IBM Cloud Docs
Viewing file shares, share bindings, and mount targets

Viewing file shares, share bindings, and mount targets

You can view all file shares, their bindings and mount targets in the UI, retrieve their information from the CLI, with the API, or Terraform. You can retrieve information for all shares, bindings, and mount targets, or just the information of a specific resource.

Viewing file shares, share bindings and mount targets in the UI

Viewing all file shares in the UI

  1. In the IBM Cloud console, click the Navigation menu icon menu icon > Infrastructure VPC icon > Storage > File Shares.

  2. The File Shares for VPC list page shows all the file shares that are created in that zone. Actions menu Actions icon options are used to manage the file shares. The following table describes the information on the list page.

File shares list page.
Field Value
Region Account region for the file share. Select a different region to see file shares for zones in that region.
Name The file share name. It can be the original file share or a replica file share. Click the name to see details about that file share.
Status For a list of statuses for file shares, see File share lifecycle states.
Mount targets Number of mount targets that are associated with the file share. You can have one mount target per VPC per file share.
Size Size of the file share, in GBs.
IOPS profile It shows the performance profile that is associated with the file share.
Replication role Relationship to the source file share. "Replica of" indicates that the file share a replica of the source share, which is linked. "Source of" indicates that the share the source of the replica, which is linked. "None" indicates that the file share does not replicate with another share.
Cross-account role The values in this column can be None, Origin share, or Accessor share. If the value is None, the share is not shared with another account or external service. If the value is Origin share, the share is shared with another account or external service and is bound to an accessor share in the other account. If the value is Accessor share, then this share is bound to an origin share with the purpose of accessing the origin share's data.
Encryption type It shows the encryption type of the file share, either provider-managed or customer-managed. Customer-managed encryption uses your own root keys to protect your data. The UI also identifies the key management service (KMS), either Key Protect or Hyper Protect Crypto Services.

You can access the Actions menu by clicking Actions icon. The Actions menu has options for managing the file share, depending on its state. For a file share in a stable state, you can rename the share, edit IOPS, copy the share's CRN, create a replica, or delete a file share. Delete and Create replica are disabled if you set up replication to a replica file share already. For more information, see Creating replica file shares.

Viewing details of a file share in the UI

  1. Go to the list of all file shares. From the IBM Cloud console, click the Navigation menu icon menu icon > Infrastructure VPC icon > Storage > File Shares.

  2. Click the name of a file share to see the details page. The editable name and status of the file share is shown. If you applied user or access management tags to the file share, they are listed next to the status. Click Add tags to apply new tags to the share.

  3. The details page several tabs. The Overview tab is displayed by default.

    • Overview - The following table describes the information that is available for your file share.

