About virtual private endpoint gateways
IBM Cloud® Virtual Private Endpoints (VPE) for VPC enables you to connect to supported IBM Cloud services from your VPC network by using the IP addresses of your choosing, allocated from a subnet within your VPC.
VPE is an evolution of the private connectivity to IBM Cloud services. VPEs are virtual IP interfaces that are bound to an endpoint gateway created on a per service, or service instance, basis (depending on the service operation model). The endpoint gateway is a virtualized function that scales horizontally, is redundant and highly available, and spans all availability zones of your VPC. Endpoint gateways enable communications from virtual server instances within your VPC and IBM Cloud® service on the private backbone. VPE for VPC gives you the experience of controlling all the private addressing within your cloud.
Similar to service endpoints, VPE for VPC provides private connectivity to IBM services, but within the VPC network of your choosing.
Overview of features
The features of VPE for VPC include:
Public connectivity is not required and has no public data egress charges.
Reaches IBM Cloud assets through a private service provider.
A VPE lives in your network address space, extending your private and multicloud into the IBM Cloud.
You can apply security through Network Access Control Lists (NACLs).
The endpoint IP deploys in a customer-defined, virtual network.
Includes platform integration to VPC - Identity and Access Management (IAM), network ACLs, security groups, and tagging.
Access to new endpoints is achieved through the UI, CLI, and API.
Integrates with DNS Services.
When creating an endpoint gateway, a DNS zone and records are created. The VPE service automatically upgrades your virtual server instances to use the private DNS as the default DNS resolver. For more information, see DNS Services.
Supported services
For supported IBM Cloud services, see VPE supported services.
VPE connectivity patterns
VPE for VPC IP addresses use a multi-zone-region, logical endpoint gateway to connect to a service endpoint on the IBM Cloud private backbone. The endpoint gateway is designed to support the best practice of binding a single IP from each zone of the VPC. You can create an endpoint gateway with zero IP addresses and bind IPs as each zone is brought online.
As more IBM Cloud services are enabled for VPE for VPC, each service instance will require you to configure its endpoint gateway, but will leverage the same topologies and best practices. For additional provisioning and best practices guidelines, refer to the documentation provided by the individual service.
Single-zone topology
![VPE single-zone topology](images/vpe-single-zone.png)
Multi-zone topology
![VPE multi-zone topology](images/vpe-multi-zone.png)
Getting started
To configure a virtual private endpoint, follow these steps:
- List the available services, including IBM Cloud infrastructure services available (by default) for all VPC users.
- Review planning considerations. See Planning for virtual private endpoint gateways for details.
- Create an endpoint gateway for each service that you want to be privately available to the VPC. See Creating an endpoint gateway for details.
- Bind a reserved IP address to the endpoint gateway. See Binding and unbinding a reserved IP address for details.
After you create the endpoint gateway, virtual server instances in the VPC can access the IBM Cloud service privately through it.