IBM Cloud Docs
Configuration reference for IBM Cloudability enablement

Configuration reference for IBM Cloudability enablement

The IBM Cloudability Enablement deployable architecture (DA) requires two parameters to run:

  1. An IBM Cloud IAM API key with permissions to run the deployable architecture
  2. An IBM Cloudability API Key to add the IBM Cloud Account to Cloudability

See setting up the IBM Cloudability Enablement DA for information about these parameters and how to create them.

Supported regions

The DA supports deployment to any of the available Key Protect regions. Your Key Protect instance and Object Storage bucket are created in the same region. The default region is us-south.

IBM Cloud recommends using one of the three Key Protect failover regions (us-south, jp-tok, and eu-de) to avoid any service disruptions.

Configuration options

Enterprise accounts

Enterprise Account Parameters
Name Description Type Default
is_enterprise_account Whether the account corresponding to the ibmcloud_api_key is an enterprise account and, if so, is the primary account within the enterprise. bool false
enterprise_id The ID of the enterprise. If __NULL__ then it is automatically retrieved if is_enterprise_account is true. Providing this value reduces the access policies that are necessary to run the DA. string __NULL__

IBM Cloudability configurations

IBM Cloudability Configurations
Name Description Type Default

Select Cloudability authentication mode. Options are:
\n* none: no connection to Cloudability

  • manual: manually enter in the credentials in the Cloudability UI
  • api_key: use Cloudability API Keys
  • frontdoor: Frontdoor Access Administration
string none
cloudability_api_key Cloudability API Key used to authenticate with Cloudability to add the IBM Cloud account to the Cloudability environment. See how to retrieve your Cloudability API key or visit the Cloudability preferences page. Required if cloudability_auth_type is set to api_key. string __NULL__
frontdoor_public_key The public key that is used along with the frontdoor_secret_key to authenticate requests to Cloudability. Only required if cloudability_auth_type is frontdoor. See acquiring an Access Administration API key for steps to create your credentials. string __NULL__
frontdoor_secret_key The secret key that is used along with the frontdoor_public_key to authenticate requests to Cloudability. Only required if cloudability_auth_type is frontdoor. See acquiring an Access Administration API key for steps to create your credentials. string __NULL__
cloudability_environment_id An ID corresponding to the Cloudability environment. Only required if cloudability_auth_type is frontdoor. string __NULL__
cloudability_host IBM Cloudability host name as described in ( started with the cloudability.htm) string
skip_verification Whether to verify that the IBM Cloud account is successfully integrated with Cloudability. This step is not strictly necessary for adding the account to Cloudability. Only applicable when cloudability_auth_type is api_key. bool false

IBM Cloud resource group

Resource Group
Name Description Type Default
use_existing_resource_group Whether the value of resource_group_name input is a new (true) or an existing (false) resource group bool false
resource_group_name The name of a new or existing resource group where resources are created string cloudability-enablement


Name Description Type Default
access_tags List of access tags to be added to created resources list of string []
resource_tags List of tags to be added to created resources" list of string []

Billing exports

Billing Exports
Name Description Type Default
overwrite_existing_reports Whether each update overwrites the existing report version or a new version of the report is created leaving the existing report bool true
cos_folder Folder or prefix in the Object Storage bucket to store the billing reports string IBMCloud-Billing-Reports

IBM Cloud Object Storage bucket

IBM Cloud Object Storage Bucket
Name Description Type Default
existing_cos_instance_id The ID of an existing IBM Cloud Object Storage instance. string __NULL__
cos_instance_name The name of the newly created IBM Cloud Object Storage instance, which contains the billing reports bucket. Only used if existing_cos_instance_id is not defined. string billing-report-exports
bucket_name Name to the Object Storage bucket where billing reports are stored. string billing-reports
add_bucket_name_suffix. Add a random 4 character suffix to the bucket_name to ensure global uniqueness. bool true
cos_plan Plan to be used for creating IBM Cloud Object Storage instance. Only used if existing_cos_instance_id is not defined. string One Rate
bucket_storage_class The storage class of the newly provisioned Object Storage bucket. string standard
expire_days Specifies the number of days when the expired rule action takes effect. Value of __NULL__ disables expiry. Learn more about object expiration number 3
object_versioning_enabled Enable object versioning to keep multiple versions of an object in the object storage bucket bool false
archive_days Specifies the number of days when the archive rule action takes effect. Value of __NULL__ disables archiving number __NULL__
archive_type Specifies the storage class or archive type to which you want the object to transition. string Glacier

Object Storage bucket encryption with Key Protect

Bucket Encryption with Key Protect
Name Description Type Default
existing_kms_instance_guid The GUID of the Key Protect instance. string __NULL__
skip_iam_authorization_policy Whether to skip the creation of an IAM authorization policy that permits the Object Storage instance to read the encryption key from the Key Protect instance. WARNING: An authorization policy must exist before an encrypted bucket can be created. boolean false
key_protect_instance_name Name of the Key Protect instance, which stores the Object Storage encryption key. Not needed if existing_kms_instance_guid is used. string cloudability-bucket-encryption
key_ring_name Name of the Key Protect key ring to store the Object Storage encryption key. string bucket-encryption
use_existing_key_ring Whether the key_ring_name corresponds to an existing key ring or a new key ring for storing the encryption key. boolean false
key_name Name of the Key Protect key for encryption of the Object Storage bucket. If __NULL__ then the name of the Object Storage bucket is used instead. string __NULL__
kms_rotation_enabled If set to true, Key Protect enables a rotation policy on the Key Protect instance. Only used if 'create_key_protect_instance' is true. boolean false
kms_rotation_interval_month Specifies the number of months for the encryption key to be rotated.. Must be between 1 and 12 inclusive. number 1

Bucket audit events

Bucket audit events
Name Description Type Default
activity_tracker_read_data_events If set to true, all Object Storage bucket read events are sent to Activity Tracker. boolean true
activity_tracker_write_data_events If set to true, all Object Storage bucket write events are sent to Activity Tracker. boolean true
activity_tracker_management_events If set to true, all Object Storage management events are sent to Activity Tracker. boolean true

Bucket metrics

Bucket metrics
Name Description Type Default
monitoring_crn The CRN of an Monitoring instance where Object Storage bucket metrics are sent. If no value is passed, metrics are sent to the instance associated with the Metrics Router service configuration. string __NULL__
request_metrics_enabled If set to true, all Object Storage bucket request metrics are sent to the monitoring service. boolean true
usage_metrics_enabled If set to true, all Object Storage bucket usage metrics are sent to the monitoring service. boolean true

IAM inputs

IAM inputs
Name Description Type Default
cloudability_iam_custom_role_name name of the custom role that is used to grant the Cloudability service ID read access to the billing reports within the Object Storage bucket string CloudabilityStorageCustomRole
cloudability_iam_enterprise_custom_role_name name of the custom role to grant access to a Cloudability service ID to read the enterprise information. Only used of is_enterprise_account is set. string CloudabilityListAccCustomRole