IBM Cloud Docs
Vault CLI commands

Vault CLI commands

You can use the HashiCorp Vault command-line interface (CLI) to interact with IBM Cloud® Secrets Manager.

Secrets Manager uses a custom version of open source HashiCorp Vault. This custom version adds the IBM Cloud IAM auth method and a set of secret engines to support operations in Secrets Manager for various secret types.

Before you get started, configure the Vault CLI so that you're able to access your Secrets Manager instance by using Vault commands. To learn more about using the Vault CLI, check out the Vault documentation.

Log in

Configure a login token

Use this command to configure the time-to-live (TTL) and lifespan (MaxTTL) of a Vault login token.

vault write auth/ibmcloud/manage/login [token_ttl=DURATION] [token_max_ttl=MAX_DURATION]


You need the Manager service role to manage the configuration of login tokens.

Command options

The initial time-to-live (TTL) of the login token to generate. Default is 1h.
The maximum lifespan of the login token. Default is 24h. This value can't exceed the Vault MaxLeaseTTL value.


Configure a Vault login token by entering 30m for the initial time-to-live and 2h for the maximum lifespan.

vault write auth/ibmcloud/manage/login token_ttl=30m token_max_ttl=2h


The command returns the following output:

Success! Data written to: auth/ibmcloud/manage/login

View the configuration of a token

Use this command to view the configuration of a Vault login token.

vault read [-format=FORMAT] auth/ibmcloud/manage/login


You need the Manager service role to manage the configuration of login tokens.

Command options

Prints the output in the format that you specify. Valid formats are table, json, and yaml. The default is table. You can also set the output format by using the VAULT_FORMAT environment variable.


View the login configuration of a Vault token in JSON format.

vault read -format=json auth/ibmcloud/manage/login


The command returns the following output:

    "request_id": "4dec6b8a-a277-0755-617c-97e40bcc7c3e",
    "lease_id": "",
    "lease_duration": 0,
    "renewable": false,
    "data": {
        "login": {
        "token_max_ttl": "2h0m0s",
        "token_ttl": "30m0s"
    "warnings": null

Secret groups

Create a secret group

Use this command to create a secret group.

vault write [-format=FORMAT] auth/ibmcloud/manage/groups name=NAME [description="DESCRIPTION"]


You need the Manager service role to create secret groups.

Command options

The human-readable alias that you want to assign to the secret group. Required.
An extended description of the secret group.
Prints the output in the format that you specify. Valid formats are table, json, and yaml. The default is table. You can also set the output format by using the VAULT_FORMAT environment variable.


Create a secret group with a name and description.

vault write auth/ibmcloud/manage/groups name="my-secret-group" description="A group of secrets."


The command returns the following output:

Key            Value
---            -----
created_at     2020-10-05T17:43:49Z
description    A group of secrets.
id             9c6d20ad-779e-27c5-3842-2a20b19abfcf
name           my-secret-group
type           application/
updated_at     n/a

List secret groups

Use this command to list the secret groups that are available if your Secrets Manager instance.

vault read [-format=FORMAT] auth/ibmcloud/manage/groups


You need the Reader service role to list secret groups.

Command options

Prints the output in the format that you specify. Valid formats are table, json, and yaml. The default is table. You can also set the output format by using the VAULT_FORMAT environment variable.


Retrieve a list of secret groups in JSON format.

vault read -format=json auth/ibmcloud/manage/groups


The command returns the following output:

    "request_id": "62051bde-9703-101c-a328-90a377a8bb77",
    "lease_id": "",
    "lease_duration": 0,
    "renewable": false,
    "data": {
        "groups": [
        "created_at": "2020-10-05T17:43:49Z",
        "description": "A group of secrets.",
        "id": "9c6d20ad-779e-27c5-3842-2a20b19abfcf",
        "name": "my-secret-group",
        "type": "application/",
        "updated_at": ""
    "warnings": null

Get a secret group

Use this command to get the details of a secret group.

vault read [-format=FORMAT] auth/ibmcloud/manage/groups/SECRET_GROUP_ID


You need the Reader service role to get the details of a secret group.

Command options

Prints the output in the format that you specify. Valid formats are table, json, and yaml. The default is table. You can also set the output format by using the VAULT_FORMAT environment variable.


Get the details of a specific secret group in JSON format.

vault read -format=json auth/ibmcloud/manage/groups/9c6d20ad-779e-27c5-3842-2a20b19abfcf


The command returns the following output:

    "request_id": "ab6b22d9-8e42-d23f-31d8-a4865b5a40e7",
    "lease_id": "",
    "lease_duration": 0,
    "renewable": false,
    "data": {
        "created_at": "2020-10-05T17:43:49Z",
    "description": "A group of secrets.",
    "id": "9c6d20ad-779e-27c5-3842-2a20b19abfcf",
    "name": "my-secret-group",
    "type": "application/",
    "updated_at": ""
    "warnings": null

Update a secret group

Use this command to update a secret group.

vault write [-format=FORMAT] auth/ibmcloud/manage/groups/SECRET_GROUP_ID name=NAME [description="DESCRIPTION"]


You need the Manager service role to update secret groups.

Command options

The human-readable alias that you want to assign to the secret group. Required.
An extended description of the secret group.
Prints the output in the format that you specify. Valid formats are table, json, and yaml. The default is table. You can also set the output format by using the VAULT_FORMAT environment variable.


Update the name and description of a secret group.

vault write auth/ibmcloud/manage/groups/9c6d20ad-779e-27c5-3842-2a20b19abfcf name="my-updated-secret-group" description="An updated group of secrets."


The command returns the following output:

Key            Value
---            -----
created_at     2020-10-05T17:43:49Z
description    An updated group of secrets.
id             9c6d20ad-779e-27c5-3842-2a20b19abfcf
name           my-updated-secret-group
type           application/
updated_at     2020-10-05T17:56:56Z

Delete a secret group

Use this command to delete a secret group.

vault delete auth/ibmcloud/manage/groups/SECRET_GROUP_ID


You need the Manager service role to delete secret groups.


Delete a secret group by its assigned ID.

vault delete auth/ibmcloud/manage/groups/9c6d20ad-779e-27c5-3842-2a20b19abfcf


The command returns the following output:

Success! Data deleted (if it existed) at: auth/ibmcloud/manage/groups/9c6d20ad-779e-27c5-3842-2a20b19abfcf

Static secrets

Create a secret

Use the following commands to add a static secret, such as a user credential or an arbitrary secret, to your Secrets Manager instance. Allowable values for SECRET_TYPE are: arbitrary,imported_cert, kv, private_cert, public_cert, and username_password.

Create a secret in the default secret group.

vault write [-format=FORMAT] ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/secrets name=NAME [description="DESCRIPTION"] [username=USERNAME] [password=USERNAME] [payload=DATA] [expiration_date=EXPIRATION] [certificate=CERTIFICATE_DATA] [private_key=PRIVATE_KEY_DATA] [intermediate=INTERMEDIATE_CERTIFICATE_DATA] [ca=CA_CONFIGURATION_NAME] [dns=DNS_CONFIGURATION_NAME] [key_algorithm=KEY_ALGORITHM] [labels=LABEL,LABEL]

Create a secret in a specified secret group.

vault write [-format=FORMAT] ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/secrets/groups/SECRET_GROUP_ID name=NAME [description="DESCRIPTION"] [username=USERNAME] [password=USERNAME] [payload=DATA] [expiration_date=EXPIRATION] [certificate=CERTIFICATE_DATA] [private_key=PRIVATE_KEY_DATA] [intermediate=INTERMEDIATE_CERTIFICATE_DATA] [ca=CA_CONFIGURATION_NAME] [dns=DNS_CONFIGURATION_NAME] [key_algorithm=KEY_ALGORITHM] [labels=LABEL,LABEL]


You need the Writer service role to create secrets.

