IBM Cloud Docs
Sharing and mounting a file share from another account

Sharing and mounting a file share from another account

As a storage administrator who manages multiple accounts, you can share an NFS file system across accounts, so the data that your applications depend on is available across the different systems within the company. You can also share your File Storage for VPC with the IBM watsonx service.

Cross-account service-to-service authorization is used to establish trust between share owner and accessor accounts. Also, the appropriate IAM platform and services roles must be assigned to the users so they can perform their tasks. To create an accessor share within the same account as the origin share, the user must have Share Broker and Editor roles. To create an accessor share within a different account from the origin share, the user must have Share Remote Account Accessor and Editor roles. For more information, see IAM Roles and actions.

After the authorization is set in place and roles are assigned, you can create an accessor share that is bound to the origin share. The accessor share inherits the profile, size, encryption type both at rest and in-transit from the origin share. The origin share's account can see the IDs of the accounts who can mount the shared NFS share.

As the accessor, you can't edit the properties of the origin share, and you can't delete the origin share. The accessors can mount the share by creating an accessor share and a mount target to the accessor share. Then, you can access and use the data of the origin share, including the snapshots that might be present.

Transit encryption policy

The share owner has the right to enforce the use of encryption in transit when the accessor accesses the file share data. The share owner can set the allowed transit encryption modes to allow either user_managed or none, or both. When the allowed transit encryption modes of the origin share is set to user_managed, the share accessor accounts must create all their mount targets with user_managed transit encryption. If the accessor account has more than one mount targets, these mount targets must have the same type of encryption in transit.

File shares that were created before the release of this feature (18 June 2024) have an allowed transit encryption type that is based on their existing mount targets. After this date, you must specify the allowed transit encryption type when you create file shares. All mount targets that are created for one file share must have the same transit encryption type.

Creating an accessor share in the UI

In the IBM Cloud console, you can create an accessor share with or without a mount target. However, you need to create a mount target when you want to mount the share on a virtual server instance.

Creating an accessor share in the UI

  1. In the IBM Cloud console, click the Navigation menu icon menu icon > Infrastructure VPC icon > Storage > File Shares. A list of file shares displays.

  2. On the File shares for VPC page, click Create > Create accessor share.

  3. Enter the following information.

    Values for creating a file share
    Field Value
    Accessor share name Specify a meaningful name for your accessor share. The file share name can be up to 63 lowercase alpha-numeric characters and include the hyphen (-), and must begin with a lowercase letter. You can later edit the name if you want.
    Remote share CRN Enter the CRN of the origin file share.
  4. You return to the File Storage for VPC page, where a message indicates that the file share is provisioning. When the transaction completes, the share status changes to Active.

Creating an accessor share from the CLI

Before you begin

Before you can use the CLI, you must install the IBM Cloud CLI and the VPC CLI plug-in. For more information, see the CLI prerequisites.

Creating an accessor share without a mount target from the CLI

You can use the ibmcloud is share-create command to provision a file share in your selected zone with the CRN of the origin share.

ibmcloud is share-create --name my-accessor-share --origin-share CRN
$ ibmcloud is share-create --name my-accessor-share --origin-share crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-2:a/7654321::share:r006-d73v40a6-e08f-4d07-99e1-d28cbf2188ed
Creating file share my-file-share under account Test Account as user
ID                               r006-b696742a-92ee-4f6a-bfd7-921d6ddf8fa6   
Name                             my-accessor-share   
CRN                              crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-2:a/1234567::share:r006-b696742a-92ee-4f6a-bfd7-921d6ddf8fa6   
Lifecycle state                  stable   
Access control mode              security_group
Accessor binding role            accessor
Allowed transit encryption modes user_managed,none 
Origin share                     CRN                                                                                             Name            Remote account  Remote region
                                 crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-2:a/7654321::share:r006-d73v40a6-e08f-4d07-99e1-d28cbf2188ed  my-origin-share a7654321        -
Zone                             us-south-2   
Profile                          dp2   
Size(GB)                         1000   
IOPS                             1000   
Encryption                       provider_managed   
Mount Targets                    ID                          Name      
                                 No mounted targets found.      
Resource group                   ID                                 Name      
                                 db8e8d865a83e0aae03f25a492c5b39e   Default      
Created                          2024-06-25T22:15:15+00:00   
Replication role                 none   
Replication status               none   
Replication status reasons       Status code   Status message      
                                 -             -   
Snapshot count                   0
Snapshot size                    0
User tags                                                                         

The accessor share inherits the following characteristics from its origin share: profile, size, encryption type both at rest and in-transit. If you try to use this command with the property --origin-share with other properties such as --iops, --profile, and --replica-share, the request fails.

For more information about the command options, see ibmcloud is share-create.

Creating a mount target for an accessor share from the CLI

To create a mount target for the file share, run the share-mount-target-create command. Before you begin, gather some necessary information.

