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Everything you love about POWER with the benefits of Hybrid Cloud.
Pay-as-you-use billing make it easy to adjust workloads with flexible compute capacity.
Getting started
1. Create a workspace
2. Create a virtual server instance
Follow the steps below to rapidly deploy Power virtual server instances (LPARs) to host your mission critical workloads.
1. Create a workspace
A workspace is a free working environment that acts as a folder for all Power Virtual Server resources at a specific geographic region, including compute, networking and storage resources.
2. Create a subnet
3. Create an SSH key
Set up one or more SSH keys for root login. SSH keys allow you to securely log in to a VM.
4. Import a boot image (optional)
5. Create a virtual server instance
Start deploying your workloads by provisioning a virtual server instance with the cores, memory, and storage required by your environment.
6. Access your virtual server instance
Once the virtual server instance is in a “Ready” state after step 5, log in using the console to the VM (access in UI or through CLI) or over the network using SSH.
7. Connect a PowerVS service instance (optional)
Data center capabilities
- Determined upon ordering infrastructure
Go to docs
- Determined upon ordering infrastructure
View the documentation
Frequently asked questions
- Power Virtual Server is an IaaS offering that allows you to deploy your current IBM i, AIX and Linux workloads in a hybrid cloud environment, without refactoring. Some examples include SAP, SAP HANA, and Oracle, though other home-grown applications are supported too.
- - Power E1080 - Power S1022 - Power E980 - Power S922 Read more
- Go to IBM Transit Gateway to configure virtual connections and connect to any of the following endpoints across local and global regions and without virtual routers: - Other PowerVS workspaces - Remote Power sites - Classic infrastructures - VPC infrastructures If using Cloud connections on PowerVS, create a new connection and enable IBM Transit Gateway. Read more
- Configure the on-prem environment as a virtual connection in IBM Transit Gateway. Or create a VPN connection if the workspace uses Cloud connections or DL. Read more
- You can bring your own customized AIX or IBM i operating system (OS) image to deploy within Power Virtual Server. Simply store your image on Cloud Object Storage (COS), point the Power Virtual Server console to the image, and deploy the Virtual Server instance. Read more
- Uncapped shared processors are shared among other clients, while capped shared processors do not expand resources beyond those that are requested, and are used mostly for licensing. Dedicated resources are allocated for a specific client, usually for for specific third-party considerations. Performance on PowerVS is the same as on-prem. Read more
- The license for the AIX and IBM i operating systems is included in the overall cost for the workspace. You cannot use an existing license that you already purchased.