IBM Cloud Docs
Accessing the Zerto Self-Service Portal

Accessing the Zerto Self-Service Portal

As of 28 March 2024, VMware Shared is not available for new deployments. Support for existing instances is extended until 28 February 2025. All customer and management data, including the backups of workloads, will be deleted in March 2025. Migrate all your VMware Shared resources to IBM Cloud® for VMware Cloud Foundation as a Service by 28 February 2025. For more information, see End of Support for VMware Shared deployments.

The Zerto service is available and ready to use in all virtual data centers. Use Zerto as a service to replicate your VMs between your IBM Cloud® data centers to IBM Cloud for disaster recovery purposes only. The Zerto service is enabled by default.

You can access the Zerto portal on the virtual data center details page when the status of the virtual data center is Available. For more information, see Procedure to view the virtual data center summary or Procedure to view virtual data center details.

Service charges are incurred only if you choose to use the services.

Before you begin

  • Review the following limitations for Zerto:
    • The current version of Zerto is 9.7u4 and is only compatible with the N-1 and N+1 level of Zerto on your on-premises site.
    • Currently, Zerto does not support the replication of stand-alone VMs but only vApps with VMs inside them. IBM is working with Zerto to resolve this limitation.
  • You must reset the zOrg administrator password before you can log in to the Zerto portal.

Procedure to access the Zerto Self-Service Portal from the virtual data center

  1. Under Recommended services on the virtual data center details page, click Reset ZORG password.
  2. In the Reset ZORG password window, click Reset password.
  3. Click Zerto portal and login to the self-service portal.

After you reset your password on a virtual data center, you have access to the Zerto portal from all virtual data centers in your account. You can now manage VMs across all of your virtual data centers.

For more information about using the Zerto Self-Service Portal to create Virtual Protection Groups, see Zerto technical documentation.

Licenses and fees for Zerto

Zerto usage incurs charges on demand. For more information, see VMware Shared pricing.