Command options

The human-readable alias that you want to assign to the secret. Required.
An extended description to assign to the secret.
The expiration date that you want to assign to the secret. Supported for the arbitrary and username_password secret types. The date format follows RFC 3339.
Labels that you can use to group and search for similar secrets in your instance.
The data that you want to store for arbitrary or kv secrets. Only text-based payloads are supported for arbitrary secrets. The key-value secrets engine can store secrets in complex JSON format. With your key-value secret, you can integrate with tools that are compatible with the HashiCorp Vault KV (Version 2) CLI commands. Learn more about managing key-value secrets with the Vault CLI.
The username that you want to assign to a username_password secret.
The password that you want assign to a username_password secret.
The certificate data that you want to store for an imported_cert secret. Supported file type is .pem.
The private key data to store for an imported_cert secret. Supported file type is .pem.
Intermediate certificate data to store for an imported_cert secret. Supported file type is .pem.
The certificate authority configuration to be used for ordering a public_cert secret.
The DNS provider configuration to be used for ordering a public_cert secret.
The key algorithm to be used for signing and issuing a public_cert secret. Allowable values include: RSA2048, RSA4096, ECDSA256, ECDSA384
The certificate template to be used for creating a private_cert secret.
The common name to be used for creating a private_cert secret. Depending on the certificate template that you choose, some restrictions on the common name for your private certificate might apply.
Prints the output in the format that you specify. Valid formats are table, json, and yaml. The default is table. You can also set the output format by using the VAULT_FORMAT environment variable.


Create a user credential with an expiration date and two labels.

vault write -format=json ibmcloud/username_password/secrets name="my-test-user-credential" expiration_date="2020-12-31T23:59:59Z" username="user123" password="window-steel-dogs-coffee" labels=label-1,label-2

Create an arbitrary secret with an expiration date and two labels.

vault write -format=json ibmcloud/arbitrary/secrets name="my-test-arbitrary-secret" expiration_date="2020-12-31T23:59:59Z" payload="this is my secret data" labels=label-1,label-2

Create an arbitrary secret with binary payload.

base64 -w0 <filename> | vault write ibmcloud/arbitrary/secrets name="my-test-arbitrary-secret" payload=- labels="encode:base64"

Import an SSL/TLS certificate with a matching private key.

vault write -format=json ibmcloud/imported_cert/secrets name="my-test-imported-certificate" certificate=@cert.pem private_key=@key.pem

Order a public SSL/TLS certificate by specifying a certificate authority and DNS provider configuration.

vault write -format=json ibmcloud/public_cert/secrets name="my-test-public-certificate" ca="my-configured-certificate-authority" dns="my-configured-dns-provider" common_name="" key_algorithm=RSA2048

Create a private SSL/TLS certificate by specifying the certificate template to use.

vault write -format=json ibmcloud/private_cert/secrets name="my-test-private-certificate" certificate_template="my-configured-certificate-template" common_name=""

Create a set of service credentials by specifying the source service instance CRN and the IAM service role name.

vault write -format=json ibmcloud/service_credentials/secrets name="test-sc-1" source_crn="crn:v1:staging:public:event-notifications:us-south:a/826aa2b9cab6c666477fc55ebc47bafc:f85409e9-1a06-47d5-8320-95ed4e1675cc::" role="crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::serviceRole:Manager"


The command to create a username_password secret returns the following output:

    "request_id": "c8edf459-cc26-d3f9-19e4-a24d899573f4",
    "lease_id": "",
    "lease_duration": 0,
    "renewable": false,
    "data": {
        "created_by": "iam-ServiceId-b7ebcf90-c7a9-495b-8ce8-bbf33cb95ca0",
    "creation_date": "2020-10-05T21:52:29Z",
    "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:secrets-manager:us-south:a/791f5fb10986423e97aa8512f18b7e65:e415e570-f073-423a-abdc-55de9b58f54e:secret:a6067f1c-98cf-9379-6188-a94a58222f5d",
    "expiration_date": "2020-12-31T23:59:59Z",
    "id": "a6067f1c-98cf-9379-6188-a94a58222f5d",
    "labels": [
    "last_update_date": "2020-10-05T21:52:29Z",
    "name": "my-test-user-credential",
    "secret_data": {
        "password": "window-steel-dogs-coffee",
        "username": "user123"
    "secret_type": "USERNAME_PASSWORD",
    "state": 1,
    "state_description": "Active",
    "versions": [
        "auto_rotated": false,
        "created_by": "iam-ServiceId-b7ebcf90-c7a9-495b-8ce8-bbf33cb95ca0",
        "creation_date": "2020-10-05T21:52:29Z",
        "id": "f53b8061-359e-3236-5bcc-fb120e170c87"
    "warnings": null

The command to create an arbitrary secret returns the following output:

    "request_id": "56f8532d-cd2b-372c-7b14-5a5875d1c6e6",
    "lease_id": "",
    "lease_duration": 0,
    "renewable": false,
    "data": {
        "created_by": "iam-ServiceId-b7ebcf90-c7a9-495b-8ce8-bbf33cb95ca0",
    "creation_date": "2020-10-05T21:47:27Z",
    "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:secrets-manager:us-south:a/791f5fb10986423e97aa8512f18b7e65:e415e570-f073-423a-abdc-55de9b58f54e:secret:2ca56a3b-a6e8-d2e2-5377-b6559babfac0",
    "expiration_date": "2020-12-31T23:59:59Z",
    "id": "2ca56a3b-a6e8-d2e2-5377-b6559babfac0",
    "labels": [
    "last_update_date": "2020-10-05T21:47:27Z",
    "name": "my-test-arbitrary-secret",
    "secret_data": {
        "payload": "this is my secret data"
    "secret_type": "ARBITRARY",
    "state": 1,
    "state_description": "Active",
    "versions": [
        "created_by": "iam-ServiceId-b7ebcf90-c7a9-495b-8ce8-bbf33cb95ca0",
        "creation_date": "2020-10-05T21:47:27Z",
        "id": "88473a6c-4877-5079-f999-c9a39e3407ea"
    "warnings": null

The command to import an imported_cert secret returns the following output:

    "request_id": "7b41ad30-8098-9f57-62cf-bd757d43238f",
    "lease_id": "",
    "lease_duration": 0,
    "renewable": false,
    "data": {
        "algorithm": "RSA",
    "common_name": "",
    "created_by": "iam-ServiceId-b7ebcf90-c7a9-495b-8ce8-bbf33cb95ca0",
    "creation_date": "2021-06-03T22:41:56Z",
    "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:secrets-manager:us-south:a/791f5fb10986423e97aa8512f18b7e65:e415e570-f073-423a-abdc-55de9b58f54e:secret:2ca56a3b-a6e8-d2e2-5377-b6559babfac0",
    "expiration_date": "2021-06-04T15:25:44Z",
    "id": "2ca56a3b-a6e8-d2e2-5377-b6559babfac0",
    "intermediate_included": false,
    "issuer": "US Texas Austin Example Corp. Example Org",
    "key_algorithm": "SHA256-RSA",
    "labels": [],
    "last_update_date": "2021-06-03T22:41:56Z",
    "name": "my-test-imported-certificate",
    "private_key_included": false,
    "secret_type": "imported_cert",
    "serial_number": "fc:22:29:7e:57:25:8a:05",
    "state": 1,
    "state_description": "Active",
    "validity": {
        "not_after": "2021-06-04T15:25:44Z",
        "not_before": "2021-06-03T15:25:44Z"
    "versions": [
        "created_by": "iam-ServiceId-b7ebcf90-c7a9-495b-8ce8-bbf33cb95ca0",
        "creation_date": "2021-06-03T22:41:56.354781389Z",
        "expiration_date": "2021-06-04T15:25:44Z",
        "id": "2fae17bf-106a-1c31-55d9-e642ee3803ae",
        "serial_number": "fc:22:29:7e:57:25:8a:05",
        "validity": {
          "not_after": "2021-06-04T15:25:44Z",
          "not_before": "2021-06-03T15:25:44Z"
    "warnings": null

The command to order a public_cert secret returns the following output:

    "request_id": "64824dec-c53e-8e49-dbe7-6c44c0dcd7a0",
    "lease_id": "",
    "lease_duration": 0,
    "renewable": false,
    "data": {
        "alt_names": [],
        "common_name": "",
        "created_by": "iam-ServiceId-b7ebcf90-c7a9-495b-8ce8-bbf33cb95ca0",
        "creation_date": "2021-10-08T03:25:51Z",
        "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:secrets-manager:us-south:a/791f5fb10986423e97aa8512f18b7e65:e415e570-f073-423a-abdc-55de9b58f54e:secret:2ca56a3b-a6e8-d2e2-5377-b6559babfac0",
        "downloaded": false,
        "id": "2c08d55d-1854-4dbd-9c25-bcd26828fe77",
        "issuance_info": {
            "auto_rotated": false,
            "bundle_certs": true,
            "ca": "my-configured-certificate-authority",
            "dns": "my-configured-dns-provider",
            "ordered_on": "2021-10-08T03:25:51Z",
            "state": 0,
            "state_description": "Pre-activation"
        "key_algorithm": "RSA2048",
        "labels": [],
        "last_update_date": "2021-10-08T03:25:51Z",
        "name": "my-test-public-certificate",
        "rotation": {
            "auto_rotate": false,
            "rotate_keys": false
        "secret_type": "public_cert",
        "state": 0,
        "state_description": "Pre-activation",
        "versions": [],
        "versions_total": 1
    "warnings": null

The command to create a private_cert secret returns the following output:

  "request_id": "7c72b7a6-0342-508a-1684-9625e11555db",
  "lease_id": "",
  "lease_duration": 0,
  "renewable": false,
  "data": {
    "algorithm": "SHA256-RSA",
    "alt_names": [
    "certificate_authority": "my-configured-intermediate-ca",
    "certificate_template": "my-configured-template",
    "common_name": "",
    "created_by": "iam-ServiceId-b7ebcf90-c7a9-495b-8ce8-bbf33cb95ca0",
    "creation_date": "2022-05-03T18:18:43Z",
    "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:secrets-manager:us-south:a/791f5fb10986423e97aa8512f18b7e65:e415e570-f073-423a-abdc-55de9b58f54e:secret:2ca56a3b-a6e8-d2e2-5377-b6559babfac0",
    "downloaded": true,
    "expiration_date": "2022-06-04T18:18:43Z",
    "id": "2c08d55d-1854-4dbd-9c25-bcd26828fe77",
    "issuer": "",
    "key_algorithm": "RSA2048",
    "labels": [],
    "last_update_date": "2022-05-03T18:18:43Z",
    "name": "my-test-private-certificate",
    "rotation": {
      "auto_rotate": false
    "secret_data": {
      "ca_chain": [
        "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIGZjCCBU6gAwIBAgIUHTgL...(truncated)"
      "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDJDCCAgygAwIBAgIUarx9...(truncated)",
      "issuing_ca": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIGZjCCBU6gAwIBAgIUHTgLW...(truncated)",
      "private_key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEpAIBAAKCAQEAtirEhptl3...(truncated)"
    "secret_type": "private_cert",
    "serial_number": "6a:bc:7d:63:2a:7c:60:90:00:53:d9:ae:83:b2:1d:bc:97:ae:fb:f1",
    "state": 1,
    "state_description": "Active",
    "validity": {
      "not_after": "2022-06-04T18:18:43Z",
      "not_before": "2022-05-03T18:18:14Z"
    "versions": [
        "auto_rotated": false,
        "created_by": "iam-ServiceId-b7ebcf90-c7a9-495b-8ce8-bbf33cb95ca0",
        "creation_date": "2022-05-03T18:18:14Z",
        "downloaded": true,
        "expiration_date": "2022-06-04T18:18:43Z",
        "id": "2c08d55d-1854-4dbd-9c25-bcd26828fe77",
        "payload_available": true,
        "serial_number": "6a:bc:7d:63:2a:7c:60:90:00:53:d9:ae:83:b2:1d:bc:97:ae:fb:f1",
        "state": 1,
        "state_description": "Active",
        "validity": {
          "not_after": "2022-06-04T18:18:43Z",
          "not_before": "2022-05-03T18:18:14Z"
    "versions_total": 1
  "warnings": null

The command to create a service-credentials secret returns the following output:

  "request_id": "13ee6f56-c91f-180c-8fc1-b4da6ac2817f",
  "lease_id": "",
  "lease_duration": 0,
  "renewable": false,
  "data": {
    "created_by": "IBMid-2700062DAH",
    "creation_date": "2023-11-23T08:27:15Z",
    "crn": "crn:v1:staging:public:secrets-manager:us-south:a/826aa2b9cab6c666477fc55ebc47bafc:e2c32ad4-1414-41e0-8747-e107e6b9f8d6:secret:3c89e3ed-31fb-06f7-387b-c972213c89ee",
    "custom_metadata": {},
    "downloaded": true,
    "iam_apikey_description": "Auto-generated for key crn:v1:staging:public:event-notifications:us-south:a/826aa2b9cab6c666477fc55ebc47bafc:f85409e9-1a06-47d5-8320-95ed4e1675bc:resource-key:ada7d881-1af3-484c-8e79-4e071d9e1a7d",
    "iam_apikey_id": "ApiKey-df88649d-5198-4ca5-884f-856a1b83031a",
    "iam_apikey_name": "test-sc-1",
    "iam_role_crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::serviceRole:Manager",
    "iam_serviceid_crn": "crn:v1:staging:public:iam-identity::a/826aa2b9cab6c666477fc55ebc47bafc::serviceid:ServiceId-40052fad-55a4-4090-ab9e-64877964a3bc",
    "id": "3c89e3ed-31fb-06f7-387b-c972213c89be",
    "labels": [],
    "last_update_date": "2023-11-23T08:27:15Z",
    "locks_total": 0,
    "name": "test-sc-1",
    "parameters": {},
    "resource_key_crn": "crn:v1:staging:public:event-notifications:us-south:a/826aa2b9cab6c666477fc55ebc47bafc:f85409e9-1a06-47d5-8320-95ed4e1675cc:resource-key:ada7d881-1af3-484c-8e79-4e071d9e1a7e",
    "resource_key_name": "test-sc-1",
    "role": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::serviceRole:Manager",
    "secret_data": {
      "apikey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "guid": "f85409e9-1a06-47d5-8320-95ed4e1675bc",
      "iam_apikey_description": "Auto-generated for key crn:v1:staging:public:event-notifications:us-south:a/826aa2b9cab6c666477fc55ebc47bafc:f85409e9-1a06-47d5-8320-95ed4e1675cc:resource-key:ada7d881-1af3-484c-8e79-4e071d9e1a7e",
      "iam_apikey_id": "ApiKey-df88649d-5198-4ca5-884f-856a1b83031a",
      "iam_apikey_name": "test-sc-1",
      "iam_role_crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::serviceRole:Manager",
      "iam_serviceid_crn": "crn:v1:staging:public:iam-identity::a/826aa2b9cab6c666477fc55ebc47bafc::serviceid:ServiceId-40052fad-55a4-4090-ab9e-64877964a3cc",
      "instance_id": "f85409e9-1a06-47d5-8320-95ed4e1675cc",
      "plan": "33b50df2-9cd6-4005-a941-bf0a59f0d183",
      "region": "us-south"
    "secret_type": "service_credentials",
    "source_crn": "crn:v1:staging:public:event-notifications:us-south:a/826aa2b9cab6c666477fc55ebc47bafc:f85409e9-1a06-47d5-8320-95ed4e1675cc::",
    "state": 1,
    "state_description": "Active",
    "ttl": 0,
    "versions": [
        "created_by": "IBMid-3242342DAH",
        "creation_date": "2023-11-23T08:27:15Z",
        "downloaded": true,
        "id": "34f934a3-def7-71e0-cc93-9c754879f2f8",
        "payload_available": true,
        "version_custom_metadata": {}
    "versions_total": 1
  "warnings": null

List secrets

Use the following commands to list the static secrets in your Secrets Manager instance. Allowable values for SECRET_TYPE are: arbitrary, iam_credentials, imported_cert, kv, private_cert, public_cert, service_credentials, and username_password.

List secrets by type.

vault read [-format=FORMAT] ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/secrets

List secrets by secret group.

vault read [-format=FORMAT] ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/secrets/groups/ID


You need the Reader service role to list secrets.

