IBM Cloud Docs Lite plan Lite plan

The Lite plan allows you to provision an IBM® instance that is free to use, with limits on capacity (2000 Resource Units), and features for a time frame of 30 days. You can use the account to explore and familiarize yourself with For more information about the features and limitations of Lite plan, see Lite plan.

To access all the features and functionalities without resource or time limit, you must have an Enterprise instance in the paid IBM Cloud account. In this tutorial, you learn how to provision instance (Lite plan) and explore its features.

Before you begin

To provision Lite plan instance, you must have a trial account (or a paid account) on the IBM Cloud. Trial IBM Cloud accounts can have only one resource group.

Provisioning Lite plan

  1. Go to the provisioning page.

  2. Click the Create tab. Select IBM Cloud as the cloud platform to deploy In the Management method field, Fully managed is the default option, which indicates that IBM manages all the network complexities.

    Click About tab and read through to understand about the resource units consumed by engine/service, and estimate your consumption of 2000 RUs in the Lite plan instance.

  3. In the Select a pricing plan field, select Lite.

  4. Select a location from the Choose a location drop-down list.

  5. Enter the service name. The service name can be any string. This service name is used in the web console to identify the new deployment.

  6. Select resource group. For IBM Cloud trial accounts, you cannot create additional resource groups. The default resource group is the only option available for selection. Trial IBM Cloud accounts can have only one resource group.

  7. Optional: Enter the tags and access management tags.

  8. In the Summary page, review the license agreement and select the checkbox to acknowledge the agreement.

  9. Click Create. The message “instance is being provisioned” is displayed and the Resource list opens.

  10. From the Resource list page, under the Databases category, you can see that the status for your instance as, Provision in progress. Click the instance link when the status changes to Active.

  11. Click Open web console and provide the Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) details to launch the Console.

Open the web console

  1. Go to Resource list > Databases.

  2. Click your instance link. The service instance page opens.

  3. Click Open web console. The web console opens.


To explore the features of web console, see Lite plan.