      File shares details page
      Field Value
      File share details
      Name The file share name. Click the Edit icon Edit icon to change the name.
      Zone Zone for the file share (for example, Dallas 2).
      Max IOPS Maximum IOPS for the IOPS tier, custom, or dp2 profile associated with the file share.
      Resource group Resource groups associated with the file share in your account.
      Replication role Source file share or replica.
      Encryption Specifies provider-managed or customer-managed encryption.
      Encryption instance For customer-managed encryption, link to the Key Protect or Hyper Protect Crypto Services instance.
      Key ID Copiable customer root key ID.
      ID For customer-managed encryption, the UUID generated when you created the file share.
      Size File share capacity in GB.
      Created Date the file share was created.
      Mount target access mode Access to the file share is granted by either a security group within a subnet or to any virtual server instance in the VPC. Click the Edit icon Edit icon to switch access modes. Security group access is available only to file shares created with the dp2 profile. For more information, see the Mount target access modes.
      CRN Copiable cloud resource name.
      Allowed encryption in transit modes This value shows whether encryption in transit is required when clients access the file share. Click the Edit icon Edit icon to change the allowed values.
      Snapshot count This value indicates the number of snapshots that were taken of the file share.
      Size of changed data in all the snapshots It represents the billable volume of data across all the snapshots.
      Profile, size, and IOPS
      Size File share capacity in GB.
      IOPS tier IOPS profile that defines the file share performance. In most cases, the dp2 profile is shown.
      Max IOPS Maximum IOPS for the specified profile.
      Mount targets Number of mount targets associated with the file share. You can have one mount target per VPC per file share. You can create more mount targets for other VPCs. Click Actions icon to rename or delete the mount target, or to view the mount path.
      Name Name of the mount target.
      Status Status of the mount target on the VPC.
      Virtual private cloud This field is shown if the file share has VPC access mode. Click the name to go to the details page for that VPC, where you can see a list of file shares that have a mount target in that VPC.
      Subnet This field is shown if the file share has Security group access mode. Click the name of the subnet to see its details.
      Security group This field is shown if the file share has Security group access mode. It's the number of security groups that the share is a member of.
      Reserved IP This field is shown if the file share has Security group access mode. The IP address of the virtual network interface that is attached to the mount target
      Encryption in Transit This field is shown if the file share has Security group access mode. Its value can be enabled or disabled.
      Accessor share bindings This section is shown if the share has accessor shares in other VPCs.
      Binding ID This field shows the ID of the binding that connects the origin share to the accessor share.
      Account ID The ID of the account that has access to your share's data through the accessor share.
      Accessor ID This field shows the account ID that created the accessor share in another VPC.
      Status It displays the lifecycle status of the accessor file share. The status Stable is expected
      Created date The date and time when the accessor share was created.
      File share replication relationship

      Shows the name, location, and status of the source and the replica file shares

      • If no replica file shares were created, click Create replica to create one.
      • To break the replication relationship, click Remove replication relationship. Then, the replica file share becomes an independent read/write file share.
      Replication frequency Hover over the information icon to see an explanation of the cron replication schedule.
      Status Replication status; for example, suspended or available.
      Last sync start time The date and time of the last replication start.
      Last sync completion time The date and time of the last replication ended.
      Transfer rate It shows the speed at which data was copied from the source file share to its replica during the last sync.
      Transfer amount The amount of data that is copied from the source file share to its replica during the last sync.
      Replication role Source or replica file share.
      File share Name Click the file share name to see its details.
      Location It displays the zone information of the file share.
      Status It displays the lifecycle status of the file share. The status Stable is expected.
    • Snapshots - On the Snapshots tab you can find a summary that's related to all the snapshots and the list of the snapshots that were taken of the file share.

      • Snapshot summary provides information such as the number of snapshots, the overall data volume captured in the snapshots, and the replication role.
      • Snapshots list shows the snapshots that were taken of the file share. You can see the name, size of the file share when the snapshot was taken, and status of the snapshot. You can click Create to capture a new snapshot. Click the Actions icon Actions icon to reveal the Actions menu. The Actions menu has 2 options: Restore, and Delete.
    • Monitoring - On the Monitoring tab, you can see three graphs for share usage, total throughput, and total IOPS. These graphs are available to you at no cost, even without an IBM Cloud Monitoring instance. You can customize the date range to view data over time.

      Monitoring these utilization metrics can help you to determine how much work is done by your application or workload. You can use this information to determine whether the IOPS value needs to be adjusted. Monitoring the available capacity of your share can help you identify the need for more storage before insufficient space can become a problem with writing data to the share or replication. Seeing these metrics can help you anticipate any changes in charges at the end of the billing period.

      These metrics are not updated in real time. Data for new file shares can take up to an hour or an hour and 15 minutes to appear in the dashboard. Changes in usage can take from 15 to 30 minutes to be reflected in the graphs.

      If you have an instance of the IBM Cloud Monitoring service, click Launch monitoring to launch the Sysdig web UI to work with the metrics dashboards there. For more information about how to set up the IBM Cloud Monitoring instance, see Monitoring metrics for File Storage for VPC.

