = service.planWorkspaceCommand(planWorkspaceCommandOptions).execute(); WorkspaceActivityPlanResult workspaceActivityPlanResult = response.getResult(); System.out.println(workspaceActivityPlanResult);
Response after successfully initiating a request to plan
the Terraform template in IBM Cloud.
The ID of the activity or job that was created when you initiated a request to
a Terraform template. You can use the ID to retrieve log file by using theGET /v1/workspaces/{id}/actions/{action_id}/logs
Status Code
Successfully performed a Schematics
job.Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Not found. The specified workspace could not be found. Verify that the workspace ID is correct. To list workspaces in your IBM Cloud account, use the
GET /v1/workspaces API
.The workspace is frozen and disabled. Unfreeze the workspace first before you retry the request. Or the Schematics create, update, delete action has not completed. Wait until the create, update, delete, plan, apply, destroy or refresh action completes before you try again.
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
IBM Cloud Schematics could not process the request, due to a temporary overloading or maintenance. Try to reduce your request rate, or retry after a few minutes. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "activityid": "f4091a17707d0433a3f9307e8bcbc853" }
Perform a Schematics `refresh` job
Run a Schematics refresh
job against your workspace. A refresh
job validates the IBM Cloud resources in your account against the state that is stored in the Terraform statefile of your workspace. If differences are found, the Terraform statefile is updated accordingly. This API returns an activity or job ID that you use to retrieve the URL to the log file with the GET /v1/workspaces/{id}/actions/{action_id}/logs
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
PUT /v1/workspaces/{w_id}/refresh
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.The IAM refresh token for the user or service identity.
Retrieving refresh token:
- Use
export IBMCLOUD_API_KEY=<ibmcloud_api_key>
, and executecurl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey&apikey=$IBMCLOUD_API_KEY" -u bx:bx
. - For more information, about creating IAM access token and API Docs, refer, IAM access token and Create API key.
- If the token is expired, you can use
refresh token
to get a new IAM access token. - The
parameter cannot be used to retrieve a new IAM access token. - When the IAM access token is about to expire, use the API key to create a new access token.
- Use
The IAM delegated token for your IBM Cloud account. This token is required for requests that are sent via the UI only.
Path Parameters
The ID of the workspace, for which you want to run a Schematics
job. To find the ID of your workspace, use theGET /v1/workspaces
curl -X PUT{id}/refresh -H "Authorization: Bearer <iam_token>" -H "refresh_token: <refresh_token>"
curl -X GET <log_url> -H "Authorization: Bearer <iam_token>"
refreshWorkspaceCommandOptions := &schematicsv1.RefreshWorkspaceCommandOptions{ WID: <workspace_id>, RefreshToken: core.StringPtr("refresh_token"), } refreshResult, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.RefreshWorkspaceCommand(refreshWorkspaceCommandOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } w, err := json.MarshalIndent(refreshResult, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(w))
const params = { wId: '<workspace_id>', refreshToken: '<refresh_token>', }; schematicsService.refreshWorkspaceCommand(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
workspace_activity_refresh_result = schematics_service.refresh_workspace_command( w_id='<workspace_id>', refresh_token='<refresh_token>' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(workspace_activity_refresh_result, indent=2))
RefreshWorkspaceCommandOptions refreshWorkspaceCommandOptions = new RefreshWorkspaceCommandOptions.Builder() .wId("<workspace_id>") .refreshToken("<refresh_token>") .build(); Response<WorkspaceActivityRefreshResult> response = service.refreshWorkspaceCommand(refreshWorkspaceCommandOptions).execute(); WorkspaceActivityRefreshResult workspaceActivityRefreshResult = response.getResult(); System.out.println(workspaceActivityRefreshResult);
Response after successfully initiating a request to refresh
the Terraform template in IBM Cloud.
The ID of the activity or job that was created for your workspace
activity or job. You can use the ID to retrieve the log file by using theGET /v1/workspaces/{id}/actions/{action_id}/logs
Status Code
Successfully initiated a Schematics
job against your workspace.Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Not found. The specified workspace could not be found. Verify that the workspace ID is correct. To list workspaces in your IBM Cloud account, use the
GET /v1/workspaces API
.Could not perform a
job against the workspace. The workspace is frozen, or a Schematics create, update,plan
, delete,destroy
, orrefresh
job has not completed yet. Unfreeze the workspace first or wait until the create, update,plan
, delete,destroy
, orrefresh
job completes before you try again.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "activityid": "12a111a1aa1111aaaaa123a11112222a11" }
List jobs
Retrieve a list of all Schematics jobs. The job displays a list of jobs with the status as pending
, in_progess
, success
, or failed
. Jobs are generated when you use the POST /v2/jobs
, PUT /v2/jobs/{job_id}
, or DELETE /v2/jobs/{job_id}
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v2/jobs
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Query Parameters
The starting position of the item in the list of items. For example, if you have three workspaces in your account, the first workspace is assigned position number 0, the second workspace is assigned position number 1, and so forth. If you have 6 workspaces and you want to list the details for workspaces
, enter 1. To limit the number of workspaces that is returned, use thelimit
option in addition to theoffset
option. Negative numbers are not supported and are ignored.Possible values: value ≥ 0
The maximum number of items that you want to list. The number must be a positive integer between 1 and 2000. If no value is provided, 100 is used by default.
Possible values: 1 ≤ value ≤ 2000
Name of the field to sort-by; Use the '.' character to delineate sub-resources and sub-fields (eg. owner.last_name). Prepend the field with '+' or '-', indicating 'ascending' or 'descending' (default is ascending) Ignore unrecognized or unsupported sort field
Level of details returned by the get method
Allowable values: [
]Name of the resource (workspaces, actions, environment or controls)
Allowable values: [
]The Resource Id. It could be an Action-id or Workspace-id.
Action Id
Workspace Id
list jobs
Allowable values: [
curl --location --request GET --header "Authorization: <access_token> " --header "Cookie: "
GetJobOptions getJobOptions = new GetJobOptions.Builder() .jobId("job ID") .build(); Response<Job> response = service.getJob(getJobOptions).execute(); Job job = response.getResult(); System.out.println(job);
job_list = schematics_service.list_jobs().get_result() print(json.dumps(job_list, indent=2))
const params = { resource:"resource group name", actionId: "Users action ID" }; schematicsService.listJobs(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
listJobsOptions := schematicsService.NewListJobsOptions() listJobsOptions.SetResource("set the action details") listJobsOptions.SetActionID("set the action ID") listJobsOptions.SetList("all") jobList, response, err := schematicsService.ListJobs(listJobsOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(jobList, "", "/v2/jobs/") fmt.Println(string(b))
List of Job details
Number of records returned
Skipped number of records
Total number of records
List of job records
Status Code
Successfully listed the jobs that you have access to.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "total_count": 2, "limit": 100, "offset": 0, "jobs": [ { "id": "Users job ID", "name": "Users job name", "description": "Short description", "command_object": "Users resource action, for example, **action**", "command_object_id": "Users object ID", "command_name": "Users job command name, for example, **ansible_playbook_check**", "location": "Users location", "resource_group": "Users resource group name", "submitted_at": "2021-02-10T11:33:23.37852757Z", "duration": "57.243452S", "start_at": "2021-02-10T11:33:29.708025157Z", "end_at": "2021-02-10T11:34:26.951477114Z", "status": { "workspace_job_status": { "flow_status": { "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, "action_job_status": { "action_name": "Users action name, for example, **00aaaa2222**", "status_code": "Job status ocde", "status_message": "Job status message", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } }, "log_summary": { "log_start_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "log_analyzed_till": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "repo_download_job": {}, "workspace_job": {}, "flow_job": {}, "action_job": { "task_count": 3, "play_count": 1, "recap": { "unreachable": 1 } } }, "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } ] }
Create a job
Create & launch the Schematics job. It can be used to launch an Ansible playbook against a target hosts. The job displays a list of jobs with the status as pending
, in_progess
, success
, or failed
POST /v2/jobs
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.The IAM refresh token for the user or service identity.
Retrieving refresh token:
- Use
export IBMCLOUD_API_KEY=<ibmcloud_api_key>
, and executecurl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey&apikey=$IBMCLOUD_API_KEY" -u bx:bx
. - For more information, about creating IAM access token and API Docs, refer, IAM access token and Create API key.
- If the token is expired, you can use
refresh token
to get a new IAM access token. - The
parameter cannot be used to retrieve a new IAM access token. - When the IAM access token is about to expire, use the API key to create a new access token.
- Use
Create a Job Record and launch the Job
Name of the Schematics automation resource
Allowable values: [
]Job command object id (workspace-id, action-id)
Schematics job command name
Allowable values: [
]Schematics job command parameter (playbook-name)
Command line options for the command
Job inputs used by Action or Workspace
Environment variables used by the Job while performing Action or Workspace
User defined tags, while running the job
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Allowable values: [
]Job Status
Contains the cart order data which can be used for different purpose for eg. service tagging
Job data
Describes a bastion resource
Job log summary record
Agent name, Agent id and associated policy ID information
curl --location --request POST --header "Authorization: <access_token> "--header "Content-Type: application/json"--data-raw "{"command_object": "action","command_object_id": "us-east","command_name": "ansible_playbook_check","command_parameter": "site.yml"}"
CreateJobOptions createJobOptions = new CreateJobOptions.Builder() .refreshToken("testString") .commandObject("action") .commandObjectId("set your action ID.") .commandName("set command name") .commandParameter("aj.yml") .build(); Response<Job> response = service.createJob(createJobOptions).execute(); Job job = response.getResult(); System.out.println(job);
job = schematics_service.create_job().get_result() object="action", object_id="Users action ID", name="ansible_playbook_run", parameter="test.yml" ).get_result() print(json.dumps(job, indent=2))
const params = {"refreshToken":"testString", "commandObject":"set your command object, [workspace or action]", "commandObjectId":"set your action ID", "commandName":"set your command, [ansible_playbook_run or ansible_playbook_check]", "commandParameter":"set playbook name with the extension, [test.yml]" }; schematicsService.createJob(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
CreateJobOptions := schematicsService.NewCreateJobOptions("set your job options",) CreateJobOptions.SetCommandObject("set your command object, [workspace or action]") CreateJobOptions.SetCommandObjectID("set your action ID") CreateJobOptions.SetCommandName("set your command name") CreateJobOptions.SetCommandParameter("set your yml file as command parameter") job, response, err := schematicsService.CreateJob(CreateJobOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(job, "", "/v2/jobs") fmt.Println(string(b))
Complete Job with user inputs and system generated data
Name of the Schematics automation resource
Possible values: [
]Job command object id (workspace-id, action-id)
Schematics job command name
Possible values: [
]Schematics job command parameter (playbook-name)
Command line options for the command
Job inputs used by Action or Workspace
Environment variables used by the Job while performing Action or Workspace
User defined tags, while running the job
Job ID
Job name, uniquely derived from the related Workspace or Action
The description of your job is derived from the related action or workspace. The description can be up to 2048 characters long in size.
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Possible values: [
]Resource-group name derived from the related Workspace or Action
Job submission time
Email address of user who submitted the job
Job start time
Job end time
Duration of job execution; example 40 sec
Job Status
Contains the cart order data which can be used for different purpose for eg. service tagging
Job data
Describes a bastion resource
Job log summary record
Job log store URL
Job state store URL
Job results store URL
Job status updation timestamp
ID of the Job Runner
Agent name, Agent id and associated policy ID information
Status Code
Successfully created the job in IBM Cloud Schematics.
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource was not found
The specified resource already exists
Too many requests have been made within a time window. "IBM Cloud Schematics supports 50 API requests per minute, per host, and per customer. The host can be
, oreu-de
region". Wait before calling the API again.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
IBM Cloud Schematics could not process the request, due to a temporary overloading or maintenance. Try to reduce your request rate, or retry after a few minutes. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "command_object": "Users resource action, for example, **action**", "command_object_id": "Users job ID", "command_name": "Users job command name, for example, **ansible_playbook_check**", "command_parameter": "Users playbook name", "id": "Users job ID", "name": "Users job name", "description": "This Action Run Lamp on multiple host xxxx", "location": "Users location", "resource_group": "Users resource group name", "submitted_at": "2021-02-09T05:38:52.933700022Z", "submitted_by": "", "start_at": "2021-02-09T05:38:52.933698161Z", "end_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "status": { "workspace_job_status": { "flow_status": { "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, "action_job_status": { "action_name": "Example-12ab2", "status_code": "job_pending", "status_message": "Job created and pending to start", "updated_at": "2021-02-09T05:38:52.933701533Z" } }, "data": { "job_type": "", "workspace_job_data": { "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, "action_job_data": { "inputs": [ { "name": "upassword", "value": "Abc@123xxx", "metadata": { "type": "string", "default_value": "Abc@123xxx", "secure": true } }, { "name": "dbname", "value": "Users DB name", "metadata": { "type": "string", "default_value": "xxxx" } }, { "name": "dbuser", "value": "Users DB user value", "metadata": { "type": "string", "default_value": "root" } }, { "name": "mysql_port", "value": "Users MySQL port number", "metadata": { "type": "string", "default_value": "3306" } }, { "name": "httpd_port", "value": "Users HTTP port number", "metadata": { "type": "string", "default_value": "80" } } ], "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } }, "bastion": { "name": "bastionhost", "type": "string", "description": "string", "resource_query": "", "credential_ref": "ssh_key", "created_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "sys_lock": { "sys_locked_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } }, "log_summary": { "log_start_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "log_analyzed_till": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "repo_download_job": {}, "workspace_job": {}, "flow_job": {}, "action_job": { "recap": {} } }, "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }
Get a job
Retrieve the detailed information of Job
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v2/jobs/{job_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
Job Id. Use
GET /v2/jobs
API to look up the Job Ids in your IBM Cloud account.
Query Parameters
Level of details returned by the get method
Allowable values: [
curl --location --request GET --header "Authorization: <access_token> "
GetJobOptions getJobOptions = new GetJobOptions.Builder() .jobId("set your job ID") .build(); Response<Job> response = service.getJob(getJobOptions).execute(); Job job = response.getResult(); System.out.println(job);
job = schematics_service.get_job(job_id="us.JOB.keratinsample.08e45f87").get_result() print (json.dumps(job, indent=2))
const params = {jobId: "Users job ID"}; schematicsService.getJob(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
getJobOptions := schematicsService.NewGetJobOptions("set job options",) getJobOptions.SetJobID("set your job ID") job, response, err := schematicsService.GetJob(getJobOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(job, "", "") fmt.Println(string(b))
Complete Job with user inputs and system generated data
Name of the Schematics automation resource
Possible values: [
]Job command object id (workspace-id, action-id)
Schematics job command name
Possible values: [
]Schematics job command parameter (playbook-name)
Command line options for the command
Job inputs used by Action or Workspace
Environment variables used by the Job while performing Action or Workspace
User defined tags, while running the job
Job ID
Job name, uniquely derived from the related Workspace or Action
The description of your job is derived from the related action or workspace. The description can be up to 2048 characters long in size.
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Possible values: [
]Resource-group name derived from the related Workspace or Action
Job submission time
Email address of user who submitted the job
Job start time
Job end time
Duration of job execution; example 40 sec
Job Status
Contains the cart order data which can be used for different purpose for eg. service tagging
Job data
Describes a bastion resource
Job log summary record
Job log store URL
Job state store URL
Job results store URL
Job status updation timestamp
ID of the Job Runner
Agent name, Agent id and associated policy ID information
Status Code
Successfully retrieved details about your job record.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource was not found
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "id": "Users job ID", "name": "Users Job name", "description": "Short description", "command_object": "Users resource action, for example, **action**", "command_object_id": "Users object ID", "command_name": "Users job command name, for example, **ansible_playbook_check**", "location": "Users location", "resource_group": "Users resource group", "submitted_at": "2021-02-09T05:38:52.933700022Z", "submitted_by": "", "duration": "45.702379S", "start_at": "2021-02-09T05:38:58.338739558Z", "end_at": "2021-02-09T05:39:44.041118719Z", "status": { "workspace_job_status": { "flow_status": { "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, "action_job_status": { "action_name": "Users action name", "status_code": "Users job status code", "status_message": "Users job execution status", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } }, "log_summary": { "log_start_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "log_analyzed_till": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "repo_download_job": {}, "workspace_job": {}, "flow_job": {}, "action_job": { "task_count": 6, "play_count": 1, "recap": { "ok": 4, "failed": 1, "skipped": 1 } } }, "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }
Update a job
Creates a copy of the Schematics job and relaunches an existing job by updating the information of an existing Schematics job.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
PUT /v2/jobs/{job_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.The IAM refresh token for the user or service identity.
Retrieving refresh token:
- Use
export IBMCLOUD_API_KEY=<ibmcloud_api_key>
, and executecurl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey&apikey=$IBMCLOUD_API_KEY" -u bx:bx
. - For more information, about creating IAM access token and API Docs, refer, IAM access token and Create API key.
- If the token is expired, you can use
refresh token
to get a new IAM access token. - The
parameter cannot be used to retrieve a new IAM access token. - When the IAM access token is about to expire, use the API key to create a new access token.
- Use
Path Parameters
Job Id. Use
GET /v2/jobs
API to look up the Job Ids in your IBM Cloud account.
