IBM Cloud Docs
IBM Cloud File Share Mount Helper utility

IBM Cloud File Share Mount Helper utility

Mount Helper is an open source automation tool that configures and establishes secure IPsec communication between customer virtual server instance and the file share. It ensures that the communication between the virtual server instance and the zonal file share service is encrypted.

The utility uses strongSwan and swanctl to configure IPsec on the virtual server instance with Linux OS.

File Storage for VPC IPsec connection requires mutual authentication. The Mount Helper retrieves the instance identity token from the Metadata service, and with the instance identity token it requests the creation of the instance identity certificate.

The Mount Helper makes new certificate requests every 45 minutes, as the lifetime of the certificate is 1 hour. The new certificate is generated before the old certificate expires to ensure seamless connection. The certificates are generated with the shorter life span for security reasons.

You can use the utility for encrypted or unencrypted connections. For encrypted connections, the Mount Helper uses the instance metadata service protocol option that is set to either http or https. For more information, see the API reference for metadata_service option of instance provisioning.

For more information, see the readme file.



  • The same certificates cannot be used across multiple regions.

  • The Mount Helper is supported on Linux hosts only. See the table for the supported distributions:

    This table shows the supported host OS distributions.
    Supported OS Supported OS Supported OS
  • Installing the Mount Helper on Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS is not supported.

Installation and configuration of the Mount Helper

SSH into the Compute instance where you want to mount the file share. Then, you can download the package directly from GitHub, or build the utility from the source code.

Downloading the installation package

  1. Download the Mount Helper package from GitHub.

    curl -LO 
  2. Extract the compressed file.

    tar -xvf mount.ibmshare-latest.tar.gz

    The file contains the following items: installation and uninstallation scripts, rpm and deb packages, root CA certificates, and the configuration file.

    Closed environments: To install Mount Helper on a virtual server instance without internet connection, create or update a local repository on the VSI based on the OS. Copy the Mount Helper package along with its dependencies to the local directory.

  3. To install the Mount Helper and all the dependencies, use the following script and specify the region where the file share is going to be mounted.

    ./ region=dal

    The region argument is used to copy region-specific root CA cert to the strongSwan certificate location. If no region is specified, then the utility copies all the root CA certs. The following table shows the values that you can use to specify the region.

    This table shows the region values that the script accepts.
    Location New value Previous Value
    Australia - Sydney au-syd syd
    Brazil - Sao Paulo br-sao sao
    Canada - Toronto ca-tor tor
    Germany - Frankfurt eu-de fra
    Japan - Osaka jp-osa osa
    Japan - Tokyo jp-tok tok
    Spain - Madrid eu-mad mad
    United Kingdom - London eu-gb lon
    United States - Washington, DC us-east wdc
    United States - Dallas, TX us-south dal
  4. Optional - Every installation image is accompanied by a file that contains the checksum value for the image file. For example, the image file ibmshare-0.0.1.tar.gz is accompanied by the ibmshare-0.0.1.tar.gz.sha256 file that contains the checksum value. To verify the integrity of the downloaded package, use the following commands.

    curl -LO
    sha256sum -c mount.ibmshare-latest.tar.gz.sha256

    A successful response shows "OK". The output looks like the following example.

    # sha256sum -c mount.ibmshare-latest.tar.gz.sha256
    ./mount.ibmshare-latest.tar.gz: OK
  5. Optional - By default, a certificate lasts 1 hour, and new certificates are fetched every 45 minutes. However, you can modify the certificate_duration_seconds option in the configuration file /etc/ibmcloud/share.conf to a different time interval. The new value must be between 5 minutes and 1 hour, and expressed in seconds.

    certificate_duration_seconds = 600

    The valid range for certificate_duration_seconds value is 300 - 3600 seconds. The certificates are renewed when the current certs reach 70% of their lifetime.

  6. Optional - If you want to renew the certs immediately with the new expiration time, then run the following command.

    /sbin/mount.ibmshare -RENEW_CERTIFICATE_NOW

Building the Mount Helper utility from the source code

  • On Debian-based instances, run the following commands:

    apt-get update -y
    apt-get install git make python3 -y
    git clone
    cd vpc-file-storage-mount-helper
    make build-deb
  • On RPM-based instances, run the following commands:

    yum update -y
    yum install git make python3 rpm-build -y
    git clone
    cd vpc-file-storage-mount-helper
    make build-rpm

Mounting a file share with the Mount Helper

  1. Create a directory in your instance.

    mkdir /mnt/share-test
  2. Run the mount command with the following syntax.

    mount -t ibmshare -o secure=true  <share-ip>:/<mount-point> /mnt/share-test

    The ibmshare in the command is a script that creates the certificate signing request(csr) and calls the Metadata service to get the intermediate cert and end peer certificate. It parses the mount command-line arguments and creates /etc/swanctl/conf.d/type_ibmshare_.conf. The strongSwan service uses this configuration file to establish the IPsec connection. Then, the script loads the IPsec connection and calls the NFS mount command. A successful response looks like the following example.

    [root@my-demo-eit-instance ~]# mount -t ibmshare -o secure=true  /mnt/share-test
    Info  - IpSec using StrongSwan(5.7.2)
    Debug - RunCmd: /usr/sbin/swanctl --list-conns 
    Debug - Config data unchanged:/etc/strongswan/swanctl/conf.d/type_ibmshare_10.240.64.5.conf
    Debug - StrongSwan cleanup config files Total(1) Mounted(0) Deleted(0) Recent(1)
    Debug - RunCmd: ReloadConfig (/usr/sbin/swanctl --load-all)
    Debug - File unlocked:/var/lock/ibm_mount_helper.lck
    Debug - RunCmd: MountCmd (mount -t nfs4 -o sec=sys,nfsvers=4.1,rw /mnt/share-test)
    Debug - RunCmd: LoadCert (openssl x509 -in /etc/strongswan/swanctl/x509ca/type_ibmshare_int.crt -noout -dates -subject -issuer)
    Debug - RunCmd: LoadCert (openssl x509 -in /etc/strongswan/swanctl/x509ca/type_ibmshare_root_dal.crt -noout -dates -subject -issuer)
    Share successfully mounted:

Adding the mount details to the /etc/fstab is not recommended. The IPsec connection might not be established in time for the automated fstab mount requests.

Updating the Mount Helper

To update the installation package, run the script again.


Uninstalling the Mount Helper

The following command uninstalls the utility.


Troubleshooting Tips

  • If the IPsec installation fails, then check the mount-helper installation script logs that are displayed on the standard output.

  • If the IPsec is installed properly but failed to start the IPsec service, then check the charon logs. The charon logs can be found in one of the following log files based on OS image: /var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages.

  • You can run the following swanctl command on another terminal to check the IPsec connection negotiation logs before you attempt the mount command.

    swanctl -T
  • To manually start or disconnect the IPsec connection, use one of the following commands.

    ipsec up <connection-name>
    ipsec down <connection-name>
  • If IPsec command is not available, use the following swanctl command.

    swanctl -i --ike <connection-name>
    swanctl -i --child <connection-name>
    swanctl -t --ike <connection-name>
  • To list active connections, use one of the following commands.

    ipsec status


    swanctl -l
  • Command to restart the strongSwan service.

    systemctl restart strongswan
  • Location of the mount helper log.


Next steps

Learn about Managing file shares.