Viewing all file shares for a VPC in the UI

You can see all file shares that have a mount target to a VPC by viewing the VPC details page.

  1. Go to a VPC:

    1. From the file shares details page, click the VPC link in the list of mount targets.
    2. From the UI, click the Navigation menu icon menu icon > Infrastructure VPC icon > Network > VPCs. Click the name of a VPC in the list.
  2. On the VPC details page, scroll to File shares in this VPC.

Viewing mount target details in the UI

  1. Go to the list of all file shares. From the IBM Cloud console, click the Navigation menu icon menu icon > Infrastructure VPC icon > Storage > File Shares.
  2. Click the name of a file share to see the details page.
  3. Scroll to the Mount targets section to see the list of mount targets. The list contains the names and statuses of the mount target, and the VPC that the mount target belongs to.
  4. Click the Actions icon Actions icon to reveal the Actions menu. The Actions menu has 3 options: Rename, View path, and Delete.
  5. Click View path to see the mount path information that you can copy and paste in your mounting commands.

Viewing file shares, share bindings, and mount targets from the CLI

Before you can use the CLI, you must install the IBM Cloud CLI and the VPC CLI plug-in. For more information, see the CLI prerequisites.

Viewing all file shares from the CLI

You can list all your file shares in a region with the ibmcloud is shares command.

ibmcloud is shares
Listing shares in all resource groups and region au-syd under account Test Account as user
ID                                          Name                 Lifecycle state   Zone       Profile   Size(GB)   Resource group   Replication role   Accessor binding role   
r026-02aea1c7-adb6-4072-9799-6ca495561661   my-file-share-2      stable            au-syd-1   dp2       20         Default          none               origin   
r026-d503c5ed-9343-4177-ad1b-a5941e522203   access-share         stable            au-syd-2   dp2       10         Default          none               accessor   
r026-184d7d4e-cfe3-4d8f-b5cc-0a00996fed5e   my-file-share-1      stable            au-syd-1   dp2       40         Default          none               none   
r026-734c173e-044f-4d09-a729-950364ea9900   my-file-share        stable            au-syd-1   dp2       40         Default          none               none   
r026-6fafe634-310d-4a99-b12c-f581587c2ad7   cli-accessor-share   failed            au-syd-2   dp2       10         Default          none               accessor   
r026-3d507136-5fb1-466b-8a1f-a379a755383f   cli-temp             stable            au-syd-2   dp2       10         Default          none               origin 

For more information about the command options, see ibmcloud is shares. For more information about lifecycle state, see File share statuses. Stable is expected.

Viewing details of a file share from the CLI

To see the details of a file share, run the ibmcloud is share command and specify the file share by ID or name.

The following example identifies the file share by ID. This share is a replica that is based on the dp2 profile, and access to the share is granted by using security groups. The output provides information about the source file share and the replication details, too.

$ ibmcloud is share r006-dc6a644d-c7da-4c91-acf0-d66b47fc8516
Getting file share r006-dc6a644d-c7da-4c91-acf0-d66b47fc8516 under account Test Account as user
ID                               r006-dc6a644d-c7da-4c91-acf0-d66b47fc8516   
Name                             my-replica-file-share   
CRN                              crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-1:a/a1234567::share:r006-dc6a644d-c7da-4c91-acf0-d66b47fc8516   
Lifecycle state                  stable   
Access control mode              security_group
Accessor binding role            origin
Allowed transit encryption modes user_managed,none  
Zone                             us-south-1   
Profile                          dp2   
Size(GB)                         1500   
IOPS                             100   
Encryption                       provider_managed   
Mount Targets                    ID                          Name      
                                 No mounted targets found.      
Resource group                   ID                                 Name      
                                 db8e8d865a83e0aae03f25a492c5b39e   Default      
Created                          2024-06-25T15:42:56+00:00   
Latest job                       Job status   Job status reasons      
                                 succeeded    -      
Replication cron spec            55 09 * * *   
Replication role                 replica   
Replication status               active   
Replication status reasons       Status code   Status message      
                                 -             -      
Source share                     ID                                          Name                   Resource type      
                                 r006-e4acfa9b-88b0-4f90-9320-537e6fa3482a   my-source-file-share   share    
Snapshot count                   0
Snapshot size                    0                                       

You can use the name of the source share to retrieve its details. See the following example.