Clone the Job-record, and relaunch the Job
Name of the Schematics automation resource
Allowable values: [
]Job command object id (workspace-id, action-id)
Schematics job command name
Allowable values: [
]Schematics job command parameter (playbook-name)
Command line options for the command
Job inputs used by Action or Workspace
Environment variables used by the Job while performing Action or Workspace
User defined tags, while running the job
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Allowable values: [
]Job Status
Contains the cart order data which can be used for different purpose for eg. service tagging
Job data
Describes a bastion resource
Job log summary record
Agent name, Agent id and associated policy ID information
curl --location --request PUT --header "Authorization: <access_token> "--header "Content-Type: application/json "--header "Cookie: "--data-raw "{ "command_object": "action", "command_object_id": "us-east.ACTION.Example-12a1b212.3287dc42", "command_name": "ansible_playbook_run", "command_parameter": "site.yml"}"
ReplaceJobOptions replaceJobOptions = new ReplaceJobOptions.Builder() .refreshToken("testString") .jobId("set your job ID") .build(); Response<Job> response = service.replaceJob(replaceJobOptions).execute(); Job job = response.getResult(); System.out.println(job);
job = schematics_service.replace_job(refresh_token='testString', job_id="set your job ID" ).get_result() print (json.dumps(job, indent=2))
const params = { refreshToken: 'testString', jobId: "Users job ID", description: "Very Huge short description", }; schematicsService.replaceJob(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
UpdatejobOptions := schematicsService.NewReplaceJobOptions("teststring","teststring",) UpdatejobOptions.SetJobID("set the job ID") UpdatejobOptions.SetCommandObject("set your command object, [workspace or action] ") UpdatejobOptions.SetCommandObjectID("set your action ID") UpdatejobOptions.SetCommandName("set the command name") UpdatejobOptions.SetCommandParameter("set your yaml file for the command parameter") job, response, err := schematicsService.ReplaceJob(UpdatejobOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(job, "", "") fmt.Println(string(b))
Complete Job with user inputs and system generated data
Name of the Schematics automation resource
Possible values: [
]Job command object id (workspace-id, action-id)
Schematics job command name
Possible values: [
]Schematics job command parameter (playbook-name)
Command line options for the command
Job inputs used by Action or Workspace
Environment variables used by the Job while performing Action or Workspace
User defined tags, while running the job
Job ID
Job name, uniquely derived from the related Workspace or Action
The description of your job is derived from the related action or workspace. The description can be up to 2048 characters long in size.
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Possible values: [
]Resource-group name derived from the related Workspace or Action
Job submission time
Email address of user who submitted the job
Job start time
Job end time
Duration of job execution; example 40 sec
Job Status
Contains the cart order data which can be used for different purpose for eg. service tagging
Job data
Describes a bastion resource
Job log summary record
Job log store URL
Job state store URL
Job results store URL
Job status updation timestamp
ID of the Job Runner
Agent name, Agent id and associated policy ID information
Status Code
Successfully relaunched the Job, returns a new Job Record
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource was not found
The specified resource is locked, cannot be updated or deleted
Too many requests have been made within a time window. "IBM Cloud Schematics supports 50 API requests per minute, per host, and per customer. The host can be
, oreu-de
region". Wait before calling the API again.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
IBM Cloud Schematics could not process the request, due to a temporary overloading or maintenance. Try to reduce your request rate, or retry after a few minutes. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "command_object": "Users resource action, for example, **action**", "command_object_id": "Users object ID", "command_name": "Users job command name, for example, **ansible_playbook_check**", "command_parameter": "Users playbook name", "id": "Users job ID", "name": "Users job name", "description": "Short description for the update", "location": "Users location", "resource_group": "Users resource group name", "submitted_at": "2021-02-10T11:33:23.37852757Z", "start_at": "2021-02-10T11:33:23.378525569Z", "end_at": "2021-02-09T05:39:44.041118719Z", "duration": "45.702379S", "status": { "workspace_job_status": { "flow_status": { "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, "action_job_status": { "action_name": "Users action name, for example, **12ab2**", "status_code": "job_pending", "status_message": "Job created and pending to start", "updated_at": "2021-02-10T11:33:23.378529139Z" } }, "data": { "job_type": "", "workspace_job_data": { "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, "action_job_data": { "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } }, "bastion": { "name": "bastionhost", "type": "string", "description": "string", "resource_query": "", "credential_ref": "ssh_key", "created_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "sys_lock": { "sys_locked_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } }, "log_summary": { "log_start_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "log_analyzed_till": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "repo_download_job": {}, "workspace_job": {}, "flow_job": {}, "action_job": { "recap": {} } }, "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }
Stop the running Job, and delete the Job
Stop the running Job, and delete the Job. Note You cannot delete or stop the job activity from an ongoing execution of an action defined in the playbook. You can repeat the execution of same job, whenever you patch or update the action or workspace.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
DELETE /v2/jobs/{job_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.The IAM refresh token for the user or service identity.
Retrieving refresh token:
- Use
export IBMCLOUD_API_KEY=<ibmcloud_api_key>
, and executecurl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey&apikey=$IBMCLOUD_API_KEY" -u bx:bx
. - For more information, about creating IAM access token and API Docs, refer, IAM access token and Create API key.
- If the token is expired, you can use
refresh token
to get a new IAM access token. - The
parameter cannot be used to retrieve a new IAM access token. - When the IAM access token is about to expire, use the API key to create a new access token.
- Use
Equivalent to -force options in the command line
Auto propagate the chaange or deletion to the dependent resources
Path Parameters
Job Id. Use
GET /v2/jobs
API to look up the Job Ids in your IBM Cloud account.
curl --location --request DELETE{jobid} --header "Authorization: <access_token> "
DeleteJobOptions deleteJobOptions = new DeleteJobOptions.Builder() .jobId("Set your job ID") .refreshToken("<refresh token>") .build(); service.deleteJob(deleteJobOptions).execute();
response = schematics_service.delete_job( job_id="Set your job ID", refresh_token="<refresh token>" ).get_result() print(json.dumps(response, indent=2))
const params = { refreshToken: "Users refresh token", jobId: "Users job ID" }; schematicsService.deleteJob(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
deleteJobOptions := schematicsService.NewDeleteJobOptions("testString","testString",) deleteJobOptions.SetJobID("set the job ID") response, err := schematicsService.DeleteJob(deleteJobOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) }
Status Code
Successfully initiated stopping of the job, and deleted the job record.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Failed to delete the specific resoure. If the resource is locked, try again after unlocking.
Too many requests have been made within a time window. "IBM Cloud Schematics supports 50 API requests per minute, per host, and per customer. The host can be
, oreu-de
region". Wait before calling the API again.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
IBM Cloud Schematics could not process the request, due to a temporary overloading or maintenance. Try to reduce your request rate, or retry after a few minutes. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
No Sample Response
Get job logs
Retrieve the job logs
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.GET /v2/jobs/{job_id}/logs
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
Job Id. Use
GET /v2/jobs
API to look up the Job Ids in your IBM Cloud account.
curl --location --request GET{job_id}/logs --header "Authorization: <access_token>"
ListJobLogsOptions listJobLogsOptions = new ListJobLogsOptions.Builder() .jobId("job ID") .build(); Response<JobLog> response = service.listJobLogs(listJobLogsOptions).execute(); JobLog jobLog = response.getResult(); System.out.println(jobLog);
job_log = schematics_service.list_job_logs( job_id="Set your job ID" ).get_result() print (job_log)
const params = { jobId: "Users job ID" }; schematicsService.listJobLogs(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
listJobLogsOptions := schematicsService.NewListJobLogsOptions("testString",) listJobLogsOptions.SetJobID("set the job ID") jobLog, response, err := schematicsService.ListJobLogs(listJobLogsOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(jobLog, "", "") fmt.Println(string(b))
Job Log details
Job Id
Job name, uniquely derived from the related Workspace, Action or Controls
Job log summary record
Format of the Log text
Possible values: [
]Log text, generated by the Job
Job status updation timestamp
Status Code
Successfully lists the jobs logs that you have access to.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource was not found
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
No Sample Response
Get output files from the Job record
Get output files from the Job record. For more information, about the Schematics job status, download job logs, and download the output files, see Download Schematics Job.
GET /v2/jobs/{job_id}/files
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
Job Id. Use
GET /v2/jobs
API to look up the Job Ids in your IBM Cloud account.
Query Parameters
The type of file you want to download eg.state_file, plan_json.
Allowable values: [
curl --location --request GET{job_id}/files?file_type=plan_json --header "Authorization: <access_token> " --header "Cookie: "
Output files from the Job record
Job Id
Job name, uniquely derived from the related Workspace and Action
Summary metadata in the output files
The type of output file generated by the Job
Possible values: [
]Content of the file, generated by the job
Content of the additional files, generated by the child job
Job file updation timestamp
Status Code
Successfully got the Job output files.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource was not found
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "job_id": "36521f0bb4d5754366e41349a53385f7", "file_type": "plan_json", "file_content": "{\"format_version\":\"0.1\",\"terraform_version\":\"0.15.5\",\"variables\":{\"TF_VERSION\":{\"value\":0.13},\"image_id\":{\"value\":\"ami-1234\"},\"sample_var\":{\"value\":\"hello\"},\"sleepy_time\":{\"value\":0}},\"planned_values\":{\"outputs\":{\"rendered_template\":{\"sensitive\":false,\"value\":\"Hello, I am a template. My sample_var value = hello\"}},\"root_module\":{\"resources\":[{\"address\":\"null_resource.sleep\",\"mode\":\"managed\",\"type\":\"null_resource\",\"name\":\"sleep\",\"provider_name\":\"\",\"schema_version\":0}]}},\"resource_changes\":[{\"address\":\"null_resource.sleep\",\"mode\":\"managed\",\"type\":\"null_resource\",\"name\":\"sleep\",\"provider_name\":\"\",\"change\":{\"actions\":[\"create\"],\"before\":null,\"after\":{},\"after_unknown\":{\"id\":true,\"triggers\":true},\"before_sensitive\":false,\"after_sensitive\":{\"triggers\":{}}}}],\"output_changes\":{\"rendered_template\":{\"actions\":[\"create\"],\"before\":null,\"after\":\"Hello, I am a template. My sample_var value = hello\",\"after_unknown\":false,\"before_sensitive\":false,\"after_sensitive\":false}},\"prior_state\":{\"format_version\":\"0.1\",\"terraform_version\":\"0.15.5\",\"values\":{\"outputs\":{\"rendered_template\":{\"sensitive\":false,\"value\":\"Hello, I am a template. My sample_var value = hello\"}},\"root_module\":{\"resources\":[{\"address\":\"data.template_file.test\",\"mode\":\"data\",\"type\":\"template_file\",\"name\":\"test\",\"provider_name\":\"\",\"schema_version\":0,\"values\":{\"filename\":null,\"id\":\"16e936de6b5ccd5a7ecf3ad558469e38d9b234c28ac93e8076008334797e11de\",\"rendered\":\"Hello, I am a template. My sample_var value = hello\",\"template\":\"Hello, I am a template. My sample_var value = ${sample_var}\",\"vars\":{\"sample_var\":\"hello\"}}}]}}},\"configuration\":{\"provider_config\":{\"ibm\":{\"name\":\"ibm\",\"version_constraint\":\"1.13.1\"}},\"root_module\":{\"outputs\":{\"rendered_template\":{\"expression\":{\"references\":[\"data.template_file.test\"]}}},\"resources\":[{\"address\":\"null_resource.sleep\",\"mode\":\"managed\",\"type\":\"null_resource\",\"name\":\"sleep\",\"provider_config_key\":\"null\",\"provisioners\":[{\"type\":\"local-exec\",\"expressions\":{\"command\":{\"references\":[\"var.sleepy_time\"]}}}],\"expressions\":{\"triggers\":{}},\"schema_version\":0},{\"address\":\"data.template_file.test\",\"mode\":\"data\",\"type\":\"template_file\",\"name\":\"test\",\"provider_config_key\":\"template\",\"expressions\":{\"template\":{\"constant_value\":\"Hello, I am a template. My sample_var value = ${sample_var}\"},\"vars\":{\"references\":[\"var.sample_var\"]}},\"schema_version\":0}],\"variables\":{\"TF_VERSION\":{\"default\":0.13,\"description\":\"terraform version.\"},\"image_id\":{\"description\":\"The id of the machine image (AMI) to use for the server.\"},\"sample_var\":{\"default\":\"hello\",\"description\":\"A sample_var to pass to the template.\"},\"sleepy_time\":{\"default\":0,\"description\":\"How long our local-exec will take a nap.\"}}}}}\n", "updated_at": "2022-03-30T07:17:57.50369681Z" }
Delete one or more workspace
Delete one or multiple Schematics workspace. Deleting a workspace does not destroy the resources from the Schematics workspace.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
POST /v1/workspace_jobs
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.The IAM refresh token for the user or service identity.
Retrieving refresh token:
- Use
export IBMCLOUD_API_KEY=<ibmcloud_api_key>
, and executecurl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey&apikey=$IBMCLOUD_API_KEY" -u bx:bx
. - For more information, about creating IAM access token and API Docs, refer, IAM access token and Create API key.
- If the token is expired, you can use
refresh token
to get a new IAM access token. - The
parameter cannot be used to retrieve a new IAM access token. - When the IAM access token is about to expire, use the API key to create a new access token.
- Use
Create a workspace deletion job
Job type such as delete of a batch operation.
A version of the terraform template.
The List of workspaces to be deleted.
curl --location --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: <access_token> " --data-raw "{"workspaces": ["us-south.workspace.testWorkspace.a6010c37","us-south.workspace.teraformNewupdatedone.72011986","us-south.workspace.readterraform.400b427c","us-south.workspace.myworkspacesink.49745827","us-south.workspace.ReadTerraformTemp.c98c9774","us-south.workspace.SampleTest1.2a51c3a1"],"job": "delete"}"
workspace_bulk_delete_response = schematics_service.create_workspace_deletion_job( new_workspaces=["us-south.workspace.bulkjob-wstesttestpart3.e64bbec8","us-south.workspace.bulkjob-wstesttestpart4.7982dc4a"], refresh_token='testString' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(workspace_bulk_delete_response, indent=2))
List list = new ArrayList(); list.add("us-south.workspace.bulkjob-wstesttestpart11.f70eba3e"); list.add(1,"us-south.workspace.bulkjob-wstesttestpart12.4a6a7fda"); CreateWorkspaceDeletionJobOptions createWorkspaceDeletionJobOptions = new CreateWorkspaceDeletionJobOptions.Builder() .newWorkspaces(list) .refreshToken("testString") .build(); Response<WorkspaceBulkDeleteResponse> response = service.createWorkspaceDeletionJob(createWorkspaceDeletionJobOptions).execute(); WorkspaceBulkDeleteResponse workspaceBulkDeleteResponse = response.getResult(); System.out.println(workspaceBulkDeleteResponse);
const params = { newWorkspaces:['us-south.workspace.bulkjob-wstesttestpart7.233b36b2','us-south.workspace.bulkjob-wstesttestpart8.e5b68c1e'], job:'Delete', refreshToken: 'testString', }; schematicsService.createWorkspaceDeletionJob(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
createWorkspaceDeletionJobOptions := schematicsService.NewCreateWorkspaceDeletionJobOptions("teststring") deleteworkspace := []string{"us-south.workspace.bulkjob-wstesttestpart15.b9030d37", "us-south.workspace.bulkjob-wstesttestpart16.3a4a2888"} createWorkspaceDeletionJobOptions.SetNewWorkspaces(deleteworkspace) createWorkspaceDeletionJobOptions.SetNewJob("delete") workspaceBulkDeleteResponse, response, err := schematicsService.CreateWorkspaceDeletionJob(createWorkspaceDeletionJobOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(workspaceBulkDeleteResponse, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(b)) fmt.Println(response)
The response after successfully initiating the bulk job to delete multiple workspaces
The workspace deletion job name.
The workspace deletion job id.
Status Code
Successfully initiated the workspace deletion.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Deletion failed. The workspace is marked as frozen. Unfreeze the workspace before you retry the request.
Too many requests have been made within a time window. "IBM Cloud Schematics supports 50 API requests per minute, per host, and per customer. The host can be
, oreu-de
region". Wait before calling the API again.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "job_id": "d16bd5fe2e86886026b8e2ebea3da0e9", "job": "delete" }
Get the workspace deletion job status
Retrieve detailed information for a workspace deletion job status.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v1/workspace_jobs/{wj_id}/status
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
The workspace job ID.
curl --location --request GET --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: <access_token> " --header "Cookie: " --data-raw
workspace_job_response = schematics_service.get_workspace_deletion_job_status( wj_id='<job_id>' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(workspace_job_response, indent=2))
GetWorkspaceDeletionJobStatusOptions getWorkspaceDeletionJobStatusOptions = new GetWorkspaceDeletionJobStatusOptions.Builder() .wjId("<job_id>") .build(); Response<WorkspaceJobResponse> response = service.getWorkspaceDeletionJobStatus(getWorkspaceDeletionJobStatusOptions).execute(); WorkspaceJobResponse workspaceJobResponse = response.getResult(); System.out.println(workspaceJobResponse);
const params = { wjId: '<job_id>', }; schematicsService.getWorkspaceDeletionJobStatus(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
getWorkspaceDeletionJobStatusOptions := schematicsService.NewGetWorkspaceDeletionJobStatusOptions( "testString", ) getWorkspaceDeletionJobStatusOptions.SetWjID("<job_id>") workspaceJobResponse, response, err := schematicsService.GetWorkspaceDeletionJobStatus(getWorkspaceDeletionJobStatusOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(workspaceJobResponse, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(b)) fmt.Println(response)
The response from the workspace bulk job status.
Status of the workspace bulk job
Status Code
Successfully retrieved details about your workspace deletion job.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Not found. The specified workspace could not be found. Verify that the workspace ID is correct. To list workspaces in your IBM Cloud account, use the
GET /v1/workspaces API
.Too many requests have been made within a time window. "IBM Cloud Schematics supports 50 API requests per minute, per host, and per customer. The host can be
, oreu-de
region". Wait before calling the API again.Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "job_status": { "last_updated_on": "2021-09-24T05:46:23.266613311Z", "success": [ "us-south.workspace.bulkjob-wstesttestpart1.c67ba74d", "us-south.workspace.bulkjob-wstesttestpart2.11bdd6e7" ], "failed": [ "us-south.workspace.testWorkspace.a6010c37" ] } }
List inventory definitions
Retrieve a list of all Schematics inventories that depends on the API endpoint that you have access. For example, if you use an API endpoint for a geography, such as North America, only inventories that are created in us-south
or us-east
are retrieved. For more information, about supported API endpoints, see APIendpoints.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v2/inventories
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Query Parameters
The starting position of the item in the list of items. For example, if you have three workspaces in your account, the first workspace is assigned position number 0, the second workspace is assigned position number 1, and so forth. If you have 6 workspaces and you want to list the details for workspaces
, enter 1. To limit the number of workspaces that is returned, use thelimit
option in addition to theoffset
option. Negative numbers are not supported and are ignored.Possible values: value ≥ 0
The maximum number of items that you want to list. The number must be a positive integer between 1 and 2000. If no value is provided, 100 is used by default.