Command options

Prints the output in the format that you specify. Valid formats are table, json, and yaml. The default is table. You can also set the output format by using the VAULT_FORMAT environment variable.


Retrieve a list of available user credential secrets in the default secret group.

vault read -format=json ibmcloud/username_password/secrets

Retrieve a list of arbitrary secrets that are assigned to a specified secret group.

vault read -format=json ibmcloud/arbitrary/secrets/groups/9ab2250f-a369-4e07-ade7-d417d63ad587


The command returns the following output:

    "request_id": "65689e3a-7cc6-990e-4f0e-8480edd244ed",
    "lease_id": "",
    "lease_duration": 0,
    "renewable": false,
    "data": {
        "secrets": [
        "created_by": "iam-ServiceId-b7ebcf90-c7a9-495b-8ce8-bbf33cb95ca0",
        "creation_date": "2020-10-06T05:31:05Z",
        "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:secrets-manager:us-south:a/791f5fb10986423e97aa8512f18b7e65:e415e570-f073-423a-abdc-55de9b58f54e:secret:1cf95413-4c10-a5fa-e824-b5106375b129",
        "expiration_date": "2020-12-31T23:59:59Z",
        "id": "1cf95413-4c10-a5fa-e824-b5106375b129",
        "labels": [],
        "last_update_date": "2020-10-06T05:31:05Z",
        "name": "my-test-arbitrary-secret",
        "secret_group_id": "9ab2250f-a369-4e07-ade7-d417d63ad587",
        "secret_type": "ARBITRARY",
        "state": 1,
        "state_description": "Active"
        "created_by": "iam-ServiceId-b7ebcf90-c7a9-495b-8ce8-bbf33cb95ca0",
        "creation_date": "2020-10-06T03:54:26Z",
        "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:secrets-manager:us-south:a/791f5fb10986423e97aa8512f18b7e65:e415e570-f073-423a-abdc-55de9b58f54e:secret:285d83ce-4a26-c5c3-8e58-48d3140a2415",
        "id": "285d83ce-4a26-c5c3-8e58-48d3140a2415",
        "labels": [],
        "last_update_date": "2020-10-06T03:54:26Z",
        "name": "another-test-arbitrary-secret",
        "secret_group_id": "9ab2250f-a369-4e07-ade7-d417d63ad587",
        "secret_type": "ARBITRARY",
        "state": 1,
        "state_description": "Active"
    "secrets_total": 2
    "warnings": null

If the secrets belong to a secret group, the data.secrets.secret_group_id value is included in the response to identify the secret group assignment.

Get a secret

Use the following commands to retrieve a secret and its details. Allowable values for SECRET_TYPE are: arbitrary, iam_credentials, imported_cert, kv, private_cert, public_cert, service_credentials, and username_password. Either Secret ID or Secret Name can be used for retrieving the secret.

Get a secret.

vault read [-format=FORMAT] ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/secrets/SECRET_ID_OR_SECRET_NAME

Get a secret that is assigned to a specified secret group.

vault read [-format=FORMAT] ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/secrets/groups/SECRET_GROUP_ID/SECRET_ID_OR_SECRET_NAME


You need the SecretsReader or Writer service role to retrieve secrets.

Command options

Prints the output in the format that you specify. Valid formats are table, json, and yaml. The default is table. You can also set the output format by using the VAULT_FORMAT environment variable.


Retrieve an arbitrary secret, including its payload.

Retrieving by secret ID

vault read -format=json ibmcloud/arbitrary/secrets/71539dff-9e84-804a-debb-ab3eb3d8afce

Retrieving by secret Name

vault read -format=json ibmcloud/arbitrary/secrets/my-test-arbitrary-secret


The command returns the following output:

    "request_id": "025df8ac-b926-6153-3f5b-cd2364b5f85e",
    "lease_id": "",
    "lease_duration": 0,
    "renewable": false,
    "data": {
        "created_by": "iam-ServiceId-b7ebcf90-c7a9-495b-8ce8-bbf33cb95ca0",
    "creation_date": "2020-10-20T16:55:41Z",
    "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:secrets-manager:us-south:a/791f5fb10986423e97aa8512f18b7e65:e415e570-f073-423a-abdc-55de9b58f54e:secret:71539dff-9e84-804a-debb-ab3eb3d8afce",
    "id": "71539dff-9e84-804a-debb-ab3eb3d8afce",
    "labels": [],
    "last_update_date": "2020-10-20T16:55:41Z",
    "name": "my-test-arbitrary-secret",
    "secret_data": {
        "payload": "This is the data for my secret."
    "secret_type": "ARBITRARY",
    "state": 1,
    "state_description": "Active",
    "versions": [
        "created_by": "iam-ServiceId-b7ebcf90-c7a9-495b-8ce8-bbf33cb95ca0",
        "creation_date": "2020-10-20T16:55:41Z",
        "id": "cc2c795e-0072-8074-9824-b6efd5050232"
    "warnings": null

Update a secret

Use this command to update the metadata of a secret, such as its name or description. Allowable values for SECRET_TYPE are: arbitrary, iam_credentials, imported_cert, kv, private_cert, public_cert, service_credentials, and username_password.

vault write [-format=FORMAT] ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/secrets/SECRET_ID/metadata name=NAME [description="DESCRIPTION"][expiration_date=EXPIRATION] [labels=LABEL,LABEL]


You need the Writer service role to update secrets.

Command options

The human-readable alias that you want to assign to the secret.
An extended description to assign to the secret.
The expiration date that you want to assign to the secret. The date format follows RFC 3339.
Labels that you can use to group and search for similar secrets in your instance.
Prints the output in the format that you specify. Valid formats are table, json, and yaml. The default is table. You can also set the output format by using the VAULT_FORMAT environment variable.


Update the name of an arbitrary secret.

vault write -format=json ibmcloud/arbitrary/secrets/fe874c2b-e8fd-bbb6-9f19-e91bbe744735/metadata name="updated-name-arbitrary-secret"

Update the name of a service credentials secret.

vault write -format=json ibmcloud/service_credentials/secrets/3c89e3ed-31fb-06f7-387b-c972213c89be/metadata name="updated-name-sc-secret"


The arbitrary command returns the following output:

    "request_id": "f361132f-a0e3-eab0-52b8-4d992074b411",
    "lease_id": "",
    "lease_duration": 0,
    "renewable": false,
    "data": {
        "created_by": "iam-ServiceId-b7ebcf90-c7a9-495b-8ce8-bbf33cb95ca0",
    "creation_date": "2020-10-22T14:26:44Z",
    "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:secrets-manager:us-south:a/791f5fb10986423e97aa8512f18b7e65:e415e570-f073-423a-abdc-55de9b58f54e:secret:fe874c2b-e8fd-bbb6-9f19-e91bbe744735",
    "id": "fe874c2b-e8fd-bbb6-9f19-e91bbe744735",
    "labels": [],
    "last_update_date": "2020-10-22T14:54:25Z",
    "name": "updated-name-arbitrary-secret",
    "secret_type": "ARBITRARY",
    "state": 1,
    "state_description": "Active"
    "warnings": null

The service credentials command returns the following output:

  "request_id": "62f4f088-0588-51ec-3389-da83b4c34a6a",
  "lease_id": "",
  "lease_duration": 0,
  "renewable": false,
  "data": {
    "created_by": "IBMid-2723462DAH",
    "creation_date": "2023-11-23T08:27:15Z",
    "crn": "crn:v1:staging:public:secrets-manager:us-south:a/826aa2b9cab6c666477fc55ebc47bafc:e2c32ad4-1414-41e0-8747-e107e6b9f8e6:secret:3c89e3ed-31fb-06f7-387b-c972213c89be",
    "custom_metadata": {},
    "downloaded": false,
    "iam_apikey_description": "Auto-generated for key crn:v1:staging:public:event-notifications:us-south:a/826aa2b9cab6c666477fc55ebc47bafc:f85409e9-1a06-47d5-8320-95ed4e1675cc:resource-key:ada7d881-1af3-484c-8e79-4e071d9e1a7e",
    "iam_apikey_id": "ApiKey-df88649d-5198-4ca5-884f-856a1b83031a",
    "iam_apikey_name": "test-sc-1",
    "iam_role_crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::serviceRole:Manager",
    "iam_serviceid_crn": "crn:v1:staging:public:iam-identity::a/826aa2b9cab6c666477fc55ebc47bafc::serviceid:ServiceId-40052fad-55a4-4090-ab9e-64877964a3ac",
    "id": "3c89e3ed-31fb-06f7-387b-c972213c89be",
    "labels": [],
    "last_update_date": "2023-11-23T08:48:20Z",
    "locks_total": 0,
    "name": "updated-name-sc-secret",
    "parameters": {},
    "resource_key_crn": "crn:v1:staging:public:event-notifications:us-south:a/826aa2b9cab6c666477fc55ebc47bafc:f85409e9-1a06-47d5-8320-95ed4e1675cc:resource-key:ada7d881-1af3-484c-8e79-4e071d9e1a7e",
    "resource_key_name": "test-sc-1",
    "role": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::serviceRole:Manager",
    "secret_type": "service_credentials",
    "source_crn": "crn:v1:staging:public:event-notifications:us-south:a/826aa2b9cab6c666477fc55ebc47bafc:f85409e9-1a06-47d5-8320-95ed4e1675cc::",
    "state": 1,
    "state_description": "Active",
    "ttl": 0,
    "versions_total": 2
  "warnings": null

Update a secret version

Use this command to update a specific version of a secret.

vault write [-format=FORMAT] ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/secrets/SECRET_ID/versionins/VERSION_ID/metadata
        "version_custom_metadata": {              
             "metadata_custom_key": "metadata_custom_value"


vault write -format=json ibmcloud/service_credentials/secrets/1a3f9fbc-58d4-ac68-7984-f422d8b8112a/versions/38a361c8-51a2-6fc4-1ed8-d59747db5847/metadata 
        "version_custom_metadata": {              
             "metadata_custom_key": "metadata_custom_value"

{ :pre}


  "request_id": "8a395155-01eb-be57-e73d-53a9bbe09139",
  "lease_id": "",
  "lease_duration": 0,
  "renewable": false,
  "data": {
    "auto_rotated": false,
    "created_by": "IBMid-2723462DAH",
    "creation_date": "2023-11-23T10:19:45Z",
    "crn": "crn:v1:staging:public:secrets-manager:us-south:a/826aa2b9cab6c666477fc55ebc47bafd:e2c32ad4-1414-41e0-8747-e107e6b9f8d7:secret:1a3f9fbc-58d4-ac68-7984-f422d8b8112a",
    "expiration_date": "2023-12-03T10:19:45Z",
    "id": "1a3f9fbc-58d4-ac68-7984-f422d8b8112a",
    "payload_available": true,
    "resource_key_crn": "crn:v1:staging:public:event-notifications:us-south:a/826aa2b9cab6c666477fc55ebc47bafd:f85409e9-1a06-47d5-8320-95ed4e1675bd:resource-key:496acdc2-792c-4425-8172-32fcd5cddaca",
    "resource_key_name": "test-sc-1",
    "version_custom_metadata": {
      "metadata_custom_key": "metadata_custom_value"
    "version_id": "38a361c8-51a2-6fc4-1ed8-d59747db5847"
  "warnings": null

Rotate a secret

Use this command to rotate a secret. Allowable values for SECRET_TYPE are: arbitrary, iam_credentials, imported_cert, kv, private_cert, public_cert, service_credentials, and username_password.

vault write [-format=FORMAT] [-force] ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/secrets/SECRET_ID/rotate [payload="SECRET_DATA"] [password=PASSWORD] [certificate=CERTIFICATE_DATA] [private_key=PRIVATE_KEY_DATA] [intermediate=INTERMEDIATE_CERTIFICATE_DATA]


You need the Writer service role to rotate secrets.

Command options

The new data to store for an arbitrary secret. Only text-based payloads are supported. If you need to store a binary file, be sure to base64 encode it before you save it to Secrets Manager. For more information, see Examples.
The new password to assign to a username_password secret.
The new certificate data to store for an imported_cert secret. Supported file type is .pem.
The new private key data to store for an imported_cert secret. Supported file type is .pem.
The new intermediate certificate data to store for an imported_cert secret. Supported file type is .pem.
Prints the output in the format that you specify. Valid formats are table, json, and yaml. The default is table. You can also set the output format by using the VAULT_FORMAT environment variable.
Replaces the password that is stored for a username_password secret with a randomly generated, 32-character password that contains uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and symbols.


Manually rotate the secret data that is stored for an arbitrary secret.

vault write -format=json ibmcloud/arbitrary/secrets/fe874c2b-e8fd-bbb6-9f19-e91bbe744735/rotate payload="Updated secret data."

Manually rotate the password that is stored for a username_password secret.

vault write -format=json ibmcloud/username_password/secrets/cb32abc1-2a4b-e0fd-f403-233e5249e130/rotate password="my-updated-password"

Replace the password that is stored for a username_password secret with a randomly generated 32-character password.

vault write -format=json -force ibmcloud/username_password/secrets/cb32abc1-2a4b-e0fd-f403-233e5249e130/rotate

Rotate a set of service credentials.

vault write -format=json -force ibmcloud/service_credentials/secrets/3c89e3ed-31fb-06f7-387b-c972213c89be/rotate


The command to manually rotate a username_password secret with a user-provided password returns the following output:

    "request_id": "9cb258e5-fbc9-7a37-f8c9-c5ab1dd7b823",
    "lease_id": "",
    "lease_duration": 0,
    "renewable": false,
    "data": {
        "created_by": "iam-ServiceId-b7ebcf90-c7a9-495b-8ce8-bbf33cb95ca0",
    "creation_date": "2020-10-22T15:09:19Z",
    "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:secrets-manager:us-south:a/791f5fb10986423e97aa8512f18b7e65:e415e570-f073-423a-abdc-55de9b58f54e:secret:cb32abc1-2a4b-e0fd-f403-233e5249e130",
    "id": "cb32abc1-2a4b-e0fd-f403-233e5249e130",
    "labels": [],
    "last_update_date": "2020-10-22T15:10:34Z",
    "name": "new-username-password",
    "secret_data": {
        "password": "my-updated-password",
        "username": "my-username"
    "secret_type": "USERNAME_PASSWORD",
    "state": 1,
    "state_description": "Active"
    "warnings": null

The command to manually rotate a username_password secret with a service-generated password returns the following output:

    "request_id": "67992946-3fd7-8cbe-9464-f5bc0cc8254e",
    "lease_id": "",
    "lease_duration": 0,
    "renewable": false,
    "data": {
        "created_by": "iam-ServiceId-b7ebcf90-c7a9-495b-8ce8-bbf33cb95ca0",
    "creation_date": "2020-10-22T15:09:19Z",
    "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:secrets-manager:us-south:a/791f5fb10986423e97aa8512f18b7e65:e415e570-f073-423a-abdc-55de9b58f54e:secret:cb32abc1-2a4b-e0fd-f403-233e5249e130",
    "id": "cb32abc1-2a4b-e0fd-f403-233e5249e130",
    "labels": [],
    "last_update_date": "2020-10-22T16:25:55Z",
    "name": "new-username-password",
    "secret_data": {
        "password": "TYRodi/HX7s095UpQ38)L1z(t4\u003ccG6!2",
        "username": "my-username"
    "secret_type": "USERNAME_PASSWORD",
    "state": 1,
    "state_description": "Active"
    "warnings": null

The command to manually rotate a set of service credentials returns the following output:

  "request_id": "6adeab90-93a3-79eb-24eb-ae6f1c6856dc",
  "lease_id": "",
  "lease_duration": 0,
  "renewable": false,
  "data": {
    "created_by": "IBMid-2734562DAH",
    "creation_date": "2023-11-23T08:27:15Z",
    "crn": "crn:v1:staging:public:secrets-manager:us-south:a/826aa2b9cab6c666477fc55ebc47bafc:e2c32ad4-1414-41e0-8747-e107e6b9f8d6:secret:3c89e3ed-31fb-06f7-387b-c972213c89ee",
    "custom_metadata": {},
    "downloaded": false,
    "iam_apikey_description": "Auto-generated for key crn:v1:staging:public:event-notifications:us-south:a/826aa2b9cab6c666477fc55ebc47bafc:f85409e9-1a06-47d5-8320-95ed4e1675cc:resource-key:ada7d881-1af3-484c-8e79-4e071d9e1a7e",
    "iam_apikey_id": "ApiKey-df88649d-5198-4ca5-884f-856a1b83031a",
    "iam_apikey_name": "test-sc-1",
    "iam_role_crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::serviceRole:Manager",
    "iam_serviceid_crn": "crn:v1:staging:public:iam-identity::a/826aa2b9cab6c666477fc55ebc47bacc::serviceid:ServiceId-40052fad-55a4-4090-ab9e-64877964a3ac",
    "id": "3c89e3ed-31fb-06f7-387b-c972213c89be",
    "labels": [],
    "last_update_date": "2023-11-23T08:48:20Z",
    "locks_total": 0,
    "name": "test-sc-1",
    "parameters": {},
    "resource_key_crn": "crn:v1:staging:public:event-notifications:us-south:a/826aa2b9cab6c666477fc55ebc47bafc:f85409e9-1a06-47d5-8320-95ed4e1675cc:resource-key:ada7d881-1af3-484c-8e79-4e071d9e1a7e",
    "resource_key_name": "test-sc-1",
    "role": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::serviceRole:Manager",
    "secret_data": {
      "apikey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "guid": "f85409e9-1a06-47d5-8320-95ed4e1675bc",
      "iam_apikey_description": "Auto-generated for key crn:v1:staging:public:event-notifications:us-south:a/826aa2b9cab6c666477fc55ebc47bafc:f85409e9-1a06-47d5-8320-95ed4e1675cc:resource-key:48d0d690-7095-4e91-b267-bb8f4e7cc1e7",
      "iam_apikey_id": "ApiKey-7a2311a5-d071-4d4f-b511-f1182e5e9849",
      "iam_apikey_name": "test-sc-1",
      "iam_serviceid_crn": "crn:v1:staging:public:iam-identity::a/826aa2b9cab6c666477fc55ebc47bacc::serviceid:ServiceId-40052fad-55a4-4090-ab9e-64877964a3ac",
      "instance_id": "f85409e9-1a06-47d5-8320-95ed4e1675cc",
      "plan": "33b50df2-9cd6-4005-a941-bf0a59f0d133",
      "region": "us-south"
    "secret_type": "service_credentials",
    "source_crn": "crn:v1:staging:public:event-notifications:us-south:a/826aa2b9cab6c666477fc55ebc47bafc:f85409e9-1a06-47d5-8320-95ed4e1675cc::",
    "state": 1,
    "state_description": "Active",
    "ttl": 0,
    "versions": [
        "created_by": "IBMid-2723462DAH",
        "creation_date": "2023-11-23T08:27:15Z",
        "downloaded": true,
        "id": "34f934a3-def7-71e0-cc93-9c754879f2f8",
        "payload_available": true,
        "version_custom_metadata": {}
        "created_by": "IBMid-2723462DAH",
        "creation_date": "2023-11-23T08:48:20Z",
        "downloaded": false,
        "id": "1449cd40-dd18-5f68-7719-7a08a9f8e57d",
        "payload_available": true,
        "version_custom_metadata": {}
    "versions_total": 2
  "warnings": null

Delete a secret

Use this command to delete a secret. Allowable values for SECRET_TYPE are: arbitrary, iam_credentials, imported_cert, kv, private_cert, public_cert, service_credentials, and username_password.

Delete a secret in the default secret group.

vault delete ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/secrets/SECRET_ID

Delete a secret in an existing secret group.

vault delete ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/secrets/groups/SECRET_GROUP_ID/SECRET_ID


You need the Manager service role to delete secrets.

Command options

Prints the output in the format that you specify. Valid formats are table, json, and yaml. The default is table. You can also set the output format by using the VAULT_FORMAT environment variable.


Delete an arbitrary secret by its assigned ID.

vault delete ibmcloud/arbitrary/secrets/d26702aa-77ae-400e-4f25-9790a9cabf9c


The command returns the following output:

Success! Data deleted (if it existed) at: ibmcloud/arbitrary/secrets/d26702aa-77ae-400e-4f25-9790a9cabf9c

Dynamic secrets

Dynamic secrets are single-use credentials that are generated only when they are read or accessed.

To create a dynamic secret by using the Vault CLI, use the role command to scope the secret with the wanted level of permissions in your IBM Cloud account. Then, use the creds command to generate credentials for the role.

Create a role

Use the following commands to register a role for a secrets engine that supports dynamic secrets. After you create a role, you can generate credentials for it. The configuration that you define for role, such as its name, lease duration, and access permissions, is inherited by the generated credentials.

Create a role in the default secret group.

vault write [-format=FORMAT] ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/roles/ROLE_NAME access_groups=ACCESS_GROUP_ID,ACCESS_GROUP_ID ttl=LEASE_DURATION [description="DESCRIPTION"] [labels=LABEL,LABEL]

Create a role in a specified secret group.

vault write [-format=FORMAT] ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/roles/groups/SECRET_GROUP_ID/ROLE_NAME access_groups=ACCESS_GROUP_ID,ACCESS_GROUP_ID ttl=LEASE_DURATION [description="DESCRIPTION"] [labels=LABEL,LABEL]


You need the Writer service role to create secrets.

Command options

The type of secret that you want to create. Currently, iam_credentials is supported.
The ID of the secret group that you want to assign to the role and its credentials.
The human-readable alias that you want to assign to the role and its credentials.
The ID of the access group that determines the scope of access to assign to the role and its credentials.
The time-to-live (TTL) that determines how long a role's generated-credentials can exist. Use a duration string such as 300s or 1h30m. Valid time units are s, m, and h.
An extended description to assign to the role and its credentials.
Labels that you can use to group and search for similar secrets in your instance.
Prints the output in the format that you specify. Valid formats are table, json, and yaml. The default is table. You can also set the output format by using the VAULT_FORMAT environment variable.


Configure an IAM credential with a lease duration of 1 hour and assign it to the default secret group.

vault write -format=json ibmcloud/iam_credentials/roles/test-iam-credentials access_groups=AccessGroupId-985dc0a3-857b-48bd-b6d6-33819da7ba42 ttl=1h description="My test IAM credential." labels=test,us-south

Configure an IAM credential with a lease duration of 1 hour and assign it to a specified secret group.

vault write -format=json ibmcloud/iam_credentials/roles/groups/9ab2250f-a369-4e07-ade7-d417d63ad587/test-iam-credential-in-group access_groups=AccessGroupId-985dc0a3-857b-48bd-b6d6-33819da7ba42 ttl=1h description="My test IAM credential that is assigned to a secret group." labels=test,us-south


The command returns the following output:

    "request_id": "d4150a28-1184-8864-dcd3-15b0d18da7c1",
    "lease_id": "",
    "lease_duration": 0,
    "renewable": false,
    "data": {
        "access_groups": [
    "created_by": "iam-ServiceId-b7ebcf90-c7a9-495b-8ce8-bbf33cb95ca0",
    "creation_date": "2020-10-09T17:13:47Z",
    "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:secrets-manager:us-south:a/791f5fb10986423e97aa8512f18b7e65:e415e570-f073-423a-abdc-55de9b58f54e::",
    "description": "My test IAM credential that is assigned to a secret group.",
    "id": "091ca93f-5c99-4078-9d7e-4801143030fd",
    "labels": [
    "last_update_date": "2020-10-09T17:13:47Z",
    "name": "test-iam-credential-in-group",
    "secret_group_id": "9ab2250f-a369-4e07-ade7-d417d63ad587",
    "secret_type": "IAM_CREDENTIALS",
    "state": 1,
    "state_description": "Active",
    "ttl": 3600
    "warnings": null

If the role is created in a secret group, the data.secret_group_id value is included in the response to identify the secret group assignment.

Generate IAM credentials

Use the following commands to generate an API key for a role. This command creates a service ID, adds the service ID to the access group that you configured for the role, and then generates an API key for the service ID.

