Displaying agents
You can view an agent by using the agent ID to retrieve the detailed configuration information. You can also list all the agents that are created in your account.
Displaying the agents through UI
- Log in to your IBM Cloud account by using your credentials.
- Click Schematics > Agents.
- Click your agent from the list to view the agent details.
Displaying the agents through CLI
You can display the list of agents in your account by using the agent list CLI command.
ibmcloud schematics agent list
Retrieving agents...
Name ID Version Description Resource Group Agent Location Schematics location Status Tags Agent health
Agent-UI-Final-Testing Agent-UI-Final-Testing.deA.3dfb cli-testing eu-de Active
Vishwa-CLI-Testing Vishwa-CLI-Testing.deA.ef99 cli-testing eu-de Active
agent-5-multipod agent-5-multipod.deA.3d58 Srikar testing multiple pods in agent-5 ... job-runner eu-de Active agent_register
agent-prod-testing-api-dec-24-2 agent-prod-testing-api-dec-24-2.deA.ca07 1.6.0 Create Agent Default us-south eu-de Active env:prod, mytest
agent-testing-prod-cli-dec-27-2 agent-testing-prod-cli-dec-27-2.deA.727f v1.0.0 Default us-south eu-de Active
agent-testing-prod-cli-dec-27-3 agent-testing-prod-cli-dec-27-3.deA.fd13 Default us-south eu-de Active
agent-testing-prod-cli-dec-27-4 agent-testing-prod-cli-dec-27-4.deA.acd4 Default us-south eu-de Active
agent-testing-prod-cli-dec-27 agent-testing-prod-cli-dec-27.deA.3f7e Default jp-tok eu-de Active
gsmmar27v1cli-agent-test gsmmar27v1cli-agent-test.deA.6288 Default eu-de eu-de Active
gsmmar27v2cli-agent-test gsmmar27v2cli-agent-test.deA.afcc Default eu-de eu-de Active
gsmmar27v3cli-agent-test gsmmar27v3cli-agent-test.deA.4b56 Default eu-de eu-de Active
Showing 1-11 of 11 items
Displaying agent configuration through CLI
You can use the agent get command to view the configuration of an agent. This command requires agent_id
as an input argument.
To view the agent get commands, syntax, and option flag details, see ibmcloud schematics agent get.
ibmcloud schematics agent get --id agent-testing-prod-cli-dec-27-5.deA.dc97
Retrieving agent...
ID agent-testing-prod-cli-dec-27-5.deA.dc97
Name agent-testing-prod-cli-dec-27-5
Version 1.0.0
Location eu-de
Agent Location jp-tok
Resource Group Default
Recent Job Job ID Status Last modified
DEPLOY .ACTIVITY.465e9716 Triggered deployment 2023-03-27T12:25:01.239Z
Displaying agents through API
Follow the steps to retrieve your IAM access token and authenticate with IBM Cloud Schematics by using the API.
Example to list all the agents in your account.
LIST /v2/agents/ HTTP/1.1
Host: schematics.cloud.ibm.com
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>
"name": "agent-beta1-testing",
"description": "Create Agent",
"resource_group": "schematics-prod",
"tags": [
"version": "v1.0.0",
"schematics_location": "us-south",
"agent_location": "jp-tok",
"user_state": {
"state": "enable",
"set_by": "test@in.ibm.com",
"set_at": "2023-03-16T06:12:13.684097462Z"
"agent_crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:schematics:us-south:a/c19ef85117044059a3be5e45d6dc1cf6:347160c0-dca9-49e8-a292-9c980c7f8c47:agent:agent-beta1-testing.soA.748e",
"created_at": "2023-03-16T06:12:13.684112846Z",
"creation_by": "geetha_sathyamurthy@in.ibm.com",
"updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"system_state": {
"status_code": "draft"
"agent_kpi": {
"availability_indicator": "normal",
"lifecycle_indicator": "consistent",
"percent_usage_indicator": "30%"
GET /v2/agents/agent-beta1-testing.soA.748e/ HTTP/1.1
Host: schematics.cloud.ibm.com
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>
"name": "agent-beta1-testing",
"description": "Create Agent",
"resource_group": "schematics-prod",
"tags": [
"version": "v1.0.0",
"schematics_location": "us-south",
"agent_location": "us-south",
"user_state": {
"state": "enable",
"set_by": "test@in.ibm.com",
"set_at": "2023-03-16T06:12:13.684097462Z"
"agent_crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:schematics:us-south:a/c19ef85117044059a3be5e45d6dc1cf6:347160c0-dca9-49e8-a292-9c980c7f8c47:agent:agent-beta1-testing.soA.748e",
"created_at": "2023-03-16T06:12:13.684112846Z",
"creation_by": "test@in.ibm.com",
"updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"system_state": {
"status_code": "draft"
"agent_kpi": {
"availability_indicator": "normal",
"lifecycle_indicator": "consistent",
"percent_usage_indicator": "30%"
Displaying agents through Terraform
You can use the ibm_schematics_agent
data source to fetch information about a Schematics Agent without changing your infrastructure.
Make sure the Schematics Agent is deployed to list an existing agent.
resource inmain.tf
file.data "ibm_schematics_agents" "schematics_agents" { name = "MyDevAgent" }
terraform init
terraform apply
You can check the IBM Cloud Provider Plug-in for Terraform documentation for more parameters specific to the data source.
Next steps
- You can update an agent, and delete an agent
- You can check out the agent FAQ for any common questions that are related to deleting an agent.