Possible values: 1 ≤ value ≤ 2000
Name of the field to sort-by; Use the '.' character to delineate sub-resources and sub-fields (eg. owner.last_name). Prepend the field with '+' or '-', indicating 'ascending' or 'descending' (default is ascending) Ignore unrecognized or unsupported sort field
Level of details returned by the get method
Allowable values: [
curl --location --request GET --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: <access_token> " --data-raw "{"name": "dev-inventory538","description": "My dev env inventory","location": "us-east","resource_group": "Default",,"inventories_ini": "[windows] \n"}
inventory_resource_record_list = schematics_service.list_inventories().get_result() print(json.dumps(inventory_resource_record_list, indent=2))
ListInventoriesOptions listInventoriesOptions = new ListInventoriesOptions.Builder() .build(); Response<InventoryResourceRecordList> response = service.listInventories(listInventoriesOptions).execute(); InventoryResourceRecordList inventoryResourceRecordList = response.getResult(); System.out.println(inventoryResourceRecordList);
schematicsService.listInventories({}) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
listInventoriesOptions := schematicsService.NewListInventoriesOptions() inventoryResourceRecordList, response, err := schematicsService.ListInventories(listInventoriesOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(inventoryResourceRecordList, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(b)) fmt.Println(response)
List of Inventory definition records
Number of records returned
Skipped number of records
Total number of records
List of inventory definition records
Status Code
Successful listed all inventory definition resources
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "total_count": 24, "limit": 100, "offset": 0, "inventories": [ { "name": "resourcename", "id": ".INVENTORY.resourcename.218b1903", "created_at": "2021-03-13T16:34:34.709988453Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, { "name": "resourcename1", "id": ".INVENTORY.resourcename.a5857cd4", "created_at": "2021-03-15T10:17:35.244325142Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, { "name": "abcdinv11", "id": "us-south.INVENTORY.abcdinv11.57fe6b53", "description": "My description", "location": "us-east", "resource_group": "Default", "created_at": "2021-03-26T04:13:55.591652477Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, { "name": "abcdinv13", "id": "us-south.INVENTORY.abcdinv11.72794f6d", "description": "My description", "location": "us-east", "resource_group": "Default", "created_at": "2021-03-25T11:29:03.692369367Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "2021-03-25T12:25:29.81518941Z", "updated_by": "" }, { "name": "abcdinv4", "id": "us-south.INVENTORY.abcdinv4.d0b2201d", "description": "My description", "location": "us-south", "resource_group": "Default", "created_at": "2021-03-25T04:28:08.360433941Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, { "name": "abcdinv5", "id": "us-east.INVENTORY.abcdinv5.ae1247ee", "description": "My description", "location": "us-south", "resource_group": "Default", "created_at": "2021-03-25T04:28:31.944210658Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, { "name": "abcdinv6", "id": "us-east.INVENTORY.abcdinv6.b7646b3f", "description": "My description", "location": "us-east", "resource_group": "Default", "created_at": "2021-03-25T04:30:31.619446477Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, { "name": "abcdinv7", "id": "us-east.INVENTORY.abcdinv7.588385ed", "description": "My description", "location": "us-east", "resource_group": "Default", "created_at": "2021-03-25T04:30:58.130718895Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, { "name": "abcdinv8", "id": "us-east.INVENTORY.abcdinv8.3608dd80", "description": "My description", "location": "us-east", "resource_group": "Default", "created_at": "2021-03-25T04:32:25.431638004Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, { "name": "abcdinv9", "id": "us-east.INVENTORY.abcdinv9.54ef1de5", "description": "My description", "location": "us-east", "resource_group": "Default", "created_at": "2021-03-25T04:33:09.77479562Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, { "name": "dev-inventory527", "id": "", "description": "My dev env inventory", "location": "us-east", "resource_group": "Default", "created_at": "2021-03-22T09:28:09.172660128Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, { "name": "dev-inventory5279", "id": "", "description": "My dev env inventory", "location": "us-east", "resource_group": "Default", "created_at": "2021-03-24T10:06:54.248751996Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, { "name": "dev-inventory52d7", "id": "", "description": "My dev env inventory", "location": "us-east", "resource_group": "Default", "created_at": "2021-03-22T09:37:38.070873251Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, { "name": "dev-inventory52d7p", "id": "", "description": "My dev env inventory", "location": "us-east", "resource_group": "Default", "created_at": "2021-03-22T10:07:47.985128872Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, { "name": "dev-inventory531", "id": "", "description": "My dev env inventory", "location": "us-east", "resource_group": "Default", "created_at": "2021-03-25T04:21:09.116751032Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, { "name": "dev-inventory532", "id": "", "description": "My dev env inventory", "location": "us-east", "resource_group": "Default", "created_at": "2021-03-25T04:21:31.918450417Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, { "name": "dev-inventory538", "id": "", "description": "My dev env inventory", "location": "us-east", "resource_group": "Default", "created_at": "2021-03-26T07:08:00.264008441Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, { "name": "dev-inventory5d28d7p", "id": "", "description": "My dev env inventory", "location": "us-east", "resource_group": "Default", "created_at": "2021-03-22T11:10:12.608762853Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, { "name": "dev-inventory5d2d7p", "id": "", "description": "My dev env inventory", "location": "us-east", "resource_group": "Default", "created_at": "2021-03-22T10:15:46.185912518Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, { "name": "dev-inventory", "id": "", "description": "My dev env inventory", "location": "us-east", "resource_group": "Default", "created_at": "2021-03-11T10:49:31.707067866Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, { "name": "dev-inventory1", "id": "", "description": "My dev env inventory", "location": "us-east", "resource_group": "Default", "created_at": "2021-03-15T10:56:10.415818711Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, { "name": "string", "id": "us-east.INVENTORY.string.9476a5b3", "description": "string", "location": "us-east", "resource_group": "string", "created_at": "2021-03-09T04:07:56.153474027Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, { "name": "string", "id": "us-east.INVENTORY.string.de4b951c", "description": "string", "location": "us-east", "resource_group": "string", "created_at": "2021-03-10T17:29:24.274559186Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, { "name": "string", "id": "us-east.INVENTORY.string.f1ef1a24", "description": "string", "location": "us-east", "resource_group": "string", "created_at": "2021-03-09T06:19:30.865119938Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, { "name": "dev-inventoryapidocexample", "id": "", "description": "My cloud linux inventory", "location": "us-east", "resource_group": "Default", "created_at": "2021-09-29T11:44:58.527220197Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } ] }
Create an inventory definition
Create an IBM Cloud Schematics inventory as a single IBM Cloud resource where you want to run Ansible playbook by using Schematics actions. For more information, about inventory host groups, refer to creating static and dynamic inventory for Schematics actions.
Note you cannot update the location and region, resource group once an action is created. Also, make sure your IP addresses are in the allowlist. If your Git repository already contains a host file. Schematics does not overwrite the host file already present in your Git repository.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
POST /v2/inventories
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Create a Inventory definition resource
The unique name of your Inventory definition. The name can be up to 128 characters long and can include alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes, and underscores.
Possible values: 3 ≤ length ≤ 64
The description of your Inventory definition. The description can be up to 2048 characters long in size.
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Allowable values: [
]Resource-group id for the shared dataset
connection type to be ssh or wirm
common credentials for the inventory
Input inventory of host and host group for the playbook, in the
file format.Input resource query definitions that is used to dynamically generate the inventory of host and host group for the playbook
Describes a bastion resource
User editable credential variable data and system generated reference to the value.
curl --location --request POST --header Authorization: <access_token> " --header "Content-Type: application/json" '{"name": "dev-inventoryapidocexample", "description": "My cloud linux inventory","location": "us-east", "resource_group": "Default","inventories_ini": "[windows] \n"}'
inventory_resource_record = schematics_service.create_inventory( name= "dev-inventory542", description= "My dev env inventory", location= "us-east", resource_group= "Default", resource_queries= ["default.RESOURCEQUERY.string.df3d8a47"] ).get_result() print(json.dumps(inventory_resource_record, indent=2))
CreateInventoryOptions createInventoryOptions = new CreateInventoryOptions.Builder() .name("dev-inventory506") .description("My dev env inventory") .location("us-east") .build(); Response<InventoryResourceRecord> response = service.createInventory(createInventoryOptions).execute(); InventoryResourceRecord inventoryResourceRecord = response.getResult(); System.out.println(inventoryResourceRecord);
const params = { name: "dev-inventory506", description: "My dev env inventory", location: "us-east", resource_group: "Default", resource_queries: ["default.RESOURCEQUERY.string.df3d8a47"]}; schematicsService.createInventory(params) .then(res => {console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));}) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
createInventoryOptions := schematicsService.NewCreateInventoryOptions() createInventoryOptions.SetName("dev-inventory542") createInventoryOptions.SetDescription("My dev env inventory") createInventoryOptions.SetLocation("us-east") inventoryResourceRecord, response, err := schematicsService.CreateInventory(createInventoryOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(response) b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(inventoryResourceRecord, "", "") fmt.Println(string(b))
Complete inventory definition details
The unique name of your Inventory. The name can be up to 128 characters long and can include alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes, and underscores.
Inventory id
The description of your Inventory. The description can be up to 2048 characters long in size.
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Possible values: [
]Resource-group name for the Inventory definition. By default, Inventory will be created in Default Resource Group
Inventory creation time
Email address of user who created the Inventory
Inventory updation time
Email address of user who updated the Inventory
Input inventory of host and host group for the playbook, in the .ini file format.
Input resource queries that is used to dynamically generate the inventory of host and host group for the playbook
connection type to be ssh or wirm
common credentials for the inventory
Describes a bastion resource
User editable credential variable data and system generated reference to the value.
Inventories' structured view for the provided inventory
Status Code
Successfully created Inventory definition resource
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource already exists
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "name": "dev-inventoryapidocexample", "id": "", "description": "My cloud linux inventory", "location": "us-east", "resource_group": "Default", "created_at": "2021-09-29T11:44:58.527218494Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "inventories_ini": "[windows] \n158.177.7.181 " }
Get an inventory definition
Use this API to retrieve the detailed information for a resource inventory definition used to target an action in your IBM Cloud account. For more information, about inventory get, refer to ibmcloud schematics inventory get.
Note you can fetch only the location and region, resource group from where your inventory is created.
Also, make sure your IP addresses are in the allowlist.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v2/inventories/{inventory_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
Resource Inventory Id. Use
GET /v2/inventories
API to look up the Resource Inventory definition Ids in your IBM Cloud account.
Query Parameters
Level of details returned by the get method
Allowable values: [
curl --location --request GET{inventory_id} —header "Authorization: <access_token> " —header "Content-Type: application/json "
curl --location --request GET curl -X GET \{inventory_id}?profile=detailed —header "Authorization: <access_token> " —header "Content-Type: application/json "
inventory_resource_record = schematics_service.get_inventory( inventory_id='set an inventory ID' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(inventory_resource_record, indent=2))
GetInventoryOptions getInventoryOptions = new GetInventoryOptions.Builder() .inventoryId("set an inventory Id") .build(); Response<InventoryResourceRecord> response = service.getInventory(getInventoryOptions).execute(); InventoryResourceRecord inventoryResourceRecord = response.getResult(); System.out.println(inventoryResourceRecord);
const params = {inventoryId: 'set an inventory ID',}; schematicsService.getInventory(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
getInventoryOptions := schematicsService.NewGetInventoryOptions( testString) getInventoryOptions.SetInventoryID("set an inventory ID") inventoryResourceRecord, response, err := schematicsService.GetInventory(getInventoryOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(inventoryResourceRecord, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(b)) fmt.Println(response)
Complete inventory definition details
The unique name of your Inventory. The name can be up to 128 characters long and can include alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes, and underscores.
Inventory id
The description of your Inventory. The description can be up to 2048 characters long in size.
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Possible values: [
]Resource-group name for the Inventory definition. By default, Inventory will be created in Default Resource Group
Inventory creation time
Email address of user who created the Inventory
Inventory updation time
Email address of user who updated the Inventory
Input inventory of host and host group for the playbook, in the .ini file format.
Input resource queries that is used to dynamically generate the inventory of host and host group for the playbook
connection type to be ssh or wirm
common credentials for the inventory
Describes a bastion resource
User editable credential variable data and system generated reference to the value.
Inventories' structured view for the provided inventory
Status Code
Successfully retrieved the resource inventory definition
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource was not found
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "name": "dev-inventoryapidocexample", "id": "", "description": "My Example cloud linux inventory", "location": "us-east", "resource_group": "Default", "created_at": "2021-09-29T11:44:58.527218494Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "2021-09-29T15:05:19.550795901Z", "updated_by": "", "inventories_ini": "[windows] \n158.177.7.181 " }
Update an inventory definition
Use this API to update the inventory definition resource used to target an action. For more information, about inventory update, refer to ibmcloud schematics inventory update.
Note you cannot update the location and region, resource group once an action is created. Also, make sure your IP addresses are in the allowlist.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
PUT /v2/inventories/{inventory_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
Resource Inventory Id. Use
GET /v2/inventories
API to look up the Resource Inventory definition Ids in your IBM Cloud account.
Update the inventory definition resource
The unique name of your Inventory definition. The name can be up to 128 characters long and can include alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes, and underscores.
Possible values: 3 ≤ length ≤ 64
The description of your Inventory definition. The description can be up to 2048 characters long in size.
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Allowable values: [
]Resource-group id for the shared dataset
connection type to be ssh or wirm
common credentials for the inventory
Input inventory of host and host group for the playbook, in the
file format.Input resource query definitions that is used to dynamically generate the inventory of host and host group for the playbook
Describes a bastion resource
User editable credential variable data and system generated reference to the value.
Inventories' structured view for the provided inventory
curl --location --request PUT --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: <access_token> " --data-raw "{"name": "MainFrame-dev-inve","description": "My dev env inventory","location": "us-east","resource_group": "Default","inventories_ini": "[windows] \n"}
inventory_resource_record = schematics_service.replace_inventory( inventory_id='', name="dev-inventory542", description="My dev env inventory text is replaced", location="us-east", resource_group= "Default", resource_queries= ["default.RESOURCEQUERY.string.df3d8a47"] ).get_result() print(json.dumps(inventory_resource_record, indent=2))
ReplaceInventoryOptions replaceInventoryOptions = new ReplaceInventoryOptions.Builder() .inventoryId("set an inventory Id") .name("dev-inventory516") .description("My dev env inventory is Java updated") .location("us-east") .build(); Response<InventoryResourceRecord> response = service.replaceInventory(replaceInventoryOptions).execute(); InventoryResourceRecord inventoryResourceRecord = response.getResult(); System.out.println(inventoryResourceRecord);
const params = { inventoryId: 'set an inventory ID', name:"dev-inventory", description: "My dev env inventory New Example", location: "us-east", resource_group: "Default", resource_queries: ["default.RESOURCEQUERY.string.df3d8a47"] }; schematicsService.replaceInventory(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
replaceInventoryOptions := schematicsService.NewReplaceInventoryOptions( testString) replaceInventoryOptions.SetInventoryID("set your inventory ID") replaceInventoryOptions.SetName("dev-inventory548") replaceInventoryOptions.SetDescription("My dev env inventory is correct") replaceInventoryOptions.SetLocation("us-east") inventoryResourceRecord, response, err := schematicsService.ReplaceInventory(replaceInventoryOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(inventoryResourceRecord, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(b)) fmt.Println(response)
Complete inventory definition details
The unique name of your Inventory. The name can be up to 128 characters long and can include alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes, and underscores.
Inventory id
The description of your Inventory. The description can be up to 2048 characters long in size.
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Possible values: [
]Resource-group name for the Inventory definition. By default, Inventory will be created in Default Resource Group
Inventory creation time
Email address of user who created the Inventory
Inventory updation time
Email address of user who updated the Inventory
Input inventory of host and host group for the playbook, in the .ini file format.
Input resource queries that is used to dynamically generate the inventory of host and host group for the playbook
connection type to be ssh or wirm
common credentials for the inventory
Describes a bastion resource
User editable credential variable data and system generated reference to the value.
Inventories' structured view for the provided inventory
Status Code
Successfully updated the inventory definition resource
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource was not found
The specified resource is locked, cannot be updated or deleted
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "name": "dev-inventoryapidocexample", "id": "", "description": "My Example cloud linux inventory", "location": "us-east", "resource_group": "Default", "created_at": "2021-09-29T11:44:58.527218494Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "2021-09-29T15:05:19.550795901Z", "updated_by": "", "inventories_ini": "[windows] \n158.177.7.181" }
Delete an inventory definition
Use this API to delete the resource inventory definition by using the inventory ID that you want to run against. For more information, about inventory delete, refer to ibmcloud schematics inventory delete.
Note you cannot delete the location and region, resource group from where your inventory is created. Also, make sure your IP addresses are in the allowlist.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
DELETE /v2/inventories/{inventory_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.Equivalent to -force options in the command line
Auto propagate the chaange or deletion to the dependent resources
Path Parameters
Resource Inventory Id. Use
GET /v2/inventories
API to look up the Resource Inventory definition Ids in your IBM Cloud account.
curl --location --request DELETE --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: <access_token> " --data-raw "{"name": "dev-inventory538","description": "My dev env inventory","location": "us-east","resource_group": "Default","resource_queries": ["default.RESOURCEQUERY.string.df3d8a47"]}
response = schematics_service.delete_inventory( inventory_id='' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(response, indent=2))
DeleteInventoryOptions deleteInventoryOptions = new DeleteInventoryOptions.Builder() .inventoryId("set an inventory Id") .build(); service.deleteInventory(deleteInventoryOptions).execute();
const params = { inventoryId: 'set an inventory ID', }; schematicsService.deleteInventory(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
deleteInventoryOptions := schematicsService.NewDeleteInventoryOptions( testString) deleteInventoryOptions.SetInventoryID("set inventory Id") response, err := schematicsService.DeleteInventory(deleteInventoryOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(response)
Status Code
Successfully deleted the resource inventory definition
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource was not found
Failed to delete the specific resoure. If the resource is locked, try again after unlocking.