$ ibmcloud is share my-source-file-share
Getting file share my-source-file-share under account Test Account as user
ID                               r006-e4acfa9b-88b0-4f90-9320-537e6fa3482a   
Name                             my-source-file-share   
CRN                              crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-2:a/a1234567b::share:r006-e4acfa9b-88b0-4f90-9320-537e6fa3482a   
Lifecycle state                  stable   
Access control mode              security_group
Accessor binding role            origin
Allowed transit encryption modes user_managed,none 
Zone                             us-south-2   
Profile                          dp2   
Size(GB)                         1500   
IOPS                             2000   
User Tags                        env:dev   
Encryption                       provider_managed   
Mount Targets                    ID                                          Name      
                                 r006-fdbffc45-618c-49f1-bb08-ec530d7be378   my-source-mount-target      
Resource group                   ID                                 Name      
                                 db8e8d865a83e0aae03f25a492c5b39e   Default      
Created                          2024-06-25T15:42:53+00:00   
Latest job                       Job status   Job status reasons      
                                 succeeded    -      
Replication share                ID                                          Name                    Resource type      
                                 r006-dc6a644d-c7da-4c91-acf0-d66b47fc8516   my-replica-file-share   share      
Replication role                 source   
Replication status               active   
Replication status reasons       Status code   Status message      
                                 -             -
Snapshot count                   0
Snapshot size                    0 

For more information about the command options, see ibmcloud is share.

Viewing share bindings of a file share from the CLI

To view the accessor share bindings that are linked to an origin share from the CLI, use the ibmcloud is share-accesssor-bindings command. See the following example.

$ ibmcloud is share-accessor-bindings my-origin-share
Listing accessor bindings for the share ID my-origin-share under account Test Account as user
ID                                           Lifecycle state  Created at                 Accessor CRN 
r-006-c2e53b1b-3b15-4792-8d96-c9c035fd65c3   stable           2024-06-25T00:50:57+05:30  crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-2:a/a1234567::share:r006-925214bc-ded5-4626-9d8e-bc4e2e579232

Viewing a specific share binding of a file share from the CLI

To view a specific accessor share binding that is linked to an origin share from the CLI, use the ibmcloud is share-accesssor-binding command. See the following example.

$ ibmcloud is share-accessor-binding my-origin-share r-006-c2e53b1b-3b15-4792-8d96-c9c035fd65c3
Get accessor binding r-006-c2e53b1b-3b15-4792-8d96-c9c035fd65c3 for the share ID my-origin-share under account Test Account as user
ID               r-006-c2e53b1b-3b15-4792-8d96-c9c035fd65c3
Created          2024-06-25T00:50:57+05:30
Resource type    share_accessor_binding
Lifecycle state  stable
Accessor         Resource type  Name               CRN
                 share          my-accessor-share  crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-2:a/a1234567::share:r006-925214bc-ded5-4626-9d8e-bc4e2e579232

Viewing mount targets for a file share from the CLI

To see all the mount targets that are created for a file share, run the ibmcloud is share-mount-targets command and specify the file share ID.

$ ibmcloud is share-mount-targets  r006-e4acfa9b-88b0-4f90-9320-537e6fa3482a 
Listing share mount target of r006-e4acfa9b-88b0-4f90-9320-537e6fa3482a in all resource groups and region us-south under account Test Account as user
ID                                          Name                     VPC      Lifecycle state   Transit Encryption   
r006-fdbffc45-618c-49f1-bb08-ec530d7be378   my-source-mount-target   my-vpc   stable            none   

For more information about the command options, see ibmcloud is share-mount-targets.

