IBM Cloud Docs
High availability and disaster recovery

High availability and disaster recovery

IBM® Key Protect for IBM Cloud® is a highly available, regional service with automatic features that help keep your applications secure and operational.

The high availability of Key Protect and the disaster recovery of data are guaranteed by IBM Cloud and Key Protect. Note that "disaster recovery" does not include the ability to recover from user-initiated accidental deletions.

Cross-regional disaster recovery is only available for instances under a pricing plan that includes cross-regional support. If you did not configure the instance to be under a cross-regional plan prior to a regional disaster event, key actions may be suspended.

Locations, tenancy, and availability

Key Protect, when deployed in IBM Cloud, is a multi-tenant, regional service.

You can create Key Protect resources in one of the supported IBM Cloud regions, which represent the geographic area where your Key Protect requests are handled and processed. Each IBM Cloud region contains multiple availability zones to meet local access, low latency, and security requirements for the region.

There are three regions, us-south (located in Dallas, Texas, United States), jp-tok (located in Tokyo, Japan), and eu-de (located in Frankfurt, Germany) where Key Protect has failover support into a separate region where data is replicated into standby infrastructure. The us-south region has data replicated into the us-east region (located in Washington DC, United States), the jp-tok region has data replicated into the jp-osa region (located in Osaka, Japan), and the eu-de region has data replicated into a datacenter in the Paris region. This means that if service in us-south, jp-tok, or eu-de is disrupted, requests to Key Protect in those regions are routed to the region where the data has already been replicated. Note that the standby infrastructure in the region with failover support is completely separate from the Key Protect service available in that region, and that failover only goes in one direction. Your data in us-east, for example, is not currently replicated to us-south.

Because your requests are routed automatically, you can continue to call your original endpoint. Initially, read-only operations are all that will be available. However, if there is reason to believe the disruption will last for an extended period, write operations will be enabled as soon as possible. Otherwise, read-only operations are all that will be available for up to six hours before write operations will be enabled.

Key Protect will be adding cross-regional high availability to selected regions in different geographical locations.

As you plan your encryption strategy with IBM Cloud, remember that provisioning Key Protect in a region that is nearest to you is more likely to result in faster, more reliable connections when you interact with the Key Protect APIs. Furthermore, regulatory requirements might influence which region or regions to use. Note that Key Protect does not restrict using keys across regions and geographical locations. For example, a user might use keys from us-south to encrypt storage in Frankfurt. Choose the region that is best for your use case overall.

Application-level high availability

If you import a root key into Key Protect, you are encouraged to maintain a secure backup of the key material so that you can restore the root key if it is accidentally deleted and the 30-day grace period to restore a deleted key has elapsed. In other words, within 30 days, Key Protect allows customers to restore a deleted key without having to use a backup.

Because two keys created using the same key material are effectively identical (both can unwrap any data encryption keys (DEKs) created by either root key), it is possible to securely backup your root keys by creating a duplicate key for every imported root key within your instance. Each duplicate key should be created in a Key Protect region that is different from the original key, which means that the key_id and service instance ID of the keys will be different. Your application will therefore be able to use either key as long as it knows the relevant IDs and endpoints of both keys.

Note that every time a root key is rotated, new key material is added to the key, which creates a new version of the key. Therefore, make sure to use this updated key material when rotating your duplicated keys.

Applications that communicate over networks are subject to transient faults. You should design your application to interact with Key Protect by using modern resiliency techniques, for example an exponential backoff that retries requests with exponentially increasing delays between each request.

Example algorithm

There are many approaches to implementing retries with exponential backoff logic. Your approach will depend on your specific use case and the network conditions surrounding your application. The following is an example implementation of incremental retry delay.

const maxRetries = 3
attempt := 1
delay := time.Second * 1
var ok bool
for !ok && attempt <= maxRetries {
    ok = makeRequest()
    if !ok {
        delay = delay * 2
        attempt += 1

Once the maximum amount of retries has been reached and you have confirmed that the errors your application is experiencing are due to Key Protect, open a support ticket with details regarding your request.

Disaster recovery

Key Protect follows IBM Cloud requirements for planning and recovering from disaster events.

Private endpoint settings, specifically the Internet Protocol (IP) address, may need to be manually updated during Disaster recovery and business continuity actions.

To find out more about the responsibilities that you and IBM share in the maintenance of your keys and workloads, see Understanding your responsibilities with using Key Protect.