IBM Cloud Docs
Displaying workspaces

Displaying workspaces

List the workspaces in your IBM Cloud® account and optionally, show the details for your workspace.

IBM Cloud Schematics deprecates older version of Terraform. For more information, see Deprecating older version of Terraform process in IBM Cloud Schematics.

IBM Cloud Schematics deprecates creation of workspace using the IBM Cloud Provider Plug-in for Terraform v1.2, v1.3 template from 2nd week of April 2024.

Before you begin

Ensure the location and the url endpoint are pointing to the same region when you list the Schematics workspaces and actions. For more information about location and endpoint, see Where is your information stored?

Displaying the workspace through UI

  1. Log in to IBM Cloud console.
  2. Click the Menu icon hamburger icon > Platform Automation > Schematics > Terraform.
  3. Search with name for required workspace with specific to location selecting North America or Europe.

Verifying workspace display

  1. Click your workspace that is listed in the IBM Cloud console to view the results of the workspace details.

Displaying the workspace through CLI

  1. List the workspaces in your IBM Cloud account and optionally, show the details for your workspace. For more configuration options when listing the workspace, see the ibmcloud schematics workspace list command.


    ibmcloud schematics workspace list [--limit LIMIT] [--offset OFFSET] [--output] [--region]
  2. Verify that your workspace is updated. Make sure that your workspace is in an Inactive state.

    ibmcloud schematics workspace list
  3. Refer to, Managing IBM Cloud resources with Schematics to start creating, updating, or deleting IBM Cloud resources with Terraform.

