IBM Cloud Docs
Managing diagnostic data from user interface

Managing diagnostic data from user interface

You can configure to store the diagnostic data such as queries history and query event-related information of the Presto engine (Presto) in a storage bucket in using the Query monitoring page. You can retrieve the history files to analyze, debug or monitor the queries from the Query workspace.


  1. From the navigation menu, select Query workspace.

  2. Select the engine from Engine list and identify the Hive catalog that you created to store the QHMM data.

  3. You can view the queries history and query event-related information of the Presto engine inside the tables within the catalog. Run queries to analyse the data.

  4. The following tables are available by default:

    query_event_raw : Includes the raw data of query events in JSON format. To view the entire event data, use the following query:


    query_history : Includes the query History data. To view the entire Query History data, use the following query:


    table_stats_information_memory : Includes the memory related information. To view the memory related information, use the following query:
