IBM Cloud Docs
Using Terraform to configure Schematics

Using Terraform to configure Schematics

Terraform on IBM Cloud® enables predictable and consistent provisioning of IBM Cloud services to rapidly build complex, multitiered cloud environments following Infrastructure as Code (IaC) principles. Similarly, you can automate the provisioning, update, and deletion of your IBM Cloud Schematics workspace and actions instances using Terraform.

Looking for a managed Terraform on IBM Cloud solution? Try out IBM Cloud Schematics. With Schematics, you can use the Terraform language that you are familiar with, but you don't have to worry about setting up and maintaining the Terraform command-line and the IBM Cloud Provider plug-in. Schematics also provides predefined Terraform templates that you can install from the IBM Cloud catalog.

Before you begin, make sure that you have the required access to create and work with IBM Cloud Schematics workspace.

Example - Creating the Schematics workspaces by using Terraform

Complete the following steps to create a Schematics workspace using Terraform:

  1. Follow the Terraform on IBM Cloud getting started tutorial to install the Terraform CLI and configure the IBM Cloud Provider Plug-in for Terraform. The plug-in abstracts the IBM Cloud APIs that are used to provision, update, or delete Schematics resources.

  2. Create the Terraform configuration files named, terraform.tfvars, and

    You can use the Terraform example Git URL This example uses service instance to set up an API for an IBM Cloud service of your choice. You can specify the API endpoint that you want to use to access your service, and define subscription keys so that you can securely consume your API.

    If you have a workspace created other in a region other than us, you must set the API endpoint to that region. For example, if your region specified is eu, the API endpoint should be specified as IBMCLOUD_SCHEMATICS_API_ENDPOINT= in the environment variable. For more information about the Schematics workspace locations and endpoints to be used, see Where is my information stored?.

    Then create the Schematics workspace tf-testwks-apigwy in the default resource group of your region. This workspace points to a Terraform template of your choice that requires the Terraform version terraform_v1.5.

    The sample file to specify the provider version that you need to create the workspace.

      terraform {
      required_version = ">=1.0.0, <2.0"
        required_providers {
          ibm = {
            source = "IBM-Cloud/ibm"


    The sample terraform.tfvars file to store sensitive information, such as credentials. For more information, see Referencing credentials from a terraform.tfvars file. To create API keys, see Creating and API Keys.

    schematics_workspace_description="Sample workspace created with terraform with URL"

    Review the following sample file. This file invokes the variables from the terraform.tfvars file by using the Git URL, then creates a Schematics workspace by using your IBM Cloud API key.

    variable "schematics_workspace_name" {}
    variable "schematics_workspace_description" {}
    variable "schematics_workspace_type" {}
    variable "schematics_workspace_location" {}
    variable "schematics_workspace_resource_group" {}
    variable "ibmcloud_api_key" {}
    resource "ibm_schematics_workspace" "schematics_workspace_instance" {
    name = var.schematics_workspace_name
    description = var.schematics_workspace_description
    location = var.schematics_workspace_location
    resource_group = var.schematics_workspace_resource_group
    tags = ["sample"]
    template_env_settings = [
        { env1 = "val1" },
        { env2 = "val2" }
    template_type= var.schematics_workspace_type
    template_git_url = ""
    provider "ibm" {
    region           = "us-south"
    ibmcloud_api_key = var.ibmcloud_api_key

    The following table lists supported parameters when you create and initialize a service instance with Terraform. For more information about the detailed parameters to create workspace, see ibm_schematics_workspace resource.

    Supported parameters for creating Schematics workspaces with Terraform.
    Parameter Description
    description The description of the workspace.
    location The location where you want to create your Schematics workspace and run Schematics actions.
    resource_group The ID of the resource group where you want to provision the workspace.
    name The name of your workspace. The name can be up to 128 characters long and can include alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes, and underscores. When you create a workspace for your own Terraform template, consider including the microservice component that you set up with your Terraform template and the IBM Cloud environment where you want to deploy your resources in your name.
    tags A list of tags that are associated with the workspace.
    template_env_settings A list of environment variables that you want to apply during the execution of a Terraform action.
    template_git_url The Git repository URL, where you have the configuration details to provision the resource.
    template_type Specify the Terraform version that you want to apply in Schematics workspace.
  3. Initialize the Terraform CLI.

    terraform init

    If the environment variable path for Terraform is not set, you can see command not found: terraform error. Fix the error by setting the path to your Terraform installed directory.

  4. Create a Terraform execution plan. The Terraform execution plan summarizes all the actions that need to be run to create the Schematics workspace in your account.

    terraform plan
  5. Create the Schematics workspace instance and IAM access policy in IBM Cloud.

    terraform apply

    For more information about troubleshooting the terraform apply command errors, see find the root cause of why Schematics apply is failing.

  6. From the Schematics dashboard, check your tf-testwks-apigwy workspace is created. And the resources are provisioned from the IBM Cloud Schematics resource list.

  7. Verify that the access policy is successfully assigned. For more information, see Reviewing assigned access in the console.

What's next?

Now that you successfully created your first Schematics workspace with Terraform on IBM Cloud, you can choose between the following tasks:

  • Learn how to create an IBM Cloud Schematics job resource to run your Terraform template in IBM Cloud.
  • To run Ansible playbooks in IBM Cloud check out the IBM Cloud Schematics action resource.
  • Explore other supported Terraform resources and data sources for IBM Cloud Schematics or checkout other arguments and attributes that you can use for the Terraform resources that were used in the example.