Viewing mount target details from the CLI

To view more detailed information about a mount target, run the ibmcloud is share-mount-target command and specify the share ID or name with the mount target name or ID. See the following example.

$ ibmcloud is share-mount-target  r006-e4acfa9b-88b0-4f90-9320-537e6fa3482a my-source-mount-target
Getting mount target ID my-source-mount-target for share ID r006-e4acfa9b-88b0-4f90-9320-537e6fa3482a under account Test Account as user
ID                          r006-fdbffc45-618c-49f1-bb08-ec530d7be378   
Name                        my-source-mount-target   
VPC                         ID                                          Name      
                            r006-6e8fb140-5668-45b8-b98a-d5cb0e0bf39b   my-vpc      
Access control mode         security_group   
Resource type               share_mount_target   
Virtual network interface   ID                                          Name      
                            r006-3b0c00fa-0ce3-4ff8-9a5d-c7a645fbe530   my-source-vni      
Lifecycle state             stable   
Mount path           
Transit Encryption          none   
Created                     2023-10-19T15:42:54+00:00   

For more information about the command options, see ibmcloud is share-mount-target.

Viewing file shares, share bindings, and mount targets with the API

You can programmatically view shares and mount targets by calling the /shares method in the VPC API as shown in the following sample requests.

You must provide the generation parameter and specify generation=2. For more information, see Generation in the Virtual Private Cloud API reference.

Viewing replication status and lifecycle_state with the API

  • lifecycle_state
    • This property provides the current state of a resource through the Retrieve a file share method. The values that lifecycle_state provides are generic and are meant to apply to various resources, not only file shares. lifecycle_state indicate whether the file share is stable, updating, deleting, suspended, and so on. Stable is expected. For more information, see File share statuses.
  • replication_status
    • This property provides the current replication status of the file through the Retrieve a file share method. The values that replication_status returns are specific for file shares. For more information, see the Virtual Private Cloud API content.

Viewing all file shares with the API

Make a GET /shares request to list all file shares for a region.

curl -X GET "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/shares?version=2023-07-18?limit=50&generation=2" -H "Authorization: $iam_token"

A successful response looks like the following example. In the example, the limit query parameter specifies a limit of 50 file shares, although the example response contains only one. The access_control_mode property value is vpc, which means that the file share can be mounted on all virtual server instances in a VPC.

  "first": {
    "href": ""
  "limit": 50,
  "shares": [
      "access_control_mode": "vpc",
      "created_at": "2023-07-18T13:02:17Z",
      "crn": "crn:[...]",
      "encryption": "provider_managed",
      "href": "",
      "id": "51bba578-0dce-4f8a-aa6e-f06c899e2c8e",
      "iops": 3000,
      "lifecycle_state": "stable",
      "name": "share-name1",
      "profile": {
        "family": "tiered",
        "href": "",
        "name": "tier-10iops",
        "resource_type": "share_profile"
      "resource_group": {
        "crn": "crn:[...]",
        "href": "",
        "id": "60fc731a-1794-4f5d-ba51-ea24b5357207",
        "name": "Default"
      "resource_type": "share",
      "size": 40,
      "mount_targets": [
          "href": "",
          "id": "d5fd8173-f519-4ff7-8f63-0ead23ecf1f4",
          "name": "mount-target-name1",
          "resource_type": "share_target",
          "vpc": {
            "crn": "crn:[...]",
            "href": "",
            "id": "c2d941de-27f5-432c-b4d0-37a8491c3216",
            "name": "vpc-name1",
            "resource_type": "vpc"
      "zone": {
        "href": "",
        "name": "us-south-1"

Viewing a single file share with the API

Make a GET /shares/{share_id} request to get details about a single file share.

curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: $iam_token"

A successful response looks like the following example. In this example, the share was created with the dp2 profile. The access_ control_mode property value is security_group, which means that access to the share is determined by the rules of a security group.

