IBM Cloud Docs
Connecting to a Vyatta peer

Connecting to a Vyatta peer

You can use IBM Cloud VPN for VPC to securely connect your VPC to an on-prem network through a VPN tunnel. This topic provides guidance about how to configure your Vyatta VPN gateway to connect to VPN for VPC.

These instructions are based on Vyatta version: AT&T vRouter 5600 1801d.

Read VPN gateway limitations before you continue to connect to your on-premises peer.

When the Vyatta VPN receives a connection request from VPN for VPC, Vyatta uses IPsec Phase 1 parameters to establish a secure connection and authenticate the VPN for VPC gateway. Then, if the security policy permits the connection, the Vyatta VPN establishes the tunnel by using IPsec Phase 2 parameters and applies the IPsec security policy. Key management, authentication, and security services are negotiated dynamically through the IKE protocol.

To support these functions, the following general configuration steps must be performed on the Vyatta VPN:

  • Define the Phase 1 parameters that the Vyatta requires to authenticate VPN for VPC and establish a secure connection.
  • Define the Phase 2 parameters that the Vyatta requires to create a VPN tunnel with VPN for VPC.

Connecting an IBM policy-based VPN to a Vyatta peer

Use the following configuration:

  1. Choose IKEv2 in authentication.
  2. Enable DH-group 19 in the Phase 1 proposal.
  3. Set lifetime = 36000 in the Phase 1 proposal.
  4. Disable PFS in the Phase 2 proposal.
  5. Set lifetime = 10800 in the Phase 2 proposal.
  6. Input your peers and subnets information in the Phase 2 proposal.

The following commands use the following variables where:

  • {{ peer_address }} is the VPN gateway public IP address.
  • {{ ibm_vpc_cidr }} is IBM VPC subnet.
  • {{ vyatta_address }} is the Vyatta public IP address.
  • {{ vyatta_cidr }} is the Vyatta subnet.

Before you begin

To set up your remote Vyatta peer, make sure that you create the following prerequisites.

  • A VPC

  • A subnet in the VPC

  • A VPN gateway in the VPC without connections

    After the VPN gateway gets provisioned, note its public IP address.

  • The Vyatta public IP address

  • The Vyatta subnet that you want to connect using a VPN

Configuring the Vyatta

There are two ways that you can run the configuration on your Vyatta:

  1. Log in to the Vyatta and run the file create_vpn.vcli using the commands that follow.
  2. Run the following commands in the Vyatta console.

Remember to:

  • Choose IKEv2 in authentication.
  • Enable DH-group 19.
  • Set lifetime = 36000.
  • Disable PFS.
  • Set lifetime = 10800.

The following commands use the following variables, where:

  • {{ peer_address }} is the VPN gateway public IP address.
  • {{ ibm_vpc_cidr }} is the IBM VPC subnet.
  • {{ vyatta_address }} is the Vyatta public IP address.
  • {{ vyatta_cidr }} is the Vyatta subnet.
vim vyatta_temp/create_vpn.vcli
#!/bin/vcli -f

set security vpn ipsec ike-group {{ peer_address }}_{{ ike["name"] }}
set security vpn ipsec ike-group {{ peer_address }}_{{ ike["name"] }} dead-peer-detection timeout 120
set security vpn ipsec ike-group {{ peer_address }}_{{ ike["name"] }} lifetime {{ ike["lifetime"] }}
set security vpn ipsec ike-group {{ peer_address }}_{{ ike["name"] }} ike-version {{ ike["version"] }}

set security vpn ipsec ike-group {{ peer_address }}_{{ ike["name"] }} proposal {{ loop.index }}
set security vpn ipsec ike-group {{ peer_address }}_{{ ike["name"] }} proposal {{ loop.index }} dh-group {{ proposal["dhgroup"] }}
set security vpn ipsec ike-group {{ peer_address }}_{{ ike["name"] }} proposal {{ loop.index }} encryption {{ proposal["encryption"] }}
set security vpn ipsec ike-group {{ peer_address }}_{{ ike["name"] }} proposal {{ loop.index }} hash {{ proposal["integrity"] }}

set security vpn ipsec esp-group {{ peer_address }}_{{ ipsec["name"] }} compression disable
set security vpn ipsec esp-group {{ peer_address }}_{{ ipsec["name"] }} lifetime {{ ipsec["lifetime"] }}
set security vpn ipsec esp-group {{ peer_address }}_{{ ipsec["name"] }} mode tunnel
set security vpn ipsec esp-group {{ peer_address }}_{{ ipsec["name"] }} pfs {{ ipsec["proposals"][0]["dhgroup"] }}

set security vpn ipsec esp-group {{ peer_address }}_{{ ipsec["name"] }} proposal {{ loop.index }} encryption {{ proposal["encryption"] }}
set security vpn ipsec esp-group {{ peer_address }}_{{ ipsec["name"] }} proposal {{ loop.index }} hash {{ proposal["integrity"] }}

set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ peer_address }} authentication mode pre-shared-secret
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ peer_address }} authentication pre-shared-secret {{ psk }}
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ peer_address }} ike-group {{ peer_address }}_{{ ike["name"] }}
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ peer_address }} default-esp-group {{ peer_address }}_{{ ipsec["name"] }}
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ peer_address }} description "automation test"
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ peer_address }} local-address {{ vyatta_address }}
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ peer_address }} connection-type {{ connection_type }}
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ peer_address }} authentication remote-id {{ peer_address }}

set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ peer_address }} tunnel {{ ns.tunnel_index }} local prefix {{ vyatta_cidr }}
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ peer_address }} tunnel {{ ns.tunnel_index }} remote prefix {{ ibm_vpc_cidr }}


For example, you can run the following commands:

#!/bin/vcli -f

set security vpn ipsec ike-group
set security vpn ipsec ike-group dead-peer-detection timeout 120
set security vpn ipsec ike-group lifetime 36000
set security vpn ipsec ike-group ike-version 2

set security vpn ipsec ike-group proposal 1
set security vpn ipsec ike-group proposal 1 dh-group 19
set security vpn ipsec ike-group proposal 1 encryption aes256
set security vpn ipsec ike-group proposal 1 hash sha2_256
set security vpn ipsec esp-group compression disable
set security vpn ipsec esp-group lifetime 10800
set security vpn ipsec esp-group mode tunnel
set security vpn ipsec esp-group pfs disable

set security vpn ipsec esp-group proposal 1 encryption aes256
set security vpn ipsec esp-group proposal 1 hash sha2_256
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer authentication mode pre-shared-secret
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer authentication pre-shared-secret ***YOUR-PSK***
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer ike-group
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer default-esp-group
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer description "automation test"
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer local-address
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer connection-type initiate
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer authentication remote-id

set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer tunnel 1 local prefix
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer tunnel 1 remote prefix


Finally, make note of your {{ psk }} value. You need it to set up the VPN connection in the next step.

Connecting an IBM route-based VPN to a Vyatta peer

Use the following IKE and IPsec policy to create the VPN connection to Vyatta:

  1. Choose IKEv2 in authentication.
  2. Enable DH-group 19, aes256, sha256 in the Phase 1 proposal.
  3. Set lifetime = 86400 in the Phase 1 proposal.
  4. Enable PFS, aes256, and sha256 in the Phase 2 proposal.
  5. Set lifetime = 10800 in the Phase 2 proposal.

This policy is an example only. You can use any other values that are matched with the Vyatta proposal.

Before you begin

To set up your remote Vyatta peer, make sure that you create the following prerequisites:

  • A VPC

  • A subnet in the VPC

  • A VPN gateway in the VPC without connections

    After the VPN gateway gets provisioned, note its public IP address. The small IP address is the primary IP and the large IP address is the secondary IP.

  • The Vyatta public IP address

  • The Vyatta subnet that you want to connect using a VPN

Configuring the Vyatta

The following commands use the following variables where:

  • {{ primary_peer_address }} is the route-based VPN gateway small public IP address.
  • {{ ibm_vpc_cidr }} is the IBM VPC subnet.
  • {{ secondary_peer_address }} is the route-based VPN gateway large public IP address.
  • {{ vyatta_address }} is the Vyatta public IP address.

Here's an example of configuring the Vyatta.

  1. Define the matched IKE proposal:

    set security vpn ipsec ike-group ibm-vpc-ike-group
    set security vpn ipsec ike-group ibm-vpc-ike-group dead-peer-detection interval 2
    set security vpn ipsec ike-group ibm-vpc-ike-group dead-peer-detection action clear
    set security vpn ipsec ike-group ibm-vpc-ike-group lifetime 86400
    set security vpn ipsec ike-group ibm-vpc-ike-group ike-version 2
    set security vpn ipsec ike-group ibm-vpc-ike-group proposal 1
    set security vpn ipsec ike-group ibm-vpc-ike-group proposal 1 dh-group 19
    set security vpn ipsec ike-group ibm-vpc-ike-group proposal 1 encryption aes256
    set security vpn ipsec ike-group ibm-vpc-ike-group proposal 1 hash sha2_256
  2. Define the matched IPsec proposal:

    set security vpn ipsec esp-group ibm-vpc-ipsec-group compression disable
    set security vpn ipsec esp-group ibm-vpc-ipsec-group lifetime 10800
    set security vpn ipsec esp-group ibm-vpc-ipsec-group mode tunnel
    set security vpn ipsec esp-group ibm-vpc-ipsec-group pfs dh-group19
    set security vpn ipsec esp-group ibm-vpc-ipsec-group proposal 1 encryption aes256
    set security vpn ipsec esp-group ibm-vpc-ipsec-group proposal 1 hash sha2_256
  3. Create the VTI and VPN connection to the IBM primary tunnel:

    Create the virtual tunnel interface and configure the link-local address ( on the interface. Be careful to choose the link-local address and make sure that it is not overlapping with other addresses on the device. There are two available IP addresses ( and in a subnet with a 30-bit netmask. The first IP address is used as the IBM VPN gateway VTI address; the second,, is used as the Vyatta VTI address. If you have more than one VTI on the Vyatta, you can choose another link-local subnet, such as,, and so on.

    You do not need to configure on the IBM VPN gateway. It is referenced only when you configure the routes on the Vyatta.

    set interfaces vti vti1 description "to-IBM-VPN-primary"
    set interfaces vti vti1 address
    set interfaces vti vti1 ip tcp-mss limit 1360
    set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ primary_peer_address }} authentication mode pre-shared-secret
    set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ primary_peer_address }} authentication pre-shared-secret {{your_pre_shared_key}}
    set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ primary_peer_address }} ike-group ibm-vpc-ike-group
    set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ primary_peer_address }} default-esp-group ibm-vpc-ipsec-group
    set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ primary_peer_address }} description "to-IBM-VPN-primary"
    set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ primary_peer_address }} local-address {{ vyatta_address }}
    set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ primary_peer_address }} connection-type initiate
    set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ primary_peer_address }} authentication remote-id {{ primary_peer_address }}
    set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ primary_peer_address }} vti bind vti1
  4. Create the primary route:

    set protocols static route {{ ibm_vpc_cidr }} next-hop distance 10
    set protocols static route {{ ibm_vpc_cidr }} next-hop interface vti1
  5. Create the VTI and VPN connection to the IBM secondary tunnel:

    set interfaces vti vti2 description "to-IBM-VPN-secondary"
    set interfaces vti vti2 address
    set interfaces vti vti2 ip tcp-mss limit 1360
    set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ secondary_peer_address }} authentication mode pre-shared-secret
    set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ secondary_peer_address }} authentication pre-shared-secret {{your_pre_shared_key}}
    set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ secondary_peer_address }} ike-group ibm-vpc-ike-group
    set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ secondary_peer_address }} default-esp-group ibm-vpc-ipsec-group
    set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ secondary_peer_address }} description "to-IBM-VPN-secondary"
    set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ secondary_peer_address }} local-address {{ vyatta_address }}
    set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ secondary_peer_address }} connection-type initiate
    set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ secondary_peer_address }} authentication remote-id {{ secondary_peer_address }}
    set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer {{ secondary_peer_address }} vti bind vti2

    The VTI IP address is an example. You can use any other unused IP address.

  6. Create the primary route:

    set protocols static route {{ ibm_vpc_cidr }} next-hop distance 20
    set protocols static route {{ ibm_vpc_cidr }} next-hop interface vti2


  • If you enable CPP firewall on Vyatta, you must configure the rules to allow traffic from IBM gateway. For example, if your CPP firewall name is GATEWAY_CPP, add these rules to the firewall:

    # set security firewall name GATEWAY_CPP rule 250 source address
    # set security firewall name GATEWAY_CPP rule 250 action accept
  • If you are applying the firewall to the interface, you must permit the traffic from IBM VPC. For example:

    # set security firewall name to-vpc rule 20 destination address
    # set security firewall name to-vpc rule 20 action accept
    # set security firewall name from-vpc rule 20 source address
    # set security firewall name from-vpc rule 20 action accept
    # set interfaces bonding dp0bond0 vif 862 firewall out to-vpc
    # set interfaces bonding dp0bond0 vif 862 firewall in from-vpc

    You might need to add other rules according to your network requirement to allow other traffic.

  • If you are using a zone firewall with IPsec, see Setting up an IPsec tunnel that works with zone firewalls.