Generate an API key for a role in the default secret group.

vault read [-format=FORMAT] ibmcloud/iam_credentials/creds/ROLE_ID

Generate an API key for a role in a specified secret group.

vault read [-format=FORMAT] ibmcloud/iam_credentials/creds/groups/SECRET_GROUP_ID/ROLE_ID

The generated API keys are renewable and have a time-to-live (TTL) as defined by the role or the system default.


You need the Writer service role to create secrets.

Command options

The ID of the secret group that you want to assign to this secret.
The ID or name that is assigned to the role for this secret.
Prints the output in the format that you specify. Valid formats are table, json, and yaml. The default is table. You can also set the output format by using the VAULT_FORMAT environment variable.


Generate an IAM credential for a secret that is assigned to the default secret group.

vault read -format=json ibmcloud/iam_credentials/creds/test-iam-credentials

Generate an IAM credential for a secret that is assigned to a specified secret group.

vault read -format=json ibmcloud/iam_credentials/creds/groups/9ab2250f-a369-4e07-ade7-d417d63ad587/test-iam-credential-in-group


The command returns the following output:

    "request_id": "48d14d52-ce92-6efc-aeaa-b49cc11eabd6",
    "lease_id": "",
    "lease_duration": 0,
    "renewable": false,
    "data": {
        "access_groups": [
    "api_key": "Cg7l3kJveurEry_P7_fLPIBR....(truncated)",
    "created_by": "iam-ServiceId-b7ebcf90-c7a9-495b-8ce8-bbf33cb95ca0",
    "creation_date": "2020-10-09T17:13:47Z",
    "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:secrets-manager:us-south:a/791f5fb10986423e97aa8512f18b7e65:e415e570-f073-423a-abdc-55de9b58f54e::",
    "description": "My test IAM credential that is assigned to a secret group.",
    "id": "091ca93f-5c99-4078-9d7e-4801143030fd",
    "labels": [
    "last_update_date": "2020-10-09T17:53:23Z",
    "name": "test-iam-credential-in-group",
    "secret_group_id": "9ab2250f-a369-4e07-ade7-d417d63ad587",
    "secret_type": "IAM_CREDENTIALS",
    "service_id": "ServiceId-ae06783c-0ab4-4b02-a78a-8dff7d0634c6",
    "state": 1,
    "state_description": "Active",
    "ttl": 3600
    "warnings": null

If the role belongs to a secret group, the data.secret_group_id value is included in the response to identify the secret group assignment.

List roles

Use the following commands to list the roles or secrets in your Secrets Manager instance.

List roles by type.

vault read [-format=FORMAT] ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/roles

List roles by secret group ID.

vault read [-format=FORMAT] ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/roles/groups/SECRET_GROUP_ID


You need the Reader service role to list secrets.

Command options

The type of secret that you want to list. Currently, iam_credentials is supported.
The ID of the secret group.
Prints the output in the format that you specify. Valid formats are table, json, and yaml. The default is table. You can also set the output format by using the VAULT_FORMAT environment variable.


Retrieve a list of IAM credentials.

vault read -format=json ibmcloud/iam_credentials/roles

Retrieve a list of IAM credentials that belong to a specified secret group.

vault read -format=json ibmcloud/iam_credentials/roles/groups/9ab2250f-a369-4e07-ade7-d417d63ad587


The command returns the following output:

    "request_id": "d567207f-b5e6-fc35-086e-fbc465bf3678",
    "lease_id": "",
    "lease_duration": 0,
    "renewable": false,
    "data": {
        "roles": [
        "created_by": "iam-ServiceId-b7ebcf90-c7a9-495b-8ce8-bbf33cb95ca0",
        "creation_date": "2020-10-09T17:13:47Z",
        "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:secrets-manager:us-south:a/791f5fb10986423e97aa8512f18b7e65:e415e570-f073-423a-abdc-55de9b58f54e::",
        "description": "My test IAM credential that is assigned to a secret group.",
        "id": "091ca93f-5c99-4078-9d7e-4801143030fd",
        "labels": [
        "last_update_date": "2020-10-09T17:13:47Z",
        "name": "test-iam-credential-in-group",
        "secret_group_id": "9ab2250f-a369-4e07-ade7-d417d63ad587",
        "secret_type": "IAM_CREDENTIALS",
        "state": 1,
        "state_description": "Active",
        "ttl": 3600
        "created_by": "iam-ServiceId-b7ebcf90-c7a9-495b-8ce8-bbf33cb95ca0",
        "creation_date": "2020-10-09T17:05:21Z",
        "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:secrets-manager:us-south:a/791f5fb10986423e97aa8512f18b7e65:e415e570-f073-423a-abdc-55de9b58f54e:secret:a810998d-2912-4865-b4da-8dcc7465d784",
        "description": "My test IAM credential.",
        "id": "a810998d-2912-4865-b4da-8dcc7465d784",
        "labels": [
        "last_update_date": "2020-10-09T17:05:21Z",
        "name": "test-iam-credentials",
        "secret_type": "IAM_CREDENTIALS",
        "state": 1,
        "state_description": "Active",
        "ttl": 3600
    "roles_total": 2
    "warnings": null

If the role belongs to a secret group, the value is included in the response to identify the secret group assignment.

Read the metadata of a role

Use the following commands to view details about a registered role or secret, such as its name and history.

View the details of a role.

vault read [-format=FORMAT] ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/roles/ROLE_ID/metadata

View the details of a role that is assigned to a secret group.

vault read [-format=FORMAT] ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/roles/groups/GROUP_ID/ROLE/metadata


You need the Reader service role to view the metadata of a secret.

Command options

The type of secret that you want to view. Currently, iam_credentials is supported.
The ID of the secret group that is assigned to the role and its credentials
The ID that is assigned to the role for this secret.
Prints the output in the format that you specify. Valid formats are table, json, and yaml. The default is table. You can also set the output format by using the VAULT_FORMAT environment variable.


View the details of a role that is assigned to a secret group.

vault read -format=json ibmcloud/iam_credentials/roles/groups/9ab2250f-a369-4e07-ade7-d417d63ad587/091ca93f-5c99-4078-9d7e-4801143030fd/metadata


The command returns the following output:

    "request_id": "cb4672e2-51d9-3a83-f8a2-717afe16e24a",
    "lease_id": "",
    "lease_duration": 0,
    "renewable": false,
    "data": {
        "access_groups": [
    "created_by": "iam-ServiceId-b7ebcf90-c7a9-495b-8ce8-bbf33cb95ca0",
    "creation_date": "2020-10-09T17:13:47Z",
    "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:secrets-manager:us-south:a/791f5fb10986423e97aa8512f18b7e65:e415e570-f073-423a-abdc-55de9b58f54e::",
    "description": "My test IAM credential that is assigned to a secret group.",
    "id": "091ca93f-5c99-4078-9d7e-4801143030fd",
    "labels": [
    "last_update_date": "2020-10-09T17:13:47Z",
    "name": "test-iam-credential-in-group",
    "secret_group_id": "9ab2250f-a369-4e07-ade7-d417d63ad587",
    "secret_type": "IAM_CREDENTIALS",
    "state": 1,
    "state_description": "Active",
    "ttl": 3600
    "warnings": null

Update the metadata of a role

Use the following commands to view details about a registered role or secret, such as its name and history.

Update the details of a role in the default secret group.

vault write [-format=FORMAT] ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/roles/ROLE_ID/metadata [name="ROLE_NAME"] [access_groups=ACCESS_GROUP_ID,ACCESS_GROUP_ID] [ttl=LEASE_DURATION] [description="DESCRIPTION"] [labels=LABEL,LABEL]

Update the details of a role that is assigned to a secret group.

vault write [-format=FORMAT] ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/roles/groups/SECRET_GROUP_ID/ROLE_ID/metadata [name="ROLE_NAME"] [access_groups=ACCESS_GROUP_ID,ACCESS_GROUP_ID] [ttl=LEASE_DURATION] [description="DESCRIPTION"] [labels=LABEL,LABEL]


You need the Writer service role to update the metadata of a secret.