  "access_control_mode": "security_group",
  "created_at": "2023-07-18T22:58:49.000Z",
  "crn": "crn:[...]",
  "encryption": "provider_managed",
  "href": "",
  "id": "199d78ec-b971-4a5c-a904-8f37ae710c63",
  "iops": 14400,
  "lifecycle_state": "stable",
  "mount_targets": [
      "href": "",
      "id": "d5fd8173-f519-4ff7-8f63-0ead23ecf1f4",
      "name": "my-share-mount-target",
      "resource_type": "share_mount_target",
      "vpc": {
        "crn": "crn:[...]",
        "href": "",
        "id": "c2d941de-27f5-432c-b4d0-37a8491c3216",
        "name": "my-vpc",
        "resource_type": "vpc"
  "name": "my-share",
  "profile": {
    "href": "",
    "family": "defined-performance",
    "name": "dp2",
    "resource_type": "share_profile"
  "replication_role": "none",
  "replication_status": "none",
  "replication_status_reasons": [],
  "resource_group": {
    "crn": "crn:[...]",
    "href": "",
    "id": "678523bcbe2b4eada915d32640909956",
    "name": "Default"
  "resource_type": "share",
  "size": 4800,
  "snapshot_count": 10, 
  "snapshot_size": 10,
  "user_tags": [],
  "zone": {
    "href": "",
    "name": "us-south-1",
    "resource_type": "zone"

List share bindings of a file share with the API

Make a GET /shares/{id}/bindings request to get the list of bindings of a single file share. The request lists all bindings for a share. Each binding is implicitly created when an accessor share is created.

curl -X GET "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/shares/$share_id/bindings?version=2024-03-20&generation=2"\
-H "Authorization: $iam_token"

A successful response looks like the following example.

  "bindings": [
      "accessor": {
        "crn": "crn:[...]",
        "href": "",
        "id": "r134-f64efe74-a5a2-45c7-b37d-5071d2dd6339",
        "name": "my-accessor-share",
        "resource_type": "share"
      "account": {
        "id": "a0000000000000000000000000000001",
        "resource_type": "account"
      "created_at": "2022-01-07T16:56:54Z",
      "crn": "crn:[...]",
      "href": "",
      "id": "r134-df760133-3513-47e7-b980-26cca666561b",
      "lifecycle_state": "stable",
      "name": "my-share-bind",
      "resource_type": "share_binding"
  "first": {
    "href": ""
  "limit": 50,
  "total_count": 1

Viewing a specific binding of a file share with the API

Make a GET /shares/{share_id}/bindings/{binding_id} request to get the information of a specific binding of a file share. This request retrieves a single binding that is specified by the identifier in the URL.

curl -X GET "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/shares/$share_id/bindings/$binding_id?version=2024-03-20&generation=2"\
-H "Authorization: $iam_token"

A successful response looks like the following example.

  "accessor": {
    "crn": "crn:[...]",
    "href": "",
    "id": "r134-f64efe74-a5a2-45c7-b37d-5071d2dd6339",
    "name": "my-accessor-share",
    "resource_type": "share"
  "account": {
    "id": "a0000000000000000000000000000001",
    "resource_type": "account"
  "created_at": "2022-01-07T16:56:54Z",
  "crn": "crn:[...]",
  "href": "",
  "id": "r134-df760133-3513-47e7-b980-26cca666561b",
  "lifecycle_state": "stable",
  "name": "my-share-bind",
  "resource_type": "share_binding"

List all mount targets of a file share with the API

Make a GET /shares/{share_id}/mount_targets request to list all mount targets of a file share.