When you create a mount target, you must specify the file share that it is for. You can use the file share's name or ID. You must specify the VPC, too, either with its ID or name. The VPC must be unique to each mount target. You must also specify the security access group that's going to be used to manage access to the share. The security groups that you associate with a mount target must allow inbound access for the TCP protocol on the NFS port from all virtual server instances on which you want to mount the file share.

Lastly, you must specify values for the options that are needed to create a virtual network interface for the mount target. Use the appropriate CLI commands to list the available subnets, reserved IP addresses in a subnet, security groups to get the information that you need.

The following example creates a mount target with a virtual network interface for a file share that has security group access mode.

$ ibmcloud is share-mount-target-create my-accessor-share --subnet my-subnet --name my-cli-share-mount-target-1 --vni-name my-share-vni-1  --vni-sgs my-sg --resource-group-name Default --vpc my-vpc
Mounting target for share r006-b696742a-92ee-4f6a-bfd7-921d6ddf8fa6 under account Test Account as user
ID                          r006-dd497561-c7c9-4dfb-af0a-c84eeee78b61   
Name                        my-cli-share-mount-target-1   
VPC                         ID                                          Name      
                            r006-6e8fb140-5668-45b8-b98a-d5cb0e0bf39b   my-vpc      
Access control mode         security_group
Resource type               share_mount_target   
Virtual network interface   ID                                          Name      
                            r006-13c070d8-d038-49c6-95f5-e8503c5595e3   my-share-vni-1      
Lifecycle state             pending   
Mount path                  -   
Transit Encryption          none  
Snapshot count              0
Snapshot size               0
User tags       

For more information about the command options, see ibmcloud is share-mount-target-create.

Creating an accessor share with a mount target from the CLI

You can create an accessor share with one or more mount targets in one step by using the ibmcloud is share-create command. You need to provide the zone name, and the CRN of the origin share. The accessor share inherits the profile, size, encryption type both at rest and in-transit from the origin share. You can also specify a name, user tags, and even the initial owner UID. To create the mount target, you need to provide the mount target information in JSON format.

The following example shows how to create an accessor share with mount target.

$ ibmcloud is share-create --name my-new-accessor-share --origin-share crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-2:a/7654321::share:r006-d73v40a6-e08f-4d07-99e1-d28cbf2188ed --mount-targets '
>[{"name":"my-new-mount-target","virtual_network_interface": {"name":"my-vni","subnet": {"id":"r006-298acd6c-e71e-4204-a04f-fe4a4dd89805"}}}]'
Creating file share my-new-file-share under account Test Account as user
ID                               r006-925214bc-ded5-4626-9d8e-bc4e2e579232   
Name                             my-new-accessor-share   
CRN                              crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-2:a/a1234567::share:r006-925214bc-ded5-4626-9d8e-bc4e2e579232   
Lifecycle state                  pending   
Access control mode              security_group
Accessor binding role            accessor
Allowed transit encryption modes user_managed,none 
Origin share                     CRN                                                                                             Name            Remote account  Remote region
                                 crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-2:a/7654321::share:r006-d73v40a6-e08f-4d07-99e1-d28cbf2188ed  my-origin-share a7654321        -

Zone                             us-south-2   
Profile                          dp2   
Size(GB)                         500   
IOPS                             2000   
User Tags                        env:dev   
Encryption                       provider_managed   
Mount Targets                    ID                                          Name      
                                 r006-ad313f6b-ccb5-4941-a5f7-0c953f1043df   my-new-mount-target      
Resource group                   ID                                 Name      
                                 db8e8d865a83e0aae03f25a492c5b39e   Default      
Created                         2024-06-25T00:30:11+00:00   
Replication role                none   
Replication status              none   
Replication status reasons      Status code   Status message      
                                -             -     
Snapshot count                  0
Snapshot size                   0                         

Creating an accessor share with the API

You can create file shares and mount targets by directly calling the REST APIs.

Before you begin

Set up your API environment. Define variables for the IAM token, API endpoint, and API version. For instructions, see Setting up your API and CLI environment.

Creating an accessor share with the API

Make a POST /shares request to create a file share.

The following example shows a request to create an accessor share by using the CRN of the origin share. The accessor share inherits the following characteristics from its origin share: profile, zone, size, IOPS, encryption type both at rest and in-transit. The values for initial_owner,access_control_mode, and encryption_key are also inherited from origin_share.

curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $iam_token" \
  -d '{
  "name": "my-accessor-share",
  "user_tags": ["string"],
  "origin_share": {"crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-1:a/a1234567::share:0fe9e5d8-0a4d-4818-96ec-e99708644a58"}

A successful response looks like the following example.

