IBM Cloud Docs
Managing IAM access for Secrets Manager

Managing IAM access for Secrets Manager

Access to IBM Cloud® Secrets Manager service instances for users in your account is controlled by IBM Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM). Every user that accesses the Secrets Manager service in your account must be assigned an access policy with an IAM role. The policy determines which actions a user can perform within the context of Secrets Manager.

IAM access policies enable access to be granted at different levels. Some of the options include the following actions:

  • Access across all Secrets Manager service instances in your account
  • Access to an individual Secrets Manager instance in your account
  • Access to a specific resource within a Secrets Manager instance, applicable type is secret-group

IAM roles and actions for Secrets Manager

Review the following platform and service roles that you can use to assign access to Secrets Manager service instances. Each role maps to specific Secrets Manager actions that a user can complete within an account or an individual instance.

If a specific role and its actions don't fit the use case that you're looking to address, you can create a custom role and pick the actions to include.

Table 1. Platform roles - Secrets Manager
Use the tab buttons to change the context of the table. This table has row and column headers. The row headers provide the platform role name and the column headers identify the specific information available about each role.
Role Description
Viewer As a viewer, you can view Secrets Manager service instances, but you can't modify them.
Operator As an operator, you can complete platform actions that are required to configure and operate Secrets Manager service instances, such as the ability to view a Secrets Manager dashboard.
Editor As an editor, you can create, modify, and delete Secrets Manager service instances, but you can't assign access policies to other users.
Administrator As an administrator, you can complete all platform actions for Secrets Manager, including the ability to assign access policies to other users.
Table 1. Service roles - Secrets Manager
Use the tab buttons to change the context of the table. This table has row and column headers. The row headers provide the service role name and the column headers identify the specific information available about each role.
Role Description
Reader As a reader, you can complete read-only actions within a Secrets Manager service instance, such as the ability to view secrets and secret groups. Readers can access only the metadata that is associated with a secret.
SecretsReader As a secrets reader, you can complete read-only actions, and you can also access the secret data that is associated with a secret. A secrets reader can't create secrets or modify the value of an existing secret.
Writer As a writer, you have permissions beyond the secrets reader role, including the ability to create and edit secrets. Writers can't create secret groups, or configure secrets engines.
Manager As a manager, you have permissions beyond the writer role to complete privileged actions, such as the ability to manage secret groups, and configure secrets engines.
Table 1. Service actions - Secrets Manager
Use the tab buttons to change the context of the table. This table provides the available actions for the service, descriptions of each, and the roles that each action are mapped to.
Action Description Roles
secrets-manager.dashboard.view View the Secrets Manager dashboard. Operator, Editor, Administrator
secrets-manager.secret-group.create Create secret groups. Manager
secrets-manager.secret-group.update Update a secret group. Manager
secrets-manager.secret-group.delete Delete a secret group. Manager View the details of a secret group. Reader, SecretsReader, Writer, Manager
secrets-manager.secret-groups.list List the secret groups in your instance. Reader, SecretsReader, Writer, Manager
secrets-manager.secret.create Create a secret. Writer, Manager Get the value of a secret. SecretsReader, Writer, Manager
secrets-manager.secret.delete Delete a secret. Manager
secrets-manager.secrets.list List the secrets in your instance. Reader, SecretsReader, Writer, Manager
secrets-manager.secret-locks.create Create secret locks. Writer, Manager
secrets-manager.secret-locks.delete Delete secret locks. Manager
secrets-manager.secrets-locks.list List secret locks. Reader, SecretsReader, Writer, Manager
secrets-manager.secret-version-locks.create Create secret version locks. Manager, Writer
secrets-manager.secret-version-locks.list List secret version locks. Manager, Reader, Writer, SecretsReader
secrets-manager.secret-version-locks.delete Delete secret version locks. Manager
secrets-manager.secret-metadata.update Update the metadata of a secret. Writer, Manager View the metadata of a secret. Reader, SecretsReader, Writer, Manager
secrets-manager.secret-action.create Create a secret action. Manager, Writer
secrets-manager.secret-version.create Create a new secret version. Manager, Writer View the details of a secret version. Manager, Writer, SecretsReader View the metadata of a secret version. Manager, Reader, Writer, SecretsReader
secrets-manager.secret-version-action.create Create a secret version action. Manager, Writer
secrets-manager.configuration.create Create a new configuration. Manager
secrets-manager.configuration-action.create Create a new configuration action. Manager
secrets-manager.configurations.list List configurations. Manager, Reader, Writer View the details of a configuration. Manager
secrets-manager.configuration.update Update a configuration. Manager
secrets-manager.configuration.delete Delete a configuration. Manager
secrets-manager.secret-versions.list List secret versions. Reader, SecretsReader, Writer, Manager
secrets-manager.endpoints.view Get service instance endpoints. Reader, SecretsReader, Writer, Manager
secrets-manager.notifications-registration.create Create a registration with Event Notifications. Manager Get Event Notifications registration details. Reader, SecretsReader, Writer, Manager
secrets-manager.notifications-registration.delete Delete an Event Notifications registration. Manager
secrets-manager.notifications-registration.test Send a test event. Reader, SecretsReader, Writer, Manager

Assigning access to Secrets Manager

You can use the IBM Cloud console, CLI, or APIs to assign different levels of access to Secrets Manager resources in your account. You can assign access at the instance level, or you can narrow access to a secret group that contains one or more secrets. For more information, see Assigning access to Secrets Manager.

To learn about using the IBM Cloud CLI to assign access, check out the IBM Cloud CLI reference. When you create an access policy for Secrets Manager by using the IBM Cloud CLI or APIs, use secrets-manager for the service name in the CLI command or API call.