IBM Cloud Docs
Updating workspaces

Updating workspaces

Update the details for an existing workspace, such as the workspace name, variables, or source control URL. To provision or modify IBM Cloud, see the ibmcloud schematics plan command.

IBM Cloud Schematics deprecates older version of Terraform. For more information, see Deprecating older version of Terraform process in IBM Cloud Schematics.

IBM Cloud Schematics deprecates creation of workspace using the IBM Cloud Provider Plug-in for Terraform v1.2, v1.3 template from 2nd week of April 2024.

Before you begin

Ensure the location and the url endpoint are pointing to the same region when you create or update the Schematics workspace or action. For more information about location and endpoint, see Where is your information stored?

Updating a workspace using the UI

  1. Log in to IBM Cloud console.
  2. Click the Menu icon hamburger icon > Platform Automation > Schematics > Terraform.
    • In Specify Template section:
      • GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket repository URL - <provide your Terraform template Git repository URL.

      • Personal access token - <leave it blank>. To securely validate and clone the template, you can click the Open reference picker to select your Secrets Manager key reference. For more information, see creating a Secrets Manager instance.

      • Terraform Version - terraform_v1.5. You need to select Terraform version 1.5 or greater version. For example, if your Terraform templates are created by using Terraform v1.5, select the Terraform version parameter as terraform_v1.5. You can select Terraform_v1.4 to use Terraform version 1.4, terraform_v1.6 to use Terraform version 1.6. When you specify terraform_v1.5 means that users can have template that is of Terraform v1.5.0, v1.5.1, or v1.5.7, so on. Schematics supports Terraform_v1.x and also plans to make releases available after 30 to 45 days of HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) release.

        Schematics supports the current release of Terraform v1.4, through terraform_v1.6. The Terraform template must use the version constraint, such as > or >= or ~> for the required_version of Terraform, to automatically pick the current version.

        terraform {
        required_version = "~> 1.5"
      • Click Next.

    • In Workspace details section. Enter a name for your workspace name. The name can be up to 128 characters long and can include alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes, and underscores.
      • Workspace name as schematics-agent-service.
      • Tags as my-tags. Optional: Enter tags for your workspace. You can use the tags later to find your workspace faster.
      • Resource group as default or other resource group for this workspace.
      • Location as North America or other region for this workspace. Decide where you want to create your workspace? The location determines where your Schematics jobs run?, and where your workspace data is stored? You can choose between a location, such as North America, or a metro city, such as Frankfurt or London. If you select a location, Schematics determines the location based on availability. If you select a metro city, your workspace is created in this location. For more information about where your data is stored, see Where is your information stored? The location that you choose is independent from the region or regions where you want to provision your IBM Cloud resources. The console does not support all available locations. To create the workspace in a different location, use the CLI or API instead.
      • Optional, enter a descriptive name for your workspace.
      • Click Next.
    • Click Update. Your workspace is Updated with a Draft state and the workspace Settings page opens.

Verifying workspace update

  1. Click your workspace that is listed in the IBM Cloud console to view the results of the workspace details.
  2. Click Jobs tab to see the workspace logs.
  3. Click Jobs history tab view the result of the update job operation that were run by the automation modules.
  4. Click Settings tab to view the summary of the configuration.

Updating a workspace using the CLI

  1. Update a JSON file on your local workstation and add your workspace configuration. For more configuration options when updating the workspace, see the ibmcloud schematics workspace update command.

        "description":"terraform workspace",
                "value":"THIS IS IBM CLOUD TERRAFORM CLI DEMO",
                "description":"Description of sample_var"


    ibmcloud schematics workspace update --id WORKSPACE_ID [--file FILE_NAME] [--github-token GITHUB_TOKEN] [--pull-latest]  [--output OUTPUT]
  2. Update the workspace details for an existing workspace, such as the workspace name, variables, or source control URL.

    ibmcloud schematics workspace update --id <WORKSPACE_ID>
  3. Verify that your workspace is updated. Make sure that your workspace is in an Inactive state.

    ibmcloud schematics workspace list
  4. Refer to, Managing IBM Cloud resources with Schematics to start creating, updating, or deleting IBM Cloud resources with Terraform.

Verifying workspace update

Confirm the details using the CLI command update where the parameters of your workspace were updated successfully that has been created earlier.

ibmcloud schematics workspace update --id us-east.workspace.testwspace03jan.811182d2 --target vpc_name --target vpc_tags
Do you really want to perform this action? [y/N]> y
Activity ID   c10fc92ddfd2d9ec645fc5dbece5e341   

On successful update, it returns the updated details of an existing workspace.

For more information, see troubleshooting section.

Updating a workspace using the API

  1. Follow the steps to retrieve your IAM access token and authenticate with IBM Cloud Schematics by using the API.

  2. Updating the details for an existing workspace, such as the workspace name, variables, or source control URL.


    PUT /v1/workspaces/{w_id} HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Authorization: <auth_token>
    "description":"terraform workspace updated",
                "value":"THIS IS IBM CLOUD TERRAFORM CLI DEMO",
                "description":"Description of sample_var"
  3. Verify that the workspace is successfully updated.

    curl -X GET -H "Authorization: <iam_access_token>"
  4. see Managing IBM Cloud resources with Schematics to start creating, updating, or deleting IBM Cloud resources with Terraform.

Verifying workspace update

Verify that the workspace update is successfully as shown in the output.


    "id": "us-east.workspace.testwspace03jan.cf74cc48",
    "name": "testwspace03jan",
    "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:schematics:us-south:a/1f7277194bb748cdb1d35fd8fb85a7cb:9ae7be42-0d59-415c-a6ce-0b662f520a4d:workspace:us-east.workspace.testwspace03jan.cf74cc48",
    "type": [
    "description": "terraform workspace updated successfully",
    "resource_group": "Default",
    "location": "us-east",
    "tags": [
    "created_at": "2023-01-03T07:02:38.369965717Z",
    "created_by": "",
    "status": "DRAFT",
    "failure_reason": "",
    "workspace_status_msg": {
        "status_code": "200",
        "status_msg": ""
    "workspace_status": {
        "frozen": true,
        "frozen_by": "",
        "frozen_at": "2023-01-05T13:44:32.400019282Z",
        "locked": false
    "template_repo": {
        "url": "",
        "commit_id": "3dc60ea7fb30f236dbadfa817cf4beb5d337808d",
        "full_url": "",
        "has_uploadedgitrepotar": false
    "template_data": [
            "id": "b44c147b-81fb-4e",
            "folder": ".",
            "compact": false,
            "type": "terraform_v1.4",
            "values_url": "",
            "values": "",
            "values_metadata": [
                    "default": "testvpcone",
                    "description": "",
                    "name": "vpc_name",
                    "type": "string"
                    "default": "[\"tag:test1\", \"tag:test2\"]",
                    "description": "",
                    "name": "vpc_tags",
                    "type": "list(string)"
            "variablestore": [
                    "name": "sample_var",
                    "secure": true,
                    "value": "THIS IS IBM CLOUD TERRAFORM CLI DEMO",
                    "type": "",
                    "description": "Description of sample_var"
                    "name": "sleepy_time",
                    "secure": false,
                    "value": "15",
                    "type": "",
                    "description": ""
            "has_githubtoken": false
    "runtime_data": [
            "id": "b44c147b-81fb-4e",
            "engine_name": "terraform",
            "engine_version": "v1.0.11",
            "state_store_url": "",
            "log_store_url": ""
    "shared_data": {
        "resource_group_id": ""
    "applied_shareddata_ids": null,
    "updated_by": "",
    "updated_at": "2023-01-05T13:44:32.483034358Z",
    "last_health_check_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "cart_id": "",
    "last_action_name": "WORKSPACE_UPDATE",
    "last_activity_id": "fe1591c02c66167b41fefac1ab5445cb",
    "last_job": {
        "job_id": "fe1591c02c66167b41fefac1ab5445cb",
        "job_name": "WORKSPACE_UPDATE",
        "job_status": ""

On successful workspace update, it returns the details for an updated configuration, such as the workspace name, variables, or source control URL of the workspace.

For more information, see troubleshooting section.

Updating a workspace with Terraform

  1. Follow the steps in Setting up Terraform for Schematics to create your workspace with Terraform.

  2. See Managing IBM Cloud resources with Schematics to create, update, or delete IBM Cloud resources with Terraform.

Next steps

The next stage of working with workspace is deploying workspaces.