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
No Sample Response
List resource queries
Retrieve the list of resource query definitions that you have access to. The list of resource queries that is returned depends on the API endpoint that you use. For example, if you use an API endpoint for a geography, such as North America, only resource query definitions that are created in us-south
or us-east
are retrieved. For more information, about supported API endpoints, see API endpoints.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v2/resources_query
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Query Parameters
The starting position of the item in the list of items. For example, if you have three workspaces in your account, the first workspace is assigned position number 0, the second workspace is assigned position number 1, and so forth. If you have 6 workspaces and you want to list the details for workspaces
, enter 1. To limit the number of workspaces that is returned, use thelimit
option in addition to theoffset
option. Negative numbers are not supported and are ignored.Possible values: value ≥ 0
The maximum number of items that you want to list. The number must be a positive integer between 1 and 2000. If no value is provided, 100 is used by default.
Possible values: 1 ≤ value ≤ 2000
Name of the field to sort-by; Use the '.' character to delineate sub-resources and sub-fields (eg. owner.last_name). Prepend the field with '+' or '-', indicating 'ascending' or 'descending' (default is ascending) Ignore unrecognized or unsupported sort field
Level of details returned by the get method
Allowable values: [
curl --location --request GET --header "Authorization: <access_token>" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Cookie: " --data-raw "
resource_query_record_list = schematics_service.list_resource_query().get_result() print(json.dumps(resource_query_record_list, indent=2))
ListResourceQueryOptions listResourceQueryOptions = new ListResourceQueryOptions.Builder() .build(); Response<ResourceQueryRecordList> response = service.listResourceQuery(listResourceQueryOptions).execute(); ResourceQueryRecordList resourceQueryRecordList = response.getResult(); System.out.println(resourceQueryRecordList);
schematicsService.listResourceQuery({}) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
listResourceQueryOptions := schematicsService.NewListResourceQueryOptions() resourceQueryRecordList, response, err := schematicsService.ListResourceQuery(listResourceQueryOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(resourceQueryRecordList, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(b)) fmt.Println(response)
List of Resource query records
Number of records returned
Skipped number of records
Total number of records
List of resource query records. (Deprecated ResourceQueries. Instead, use resource_queries.)
Status Code
Successful listed all resource query definitions
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "total_count": 4, "limit": 100, "offset": 0, "ResourceQueries": [ { "id": "default.RESOURCEQUERY.a12344", "created_at": "2021-04-09T10:05:33.073223242Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, { "type": "vsi", "name": "demorqcli", "id": "default.RESOURCEQUERY.demorqcli.79f53cb8", "created_at": "2021-03-31T06:25:27.675614966Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "queries": [ { "query_type": "workspaces", "query_condition": [ { "name": "workspace-id", "value": "us-east.workspace.sundeepKfreporttest.22e234125", "description": "string" }, { "name": "resource-name", "value": "tf44234vpc-pubpriv-frontend-vsi", "description": "string" } ] } ] }, { "type": "workspace_resource", "name": "hello", "id": "default.RESOURCEQUERY.hello.2f12312", "created_at": "2021-04-09T10:20:06.572503322Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "queries": [ { "query_type": "workspaces", "query_condition": [ { "name": "workspace-id", "value": "us-east.ACTION.kubectlWorkshop.1010101", "description": "string" }, { "name": "resource-name", "value": "123vpc-pubpriv-frontend-vsi", "description": "string" } ] } ] }, { "type": "workspaces", "name": "samplequerytest", "id": "t12312121vpc-pubpriv-frontend-vsi", "created_at": "2021-03-31T06:32:54.065908533Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } ] }
Create resource query
Use this API to create a resource query definition that will be used to select an IBM Cloud resource or a group of resources as the dynamic inventory for the Schematics Actions. For more information, about resource query commands, refer to ibmcloud schematics resource query create. Note you cannot update the location and region, resource group once an action is created. Also, make sure your IP addresses are in the allowlist. If your Git repository already contains a host file. Schematics does not overwrite the host file already present in your Git repository.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
POST /v2/resources_query
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Create a resource query definition
Resource type (cluster, vsi, icd, vpc)
Allowable values: [
]Resource query name
Describe resource query
curl --location --request POST --header "Authorization: <access_token> " --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Cookie:" --data-raw "{"type": "workspace_resource","name": "hello","queries": [{"query_type": "workspaces","query_condition": [{"name": "workspace-id", "value": "us-east.ACTION.kubectlWorkshop.41901417","description": "string"},{"name": "resource-name","value": "tf00vpc-pubpriv-frontend-vsi","description": "string"}]}]}'
resource_query_record = schematics_service.create_resource_query( type="workspace_resource", name="hello my world", queries=[{ query_type:"workspaces", query_condition: [{ name:"workspace-id", value:"us-east.ACTION.kubectlWorkshop.41901417", description:"string"},{ name:"resource-name", value:"tf00vpc-pubpriv-frontend-vsi", description:"string"} ] } ] ).get_result() print(json.dumps(resource_query_record, indent=2))
CreateResourceQueryOptions createResourceQueryOptions = new CreateResourceQueryOptions.Builder() .type("workspace_resource") .name("hello my world") .build(); Response<ResourceQueryRecord> response = service.createResourceQuery(createResourceQueryOptions).execute(); ResourceQueryRecord resourceQueryRecord = response.getResult(); System.out.println(resourceQueryRecord);
const params = { type: "workspace_resource", name: "hello my world", queries: [ { query_type: "workspaces", query_condition: [ {name: "workspace-id",value: "us-east.ACTION.kubectlWorkshop.41901417",description: "string"}, {name: "resource-name",value: "tf00vpc-pubpriv-frontend-vsi",description: "string"} ]}]}; schematicsService.createResourceQuery(params) .then(res => {console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));}) .catch(err => {console.warn(err)});
createResourceQueryOptions := schematicsService.NewCreateResourceQueryOptions() createResourceQueryOptions.SetType("workspace_resource") createResourceQueryOptions.SetName("hello") resourceQueryRecord, response, err := schematicsService.CreateResourceQuery(createResourceQueryOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(resourceQueryRecord, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(b)) fmt.Println(response)
Describe resource query record
Resource type (cluster, vsi, icd, vpc)
Possible values: [
]Resource query name
Resource Query id
Resource query creation time
Email address of user who created the Resource query
Resource query updation time
Email address of user who updated the Resource query
Describe resource query
Status Code
Successfully created resource query definition
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource already exists
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "type": "workspace_resource", "name": "hello", "id": "your resource query ID.", "created_at": "2021-04-09T10:20:06.572501285Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "queries": [ { "query_type": "workspaces", "query_condition": [ { "name": "workspace-id", "value": "us-east.ACTION.kubectlWorkshop.1010101", "description": "string" }, { "name": "resource-name", "value": "t123vpc-pubpriv-frontend-vsi", "description": "string" } ] } ] }
Get resources query
Use this API to retrieve the information resource query by Id. For more information, about resource query commands, refer to ibmcloud schematics resource query get.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v2/resources_query/{query_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
Resource query Id. Use
GET /v2/resource_query
API to look up the Resource query definition Ids in your IBM Cloud account.
curl --location --request GET --header "Authorization: <access_token>" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Cookie: " --data-raw "
GetResourcesQueryOptions getResourcesQueryOptions = new GetResourcesQueryOptions.Builder() .queryId("set a query Id") .build(); Response<ResourceQueryRecord> response = service.getResourcesQuery(getResourcesQueryOptions).execute(); ResourceQueryRecord resourceQueryRecord = response.getResult(); System.out.println(resourceQueryRecord);
resource_query_record = schematics_service.get_resources_query( query_id='default.RESOURCEQUERY.hello-my-world.c1789bc1' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(resource_query_record, indent=2))
const params = { queryId: 'set a resource-query Id', }; schematicsService.getResourcesQuery(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
getResourcesQueryOptions := schematicsService.NewGetResourcesQueryOptions( testString) getResourcesQueryOptions.SetQueryID("set a resource-query Id") resourceQueryRecord, response, err := schematicsService.GetResourcesQuery(getResourcesQueryOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(resourceQueryRecord, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(b)) fmt.Println(response)
Describe resource query record
Resource type (cluster, vsi, icd, vpc)
Possible values: [
]Resource query name
Resource Query id
Resource query creation time
Email address of user who created the Resource query
Resource query updation time
Email address of user who updated the Resource query
Describe resource query
Status Code
Successfully fetches a resources query definition.
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource was not found
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "type": "workspace_resource", "name": "hello", "id": "default.RESOURCEQUERY.hello.101010", "created_at": "2021-04-09T10:20:06.572503322Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "queries": [ { "query_type": "workspaces", "query_condition": [ { "name": "workspace-id", "value": "us-east.ACTION.kubectlWorkshop.101010", "description": "string" }, { "name": "resource-name", "value": "tf1234vpc-pubpriv-frontend-vsi", "description": "string" } ] } ] }
Update resources query definition
Use this API to update the resource query definition used to build the dynamic inventory for the Schematics Action. For more information, about resource query commands, refer to ibmcloud schematics resource query update. Note you cannot update the location and region, resource group once a resource query is created. Also, make sure your IP addresses are in the allowlist.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
PUT /v2/resources_query/{query_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
Resource query Id. Use
GET /v2/resource_query
API to look up the Resource query definition Ids in your IBM Cloud account.
Replace the resources query definition
Resource type (cluster, vsi, icd, vpc)
Allowable values: [
]Resource query name
Describe resource query
curl --location --request PUT --header "Authorization:<access_token> " --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Cookie: " --data-raw "{ "type": "workspace_resource","name": "hello my world","queries": [{"query_type": "workspaces","query_condition": [{"name": "workspace-id","value": "us-east.ACTION.kubectlWorkshop.41901417","description": "string"},{"name": "resource-name","value": "tf00vpc-pubpriv-frontend-vsi","description": "string"}]}]}
resource_query_record = schematics_service.replace_resources_query( query_id= "set a query Id", type= "workspace_resource", name= "hello my world", queries= [ { query_type: "workspaces", query_condition: [ { name: "workspace-id", value: "us-east.ACTION.kubectlWorkshop.41901417", description: "string" }, { name: "resource-name", value: "tf00vpc-pubpriv-frontend-vsi", description: "string" } ]}] ).get_result() print(json.dumps(resource_query_record, indent=2)) ]}]}
ReplaceResourcesQueryOptions replaceResourcesQueryOptions = new ReplaceResourcesQueryOptions.Builder() .queryId("set a query Id") .type("workspace_resource") .name("hello my world this is resource_query") .build(); Response<ResourceQueryRecord> response = service.replaceResourcesQuery(replaceResourcesQueryOptions).execute(); ResourceQueryRecord resourceQueryRecord = response.getResult(); System.out.println(resourceQueryRecord);
const params = { queryId: 'set query Id', type: "workspace_resource", name: "hello my world updated changes", }; schematicsService.replaceResourcesQuery(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
replaceResourcesQueryOptions := schematicsService.NewReplaceResourcesQueryOptions( testString) replaceResourcesQueryOptions.SetQueryID("default.RESOURCEQUERY.demorqcli.79f53cb8") replaceResourcesQueryOptions.SetType("workspace_resource")replaceResourcesQueryOptions.SetName("hello my world short description") resourceQueryRecord, response, err := schematicsService.ReplaceResourcesQuery(replaceResourcesQueryOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(resourceQueryRecord, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(b)) fmt.Println(response)
Describe resource query record
Resource type (cluster, vsi, icd, vpc)
Possible values: [
]Resource query name
Resource Query id
Resource query creation time
Email address of user who created the Resource query
Resource query updation time
Email address of user who updated the Resource query
Describe resource query
Status Code
Successfully updated the resources query definition
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource is locked, cannot be updated or deleted
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "type": "workspace_resource", "name": "hello my world", "id": "default.RESOURCEQUERY.hello.10101", "created_at": "2021-04-09T10:20:06.572501285Z", "created_by": "", "updated_at": "2021-04-09T10:34:39.243133239Z", "updated_by": "", "queries": [ { "query_type": "workspaces", "query_condition": [ { "name": "workspace-id", "value": "us-east.ACTION.kubectlWorkshop.12317", "description": "string" }, { "name": "resource-name", "value": "tf12312vpc-pubpriv-frontend-vsi", "description": "string" } ] } ] }
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
Resource query Id. Use
GET /v2/resource_query
API to look up the Resource query definition Ids in your IBM Cloud account.
Describe resource query
Status Code
Successfully executed resource query
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource already exists
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
No Sample Response
Delete resources query
Use this API to delete the resource query definition by Id. For more information, about resource query commands, refer to ibmcloud schematics resource query delete.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
DELETE /v2/resources_query/{query_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.Equivalent to -force options in the command line
Auto propagate the chaange or deletion to the dependent resources
Path Parameters
Resource query Id. Use
GET /v2/resource_query
API to look up the Resource query definition Ids in your IBM Cloud account.
curl --location --request DELETE --header 'Authorization: ' --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Cookie: " --data-raw "
response = schematics_service.delete_resources_query( query_id='set query id' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(response, indent=2))
DeleteResourcesQueryOptions deleteResourcesQueryOptions = new DeleteResourcesQueryOptions.Builder() .queryId("set a query Id") .build(); service.deleteResourcesQuery(deleteResourcesQueryOptions).execute();
const params = { queryId: 'set query id', }; schematicsService.deleteResourcesQuery(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
deleteResourcesQueryOptions := schematicsService.NewDeleteResourcesQueryOptions( testString) deleteResourcesQueryOptions.SetQueryID("set query id") response, err := schematicsService.DeleteResourcesQuery(deleteResourcesQueryOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(response)
Status Code
Successfully deletes a resources query definition.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource was not found
Failed to delete the specific resoure. If the resource is locked, try again after unlocking.
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
No Sample Response
Get all registered/unregistered agents in the Account
Get all registered or unregistered agents, in the Account.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v2/settings/agents
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Query Parameters
The starting position of the item in the list of items. For example, if you have three workspaces in your account, the first workspace is assigned position number 0, the second workspace is assigned position number 1, and so forth. If you have 6 workspaces and you want to list the details for workspaces
, enter 1. To limit the number of workspaces that is returned, use thelimit
option in addition to theoffset
option. Negative numbers are not supported and are ignored.Possible values: value ≥ 0
The maximum number of items that you want to list. The number must be a positive integer between 1 and 2000. If no value is provided, 100 is used by default.
Possible values: 1 ≤ value ≤ 2000
Level of details returned by the get method
Allowable values: [
to get all unregistered agents; usesaved
to get all registered agents.Allowable values: [
The list of agent details.
The number of records returned.
The skipped number of records.
The total number of records.
The list of agents in the account.
Status Code
Successfully listed all agent in the account
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "total_count": 2, "limit": 100, "offset": 0, "agents": [ { "name": "smulampaka-agent9", "description": "Register agent", "resource_group": "Default", "tags": [ "agent" ], "agent_location": "us-south", "location": "eu-de", "agent_crn": "crn:v1:staging:public:schematics:eu-de:a/0ddd18d6a00f4e8ea3fb582446c5375c:a39aa93c-4ee1-4219-b4c5-afd75940370a:agent:smulampaka-agent9.deA.01a3", "id": "smulampaka-agent9.deA.01a3", "registered_at": "2022-07-07T05:32:24.007380557Z", "registered_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "user_state": { "state": "enable", "set_by": "", "set_at": "2022-07-07T05:32:24.007344942Z" }, "connection_state": { "state": "Connected", "checked_at": "2022-07-07T05:32:24.007386377Z" }, "system_state": {} }, { "name": "devagentapi", "description": "Register agent description change", "resource_group": "Default", "tags": [ "agent" ], "agent_location": "us-south", "location": "eu-de", "agent_crn": "crn:v1:staging:public:schematics:eu-de:a/0ddd18d6a00f4e8ea3fb582446c5375c:a39aa93c-4ee1-4219-b4c5-afd75940370a:agent:devagentapi.deA.03a4", "id": "devagentapi.deA.03a4", "registered_at": "2022-07-07T05:38:06.81474461Z", "registered_by": "", "updated_at": "2022-07-07T05:38:56.389951235Z", "updated_by": "", "user_state": { "state": "enable", "set_by": "", "set_at": "2022-07-07T05:38:06.814710293Z" }, "connection_state": { "state": "Connected", "checked_at": "2022-07-07T05:38:06.814753123Z" }, "system_state": {} } ] }
Register the agent with schematics
Register the agent with schematics
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
POST /v2/settings/agents
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Register the agent with schematics.
The name of the agent (must be unique, for an account).
The location where agent is deployed in the user environment.
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Allowable values: [
]The IAM trusted profile id, used by the Agent instance.
Agent description
Register agent
The resource-group name for the agent. By default, Agent will be registered in Default Resource Group.
Tags for the agent
User defined status of the agent
curl --cart --request POST "Authorization: <access_token>" --header "enable_blueprint: true" "Content-Type: application/json" "Github-token: github_token" -d "{"name": "devagentapi","description": "Register agent","resource_group": "Default", "tags": ["agent"],"location": "eu-de","agent_location": "us-south","profile_id": "smkumar9","user_state": {"state": "enable"}}"
The agent registration details, with user inputs and system generated data.
The name of the agent (must be unique, for an account).
The location where agent is deployed in the user environment.
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Possible values: [
]The IAM trusted profile id, used by the Agent instance.
Agent description
Register agent
The resource-group name for the agent. By default, Agent will be registered in Default Resource Group.
Tags for the agent
The Agent crn, obtained from the Schematics Agent deployment configuration.
The Agent registration id.
The Agent registration date-time
The email address of an user who registered the Agent.
The Agent registration updation time.