See the following example.

curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: $iam_token"

A successful response looks like the following example:

  "first": {
    "href": ""
  "limit": 50,
  "mount_targets": [
      "access_control_mode": "security_group",
      "created_at": "2023-07-18T01:59:46.000Z",
      "href": "",
      "id": "r006-1b5571cb-536d-48d0-8452-81c05c6f7b80",
      "lifecycle_reasons": [],
      "lifecycle_state": "stable",
      "mount_path": "",
      "name": "my-target",
      "primary_ip": {
        "address": "",
        "href": "",
        "id": "0716-6fd4925d-7774-4e87-829e-7e5765d454ad",
        "name": "my-reserved-ip",
        "resource_type": "subnet_reserved_ip"
      "resource_type": "share_mount_target",
      "security_groups": [
          "crn": "crn:[...]",
          "href": "",
          "id": "r006-1dfeccef-3ad6-4760-8653-a202bc795db4",
          "name": "my-security-group",
          "resource_type": "security_group"
      "subnet": {
        "crn": "crn:[...]",
        "href": "",
        "id": "35984145-9c3a-4626-8ee7-52c7a8742752",
        "name": "my-subnet",
        "resource_type": "subnet"
      "transit_encryption": "none",
      "virtual_network_interface": {
        "crn": "crn:[...]",
        "href": "",
        "id": "388f01db-41bb-42aa-b5cd-34ba41288d47",
        "name": "my-virtual-network-interface",
        "resource_type": "virtual_network_interface"
      "vpc": {
        "crn": "crn:[...]",
        "href": "",
        "id": "4c0bb0df-5ca2-43ca-a3de-a4f86010a906",
        "name": "my-vpc",
        "resource_type": "vpc"
  "total_count": 1

Viewing a single mount target with the API

Make a GET /shares/{share_id}/mount_targets/{mount_target_id} request to information of a single mount target of a file share. This call includes mount path information. Use the mount path to attach a file share to an instance.

See the following example

curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: $iam_token"

A successful response looks like the following example. In this example, data encryption in transit is not enabled. The transit_encryption property value is provider_managed.

    "access_control_mode": "security_group",
    "created_at": "2023-07-18T01:59:46.000Z",
    "href": "",
    "id": "d5fd8173-f519-4ff7-8f63-0ead23ecf1f4",
    "lifecycle_reasons": [],
    "lifecycle_state": "stable",
    "mount_path": "",
    "name": "my-mount-target2",
    "primary_ip": {
      "address": "",
      "href": "",
      "id": "b96d456e-88f7-42a7-b02d-450a6d758534",
      "name": "my-reserved-ip",
      "resource_type": "subnet_reserved_ip"
    "resource_type": "share_mount_target",
    "security_groups": [
        "crn": "crn:[...]",
        "href": "",
        "id": "b79365be-f626-45d4-94ae-83f16fa4edd3",
        "name": "my-security-group",
        "resource_type": "security_group"
    "subnet": {
      "crn": "crn:[...]",
      "href": "",
      "id": "c2338e66-dcb5-4e9b-b572-108d47ca479a",
      "name": "my-subnet",
      "resource_type": "subnet"
    "transit_encryption": "provider_managed",
    "virtual_network_interface": {
      "crn": "crn:[...]",
      "href": "",
      "id": "4551a68d-b45d-4443-b6b3-aba7a4a18c98",
      "name": "my-virtual-network-interface",
      "resource_type": "virtual_network_interface"
    "vpc": {
      "crn": "crn:[...]",
      "href": "",
      "id": "5821d0c4-a089-4957-b5fa-03b7ac636c15",
      "name": "my-vpc",
      "resource_type": "vpc"

Viewing a source file share for a replica file share with the API

Make a GET /shares/{replica_id}/source request and specify the replica share ID to retrieve the source file share details.

curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: $iam_token"\

A successful response provides details of the source file share. Notice that the replication role is source.

