IBM Cloud Docs
Configuring query monitoring

Configuring query monitoring

Query History Monitoring and Management (QHMM) is a service that stores and manages diagnostic data, such as heap dumps, thread dumps, query history and query event-related information of the Presto engine in the storage associated with a Hive catalog. You can retrieve the history files to analyze, debug or monitor the queries. You can also store the data in your own bucket.

You can enable or disable the QHMM service for your instance. If you enable the QHMM service, you must specify the storage to be used for storing the query data. You must create and associate a Hive catalog to store the QHMM data (register your own storage (BYOB)). To use BYOB, register your bucket in and configure it to use as QHMM storage.

QHMM supports only Hive storage.

Enabling QHMM feature

You can enable the QHMM feature in one of the following ways:

You can retrieve the history files to analyze, debug, or monitor the queries. From the Query workspace see, Retrieving query information from QHMM data.


  1. Log in to the console.

  2. From the navigation menu, select Configurations.

  3. Click Query monitoring. The Query monitoring page opens.

  4. If you enabled QHMM feature at the time of provisioning quick start, you can view the QHMM configuration details. The following details are available:

    • Status of QHMM - Enabled or disabled.
    • Bucket that is configured to store QHMM data.
    • The subpath in the bucket where QHMM data is available.

    To edit the configuration details, click Edit and make the required changes.You can enable or disable query monitoring, update sub-path and change the bucket.

  5. Click Save after making the changes.

Enabling QHMM from Console

If the QHMM feature is not enabled at the time of provisioning quick start, you can do that from the Query monitoring page.

  1. Create a storage - catlaog (Apache Hive) pair in See Adding a storage-catalog pair. QHMM supports only the Apache Hive catalog.

  2. From the Query monitoring page, click Edit.

  3. Select the Enable check box. You can select the check box only if you have created a Hive catalog in

  4. Select the Hive catalog from the Storage.

  5. You can also update the sub-path.

  6. Click Save after making the changes.

Enabling data pruning feature

You can enable the data pruning feature for QHMM from the Query monitoring page. To do that:

From the Query monitoring page, click Edit. In the Data pruning section, enable the file pruning functionality in QHMM to manage the storage capacity. You can configure the maximum size and threshold percentage for the QHMM storage bucket. When the threshold is met during file upload or when a cleanup scheduler runs (default every 24 hours), older data is deleted.

Provide the following details:

  • Pruning threshod: Threshold at which QHMM triggers pruning or issues a warning when the capacity reaches the threshold percentage (default: 80%).

  • Pruning frequency: Frequency in hours at which pruning occurs (default: 24 hours).

  • Maximum usage: Maximum capacity of the bucket in MB (default: 10240 MB).

  • Pruned records retention period: Record expiry time in days for deleting records from COS (default: 30 days).

Click Save after making the changes.