Command options

The type of secret that you want to update. Currently, iam_credentials is supported.
The ID of the secret group that is assigned to the role and its credentials.
The ID that assigned to this secret.
The ID of the access group that determines the scope of access to assign to the role and its credentials.
The time-to-live (TTL) that determines how long a role's generated credentials can exist. Use a duration string such as 300s or 1h30m. Valid time units are s, m, and h.
The new name that you want to assign for this secret.
An extended description to assign to the role and its credentials.
Labels that you can use to group and search for similar secrets in your instance.
Prints the output in the format that you specify. Valid formats are table, json, and yaml. The default is table. You can also set the output format by using the VAULT_FORMAT environment variable.


Update the details of a role that is assigned to the default group.

vault write -format=json ibmcloud/iam_credentials/roles/091ca93f-5c99-4078-9d7e-4801143030fd/metadata name="new-credential-name"


The command returns the following output:

    "request_id": "cb4672e2-51d9-3a83-f8a2-717afe16e24a",
    "lease_id": "",
    "lease_duration": 0,
    "renewable": false,
    "data": {
        "access_groups": [
    "created_by": "iam-ServiceId-b7ebcf90-c7a9-495b-8ce8-bbf33cb95ca0",
    "creation_date": "2020-10-09T17:13:47Z",
    "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:secrets-manager:us-south:a/791f5fb10986423e97aa8512f18b7e65:e415e570-f073-423a-abdc-55de9b58f54e::",
    "description": "My test IAM credential.",
    "id": "091ca93f-5c99-4078-9d7e-4801143030fd",
    "labels": [
    "last_update_date": "2020-10-09T17:13:47Z",
    "name": "new-credential-name",
    "secret_type": "IAM_CREDENTIALS",
    "state": 1,
    "state_description": "Active",
    "ttl": 3600
    "warnings": null

Delete a role

Use the following commands to delete a role.

Delete a role in the default secret group.

vault delete ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/roles/ROLE_ID

Delete a role that is to a secret group.

vault delete ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/roles/groups/SECRET_GROUP_ID/ROLE_ID


You need the Writer service role to update the metadata of a secret.

Command options

The type of secret that you want to delete. Currently, iam_credentials is supported.
The ID of the secret group that is assigned to the role and its credentials.
The ID that assigned to this secret.


Delete a role that is assigned to the default group.

vault delete ibmcloud/iam_credentials/roles/091ca93f-5c99-4078-9d7e-4801143030fd


The command returns the following output:

Success! Data deleted (if it existed) at: ibmcloud/iam_credentials/roles/091ca93f-5c99-4078-9d7e-4801143030fd


Lock a secret

Use the following commands to create one or more locks on the current version of a secret.

Create a lock on a secret in the default secret group.

vault write [-format=FORMAT] ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/locks/SECRET_ID/lock @FILE

Create a lock on a secret in a custom secret group.

vault write [-format=FORMAT] ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/locks/groups/SECRET_GROUP_ID/SECRET_ID/lock @FILE

Lock a secret exclusively.

vault write [-format=FORMAT] ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/locks/groups/SECRET_GROUP_ID/SECRET_ID/lock_exclusive @FILE

Lock a secret exclusively and delete previous version data.

vault write [-format=FORMAT] ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/locks/groups/SECRET_GROUP_ID/SECRET_ID/lock_exclusive_delete @FILE


You need the Writer service role or higher to create secret locks.

Command options

The type of secret that you want to lock.
The ID of the secret group.
The JSON file that contains the details of the lock.
The human-readable alias that you want to assign to the secret group. Required.
An extended description of the secret group.
Prints the output in the format that you specify. Valid formats are table, json, and yaml. The default is table. You can also set the output format by using the VAULT_FORMAT environment variable.


Create a lock on a secret in the default secret group.

vault write -format=json ibmcloud/arbitrary/locks/fe874c2b-e8fd-bbb6-9f19-e91bbe744735/lock @locks.json

Create a lock on a secret in a custom secret group.

vault write -format=json ibmcloud/arbitrary/locks/groups/bb6-9f19-e91bbe744735/fe874c2b-e8fd-bbb6-9f19/lock @locks.json

You can format the JSON file that contains the secret lock details based on the following example.

  "locks": [
      "name": "lockX",
      "description": "blabla",
      "attributes": {"key": "value"}
      "name": "lockY",
      "description": "blabla",
      "attributes": {"key": "value"}


The command to create a lock on a secret in the default group returns the following output:

  "request_id": "df85bbe9-4a0a04-06b123",
  "lease_id": "",
  "lease_duration": 0,
  "renewable": false,
  "data": {
    "secret_group_id": "default",
    "secret_id": "65e44d42-cf24f4-490fa9",
    "versions": [
        "alias": "current",
        "id": "6df7edfe-e5f-0b66c-aaba832",
        "locks": [
        "payload_available": true
  "warnings": null

List secret locks

Use the following commands to list the locks that are associated with the current version of a secret.

List the locks on a secret that is in the default secret group.

vault read [-format=FORMAT] ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/locks/SECRET_ID
vault read [-format=FORMAT] ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/locks/groups/SECRET_GROUP_ID/SECRET_ID


You need the Reader service role or higher to list secret locks.

Command options

Prints the output in the format that you specify. Valid formats are table, json, and yaml. The default is table. You can also set the output format by using the VAULT_FORMAT environment variable.


List the locks that are associated with an arbitrary secret in the default secret group.

vault read -format=json ibmcloud/arbitrary/locks/184408d6-8264-5ff3-c308-6922ed04ad88

List the locks that are associated with a user's credentials secret in a custom secret group.

vault read -format=json ibmcloud/username_password/locks/groups/d2e98a96-18ed-f13c-8dee-db955fb94122/c86946e6-b392-2613-159d-aff5a3f095b3


The command returns the following output:

  "request_id": "7a09ca14-6a7d-9ea2-2515-f7c22890f148",
  "lease_id": "",
  "lease_duration": 0,
  "renewable": false,
  "data": {
    "locks": [
        "attributes": {
          "key": "value"
        "created_by": "iam-ServiceId-222b47ab-b08e-42c3acb8",
        "creation_date": "2022-06-30T21:04:15.143896Z",
        "description": "Test lock for secret in the custom secret group.",
        "last_update_date": "2022-06-30T21:31:19.343086Z",
        "name": "lock-for-app-1",
        "secret_group_id": "d2e98a96-18ed-fb22",
        "secret_id": "c86946e6-b392-2613-15095b3",
        "secret_version_alias": "current",
        "secret_version_id": "ad6aa6d9-b43c-4bc3-52e64"
    "locks_total": 1
  "warnings": null

Unlock a secret

Use the following commands to remove one or more locks on the current version of a secret.

Remove locks on a secret in the default secret group.

vault write [-format=FORMAT] ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/locks/SECRET_ID/unlock locks=LOCK_NAME locks=LOCK_NAME

Remove locks on a secret in a custom secret group.

vault write [-format=FORMAT] ibmcloud/SECRET_TYPE/locks/groups/SECRET_GROUP_ID/SECRET_ID/unlock locks=LOCK_NAME locks=LOCK_NAME


You need the Writer service role or higher to create secret locks.

Command options

Prints the output in the format that you specify. Valid formats are table, json, and yaml. The default is table. You can also set the output format by using the VAULT_FORMAT environment variable.


Remove locks on a secret in the default secret group.

vault write -format=json ibmcloud/username_password/locks/65e44d42-cfb6-a24f4490fa9/unlock locks=test-lock-1 locks=test-lock-2

Remove locks on a secret in a custom secret group.

vault write -format=json ibmcloud/arbitrary/locks/groups/7a09ca14-6a7d-9ea2-2515-f7c22890f148/9ea2-2515-f7c22890f148/unlock locks=test-lock-1 locks=test-lock-2


The command returns the following output:

  "request_id": "0ec52cf2-59867-184a9c977",
  "lease_id": "",
  "lease_duration": 0,
  "renewable": false,
  "data": {
    "secret_group_id": "default",
    "secret_id": "65e44d42-cfb6-abe2-637d-2824f4490fa9",
    "versions": [
        "alias": "current",
        "id": "6df7edfe-ea85-3d34-565f-0b66caaba832",
        "locks": [],
        "payload_available": true
  "warnings": null