    "access_control_mode": "security_group",
    "created_at": "2023-07-18T22:58:49.000Z",
    "crn": "crn:[...]",
    "encryption": "provider_managed",
    "href": "",
    "id": "207721a9-aff9-4b16-9823-fe68096aeac3",
    "iops": 14400,
    "lifecycle_state": "stable",
    "mount_targets": [
        "href": "",
        "id": "ce244454-0919-45e2-b14b-f4285afcd856",
        "name": "my-share-mount-target",
        "resource_type": "share_mount_target",
        "vpc": {
          "crn": "crn:[...]",
          "href": "",
          "id": "c8b8fa2d-ccf7-4f42-9d38-df6d123c867d",
          "name": "my-vpc",
          "resource_type": "vpc"
    "name": "my-share-3",
    "profile": {
      "family": "defined-performance",
      "href": "",
      "name": "dp2",
      "resource_type": "share_profile"
    "replication_role": "source",
    "replication_status": "active",
    "replication_status_reasons": [],
    "resource_group": {
      "crn": "crn:[...]",
      "href": "",
      "id": "678523bcbe2b4eada915d32640909956",
      "name": "Default"
    "resource_type": "share",
    "size": 4800,
    "snapshot_count": 10, 
    "snapshot_size": 10,
    "user_tags": [],
    "zone": {
      "href": "",
      "name": "us-south-1",
      "resource_type": "zone"

Viewing file shares and mount targets with Terraform

You can use Terraform to view information about your file share and mount targets.

To use Terraform, download the Terraform CLI and configure the IBM Cloud Provider plug-in. For more information, see Getting started with Terraform.

VPC infrastructure services use a specific regional endpoint, which targets to us-south by default. If your VPC is created in another region, make sure to target the appropriate region in the provider block in the file.

See the following example of targeting a region other than the default us-south.

provider "ibm" {
  region = "eu-de"

Viewing all file shares with Terraform

Import the list of file shares that belong to an account as a read-only data source. You can filter by share name or resource group ID.

data "ibm_is_shares" "example" {

The attributes that are exported include the total count of shares and the list of shares. The nested attributes include share ID, name, creation date, size, IOPS, CRN, access tags, encryption type and key, lifecycle state, replication role and status, mount target, and other attributes.

For more information, see ibm_is_shares.

Viewing file share information with Terraform

Import the details of a file share as a read-only data source. You must identify the share by ID or name.

data "ibm_is_share" "example" {
  share =
data "ibm_is_share" "example1" {
  name =

The attributes that are exported include ID, name, creation date, size, IOPS, CRN, access tags, encryption type, encryption key, lifecycle state, replication role and status, mount target, and other attributes.

For more information, see ibm_is_share.

Viewing mount targets that are associated to a file share with Terraform

Import the list of mount targets that are associated with a file share as a read-only data source. Identify the file share by its ID.

data "ibm_is_share_targets" "example" {
  share =

The attributes that are exported include the list of mount targets and their IDs, names, creation dates, mount paths, subnet information, and so on.

For more information, see ibm_is_share_targets.

Viewing mount target information with Terraform

Import the details of a mount target as a read-only data source. Identify the mount target by specifying the share ID and the mount target ID. Both arguments are required.

data "ibm_is_share_target" "example" {
  share        =
  share_target = ibm_is_share_target.example.share_target

The attributes that are exported include ID, name, creation date, mount path, subnet information, and other attributes.

For more information, see ibm_is_share_target.

Next steps

Mount your file shares. Mounting is a process by which a server's operating system makes files and directories on the storage device available for users to access through the server's file system. For more information, see the following topics:

Manage your file shares and data.

  • Manage your file shares. You can rename a file share. You can increase its capacity and modify its IOPS. You can add mount targets to a file share. You can rename or delete a mount target. You can delete a file share when you no longer need it.
  • Create a file share with replication. With the replication feature, you can keep a read-only copy of your file share in another zone. The replica share is updated from the source share on a schedule that you specify. Replication provides a way to recover from an incident at the primary site, when data becomes inaccessible or an application fails. Replication can also be used for geographical expansion.