Email address of user who updated the Agent registration
User defined status of the agent
Connection status of the agent
Computed state of the agent
Status Code
Successfully Registered the agent
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource already exists
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "name": "devagentapi", "description": "Register agent", "resource_group": "5dcf6a39526247fa9cd1ff97a58b7dda", "tags": [ "agent" ], "agent_location": "us-south", "location": "eu-de", "profile_id": "smkumar9", "agent_crn": "crn:v1:staging:public:schematics:eu-de:a/0ddd18d6a00f4e8ea3fb582446c5375c:a39aa93c-4ee1-4219-b4c5-afd75940370a:agent:devagentapi.deA.03a4", "id": "devagentapi.deA.03a4", "registered_at": "2022-07-07T05:38:06.814728043Z", "registered_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "user_state": { "state": "enable", "set_by": "", "set_at": "2022-07-07T05:38:06.814719738Z" }, "connection_state": { "state": "Connected", "checked_at": "2022-07-07T05:38:06.814736503Z" }, "system_state": {} }
Get the registered agent details
Reterive list the registered agent details
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v2/settings/agents/{agent_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
Agent ID to get the details of agent
Query Parameters
Level of details returned by the get method
Allowable values: [
curl --request GET{agent_id} --header "Authorization: <access_token>" 'X-Feature-Agents: true' "refresh_token: <refresh-token>"
The agent registration details, with user inputs and system generated data.
The name of the agent (must be unique, for an account).
The location where agent is deployed in the user environment.
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Possible values: [
]The IAM trusted profile id, used by the Agent instance.
Agent description
Register agent
The resource-group name for the agent. By default, Agent will be registered in Default Resource Group.
Tags for the agent
The Agent crn, obtained from the Schematics Agent deployment configuration.
The Agent registration id.
The Agent registration date-time
The email address of an user who registered the Agent.
The Agent registration updation time.
Email address of user who updated the Agent registration
User defined status of the agent
Connection status of the agent
Computed state of the agent
Status Code
Successfully got the agent details
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource was not found
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "name": "agent-beta1-testing", "description": "Create Agent", "resource_group": "schematics-prod", "tags": [ "env:prod", "mytest" ], "version": "v1.0.0", "schematics_location": "us-south", "agent_location": "us-south", "user_state": { "state": "enable", "set_by": "", "set_at": "2023-03-16T06:12:13.684097462Z" }, "agent_crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:schematics:us-south:a/<crn>:agent:agent-beta1-testing.soA.748e", "created_at": "2023-03-16T06:12:13.684112846Z", "creation_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "system_state": { "status_code": "draft" }, "agent_kpi": { "availability_indicator": "normal", "lifecycle_indicator": "consistent", "percent_usage_indicator": "30%" } }
Deregister the agent
Deregistering an agent.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
DELETE /v2/settings/agents/{agent_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
Agent ID to get the details of agent
Status Code
Successfully deregistered the agent
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource was not found
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
No Sample Response
Update the agent registration
Update the agent registeration.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
PATCH /v2/settings/agents/{agent_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
Agent ID to get the details of agent
Update the agent registration.
The name of the agent (must be unique, for an account).
The location where agent is deployed in the user environment.
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Allowable values: [
]The IAM trusted profile id, used by the Agent instance.
Agent description
Register agent
The resource-group name for the agent. By default, Agent will be registered in Default Resource Group.
Tags for the agent
User defined status of the agent
curl --cart --request PATCH{agent_id} "Authorization: <access_token>" --header "enable_blueprint: true" "Content-Type: application/json" "Github-token: github_token" -d "{"name": "devagentapi","description": "Register agent description change","resource_group": "Default", "tags": ["agent"],"location": "eu-de","agent_location": "us-south","profile_id": "smkumar9","user_state": {"state": "enable"}}"
The agent registration details, with user inputs and system generated data.
The name of the agent (must be unique, for an account).
The location where agent is deployed in the user environment.
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Possible values: [
]The IAM trusted profile id, used by the Agent instance.
Agent description
Register agent
The resource-group name for the agent. By default, Agent will be registered in Default Resource Group.
Tags for the agent
The Agent crn, obtained from the Schematics Agent deployment configuration.
The Agent registration id.
The Agent registration date-time
The email address of an user who registered the Agent.
The Agent registration updation time.
Email address of user who updated the Agent registration
User defined status of the agent
Connection status of the agent
Computed state of the agent
Status Code
Successfully Registered the agent
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource already exists
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "name": "devagentapi", "description": "Register agent description change", "resource_group": "5dcf6a39526247fa9cd1ff97a58b7dda", "tags": [ "agent" ], "agent_location": "us-south", "location": "eu-de", "profile_id": "smkumar9", "agent_crn": "crn:v1:staging:public:schematics:eu-de:a/0ddd18d6a00f4e8ea3fb582446c5375c:a39aa93c-4ee1-4219-b4c5-afd75940370a:agent:devagentapi.deA.03a4", "id": "devagentapi.deA.03a4", "registered_at": "2022-07-07T05:38:06.81474461Z", "registered_by": "", "updated_at": "2022-07-07T05:38:56.389947172Z", "updated_by": "", "user_state": { "state": "enable", "set_by": "", "set_at": "2022-07-07T05:38:06.814719738Z" }, "connection_state": { "state": "Connected", "checked_at": "2022-07-07T05:38:06.814753123Z" }, "system_state": {} }
List agents
Retrieve a list of Schematics agents from your IBM Cloud account that you have access to. The list of agents that is returned depends on the API endpoint that you use. For example, if you use an API endpoint for a geography, such as North America, only agents that are created in us-south or
us-east` are returned. For more information about frequently asked questions, see FAQ and Troubleshooting guide.
For more information about supported API endpoints, see API endpoint.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v2/agents
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Query Parameters
The starting position of the item in the list of items. For example, if you have three workspaces in your account, the first workspace is assigned position number 0, the second workspace is assigned position number 1, and so forth. If you have 6 workspaces and you want to list the details for workspaces
, enter 1. To limit the number of workspaces that is returned, use thelimit
option in addition to theoffset
option. Negative numbers are not supported and are ignored.Possible values: value ≥ 0
The maximum number of items that you want to list. The number must be a positive integer between 1 and 2000. If no value is provided, 100 is used by default.
Possible values: 1 ≤ value ≤ 2000
Level of details returned by the get method
Allowable values: [
to get all unregistered agents; usesaved
to get all registered agents.Allowable values: [
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <Auth Key>' -H 'X-Feature-Agents: true' -H 'refresh_token: <refresh_token>'
ListAgentDataOptions listAgentDataOptions = new ListAgentDataOptions.Builder().xFeatureAgents(true) .build(); Response<AgentDataList> response = service.listAgentData(listAgentDataOptions).execute(); AgentDataList agentList = response.getResult(); System.out.println(agentList);
response = schematics_service.list_agent_data() agent_list = response.get_result() print(json.dumps(agent_list, indent=2))
const params = {xFeatureAgents: true, }; schematicsService .listAgentData(params) .then(response => { console.log(response.result); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err); });
result, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.ListAgentData(&schematicsv1.ListAgentDataOptions { XFeatureAgents: core.BoolPtr(true), }) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Failed to list the agent data : %v and the response is %s", err, detailedResponse) } w, err := json.Marshal(result) fmt.Print("Agents:", string(w))
The list of agents.
The number of records returned.
The skipped number of records.
The total number of records.
The list of agents in the account.
Status Code
Successfully listed all agents in the account
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "total_count": 2, "limit": 100, "offset": 0, "agents": [ { "name": "smulampaka-agent9", "description": "Register agent", "resource_group": "Default", "tags": [ "agent" ], "agent_location": "us-south", "location": "eu-de", "agent_crn": "crn:v1:staging:public:schematics:eu-de:a/0ddd18d6a00f4e8ea3fb582446c5375c:a39aa93c-4ee1-4219-b4c5-afd75940370a:agent:smulampaka-agent9.deA.01a3", "id": "smulampaka-agent9.deA.01a3", "registered_at": "2022-07-07T05:32:24.007380557Z", "registered_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "user_state": { "state": "enable", "set_by": "", "set_at": "2022-07-07T05:32:24.007344942Z" }, "connection_state": { "state": "Connected", "checked_at": "2022-07-07T05:32:24.007386377Z" }, "system_state": {} }, { "name": "devagentapi", "description": "Register agent description change", "resource_group": "Default", "tags": [ "agent" ], "agent_location": "us-south", "location": "eu-de", "agent_crn": "crn:v1:staging:public:schematics:eu-de:a/0ddd18d6a00f4e8ea3fb582446c5375c:a39aa93c-4ee1-4219-b4c5-afd75940370a:agent:devagentapi.deA.03a4", "id": "devagentapi.deA.03a4", "registered_at": "2022-07-07T05:38:06.81474461Z", "registered_by": "", "updated_at": "2022-07-07T05:38:56.389951235Z", "updated_by": "", "user_state": { "state": "enable", "set_by": "", "set_at": "2022-07-07T05:38:06.814710293Z" }, "connection_state": { "state": "Connected", "checked_at": "2022-07-07T05:38:06.814753123Z" }, "system_state": {} } ] }
Create an agent
Subsequently, create an agent definition to manage the agent deployment with the agent configuration that will be used to deploy your agent to its target location. Getting API endpoint:-
The Schematics API endpoint that you use to create the agent determines where your Schematics agent run and your data is stored. For more information about supported API endpoints, see API endpoints. * If you use the API endpoint for a geography and not a specific location, such as North America, you can specify the location in your API request body. * If you do not specify the location in the request body, Schematics determines your agent location based on availability. * If you use an API endpoint for a specific location, such as Frankfurt, the location that you enter in your API request body must match your API endpoint. * You also have the option to not specify a location in your API request body if you use a location-specific API endpoint. * Follow the steps to retrieve your IAM access token and authenticate with IBM Cloud Schematics by using the API. * For more information about frequently asked questions, see FAQ and Troubleshooting guide.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
POST /v2/agents
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Create the agent using schematics.
The name of the agent (must be unique, for an account).
The resource-group name for the agent. By default, agent will be registered in Default Resource Group.
Agent version
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Allowable values: [
]The location where agent is deployed in the user environment.
The infrastructure parameters used by the agent.
Agent description.
Create Agent
Tags for the agent.
The metadata of an agent.
Examples:[ { "name": "purpose", "value": [ "git", "terraform", "ansible" ] }, { "name": "git_endpoints", "value": [ "", "", "" ] } ]
Additional input variables for the agent
User defined status of the agent
Schematics Agent key performance indicators.
curl -X POST \-H 'Authorization: Bearer <Auth Key>' -H 'X-Feature-Agents: true' -H 'refresh_token: <refresh_token> ' -d '{ "name": "AgentName", "description": "Create Agent", "resource_group": "Default", "tags": [ "tag1", "tag2" ], "version": "v1.0.0", "schematics_location": "us-south", "agent_location": "us-south", "agent_infrastructure": { "infra_type": "ibm_kubernetes", "cluster_id": "cluster_id", "cluster_resource_group": "Default", "cos_instance_name": "blueprint_basic", "cos_bucket_name": "sample_bucket_name", "cos_bucket_region": "us-east" }, "agent_inputs": [ { "name": "ibmcloud_api_key", "value": "<api_key of the account where cluster and cos are present>", "metadata": { "secure": true } }, { "name": "ansible_pull_ibmcloud_api_key", "value": "jenkins api_key for pulling agents images", "metadata": { "secure": true } }, { "name": "devops_api_key", "value": "api_key where you want to create agent and run fvts", "metadata": { "secure": true } } ], "user_state": { "state": "enable" } }'
AgentInfrastructure agentInfrastructureModel = new AgentInfrastructure.Builder().infraType("ibm_kubernetes") .clusterId("testString") .clusterResourceGroup("testString") .cosInstanceName("testString") .cosBucketName("testString") .cosBucketRegion("testString") .build(); AgentMetadataInfo agentMetadataInfoModel = new AgentMetadataInfo.Builder() .name("purpose") .value(java.util.Arrays.asList("git", "terraform", "ansible")) .build(); VariableMetadata variableMetadataModel = new VariableMetadata.Builder() .type("boolean") .aliases(java.util.Arrays.asList("testString")) .description("testString") .cloudDataType("testString") .defaultValue("testString") .linkStatus("normal") .secure(true) .immutable(true) .hidden(true) .required(true) .options(java.util.Arrays.asList("testString")) .minValue(Long.valueOf("26")) .maxValue(Long.valueOf("26")) .minLength(Long.valueOf("26")) .maxLength(Long.valueOf("26")) .matches("testString") .position(Long.valueOf("26")) .groupBy("testString") .source("testString") .build(); VariableData variableDataModel = new VariableData.Builder() .name("testString") .value("testString") .useDefault(true) .metadata(variableMetadataModel) .build(); AgentUserState agentUserStateModel = new AgentUserState.Builder() .state("enable") .build(); AgentKPIData agentKpiDataModel = new AgentKPIData.Builder() .availabilityIndicator("available") .lifecycleIndicator("consistent") .percentUsageIndicator("testString") .applicationIndicators(java.util.Arrays.asList("testString")) .infraIndicators(java.util.Arrays.asList("testString")) .build(); CreateAgentDataOptions createAgentDataOptionsModel = new CreateAgentDataOptions.Builder() .xFeatureAgents(true) .name("AgentFromJavaSDK") .resourceGroup("Default") .version("v1.0.0") .schematicsLocation("us-south") .agentLocation("us-south") .agentInfrastructure(agentInfrastructureModel) .description("Create Agent") .tags(java.util.Arrays.asList("testString")) .agentMetadata(java.util.Arrays.asList(agentMetadataInfoModel)) .agentInputs(java.util.Arrays.asList(variableDataModel)) .userState(agentUserStateModel) .agentKpi(agentKpiDataModel) .build(); Response<AgentData> response = service.createAgentData(createAgentDataOptionsModel).execute(); AgentData agentCreate = response.getResult(); System.out.println(agentCreate);
agent_infrastructure_model = {'infra_type': 'ibm_kubernetes', 'cluster_id': 'blrpsgow026e2vt98t0g', 'cluster_resource_group': 'Default', 'cos_instance_name': 'agent-dev-cos', 'cos_bucket_name': 'agent-dev-cos-bucket', 'cos_bucket_region': 'us-south', } agent_metadata_info_model = { 'name': 'purpose', 'value': ['git'], } variable_metadata_model = { 'type': 'boolean', 'aliases': ['testString'], 'description': 'testString', 'cloud_data_type': 'testString', 'default_value': 'testString', 'link_status': 'normal', 'secure': True, 'immutable': True, 'hidden': True, 'required': True, 'options': ['testString'], 'min_value': 38, 'max_value': 38, 'min_length': 38, 'max_length': 38, 'matches': 'testString', 'position': 38, 'group_by': 'testString', 'source': 'testString', } variable_data_model = { 'name': 'ibmcloud_api_key', 'value': 'Uqd6nEZEkLRp2VP30H2o-b5b6qcdevpY3w9_g3hs31L5', 'use_default': True, 'metadata': variable_metadata_model, } agent_user_state_model = { 'state': 'enable', } agent_kpi_data_model = { 'availability_indicator': 'available', 'lifecycle_indicator': 'consistent', 'percent_usage_indicator': 'testString', 'application_indicators': ['testString'], 'infra_indicators': ['testString'], } response = schematics_service.create_agent_data( name='MyDevAgent', resource_group='Default', version='v1.0.0', schematics_location='us-south', agent_location='us-south', agent_infrastructure=agent_infrastructure_model, description='Create Agent', tags=['env:test','mytest'], agent_metadata=[agent_metadata_info_model], agent_inputs=[variable_data_model], user_state=agent_user_state_model, agent_kpi=agent_kpi_data_model, ) agent_data = response.get_result() print(json.dumps(agent_data, indent=2))
const agentInfrastructureModel = { infra_type: 'ibm_kubernetes', cluster_id: 'testString', cluster_resource_group: 'testString', cos_instance_name: 'testString', cos_bucket_name: 'testString', cos_bucket_region: 'testString', }; const agentMetadataInfoModel = { name: 'purpose', value: ['git', 'terraform', 'ansible'], }; const variableMetadataModel = { type: 'boolean', aliases: ['testString'], description: 'testString', cloud_data_type: 'testString', default_value: 'testString', link_status: 'normal', secure: true, immutable: true, hidden: true, required: true, options: ['testString'], min_value: 38, max_value: 38, min_length: 38, max_length: 38, matches: 'testString', position: 38, group_by: 'testString', source: 'testString', }; const variableDataModel = { name: 'testString', value: 'testString', use_default: true, metadata: variableMetadataModel, }; const agentUserStateModel = { state: 'enable', }; const agentKpiDataModel = { availability_indicator: 'available', lifecycle_indicator: 'consistent', percent_usage_indicator: 'testString', application_indicators: ['testString'], infra_indicators: ['testString'], }; const params = { name: 'AgentFromNode', resourceGroup: 'Default', version: 'v1.0.0', schematicsLocation: 'us-south', agentLocation: 'us-south', agentInfrastructure: agentInfrastructureModel, description: 'Create Agent', tags: ['testString'], agentMetadata: [agentMetadataInfoModel], agentInputs: [variableDataModel], userState: agentUserStateModel, agentKpi: agentKpiDataModel, xFeatureAgents: true, }; schematicsService .createAgentData(params) .then(response => { console.log(response.result); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err); });
agentInfrastructureModel := new(schematicsv1.AgentInfrastructure) agentInfrastructureModel.InfraType = core.StringPtr("ibm_kubernetes") agentInfrastructureModel.ClusterID = core.StringPtr("testString") agentInfrastructureModel.ClusterResourceGroup = core.StringPtr("testString") agentInfrastructureModel.CosInstanceName = core.StringPtr("testString") agentInfrastructureModel.CosBucketName = core.StringPtr("testString") agentInfrastructureModel.CosBucketRegion = core.StringPtr("testString") agentMetadataInfoModel := new(schematicsv1.AgentMetadataInfo) agentMetadataInfoModel.Name = core.StringPtr("purpose") agentMetadataInfoModel.Value = []string{"git", "terraform", "ansible"} variableMetadataModel := new(schematicsv1.VariableMetadata) variableMetadataModel.Type = core.StringPtr("boolean") variableMetadataModel.Aliases = []string{"testString"} variableMetadataModel.Description = core.StringPtr("testString") variableMetadataModel.CloudDataType = core.StringPtr("testString") variableMetadataModel.DefaultValue = core.StringPtr("testString") variableMetadataModel.LinkStatus = core.StringPtr("normal") variableMetadataModel.Secure = core.BoolPtr(true) variableMetadataModel.Immutable = core.BoolPtr(true) variableMetadataModel.Hidden = core.BoolPtr(true) variableMetadataModel.Required = core.BoolPtr(true) variableMetadataModel.Options = []string{"testString"} variableMetadataModel.MinValue = core.Int64Ptr(int64(38)) variableMetadataModel.MaxValue = core.Int64Ptr(int64(38)) variableMetadataModel.MinLength = core.Int64Ptr(int64(38)) variableMetadataModel.MaxLength = core.Int64Ptr(int64(38)) variableMetadataModel.Matches = core.StringPtr("testString") variableMetadataModel.Position = core.Int64Ptr(int64(38)) variableMetadataModel.GroupBy = core.StringPtr("testString") variableMetadataModel.Source = core.StringPtr("testString") variableDataModel := new(schematicsv1.VariableData) variableDataModel.Name = core.StringPtr("testString") variableDataModel.Value = core.StringPtr("testString") variableDataModel.UseDefault = core.BoolPtr(true) variableDataModel.Metadata = variableMetadataModel agentUserStateModel := new(schematicsv1.AgentUserState) agentUserStateModel.State = core.StringPtr("enable") agentKpiDataModel := new(schematicsv1.AgentKPIData) agentKpiDataModel.AvailabilityIndicator = core.StringPtr("available") agentKpiDataModel.LifecycleIndicator = core.StringPtr("consistent") agentKpiDataModel.PercentUsageIndicator = core.StringPtr("testString") agentKpiDataModel.ApplicationIndicators = []interface{}{"testString"} agentKpiDataModel.InfraIndicators = []interface{}{"testString"} result, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.CreateAgentData(&schematicsv1.CreateAgentDataOptions{ XFeatureAgents: core.BoolPtr(true), Name: core.StringPtr("MyDevAgentNithin"), ResourceGroup: core.StringPtr("Default"), Version: core.StringPtr("v1.0.0"), SchematicsLocation: core.StringPtr("us-south"), AgentLocation: core.StringPtr("us-south"), AgentInfrastructure: agentInfrastructureModel, Description: core.StringPtr("Create Agent"), Tags: []string{"testString"}, AgentMetadata: []schematicsv1.AgentMetadataInfo{*agentMetadataInfoModel}, AgentInputs: []schematicsv1.VariableData{*variableDataModel}, UserState: agentUserStateModel, AgentKpi: agentKpiDataModel, }) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Failed to create the agent : %v and the response is %s", err, detailedResponse) } w, err := json.Marshal(result) fmt.Print("Agents:", string(w)))
The agent details, with user inputs and system generated data.
