Understanding high availability and disaster recovery
All IBM Cloud® general availability (GA) services have a Service Level Agreement of 99.99% availability. IBM Cloud VPC is offered in Dallas, Toronto, Frankfurt, London, Madrid, Tokyo, Osaka, Sydney, Washington DC, and São Paulo. Each location has three different zones for redundancy.
For more information about the high availability and disaster recovery standards in {site.data.keyword.cloud_notm}, see High availability through redundancy. For more information about high availability and disaster recovery for IBM Cloud VPC, see Your responsibilities by using Virtual Private Cloud. You can also find information about Service Level Agreements.
For an example of deploying a highly available web application, see web app multi-zone resiliency.
For more information about how you can use Veeam software to back up your storage data on a virtual server instance, see About Veeam.
Placement Groups supports anti-affinity placement strategies for high availability workloads. For more information, see About placement groups.
IBM Cloud Load Balancer for VPC and VPN for VPC backups
IBM Cloud Load Balancer for VPC and VPN for VPC have off-site storage and replication of configuration data in an out-of-region disaster recovery node with daily backups. The disaster recovery location and backups are located within the regulatory boundary.