Verifying workspace list

Confirm the details using the CLI command update where the parameters of your workspace were updated successfully that has been created earlier.

```text {: screen}
ibmcloud schematics workspace list  
Retrieving workspaces...
Name                                          ID                                                                       Description                                   Version             Status           Frozen   
workspacecos-module                           us-south.workspace.workspacecos-module.f39f5247                          test-cos-module-workspace                 Terraform v1.0.11   TEMPLATE_ERROR   False   
testwspace03jan                               us-east.workspace.testwspace03jan.cf74cc48                               terraform workspace updated successfully      Terraform v1.0.11   INACTIVE         True   
teststagews-sleepy12                          us-east.workspace.teststagews-sleepy12.a92d1471                          terraform workspace stage test                Terraform v1.0.11   INACTIVE         False   
newname                                       us-east.workspace.test.fb3cc39b                                          terraformworkspacetest                        Terraform v1.2.6    ACTIVE           False   
test-remote                                   us-east.workspace.test-remote.455ecb7a                                   terraform workspace                           Terraform v0.13.7   INACTIVE         True   
test-remote-msk                               us-east.workspace.test-remote-msk.bcbff09f                               terraform workspace                           Terraform v0.13.7   CONNECTING       False   
test-remote-msk-may18                         us-east.workspace.test-remote-msk-may18.102cc13d                         terraform workspace                           Terraform v0.13.7   CONNECTING       False   
test-hpcs                                     us-east.workspace.test-hpcs.fd2f331d                                                                                   Terraform v1.2.6    INACTIVE         False   
terraform_module1                             us-east.workspace.terraform_module1.e7cb92a3                             myblueprint                                   Terraform v1.0.11   DRAFT            False   
terraform_module1                             us-east.workspace.terraform_module1.a11f46b9                             complex-delete                                Terraform v1.0.11   DRAFT            False   
terraform_module1                             us-east.workspace.terraform_module1.647e4d4f                             myblueprint3                                  Terraform v1.0.11   DRAFT            False   
smulampa-wsgroup                              us-east.workspace.smulampa-wsgroup.95a4d82d                              Sample workspace testing                      Terraform v1.0.11   FAILED           False   
smulampa-schematics-agent-service-workspace   us-east.workspace.smulampa-schematics-agent-service-workspace.6936524b   schematics agents service workspace           Terraform v1.0.11   DRAFT            False   
smulampa-cos-module-workspace                 us-east.workspace.smulampa-cos-module-workspace.b77841ac                 smulampa-cos-module-workspace                 Terraform v1.0.11   INACTIVE         False   

On successful update, it returns the updated details of an existing workspace.

For more information, see troubleshooting section.

Displaying the workspace list through API

  1. Follow the steps to retrieve your IAM access token and authenticate with IBM Cloud Schematics by using the API.

  2. Displaying the details of list of all existing workspace.


    GET /v1/workspaces HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Authorization: <auth_token>
    Cache-Control: no-cache
    Postman-Token: b30e81a0-ae99-978c-c7e3-664371ddd1ea
  3. Verify that the workspace is successfully listed with list of all workspace that were created.

    curl -X GET -H "Authorization: <iam_access_token>"
  4. see Managing IBM Cloud resources with Schematics to start creating, updating, or deleting IBM Cloud resources with Terraform.

verifying workspace update:

Verify the workspace update.

Verify that the workspace update is successfully as shown in the output.


    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 100,
    "count": 2,
    "workspaces": [
            "id": "us-east.workspace.testwspace03jan.cf74cc48",
            "name": "testwspace03jan",
            "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:schematics:us-south:a/1f7277194bb748cdb1d35fd8fb85a7cb:9ae7be42-0d59-415c-a6ce-0b662f520a4d:workspace:us-east.workspace.testwspace03jan.cf74cc48",
            "type": [
            "description": "terraform workspace updated successfully",
            "resource_group": "Default",
            "location": "us-east",
            "tags": [
            "created_at": "2023-01-03T07:02:38.369965717Z",
            "created_by": "",
            "status": "INACTIVE",
            "failure_reason": "",
            "workspace_status_msg": {
                "status_code": "200",
                "status_msg": ""
            "workspace_status": {
                "frozen": true,
                "frozen_by": "",
                "frozen_at": "2023-01-05T13:44:32.400019282Z",
                "locked": false
            "template_repo": {
                "url": "",
                "commit_id": "3dc60ea7fb30f236dbadfa817cf4beb5d337808d",
                "full_url": "",
                "has_uploadedgitrepotar": false
            "template_data": [
                    "id": "b44c147b-81fb-4e",
                    "folder": ".",
                    "compact": false,
                    "type": "terraform_v1.4",
                    "values_url": "",
                    "values": "",
                    "values_metadata": [
                            "default": "testvpcone",
                            "description": "",
                            "name": "vpc_name",
                            "type": "string"
