IBM Cloud Docs
Detecting trigger words

Detecting trigger words

IBM Cloud

Use the Trigger word detected action to add words or phrases to two separate groups. The first group connects customers with an agent. The second group shows customers a customizable warning message.

By default, this action has two steps: the Connect to agent step and the Show warning step. To see how this action works, click Set by assistant in the list of actions, and then click Trigger word detected.

Connect to agent

The first step of the Trigger word detected action is the Connect to agent step. The Connect to agent step goes to the Fallback action if any trigger words are detected in the customer's input. Use this step to capture any key phrases where it’s important to connect a customer with a live agent rather than activate any further actions.

For example, you might add hurt and harm as trigger words for the Connect to agent step:

Adding trigger words to the Connect to agent step
Adding trigger words to the Connect to agent step

In this example, a customer enters a word or phrase that includes hurt or harm, which triggers the Fallback action. Step 4 has:

  • Danger word detected as the fallback reason.
  • The default message: It seems this conversation would be best managed by a human agent. Let me connect you to one of our agents. You can customize this message.
  • And then set to Connect to agent (action ends).

For more information about the Fallback action, see Editing the fallback action.

Show warning

The second and final step of the Trigger word detected action is the Show warning step. The Show warning step shows a customizable warning message to your customer if any trigger words are detected in the customer's input. Use this step to discourage customers from interacting with your assistant in unacceptable ways, such as using profanity.

For example, you might add darn, dang, and heck as trigger words for the Show warning step:

Adding trigger words to the Show warning step
Adding trigger words to the Show warning step

In this example, a customer enters darn, dang, or heck, the assistant responds with Please use appropriate language when interacting with the assistant. You can customize this message.

If the customer triggers the Show warning step again, the Fallback action is triggered. The default setting is if attempts exceed 2 total tries. You can customize this setting.

In the Fallback action, step 5 has:

  • Profanity detected as the fallback reason.
  • The default message: It seems this conversation would be best managed by a human agent. Let me connect you to one of our agents. You can customize this message.
  • And then set to Connect to agent (action ends).

For more information about the Fallback action, see Editing the fallback action.