The name of the agent (must be unique, for an account).
The resource-group name for the agent. By default, agent will be registered in Default Resource Group.
Agent version
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Possible values: [
]The location where agent is deployed in the user environment.
The infrastructure parameters used by the agent.
Agent description.
Create Agent
Tags for the agent.
The metadata of an agent.
Examples:[ { "name": "purpose", "value": [ "git", "terraform", "ansible" ] }, { "name": "git_endpoints", "value": [ "", "", "" ] } ]
Additional input variables for the agent
User defined status of the agent
The agent crn, obtained from the Schematics agent deployment configuration.
The agent resource id.
The agent creation date-time.
The email address of an user who created the agent.
The agent registration updation time.
Email address of user who updated the agent registration.
Computed state of the agent
Schematics Agent key performance indicators.
Run a pre-requisite scanner for deploying agent.
- recent_prs_job
Id of the agent.
Job Id
The agent prs job updation time.
Email address of user who ran the agent prs job.
Agent version
Status of Jobs
Possible values: [
]The outcome of the pre-requisite scanner job, in a formatted log string.
URL to the full pre-requisite scanner job logs.
Post-installations checks for Agent health.
- recent_deploy_job
Id of the agent.
Job Id
The agent deploy job updation time.
Email address of user who ran the agent deploy job.
True, when the same version of the agent was redeployed.
Agent version.
Status of Jobs
Possible values: [
]The outcome of the agent deployment job, in a formatted log string.
URL to the full agent deployment job logs.
Agent health check
- recent_health_job
Id of the agent
Job Id
The agent health check job updation time.
Email address of user who ran the agent health check job.
Agent version
Status of Jobs
Possible values: [
]The outcome of the health-check job, in a formatted log string
URL to the full health-check job logs
destroy resource provisoned by agent deploy method.
- recent_destroy_job
Id of the agent.
Job Id
The agent resources destroy job updation time.
Email address of user who ran the agent resources destroy job.
Agent version.
Status of Jobs
Possible values: [
]The outcome of the agent resources destroy job, in a formatted log string.
URL to the full agent resources destroy job logs.
Encryption details about the workspace such as scheme (byok/kyok) and key CRN.
Status Code
Successfully created the agent
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource already exists
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "name": "agent-beta1-testing", "description": "Create Agent", "resource_group": "ba8818923fe846e6a8fb5c6d72075768", "tags": [ "env:prod", "mytest" ], "version": "v1.0.0", "schematics_location": "us-south", "agent_location": "us-south", "user_state": { "state": "enable", "set_by": "", "set_at": "2023-03-16T06:12:13.684097462Z" }, "agent_crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:schematics:us-south:a/<crn_value>:agent:agent-beta1-testing.soA.748e", "id": "agent-beta1-testing.soA.748e", "created_at": "2023-03-16T06:12:13.684112846Z", "creation_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "system_state": { "status_code": "draft" } }
Get agent details
Retrieve a detailed configuration of an agent with a specific agent ID. The agent that is returned depends on the API endpoint that you use. For example, if you use an API endpoint for a geography, such as North America, only agents that are created in us-south or
us-east` are returned. For more information about frequently asked questions, see FAQ and Troubleshooting guide.
For more information about supported API endpoints, see API endpoint.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v2/agents/{agent_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
Agent ID to get the details of agent
Query Parameters
Level of details returned by the get method
Allowable values: [
curl<agent_id> -H 'Authorization: Bearer <ApiKey>' -H 'X-Feature-Agents: true' -H 'refresh_token: <refresh token>'
GetAgentDataOptions getAgentDataOptions = new GetAgentDataOptions.Builder().xFeatureAgents(true) .agentId("<agent_id>") .build(); Response<AgentData> response = service.getAgentData(getAgentDataOptions).execute(); AgentData agentList = response.getResult(); System.out.println(agentList);
response = schematics_service.get_agent_data("<agent_id>")agent_list = response.get_result() print(json.dumps(agent_list, indent=2))
const params = {xFeatureAgents: true, agentId: "MyDevAgentNithinNew.soA.f2ed", }; schematicsService .getAgentData(params) .then(response => { console.log(response.result); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err); });
result, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.GetAgentData(&schematicsv1.GetAgentDataOptions{XFeatureAgents: core.BoolPtr(true), AgentID: core.StringPtr("<agent_id>"), }) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Failed to get the agent data : %v and the response is %s", err, detailedResponse) } w, err := json.Marshal(result) fmt.Print("Agents:", string(w))
The agent details, with user inputs and system generated data.
The name of the agent (must be unique, for an account).
The resource-group name for the agent. By default, agent will be registered in Default Resource Group.
Agent version
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Possible values: [
]The location where agent is deployed in the user environment.
The infrastructure parameters used by the agent.
Agent description.
Create Agent
Tags for the agent.
The metadata of an agent.
Examples:[ { "name": "purpose", "value": [ "git", "terraform", "ansible" ] }, { "name": "git_endpoints", "value": [ "", "", "" ] } ]
Additional input variables for the agent
User defined status of the agent
The agent crn, obtained from the Schematics agent deployment configuration.
The agent resource id.
The agent creation date-time.
The email address of an user who created the agent.
The agent registration updation time.
Email address of user who updated the agent registration.
Computed state of the agent
Schematics Agent key performance indicators.
Run a pre-requisite scanner for deploying agent.
- recent_prs_job
Id of the agent.
Job Id
The agent prs job updation time.
Email address of user who ran the agent prs job.
Agent version
Status of Jobs
Possible values: [
]The outcome of the pre-requisite scanner job, in a formatted log string.
URL to the full pre-requisite scanner job logs.
Post-installations checks for Agent health.
- recent_deploy_job
Id of the agent.
Job Id
The agent deploy job updation time.
Email address of user who ran the agent deploy job.
True, when the same version of the agent was redeployed.
Agent version.
Status of Jobs
Possible values: [
]The outcome of the agent deployment job, in a formatted log string.
URL to the full agent deployment job logs.
Agent health check
- recent_health_job
Id of the agent
Job Id
The agent health check job updation time.
Email address of user who ran the agent health check job.
Agent version
Status of Jobs
Possible values: [
]The outcome of the health-check job, in a formatted log string
URL to the full health-check job logs
destroy resource provisoned by agent deploy method.
- recent_destroy_job
Id of the agent.
Job Id
The agent resources destroy job updation time.
Email address of user who ran the agent resources destroy job.
Agent version.
Status of Jobs
Possible values: [
]The outcome of the agent resources destroy job, in a formatted log string.
URL to the full agent resources destroy job logs.
Encryption details about the workspace such as scheme (byok/kyok) and key CRN.
Status Code
Successfully got the agent details
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource was not found
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "name": "agent-beta1-testing", "description": "Create Agent", "resource_group": "schematics-prod", "tags": [ "env:prod", "mytest" ], "version": "v1.0.0", "schematics_location": "us-south", "agent_location": "us-south", "user_state": { "state": "enable", "set_by": "", "set_at": "2023-03-16T06:12:13.684097462Z" }, "agent_crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:schematics:us-south:a/<crn>:agent:agent-beta1-testing.soA.748e", "created_at": "2023-03-16T06:12:13.684112846Z", "creation_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "system_state": { "status_code": "draft" }, "agent_kpi": { "availability_indicator": "normal", "lifecycle_indicator": "consistent", "percent_usage_indicator": "30%" } }
Update agent
Use update agent API to update or replace the entire agent. For more information about steps to apply UPDATE
and PUT
command, see Deploying agent.
For more information about supported API endpoints, see API endpoint.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
PUT /v2/agents/{agent_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.This IAM token is required only when trying to update an agent from one version to other.
Retrieving refresh token:
- Use
export IBMCLOUD_API_KEY=<ibmcloud_api_key>
, and executecurl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey&apikey=$IBMCLOUD_API_KEY" -u bx:bx
. - For more information, about creating IAM access token and API Docs, refer, IAM access token and Create API key.
- If the token is expired, you can use
refresh token
to get a new IAM access token. - The
parameter cannot be used to retrieve a new IAM access token. - When the IAM access token is about to expire, use the API key to create a new access token.
- Use
Path Parameters
Agent ID to get the details of agent
Update the agent registration.
The name of the agent (must be unique, for an account).
The resource-group name for the agent. By default, agent will be registered in Default Resource Group.
Agent version
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Allowable values: [
]The location where agent is deployed in the user environment.
The infrastructure parameters used by the agent.
Agent description.
Create Agent
Tags for the agent.
The metadata of an agent.
Examples:[ { "name": "purpose", "value": [ "git", "terraform", "ansible" ] }, { "name": "git_endpoints", "value": [ "", "", "" ] } ]
Additional input variables for the agent
User defined status of the agent
Schematics Agent key performance indicators.
curl -X PUT{agent_id} \-H 'Authorization: Bearer <Auth Key>' -H 'X-Feature-Agents: true' -H 'refresh_token: <refresh_token> ' -d '{ "name": "AgentName", "description": "New Description", "resource_group": "Default", "tags": [ "tag1", "tag2" ], "version": "v1.0.0", "schematics_location": "us-south", "agent_location": "us-south", "agent_infrastructure": { "infra_type": "ibm_kubernetes", "cluster_id": "cluster_id", "cluster_resource_group": "Default", "cos_instance_name": "blueprint_basic", "cos_bucket_name": "sample_bucket_name", "cos_bucket_region": "us-east" }, "agent_inputs": [ { "name": "ibmcloud_api_key", "value": "<api_key of the account where cluster and cos are present>", "metadata": { "secure": true } }, { "name": "ansible_pull_ibmcloud_api_key", "value": "jenkins api_key for pulling agents images", "metadata": { "secure": true } }, { "name": "devops_api_key", "value": "api_key where you want to create agent and run fvts", "metadata": { "secure": true } } ], "user_state": { "state": "enable" } }'
AgentInfrastructure agentInfrastructureModel = new AgentInfrastructure.Builder().infraType("ibm_kubernetes") .clusterId("testString") .clusterResourceGroup("testString") .cosInstanceName("testString") .cosBucketName("testString") .cosBucketRegion("testString") .build(); AgentMetadataInfo agentMetadataInfoModel = new AgentMetadataInfo.Builder() .name("purpose") .value(java.util.Arrays.asList("git", "terraform", "ansible")) .build(); VariableMetadata variableMetadataModel = new VariableMetadata.Builder() .type("boolean") .aliases(java.util.Arrays.asList("testString")) .description("testString") .cloudDataType("testString") .defaultValue("testString") .linkStatus("normal") .secure(true) .immutable(true) .hidden(true) .required(true) .options(java.util.Arrays.asList("testString")) .minValue(Long.valueOf("26")) .maxValue(Long.valueOf("26")) .minLength(Long.valueOf("26")) .maxLength(Long.valueOf("26")) .matches("testString") .position(Long.valueOf("26")) .groupBy("testString") .source("testString") .build(); VariableData variableDataModel = new VariableData.Builder() .name("testString") .value("testString") .useDefault(true) .metadata(variableMetadataModel) .build(); AgentUserState agentUserStateModel = new AgentUserState.Builder() .state("enable") .build(); AgentKPIData agentKpiDataModel = new AgentKPIData.Builder() .availabilityIndicator("available") .lifecycleIndicator("consistent") .percentUsageIndicator("testString") .applicationIndicators(java.util.Arrays.asList("testString")) .infraIndicators(java.util.Arrays.asList("testString")) .build(); CreateAgentDataOptions createAgentDataOptionsModel = new CreateAgentDataOptions.Builder() .xFeatureAgents(true) .agentId("<agent_id>") .name("AgentFromJavaSDK") .resourceGroup("Default") .version("v1.0.0") .schematicsLocation("us-south") .agentLocation("us-south") .agentInfrastructure(agentInfrastructureModel) .description("New Description") .tags(java.util.Arrays.asList("testString")) .agentMetadata(java.util.Arrays.asList(agentMetadataInfoModel)) .agentInputs(java.util.Arrays.asList(variableDataModel)) .userState(agentUserStateModel) .agentKpi(agentKpiDataModel) .build(); Response<AgentData> response = service.updateAgentData(updateAgentDataOptionsModel).execute(); AgentData agentUpdate = response.getResult(); System.out.println(agentUpdate);
agent_infrastructure_model = {'infra_type': 'ibm_kubernetes', 'cluster_id': 'blrpsgow026e2vt98t0g', 'cluster_resource_group': 'Default', 'cos_instance_name': 'agent-dev-cos', 'cos_bucket_name': 'agent-dev-cos-bucket', 'cos_bucket_region': 'us-south', } agent_metadata_info_model = { 'name': 'purpose', 'value': ['git'], } variable_metadata_model = { 'type': 'boolean', 'aliases': ['testString'], 'description': 'testString', 'cloud_data_type': 'testString', 'default_value': 'testString', 'link_status': 'normal', 'secure': True, 'immutable': True, 'hidden': True, 'required': True, 'options': ['testString'], 'min_value': 38, 'max_value': 38, 'min_length': 38, 'max_length': 38, 'matches': 'testString', 'position': 38, 'group_by': 'testString', 'source': 'testString', } variable_data_model = { 'name': 'ibmcloud_api_key', 'value': 'Uqd6nEZEkLRp2VP30H2o-b5b6qcdevpY3w9_g3hs31L5', 'use_default': True, 'metadata': variable_metadata_model, } agent_user_state_model = { 'state': 'enable', } agent_kpi_data_model = { 'availability_indicator': 'available', 'lifecycle_indicator': 'consistent', 'percent_usage_indicator': 'testString', 'application_indicators': ['testString'], 'infra_indicators': ['testString'], } response = schematics_service.update_agent_data( agent_id='<agent_id>', name='MyDevAgent', resource_group='Default', version='v1.0.0', schematics_location='us-south', agent_location='us-south', agent_infrastructure=agent_infrastructure_model, description='Create Agent', tags=['env:test','mytest'], agent_metadata=[agent_metadata_info_model], agent_inputs=[variable_data_model], user_state=agent_user_state_model, agent_kpi=agent_kpi_data_model, ) agent_data = response.get_result() print(json.dumps(agent_data, indent=2))
const agentInfrastructureModel = {infra_type: 'ibm_kubernetes', cluster_id: 'testString', cluster_resource_group: 'testString', cos_instance_name: 'testString', cos_bucket_name: 'testString', cos_bucket_region: 'testString', }; const agentMetadataInfoModel = { name: 'purpose', value: ['git', 'terraform', 'ansible'], }; const variableMetadataModel = { type: 'boolean', aliases: ['testString'], description: 'testString', cloud_data_type: 'testString', default_value: 'testString', link_status: 'normal', secure: true, immutable: true, hidden: true, required: true, options: ['testString'], min_value: 38, max_value: 38, min_length: 38, max_length: 38, matches: 'testString', position: 38, group_by: 'testString', source: 'testString', }; const variableDataModel = { name: 'testString', value: 'testString', use_default: true, metadata: variableMetadataModel, }; const agentUserStateModel = { state: 'enable', }; const agentKpiDataModel = { availability_indicator: 'available', lifecycle_indicator: 'consistent', percent_usage_indicator: 'testString', application_indicators: ['testString'], infra_indicators: ['testString'], }; const params = { agentId: 'AgentFromNode.soA.3c2f', name: 'AgentFromNode', resourceGroup: 'Default', version: 'v1.0.0', schematicsLocation: 'us-south', agentLocation: 'us-south', agentInfrastructure: agentInfrastructureModel, description: 'New Description', tags: ['testString'], agentMetadata: [agentMetadataInfoModel], agentInputs: [variableDataModel], userState: agentUserStateModel, agentKpi: agentKpiDataModel, xFeatureAgents: true, }; schematicsService .updateAgentData(params) .then(response => { console.log(response.result); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err); });
agentInfrastructureModel := new(schematicsv1.AgentInfrastructure) agentInfrastructureModel.InfraType = core.StringPtr("ibm_kubernetes") agentInfrastructureModel.ClusterID = core.StringPtr("testString") agentInfrastructureModel.ClusterResourceGroup = core.StringPtr("testString") agentInfrastructureModel.CosInstanceName = core.StringPtr("testString") agentInfrastructureModel.CosBucketName = core.StringPtr("testString") agentInfrastructureModel.CosBucketRegion = core.StringPtr("testString") agentMetadataInfoModel := new(schematicsv1.AgentMetadataInfo) agentMetadataInfoModel.Name = core.StringPtr("purpose") agentMetadataInfoModel.Value = []string{"git", "terraform", "ansible"} variableMetadataModel := new(schematicsv1.VariableMetadata) variableMetadataModel.Type = core.StringPtr("boolean") variableMetadataModel.Aliases = []string{"testString"} variableMetadataModel.Description = core.StringPtr("testString") variableMetadataModel.CloudDataType = core.StringPtr("testString") variableMetadataModel.DefaultValue = core.StringPtr("testString") variableMetadataModel.LinkStatus = core.StringPtr("normal") variableMetadataModel.Secure = core.BoolPtr(true) variableMetadataModel.Immutable = core.BoolPtr(true) variableMetadataModel.Hidden = core.BoolPtr(true) variableMetadataModel.Required = core.BoolPtr(true) variableMetadataModel.Options = []string{"testString"} variableMetadataModel.MinValue = core.Int64Ptr(int64(38)) variableMetadataModel.MaxValue = core.Int64Ptr(int64(38)) variableMetadataModel.MinLength = core.Int64Ptr(int64(38)) variableMetadataModel.MaxLength = core.Int64Ptr(int64(38)) variableMetadataModel.Matches = core.StringPtr("testString") variableMetadataModel.Position = core.Int64Ptr(int64(38)) variableMetadataModel.GroupBy = core.StringPtr("testString") variableMetadataModel.Source = core.StringPtr("testString") variableDataModel := new(schematicsv1.VariableData) variableDataModel.Name = core.StringPtr("testString") variableDataModel.Value = core.StringPtr("testString") variableDataModel.UseDefault = core.BoolPtr(true) variableDataModel.Metadata = variableMetadataModel agentUserStateModel := new(schematicsv1.AgentUserState) agentUserStateModel.State = core.StringPtr("enable") agentKpiDataModel := new(schematicsv1.AgentKPIData) agentKpiDataModel.AvailabilityIndicator = core.StringPtr("available") agentKpiDataModel.LifecycleIndicator = core.StringPtr("consistent") agentKpiDataModel.PercentUsageIndicator = core.StringPtr("testString") agentKpiDataModel.ApplicationIndicators = []interface{}{"testString"} agentKpiDataModel.InfraIndicators = []interface{}{"testString"} result, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.UpdateAgentData(&schematicsv1.UpdateAgentDataOptions{ AgentID: core.StringPtr("<agent_id>"), XFeatureAgents: core.BoolPtr(true), Name: core.StringPtr("MyDevAgentNithin"), ResourceGroup: core.StringPtr("Default"), Version: core.StringPtr("v1.0.0"), SchematicsLocation: core.StringPtr("us-south"), AgentLocation: core.StringPtr("us-south"), AgentInfrastructure: agentInfrastructureModel, Description: core.StringPtr("Create Agent"), Tags: []string{"testString"}, AgentMetadata: []schematicsv1.AgentMetadataInfo{*agentMetadataInfoModel}, AgentInputs: []schematicsv1.VariableData{*variableDataModel}, UserState: agentUserStateModel, AgentKpi: agentKpiDataModel, }) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Failed to create the agent : %v and the response is %s", err, detailedResponse) } w, err := json.Marshal(result) fmt.Print("Agents:", string(w)))
The agent details, with user inputs and system generated data.
The name of the agent (must be unique, for an account).
The resource-group name for the agent. By default, agent will be registered in Default Resource Group.
Agent version
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Possible values: [
]The location where agent is deployed in the user environment.
The infrastructure parameters used by the agent.
Agent description.
Create Agent
Tags for the agent.
The metadata of an agent.
Examples:[ { "name": "purpose", "value": [ "git", "terraform", "ansible" ] }, { "name": "git_endpoints", "value": [ "", "", "" ] } ]
Additional input variables for the agent
User defined status of the agent
The agent crn, obtained from the Schematics agent deployment configuration.
The agent resource id.
The agent creation date-time.
The email address of an user who created the agent.
The agent registration updation time.
Email address of user who updated the agent registration.
Computed state of the agent
Schematics Agent key performance indicators.
Run a pre-requisite scanner for deploying agent.
- recent_prs_job
Id of the agent.
Job Id
The agent prs job updation time.
Email address of user who ran the agent prs job.
Agent version
Status of Jobs
Possible values: [
]The outcome of the pre-requisite scanner job, in a formatted log string.
URL to the full pre-requisite scanner job logs.
Post-installations checks for Agent health.
- recent_deploy_job
Id of the agent.
Job Id
The agent deploy job updation time.
Email address of user who ran the agent deploy job.
True, when the same version of the agent was redeployed.
Agent version.
Status of Jobs
Possible values: [
]The outcome of the agent deployment job, in a formatted log string.
URL to the full agent deployment job logs.
Agent health check
- recent_health_job
Id of the agent
Job Id
The agent health check job updation time.
Email address of user who ran the agent health check job.
Agent version
Status of Jobs
Possible values: [
]The outcome of the health-check job, in a formatted log string
URL to the full health-check job logs
destroy resource provisoned by agent deploy method.
- recent_destroy_job
Id of the agent.
Job Id
The agent resources destroy job updation time.
Email address of user who ran the agent resources destroy job.
Agent version.
Status of Jobs
Possible values: [
]The outcome of the agent resources destroy job, in a formatted log string.
URL to the full agent resources destroy job logs.
Encryption details about the workspace such as scheme (byok/kyok) and key CRN.
Status Code
Successfully Updated the agent
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource already exists
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "name": "agent-beta1-testing", "description": "New Description", "resource_group": "ba8818923fe846e6a8fb5c6d72075768", "tags": [ "env:prod", "mytest" ], "version": "v1.0.0", "schematics_location": "us-south", "agent_location": "us-south", "user_state": { "state": "enable", "set_by": "", "set_at": "2023-03-16T06:12:13.684097462Z" }, "agent_crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:schematics:us-south:a/<crn_value>:agent:agent-beta1-testing.soA.748e", "id": "agent-beta1-testing.soA.748e", "created_at": "2023-03-16T06:12:13.684112846Z", "creation_by": "", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "system_state": { "status_code": "draft" } }
Delete agent
Use this API to disable and delete the agent. Follow the steps to retrieve your IAM access token and authenticate with IBM Cloud Schematics by using the API. For more information about frequently asked questions, see FAQ and Troubleshooting guide.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
DELETE /v2/agents/{agent_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
Agent ID to get the details of agent
Query Parameters
Equivalent to -force options in the command line, default is false
curl -X DELETE<agent_id> -H 'Authorization: Bearer <Auth Key>' -H 'X-Feature-Agents: true' -H 'refresh_token: <refresh_token>'
DeleteAgentDataOptions deleteAgentDataOptions = new DeleteAgentDataOptions.Builder().xFeatureAgents(true) .agentId("<agent_id>") .build(); Response<Void> response = service.deleteAgentData(deleteAgentDataOptions).execute(); Void agentList = response.getResult(); System.out.println(agentList);
response = schematics_service.delete_agent_data("<agent_id>")agent_list = response.get_result() print(json.dumps(agent_list, indent=2))
const params = {xFeatureAgents: true, agentId: "<agent_id>", }; schematicsService .deleteAgentData(params) .then(response => { console.log(response.result); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err); });
result, detailedResponse, err := schematicsService.GetAgentData(&schematicsv1.GetAgentDataOptions{XFeatureAgents: core.BoolPtr(true), AgentID: core.StringPtr("<agent_id>"), }) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Failed to get the agent data : %v and the response is %s", err, detailedResponse) } w, err := json.Marshal(result) fmt.Print("Agents:", string(w))
Status Code
Successfully deleted the agent
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource was not found
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
No Sample Response
Get agent versions
Retrieve the list of agent version's available to be deployed. For more information about supported API endpoints, see API endpoint.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v2/agents/versions
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'authorization: Bearer <access_key>' \ --header 'refresh_token: <refresh_token>' \ --header 'x-feature-agents: true'
Agent versions available to be deployed
list of the versions supported
Status Code
Successfully got the agent versions.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource was not found
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "supported_agent_versions": [ { "display_name": "v1.0.0", "agent_version": "1.0.0" }, { "display_name": "v1.0.0-beta2", "agent_version": "1.0.0-beta2" } ] }
Get pre-requisite scanner job status
Use get pre-requisite scanner job status API for deploying an agent by using the agent_id
, job_id
. The API results the status as pending, in-progress, success, or failed in a string format. For more information about supported API endpoints, see API endpoint.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v2/agents/{agent_id}/prs
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
Agent ID to get the details of agent
curl --request GET \ --url<agent_id>/prs \ --header 'authorization: Bearer <access_key>' \ --header 'refresh_token: <refresh_token>' \ --header 'x-feature-agents: true'
Run a pre-requisite scanner for deploying agent.
Id of the agent.
Job Id
The agent prs job updation time.
Email address of user who ran the agent prs job.
Agent version
Status of Jobs
Possible values: [
]The outcome of the pre-requisite scanner job, in a formatted log string.
URL to the full pre-requisite scanner job logs.
Status Code
Successfully retrieved pre-requisite scanner job status.
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource already exists
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
No Sample Response
Run pre-requisite scanner job
Use run pre-requisite scanner job API before deploying an agent. The API results the agent prs
job updation time with the E-mail address and the status in a string format. For more information about supported API endpoints, see API endpoint.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see [Schematics service access roles and required permissions]( /v2/agents/{agent_id}/prs
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
Agent ID to get the details of agent
Query Parameters
Equivalent to -force options in the command line, default is false
curl --request PUT \ --url<agent_id>/prs \ --header 'authorization: Bearer <access_key>' \ --header 'refresh_token: <refresh_token>' \ --header 'x-feature-agents: true'
Run a pre-requisite scanner for deploying agent.
Id of the agent.
Job Id
The agent prs job updation time.
Email address of user who ran the agent prs job.
Agent version
Status of Jobs
Possible values: [
]The outcome of the pre-requisite scanner job, in a formatted log string.
URL to the full pre-requisite scanner job logs.
Status Code
Successfully started pre-requisite scanner job.
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource already exists
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
No Sample Response
Get agent health check job
Use get agent health check job API to retrieve the agent health check job status based on the agent ID. For more information about supported API endpoints, see API endpoint.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v2/agents/{agent_id}/health
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
Agent ID to get the details of agent
curl --request GET \ --url<agent_id>/health \ --header 'authorization: Bearer <access_key>' \ --header 'refresh_token: <refresh_token>' \ --header 'x-feature-agents: true'
Agent health check
Id of the agent
Job Id
The agent health check job updation time.
Email address of user who ran the agent health check job.
Agent version
Status of Jobs
Possible values: [
]The outcome of the health-check job, in a formatted log string
URL to the full health-check job logs
Status Code
Successfully retrieved agent health check job status
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource already exists
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
No Sample Response
Run agent health check
Use run agent health check job API to execute an agent health check job based on the agent ID. For more information about supported API endpoints, see API endpoint.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see [Schematics service access roles and required permissions]( /v2/agents/{agent_id}/health
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
Agent ID to get the details of agent
Query Parameters
Equivalent to -force options in the command line, default is false
curl --request PUT \ --url<agent_id>/health \ --header 'authorization: Bearer <access_key>' \ --header 'refresh_token: <refresh_token>' \ --header 'x-feature-agents: true'
Agent health check
Id of the agent
Job Id
The agent health check job updation time.
Email address of user who ran the agent health check job.
Agent version
Status of Jobs
Possible values: [
]The outcome of the health-check job, in a formatted log string
URL to the full health-check job logs
Status Code
Successfully started running the agent health check job
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource already exists
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
No Sample Response
Get agent deployment job
Use get agent deployment job API to retrieve the agent deployment job status based on the agent ID. For more information about supported API endpoints, see API endpoint.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see [Schematics service access roles and required permissions]( /v2/agents/{agent_id}/deploy
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
Agent ID to get the details of agent
curl --request GET \ --url<agent_id>/deploy \ --header 'authorization: Bearer <access_key>' \ --header 'refresh_token: <refresh_token>' \ --header 'x-feature-agents: true'
Post-installations checks for Agent health.
Id of the agent.
Job Id
The agent deploy job updation time.
Email address of user who ran the agent deploy job.
True, when the same version of the agent was redeployed.
Agent version.
Status of Jobs
Possible values: [
]The outcome of the agent deployment job, in a formatted log string.
URL to the full agent deployment job logs.
Status Code
Successfully retrieved agent deployment job details
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource already exists
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
No Sample Response
Run the agent deployment job
Use run agent deployment job API to execute the agent deployment job based on the agent ID. For more information about supported API endpoints, see API endpoint.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see [Schematics service access roles and required permissions]( /v2/agents/{agent_id}/deploy
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
Agent ID to get the details of agent
Query Parameters
Equivalent to -force options in the command line, default is false
curl --request PUT \ --url<agent_id>/deploy \ --header 'authorization: Bearer <access_key>' \ --header 'refresh_token: <refresh_token>' \ --header 'x-feature-agents: true'
Post-installations checks for Agent health.
Id of the agent.
Job Id
The agent deploy job updation time.
Email address of user who ran the agent deploy job.
True, when the same version of the agent was redeployed.
Agent version.
Status of Jobs
Possible values: [
]The outcome of the agent deployment job, in a formatted log string.
URL to the full agent deployment job logs.
Status Code
Successfully ran agent deployment job
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource already exists
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
No Sample Response
Delete resources provisioned by agent
Use this API to destroy the resources provisioned for running an agent.
DELETE /v2/agents/{agent_id}/resources
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.The IAM refresh token for the user or service identity.
Retrieving refresh token:
- Use
export IBMCLOUD_API_KEY=<ibmcloud_api_key>
, and executecurl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey&apikey=$IBMCLOUD_API_KEY" -u bx:bx
. - For more information, about creating IAM access token and API Docs, refer, IAM access token and Create API key.
- If the token is expired, you can use
refresh token
to get a new IAM access token. - The
parameter cannot be used to retrieve a new IAM access token. - When the IAM access token is about to expire, use the API key to create a new access token.
- Use
Path Parameters
Agent ID to get the details of agent
Status Code
Successfully accepted the request to delete the resources
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource was not found
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
No Sample Response
Get a KMS settings
Retrieve the kms instance that is integrated with Schematics for the byok and kyok. For each geographic location supported in Schematics we can have different kms settings. For example US
and EU
will have different kms settings.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v2/settings/kms
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Query Parameters
The location of the Resource
curl --location --request GET --header "Authorization: <access_token> "—header “Content-Type: application/json "
GetKmsSettingsOptions getKmsSettingsOptions = new GetKmsSettingsOptions.Builder() .location("US") .build(); Response<KMSSettings> response = service.getKmsSettings(getKmsSettingsOptions).execute(); KMSSettings kmsSettings = response.getResult(); System.out.println(kmsSettings);
kms_settings = schematics_service.get_kms_settings( location='US' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(kms_settings, indent=2))
const params = { location: 'US', }; schematicsService.getKmsSettings(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
getKmsSettingsOptions := schematicsService.NewGetKmsSettingsOptions( "testString", ) getKmsSettingsOptions.SetLocation("US") kmsSettings, response, err := schematicsService.GetKmsSettings(getKmsSettingsOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(kmsSettings, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(b)) fmt.Println(response)
User defined kms settings information.
The location to integrate kms instance. For example, location can be
.The encryption scheme values. Allowable values [
].The kms instance resource group to integrate.
The primary kms instance details.
The secondary kms instance details.
Status Code
Successfully retrieved the kms settings.
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The kms settings not found.
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "location": "US", "encryption_scheme": "byok", "resource_group": "Default", "primary_crk": { "kms_name": "Key Protect-xxx", "key_crn": "crn:v1:public:kms:us-south:a/010101010:key:3a14ceaf-c679-455d-10101010", "kms_private_endpoint": "your private end point", "key_name": "rootk123" }, "secondary_crk": null }
Update a KMS settings
Replace or Update kms settings for a given location can be updated. Note you can update the kms settings only once. For example, if you use an API endpoint for a geography, such as North America, only kms settings for that region can be retrieved.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
PUT /v2/settings/kms
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Options to be provided with updating kms settings.
The location to integrate kms instance. For example, location can be
.The encryption scheme values. Allowable values [
].The kms instance resource group to integrate.
The primary kms instance details.