                            "default": "[\"tag:test1\", \"tag:test2\"]",
                            "description": "",
                            "name": "vpc_tags",
                            "type": "list(string)"
                    "variablestore": [
                            "name": "sample_var",
                            "secure": true,
                            "value": "$SCHEMATICSSECRET$04$.KMS04&crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/c19ef85117044059a3be5e45d6dc1cf6:0de40d7c-085d-4373-9083-bbe598d7c3a9:key:4e6e436a-e53f-423d-848d-a7af60335c1f&crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-east:a/c19ef85117044059a3be5e45d6dc1cf6:4d336da6-914a-4d17-8dc6-dfd9da51a422:key:1987a798-d933-446f-af49-3df7de755269&eyJjaXBoZXJ0ZXh0IjoiMitWZXYveFdRc3VKTi9obnAvYWtBT0dDL0NDK0pTOGJYWk5VWGg3RHRVU2JXbFc0Rkx6SjlGRzVWN1U9IiwiaXYiOiJMMjFzRXNSSXFSYXl1VWh0IiwidmVyc2lvbiI6IjQuMC4wIiwiaGFuZGxlIjoiMWQ0ZWE1ODItY2ZmOS00ZDQ3LWE3OGQtYWJjZmQ5NDM0MjA1In0=.15c9468cde760d8bfbacaeed.e0f233aa99d32be8a146dfe0d07db4721c021df5d8cda989d4064996abae4fe6d3d5f3692c754d53ba438548bbecef6c42810b4a",
                            "type": "",
                            "description": "Description of sample_var"
                            "name": "sleepy_time",
                            "secure": false,
                            "value": "15",
                            "type": "",
                            "description": ""
                    "has_githubtoken": false
            "runtime_data": [
                    "id": "b44c147b-81fb-4e",
                    "engine_name": "terraform",
                    "engine_version": "v1.0.11",
                    "state_store_url": "",
                    "log_store_url": ""
            "shared_data": {
                "resource_group_id": ""
            "applied_shareddata_ids": null,
            "updated_by": "",
            "updated_at": "2023-01-05T13:44:32.483034358Z",
            "last_health_check_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "cart_id": "",
            "last_action_name": "WORKSPACE_UPDATE",
            "last_activity_id": "a7aaa1ddb52edee56377d22b67c7478d",
            "last_job": {
                "job_id": "a7aaa1ddb52edee56377d22b67c7478d",
                "job_name": "WORKSPACE_UPDATE",
                "job_status": ""
            "id": "us-east.workspace.teststagews-sleepy12.a92d1471",
            "name": "teststagews-sleepy12",
            "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:schematics:us-south:a/1f7277194bb748cdb1d35fd8fb85a7cb:9ae7be42-0d59-415c-a6ce-0b662f520a4d:workspace:us-east.workspace.teststagews-sleepy12.a92d1471",
            "type": [
            "description": "terraform workspace stage test",
            "resource_group": "Default",
            "location": "us-east",
            "tags": [
            "created_at": "2022-10-11T04:07:20.309871638Z",
            "created_by": "",
            "status": "INACTIVE",
            "failure_reason": "",
            "workspace_status_msg": {
                "status_code": "200",
                "status_msg": ""
            "workspace_status": {
                "frozen": false,
                "locked": false
            "template_repo": {
                "url": "",
                "branch": "v0.12",
                "commit_id": "62b45f3a3501f6afa5d4c705abc04e474ff23fab",
                "full_url": "",
                "has_uploadedgitrepotar": false
            "template_data": [
                    "id": "ff819de7-e084-4c",
                    "folder": "",
                    "compact": false,
                    "type": "terraform_v1.4",
                    "values_url": "",
                    "values": "",
                    "values_metadata": [
                            "default": "hello",
                            "description": "A sample_var to pass to the template.",
                            "name": "sample_var",
                            "type": "string"
                            "default": "0",
                            "description": "How long our local-exec takes a nap.",
                            "name": "sleepy_time",
                            "type": "string"
                    "variablestore": [
                            "name": "sample_var",
                            "secure": false,
                            "value": "THIS IS IBM CLOUD TERRAFORM CLI DEMO",
                            "type": "",
                            "description": "Description of sample_var"
                            "name": "sleepy_time",
                            "secure": false,
                            "value": "40",
                            "type": "string",
                            "description": ""
                    "has_githubtoken": false
            "runtime_data": [
                    "id": "ff819de7-e084-4c",
                    "engine_name": "terraform",
                    "engine_version": "v1.0.11",
                    "state_store_url": "",
                    "log_store_url": ""
            "shared_data": {
                "resource_group_id": ""
            "applied_shareddata_ids": null,
            "updated_by": "",
            "updated_at": "2022-10-11T04:24:24.168476128Z",
            "last_health_check_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "cart_id": "",
            "last_action_name": "WORKSPACE_CREATE",
            "last_activity_id": "e27b2c73cad6571d4abee1092065076d",
            "last_job": {
                "job_id": "e27b2c73cad6571d4abee1092065076d",
                "job_name": "WORKSPACE_CREATE",
                "job_status": ""

On successful workspace list, it returns the list of the workspace.

For more information, see troubleshooting section.

Displaying the workspace list with Terraform

  1. Follow the steps in Setting up Terraform for Schematics to create your workspace with Terraform.

  2. See Managing IBM Cloud resources with Schematics to create, update, or delete IBM Cloud resources with Terraform.

Next steps

The next stage of working with workspace is deploying workspaces.