IBM Cloud Docs
Viewing and deleting Transit Gateway connections

Viewing and deleting Transit Gateway connections

You can view the status of your IBM Cloud® Transit Gateway connection and delete the connection group if you no longer need it.

Procedure to view Transit Gateway connection details

  1. In the VMware Solutions console, click Resources > VCF as a Service from the left navigation panel.

  2. On the VMware Cloud Foundation as a Service page, click the virtual data center name.

  3. Click the Interconnectivity tab to open the Transit Gateway connections page.

  4. Expand the Transit Gateway ID to review the connection group details.

  5. Expand each connection group to review the details and status of each associated GRE tunnel.

    Connection group and unbound GRE tunnel connection statuses
    Status Description
    Not connected The Transit Gateway connection group is not connected to Transit Gateway. You must connect all six GRE tunnels to Transit Gateway to complete the connection.
    Generating connection values Automation is running to generate the connection values. Refresh the page to confirm that the values are generated before you request to create the Transit Gateway connections.
    Pending The status remains pending until you attach all six GRE tunnels to Transit Gateway.
    Creating All six GRE tunnels are attached to Transit Gateway and the connection group is being created.
    Attached The GRE tunnel is attached to Transit Gateway and the connection group is created.
    Disconnected A stand-alone GRE tunnel was deleted from your Transit Gateway. Click Reattach connection to Transit Gateway to return to the Transit Gateway console to reattach the connection.
    Deleting The connection group and associated GRE tunnels are being deleted.

Procedure to delete a Transit Gateway connection

  1. In the VMware Solutions console, click Resources > VCF as a Service from the left navigation panel.
  2. On the VMware Cloud Foundation as a Service page, click the virtual data center name.
  3. Click the Interconnectivity tab to open the Transit Gateway connections page.
  4. From the Transit Gateway connections page, click the overflow menu for the connection group and click Delete connection group.
  5. From the Delete connection group pane, enter the Transit Gateway ID to confirm the deletion. Then, click Delete.

The Deleting status displays for the connection group and all associated GRE tunnels. When the deletion is complete, the connection group no longer displays on the Transit Gateway connections page.