IBM Cloud Docs
Billing and usage

Billing and usage

Billing in IBM® is based on the charge metrics that are defined by IBM Cloud® service.

The following charge matrices apply to

  • Resource Unit (RU): A measure of resources managed, processed, or related to the use of service instance. Here, compute and support services are considered resources.

  • Compute cluster: Consists of coordinator and worker nodes that run the query engine. Each node consumes a set of resource units per hour (as defined by the IBM Cloud®) until the node is paused or deleted.

  • Support services: Consists of supporting services such as metadata storage and access control.

The resource unit consumption begins after you provision the support services. The RUs are consumed on a per-hour basis and continue until you delete the instance.

You can view the estimate of the expected per-hour run rate consumption of Resource Units from the About tab in the IBM Cloud® catalog page.

The Billing and Usage page provides the latest information about RU consumption breakdown of the instance (based on the resource utilization).

To view current billing and usage details, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the console.

  2. From the navigation menu, select Billing and usage. The Billing and usage page opens.

    The Total run rate field displays the sum of the run rates of all currently running infrastructure components in the instance.

    The billable infrastructure components are listed in the table. You can also type the component name in the Search field to list a particular component.

  3. Click the Customize columns icon and select the columns to display.

  4. Click the Manage resource usage link. The IBM Cloud Billing and usage page opens.

The following are the fields in the Billing and usage page:

Table 1. Billing and usage
Field Description
Display name The name of the billable component.
Status The status of the component. It can be running, failed, provisioning, restarting, resuming, scaling, updating, or paused. The Running status displays a run rate above 0 RUs/hour.
Component type The category of the component.
Run rate The resource units that are consumed per hour.