The secondary kms instance details.
curl --location --request PUT --header "Authorization: <access_token> "—header “Content-Type: application/json " --data-raw "{"location": "your-location", "encryption_scheme": "byok or kyok", "resource_group": "Default", "primary_crk": {"kms_name": "Key Protect-xxx","key_crn": "crn:v1:public:kms:us-south:a/010101010:key:3a14ceaf-c679-455d-10101010,","kms_private_endpoint": "<your_private_endpoint_url>"}}"
KMSSettingsPrimaryCrk setting = new KMSSettingsPrimaryCrk.Builder() .kmsName("Key Protect-2h") .keyCrn("crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/6dd8772094b442c98deb5fe293e8f6cf:295f5cb7-07a1-4a21-b458-16a5554ab523:key:4795a33b-5923-421c-a6ea-fc884d5faf5a") .kmsPrivateEndpoint("") .build(); UpdateKmsSettingsOptions updateKmsSettingsOptions = new UpdateKmsSettingsOptions.Builder() .location("US") .encryptionScheme("byok") .resourceGroup("Default") .primaryCrk(setting) .build(); Response<KMSSettings> response1 = service.updateKmsSettings(updateKmsSettingsOptions).execute(); KMSSettings kmsSettings1 = response1.getResult(); System.out.println(kmsSettings1);
kms_settings = schematics_service.update_kms_settings( location='US', encryption_scheme= "byok", resource_group= "Default", primary_crk= { 'kms_name': "Key Protect-2h", 'key_crn': "crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/6dd8772094b442c98deb5fe293e8f6cf:295f5cb7-07a1-4a21-b458-16a5554ab523:key:4795a33b-5923-421c-a6ea-fc884d5faf5a", 'kms_private_endpoint': "", } ).get_result() print(json.dumps(kms_settings, indent=2))
const params = { encryptionScheme:'byok', location:'US', resourceGroup:'Default', primaryCrk:{ kms_name:"Key Protect-2h", key_crn:"crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/6dd8772094b442c98deb5fe293e8f6cf:295f5cb7-07a1-4a21-b458-16a5554ab523:key:4795a33b-5923-421c-a6ea-fc884d5faf5a", kms_private_endpoint:"" } }; schematicsService.updateKmsSettings(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
updateKmsSettingsOptions := schematicsService.NewUpdateKmsSettingsOptions() updateKmsSettingsOptions.SetLocation("US") updateKmsSettingsOptions.SetEncryptionScheme("byok") updateKmsSettingsOptions.SetResourceGroup("Default") primaryCrk := &schematicsv1.KMSSettingsPrimaryCrk{ KmsName: core.StringPtr("Key Protect-w2"), KeyCrn: core.StringPtr("<crn:v1:staging"), KmsPrivateEndpoint: core.StringPtr(""), } updateKmsSettingsOptions.SetPrimaryCrk(primaryCrk) kmsSettings, response, err := schematicsService.UpdateKmsSettings(updateKmsSettingsOptions) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(kmsSettings, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(b)) fmt.Println(response)
User defined kms settings information.
The location to integrate kms instance. For example, location can be
.The encryption scheme values. Allowable values [
].The kms instance resource group to integrate.
The primary kms instance details.
The secondary kms instance details.
Status Code
Successfully retrieved the kms settings.
Bad request - Verify the location, payload, or query parameters in the request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "location": "US", "encryption_scheme": "byok", "resource_group": "Default", "primary_crk": { "kms_name": "Key Protect-xxx", "key_crn": "crn:v1:public:kms:us-south:a/010101010:key:3a14ceaf-c679-455d-10101010", "kms_private_endpoint": "your private end point URL", "key_name": "rootk1" }, "secondary_crk": null }
List KMS instances
Lists the kms instances of your IBM Cloud account to find your Key Protect or Hyper Protect Crypto Services by using the location and encrypted scheme.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v2/settings/kms_instances
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Query Parameters
The encryption scheme to be used
The location of the Resource
The resource group (by default, fetch from all resource groups) name or ID
The maximum number of items that you want to list. The number must be a positive integer between 1 and 2000. If no value is provided, 100 is used by default.
Possible values: 1 ≤ value ≤ 2000
Name of the field to sort-by; Use the '.' character to delineate sub-resources and sub-fields (eg. owner.last_name). Prepend the field with '+' or '-', indicating 'ascending' or 'descending' (default is ascending) Ignore unrecognized or unsupported sort field
curl --location --request GET --header "Authorization: <access_token> "—header "Content-Type: <content-type> "
ListKmsOptions listKmsOptions = new ListKmsOptions.Builder() .encryptionScheme(“byok”) .location("US") .build(); Response<KMSDiscovery> response = service.listKms(listKmsOptions).execute(); KMSDiscovery kmsDiscovery = response.getResult(); System.out.println(kmsDiscovery);
kms_discovery = schematics_service.list_kms( encryption_scheme='byok', location='US' ).get_result() print(json.dumps(kms_discovery, indent=2))
const params = { encryptionScheme: 'byok', location: 'US', }; schematicsService.listKms(params) .then(res => { console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2)); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err) });
listKmsOptions := schematicsService.NewListKmsOptions( "testString", "testString", ) listKmsOptions.SetLocation("US") listKmsOptions.SetEncryptionScheme("byok") kmsDiscovery, response, err := schematicsService.ListKms(listKmsOptions) if err != nil { panic(err) } b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(kmsDiscovery, "", " ") fmt.Println(string(b)) fmt.Println(response)
Discover kms instances in the account based on location.
The number of records returned.
The skipped number of records.
The total number of records.
The list of kms instances.
Status Code
Successfully discovered the KMS instance from the customer account.
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
kms instance not found in the account.
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "location": "US", "limit": "10", "encryption_scheme": "byok", "resource_group": "Default", "kms_instances": [ { "kms_crn": "crn:v1:public:kms:us-south:a/010101010:key:3a14ceaf-c679-455d-10101010", "kms_name": "Key Protect-xxx", "keys": [ { "name": "rootk123", "crn": "crn:v1::public:kms:us-south:alalalallala1231231la" } ], "public_endpoint": "", "private_endpoint": "" } ] }
List policies
Retrieve a list of all policies from the account that you have access. the list of policies that is returned depends on the API endpoint that you use. For example, if you use an API endpoint for a geography, such as North America, only policies that are created in us-south
or us-east
are returned.
For more information about supported API endpoints, see API endpoint.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v2/settings/policies
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Query Parameters
The starting position of the item in the list of items. For example, if you have three workspaces in your account, the first workspace is assigned position number 0, the second workspace is assigned position number 1, and so forth. If you have 6 workspaces and you want to list the details for workspaces
, enter 1. To limit the number of workspaces that is returned, use thelimit
option in addition to theoffset
option. Negative numbers are not supported and are ignored.Possible values: value ≥ 0
The maximum number of items that you want to list. The number must be a positive integer between 1 and 2000. If no value is provided, 100 is used by default.
Possible values: 1 ≤ value ≤ 2000
Level of details returned by the get method
Allowable values: [
curl -X --request GET \ --header "Authorization: <access_token> " --header -H "Content-Type: application/json" "Cookie: "
The list of Schematics customization policies.
The number of policy records returned.
The skipped number of policy records.
The total number of policy records.
The list of Schematics policies.
Status Code
Successfully listed all policies in the account
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "total_count": 2, "limit": 100, "offset": 0, "agents": [ { "name": "policy-7004bc1a-d5bf-4908-a34a-46dfd6977722", "id": "policy-7004bc1a-d5bf-4908-a34a-46dfd6977722.eaP.ff3c", "account": "1f7277194bb748cdb1d35fd8fb85a7cb", "description": "Created agent-assignment-policy for the workspace: us-east.workspace.Final_test_ws-3.721df95e, agent: Agent-CLI-Final-Testing.eaA.6416", "resource_group": "15a5b53ee3ec4657a311fd8c0392f875", "location": "us-east", "state": { "state": "draft", "set_by": "", "set_at": "2022-07-11T10:22:53.566430493Z" }, "policy_kind": "agent_assignment_policy", "created_at": "2022-07-11T10:22:53.566430493Z", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, { "name": "policy-906e2aca-dc99-4e2b-8329-83d951849769", "id": "policy-906e2aca-dc99-4e2b-8329-83d951849769.eaP.d44b", "account": "1f7277194bb748cdb1d35fd8fb85a7cb", "description": "Created agent-assignment-policy for the workspace: us-east.workspace.agent-binded-cli-final.843f38e0, agent: cli-agent.eaA.8a61", "resource_group": "15a5b53ee3ec4657a311fd8c0392f875", "location": "us-east", "state": { "state": "draft", "set_by": "", "set_at": "2022-07-12T09:03:07.04045137Z" }, "policy_kind": "agent_assignment_policy", "created_at": "2022-07-12T09:03:07.04045137Z", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } ] }
Create a policy account
Use this API to create a policy using Schematics to select one or more Schematics objects (such as, Workspaces, Action) to deliver targeted Schematics feature. For more information about frequently asked questions, see FAQ and Troubleshooting guide.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
POST /v2/settings/policies
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Create a new policy in account
Name of Schematics customization policy
The description of Schematics customization policy.
Policy for job execution of secured workspaces on agent1
The resource group name for the policy. By default, Policy will be created in
Resource GroupExample:
Tags for the Schematics customization policy
Examples:[ "policy:secured-job" ]
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Allowable values: [
]User defined status of the Schematics object
Policy kind or categories for managing and deriving policy decision
Agent assignment policy for job execution.
Allowable values: [
]The objects for the Schematics policy.
The parameter to tune the Schematics policy.
List of scoped Schematics resources targeted by the policy
curl -X --request POST "Authorization: <access_token>" --header "enable_blueprint: true" "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ "name": "new-policy-dev", "description": "Policy for job execution of secured workspaces on agent1", "resource_group": "Default", "tags": [ "policy:secured-job"], "location": "us-south", "policy_kind": "agent_assignment_policy", "policy_target": { "selector_kind": "ids", "selector_ids": [ "latest-agent.soA.c4a0" ] }, "policy_parameter": { "agent_assignment_policy_parameter": {"selector_kind": "ids","selector_ids": [""]}}}""
Detailed information about the Schematics customization policy. This policy can be used to customize the behaviour or the core Schematics service.
Name of Schematics customization policy
The description of Schematics customization policy.
Policy for job execution of secured workspaces on agent1
The resource group name for the policy. By default, Policy will be created in
Resource GroupExample:
Tags for the Schematics customization policy
Examples:[ "policy:secured-job" ]
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Possible values: [
]User defined status of the Schematics object
Policy kind or categories for managing and deriving policy decision
Agent assignment policy for job execution.
Possible values: [
]The objects for the Schematics policy.
The parameter to tune the Schematics policy.
The system generated policy Id.
The policy CRN.
The Account id.
List of scoped Schematics resources targeted by the policy
The policy creation time.
The user who created the policy.
The policy updation time.
Status Code
Successfully created the policy
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource already exists
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "name": "new-policy-dev", "description": "Policy for job execution of secured workspaces on agent1", "resource_group": "Default", "tags": [ "policy:secured-job" ], "location": "us-south", "state": { "state": "draft", "set_by": "", "set_at": "2022-07-12T10:54:16.270132296Z" }, "policy_kind": "agent_assignment_policy", "policy_target": { "selector_kind": "ids", "selector_ids": [ "latest-agent.soA.c4a0" ] }, "policy_parameter": { "agent_assignment_policy_parameter": { "selector_kind": "ids", "selector_ids": [ "" ] } }, "id": "new-policy-dev.soP.b2de", "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:schematics:us-south:a/2g7200134cc638bgh1d35fd8fb85a7cb:8ae4cd72-0k99-416c-b6ce-0b662l520a4p:policy:new-policy-dev.soP.b2de", "account": "1f7277194bb748cdb1d35fd8fb85a7cb", "created_at": "2022-07-12T10:54:16.270132296Z", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }
Get policy
Retrieve the detailed information of a policy details identified by policy_id
. For more information about frequently asked questions, see FAQ and Troubleshooting guide.
For more information about supported API endpoints, see API endpoint.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
GET /v2/settings/policies/{policy_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
ID to get the details of policy
Query Parameters
Level of details returned by the get method
Allowable values: [
curl -X --request GET{policy_id} --header "Authorization: <access_token> " --header -H "Content-Type: application/json" "Cookie: "
Detailed information about the Schematics customization policy. This policy can be used to customize the behaviour or the core Schematics service.
Name of Schematics customization policy
The description of Schematics customization policy.
Policy for job execution of secured workspaces on agent1
The resource group name for the policy. By default, Policy will be created in
Resource GroupExample:
Tags for the Schematics customization policy
Examples:[ "policy:secured-job" ]
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Possible values: [
]User defined status of the Schematics object
Policy kind or categories for managing and deriving policy decision
Agent assignment policy for job execution.
Possible values: [
]The objects for the Schematics policy.
The parameter to tune the Schematics policy.
The system generated policy Id.
The policy CRN.
The Account id.
List of scoped Schematics resources targeted by the policy
The policy creation time.
The user who created the policy.
The policy updation time.
Status Code
Successfully got the policy details
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource was not found
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "name": "new-policy-dev", "description": "Policy for job execution of secured workspaces on agent1", "resource_group": "Default", "tags": [ "policy:secured-job" ], "location": "us-south", "state": { "state": "draft", "set_by": "", "set_at": "2022-07-12T10:54:16.270132296Z" }, "policy_kind": "agent_assignment_policy", "policy_target": { "selector_kind": "ids", "selector_ids": [ "latest-agent.soA.c4a0" ] }, "policy_parameter": { "agent_assignment_policy_parameter": { "selector_kind": "ids", "selector_ids": [ "" ] } }, "id": "new-policy-dev.soP.b2de", "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:schematics:us-south:a/2g7200134cc638bgh1d35fd8fb85a7cb:8ae4cd72-0k99-416c-b6ce-0b662l520a4p:policy:new-policy-dev.soP.b2de", "account": "1f7277194bb748cdb1d35fd8fb85a7cb", "created_at": "2022-07-12T10:54:16.270132296Z", "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }
Delete policy
Use this API to delete the policy. Follow the steps to retrieve your IAM access token and authenticate with IBM Cloud Schematics by using the API. For more information about frequently asked questions, see FAQ and Troubleshooting guide.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
DELETE /v2/settings/policies/{policy_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
ID to get the details of policy
curl -X --request DELETE{policy_id} --header "Authorization: <access_token> "
Status Code
Successfully deleted the policy
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource was not found
The specified resource is locked, cannot be updated or deleted
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
No Sample Response
Update policy
Use update policy API to update or replace the policy details by using policy ID. For more information about supported API endpoints, see API endpoint. Follow the steps to retrieve your IAM access token and authenticate with IBM Cloud Schematics by using the API. For more information about frequently asked questions, see FAQ and Troubleshooting guide.
Schematics support generic authorization for its resources. For more information, about Schematics access and permissions, see Schematics service access roles and required permissions.
PATCH /v2/settings/policies/{policy_id}
Custom Headers
The IAM access token for your IBM Cloud account. You can use the client ID and the secret that are used by the IBM Cloud command line 'bx / bx'. To retrieve the token, run
ic iam oauth-tokens
in the IBM Cloud command line.
Path Parameters
ID to get the details of policy
Update the policy details
Name of Schematics customization policy
The description of Schematics customization policy.
Policy for job execution of secured workspaces on agent1
The resource group name for the policy. By default, Policy will be created in
Resource GroupExample:
Tags for the Schematics customization policy
Examples:[ "policy:secured-job" ]
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Allowable values: [
]User defined status of the Schematics object
Policy kind or categories for managing and deriving policy decision
Agent assignment policy for job execution.
Allowable values: [
]The objects for the Schematics policy.
The parameter to tune the Schematics policy.
List of scoped Schematics resources targeted by the policy
curl -X --request PATCH{policy_id} "Authorization: <access_token>" --header "enable_blueprint: true" "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ "name": "new-policy-dev", "description": "Policy for job execution of secured workspaces on agent1 updated", "resource_group": "Default", "tags": [ "policy:secured-job"], "location": "us-south", "policy_kind": "agent_assignment_policy", "policy_target": { "selector_kind": "ids", "selector_ids": [ "latest-agent.soA.c4a0" ] }, "policy_parameter": { "agent_assignment_policy_parameter": {"selector_kind": "ids","selector_ids": [""]}}}""
Detailed information about the Schematics customization policy. This policy can be used to customize the behaviour or the core Schematics service.
Name of Schematics customization policy
The description of Schematics customization policy.
Policy for job execution of secured workspaces on agent1
The resource group name for the policy. By default, Policy will be created in
Resource GroupExample:
Tags for the Schematics customization policy
Examples:[ "policy:secured-job" ]
List of locations supported by IBM Cloud Schematics service. While creating your workspace or action, choose the right region, since it cannot be changed. Note, this does not limit the location of the IBM Cloud resources, provisioned using Schematics.
Possible values: [
]User defined status of the Schematics object
Policy kind or categories for managing and deriving policy decision
Agent assignment policy for job execution.
Possible values: [
]The objects for the Schematics policy.
The parameter to tune the Schematics policy.
The system generated policy Id.
The policy CRN.
The Account id.
List of scoped Schematics resources targeted by the policy
The policy creation time.
The user who created the policy.
The policy updation time.
Status Code
Successfully updated the policy details
Bad request - Verify that the information in your request body is complete and correctly formatted in JSON.
The IAM authorization token for the request is missing, invalid, expired, or has no account. Check that the token value is correct or generate a new token with the
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
command.Unauthorized access. Check that you have the correct access credentials and permissions.
The specified resource was not found
The specified resource is locked, cannot be updated or deleted
Internal server error. IBM Cloud Schematics is currently unavailable. Wait a few minutes, then try again. If the error persists, contact IBM Cloud support.
{ "name": "new-policy-dev", "description": "Policy for job execution of secured workspaces on agent1 updated", "resource_group": "Default", "tags": [ "policy:secured-job" ], "location": "us-south", "state": { "state": "draft", "set_by": "", "set_at": "2022-07-12T10:54:16.270132296Z" }, "policy_kind": "agent_assignment_policy", "policy_target": { "selector_kind": "ids", "selector_ids": [ "latest-agent.soA.c4a0" ] }, "policy_parameter": { "agent_assignment_policy_parameter": { "selector_kind": "ids", "selector_ids": [ "" ] } }, "id": "new-policy-dev.soP.b2de", "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:schematics:us-south:a/2g7200134cc638bgh1d35fd8fb85a7cb:8ae4cd72-0k99-416c-b6ce-0b662l520a4p:policy:new-policy-dev.soP.b2de", "account": "1f7277194bb748cdb1d35fd8fb85a7cb", "created_at": "2022-07-12T10:54:16.270132296Z", "updated_at": "2022-07-12T11:32:47.012053722Z" }