  "access_control_mode": "security-group",
  "allowed_transit_encryption_modes": ["none", "user-managed"],
  "created_at": "2024-05-06T23:31:59Z",
  "crn": "crn:[...]",
  "encryption": "provider_managed",
  "href": "",
  "id": "ff859972-8c39-4528-91df-eb9160eae918",
  "iops": 48000,
  "lifecycle_state": "stable",
  "name": "my-accessor-share",
  "profile": {
    "href": "",
    "name": "dp2",
    "resource_type": "share_profile"
  "replication_role": "none",
  "replication_status": "none",
  "replication_status_reasons": [],
  "resource_group": {
    "crn": "crn:[...]",
    "href": "",
    "id": "6b45d0aa-e0a6-478b-a5d9-bb45b106676d",
    "name": "Default"
  "resource_type": "share",
  "size": 4800,
  "snapshot_count": 10, 
  "snapshot_size": 10,
  "user_tags": ["string"],
  "zone": {
    "href": "",
    "name": "us-south-1"}

Creating a mount target for a file share with the API

If the share's access control mode is security_group, then the mount target must be created with a virtual network interface. When the share's allowed transit encryption mode is user-managed, the mount target's transit_encryption value must be user-managed, too.

Make a POST /shares/{share_id}/mount_targets request and specify a subnet and security group for the mount target network interface. The security groups that you associate with a mount target must allow inbound access for the TCP protocol on the NFS port from all virtual server instances on which you want to mount the file share.

This example adds a mount target to an existing accessor share, which is identified by ID, and provides a subnet and security group to create the network interface.

 curl -X POST "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/shares/f1ab81ef-dd30-459a-85e0-9094164978b1/mount_targets/?version=2023-07=18&generation=2"\
 -d '{
     "virtual_network_interface": {
        "subnet": {"id": "1a0b3d75-8a62-4c78-9263-f9bcd25a8759"},
        "security_groups": [{"id": "b2599112-7027-480e-ad1b-fd917d2fcb84"}]
     "transit_encryption": "user_managed"

Creating a file share and mount target with Terraform

To use Terraform, download the Terraform CLI and configure the IBM Cloud® Provider plug-in. For more information, see Getting started with Terraform.

VPC infrastructure services use a specific regional endpoint, which targets to us-south by default. If your VPC is created in another region, make sure to target the appropriate region in the provider block in the file.

See the following example of targeting a region other than the default us-south.

provider "ibm" {
   region = "eu-de"

Creating an accessor share with Terraform

To create an accessor share, use the ibm_is_share resource. The accessor share inherits the following characteristics from its origin share: profile, size, encryption type both at rest and in-transit.

resource "ibm_is_share" "example-origin" {
  allowed_transit_encryption_modes = ["user_managed", "none"]
  access_control_mode = "security_group"
  name    = "my-share"
  size    = 200
  profile = "dp2"
  zone    = "au-syd-2"
resource "ibm_is_share" "example-accessor" {
  origin_share {
    crn   = ibm_is_share.example-origin.crn
  name  = "my-accessor-share-1"

Creating a mount target with Terraform

To create a mount target for a file share, use the is_share_mount_target resource. The following example creates a mount target with security_group access control mode. First, specify the share for which the mount target is created. Then, you specify the name of the mount target and define the new virtual network interface by providing an IP address and a name. You must also specify the security group that you want to use to manage access to the file share that the mount target is associated to. The security groups that you associate with a mount target must allow inbound access for the TCP protocol on the NFS port from all virtual server instances on which you want to mount the file share. The attribute auto_delete = true means that the virtual network interface is to be deleted if the mount target is deleted.

resource "ibm_is_share_mount_target" "target-with-vni" {
     name = <share_target_name>
     virtual_network_interface {
     name = <virtual_network_interface_name>
     primary_ip {
         address = “”
         auto_delete = true
         name = <reserved_ip_name>
     resource_group = <resource_group_id>
     security_groups = [<security_group_ids>]
     transit_encryption = user_managed

For more information about the arguments and attributes, see ibm_is_share_mount_target.

Creating an accessor share with a mount target with security group access mode

You don't need to create the file share and the mount target separately. To create a file share with a mount target that allows for security group-based authentication within a VPC, use the ibm_is_share resource. The accessor share inherits the following characteristics from its origin share: profile, size, encryption type both at rest and in-transit. Specify the access control mode as security_group, and define the mount target by providing a name for it, details of the virtual network interface such as name, subnet, or IP address. Also, specify the security groups that you want to use to control access to the file share. The security groups that you associate with a mount target must allow inbound access for the TCP protocol on the NFS port from all virtual server instances on which you want to mount the file share.

resource "ibm_is_share" "share4" {
   zone    = "us-south-2"
   name    = "my-share4"
   origin_share {
    id    =
   access_control_mode = "security_group"
   mount_target {
       name = "target"
       virtual_network_interface {
       primary_ip {
               address =
               auto_delete = true
               name = "<reserved_ip_name>
      resource_group = <resource_group_id>
      security_groups = [<security_group_ids>]
      transit_encryption = none

For more information about the arguments and attributes, see ibm_is_share.

Next steps

Mount your file shares. Mounting is a process by which a server's operating system makes files and directories on the storage device available for users to access through the server's file system. For more information, see the following topics:

Creating snapshots of an Accessor share is not supported. However, if the origin share has snapshots, you can access those snapshots in the .snapshot directory. For more information, see Restoring files from a snapshot.