IBM Cloud Docs
Assigning access with IBM Cloud IAM

Assigning access with IBM Cloud IAM

To grant access to Satellite resources, use IBM Cloud IAM. For information about assigning user roles in the console, see Managing access to resources.

Access policies

Policies enable access at different levels. Some options for IBM Cloud Satellite include the following.

  • Access across all Satellite service instances of all resource types in your account.

  • Access to specific resource types within Satellite. For more information about resource types, see Understanding Satellite resource types for access.

    • Location in the UI, location in the API and CLI. (When scoped, users must target the regional endpoint.)
    • Link in the UI, link in the API and CLI.
    • Satellite Config resource types:
      • Cluster in the UI, cluster in the API and CLI.
      • Clustergroup in the UI, clustergroup in the API and CLI.
      • Configuration in the UI, configuration in the API and CLI.
      • Subscription in the UI, subscription in the API and CLI.
  • Access to an individual resource of a particular resource type, such as a particular location Satellite. The following resource types can be scoped to particular instances.

    • Location in the UI, location in the API and CLI. (When scoped, users must target the regional endpoint.)
    • Link in the UI, link in the API and CLI.
    • Satellite Config resource types:
      • Cluster in the UI, cluster in the API and CLI.
      • Clustergroup in the UI, clustergroup in the API and CLI.

After you define the scope of the access policy, you assign a role, which determines the user's level of access. Review the following sections that outline what actions each platform and service role allows within the Satellite service.

Overview of the process to set up access to IBM Cloud Satellite in IBM Cloud IAM

As a general practice, you can invite users to your IBM Cloud account, add them to an access group, and assign them access to IBM Cloud Satellite resources in IAM. You might also add access policies for other IBM Cloud services, or assign individual user access.

  1. Invite users to your account.
  2. Create an access group to add users to.
  3. Assign the access group with the appropriate scope for the Satellite resources and IAM platform and service roles for the actions you want to let users in your access group perform.
    • To scope access to the service, use IBM Cloud Satellite in the UI or satellite in the API or CLI.
    • You can scope access to the account or particular resource groups. Keep in mind the following points.
      • Account-level access is not the same as access to all resource groups.
      • Not all Satellite resource types support scoping to resource groups. For example, you cannot scope Satellite Config resource types (configuration, subscription, cluster, or cluster group) or Satellite storage service to resource groups, only to the account.
    • For help with scoping the role to the correct Satellite resource types, see Understanding Satellite resource types for access. You can scope access policies to the following resource types.
    • You can further scope access to a particular resource for the following resource types.
    • For help with choosing platform and service roles, see the following reference information:
    • Consider creating a Reader service policy to IBM Cloud Satellite (and not scoped to a particular resource type or resource) so that users can view the Satellite Config resources that run in Satellite clusters, such as pods or deployments.
  4. Assign the access group with the appropriate scope for any other IBM Cloud services that you plan to use in your Satellite location. Refer to each service documentation for the level of access that you need. Common services include:
    • Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud clusters: Kubernetes Service in the UI, containers-kubernetes in the API and CLI.
    • IBM Cloud Container Registry for a private registry across clusters: Container Registry in the UI, container-registry in the API and CLI.
    • IBM Cloud Object Storage for the backing storage for your location information: Cloud Object Storage in the UI, cos in the API and CLI.
  5. Assign the access group with the Viewer platform access role to any resource groups that you plan to use with Satellite.

Assigning access policy to access group by using the console

Use the IBM Cloud IAM console to assign an access policy to an access group to manage Satellite locations, hosts, and endpoints as shown in the following example.

  1. Log in to IBM Cloud.

  2. From the menu bar, click Manage > Access (IAM).

  3. Click Access groups, and then click the access group that you want to assign access to IBM Cloud Satellite.

  4. Click the Access policies tab, and then click Assign access.

  5. With the IAM Services tile selected, in the service access dropdown field, select IBM Cloud Satellite.

    You can start to enter letters like sat and the field filters results to help you find IBM Cloud Satellite.

  6. Leave the setting in Account so that you can scope the resource to a specific instance.

  7. For Resource Type string equals field, scope the policy to a Satellite resource, such as Location.

  8. For the Resource string equals field, enter the name of your Satellite location, such as Port-NewYork. Keep in mind the following considerations for various Satellite resources.

    • Satellite location: If you leave the Resource field blank, the user gets access to all the locations, which is needed for the user to create a location. When scoped to a location, users must target the regional endpoint.
    • Satellite Config: You cannot scope a policy to individual configuration or subscription resources. Instead, leave the Resource field blank and control access to your Satellite Config resources at the clustergroup level.
  9. For Platform access, select the Editor role so that all users in your access group can add and remove hosts and endpoints from the Satellite location, but cannot create or delete locations. For other roles by resource type, see IAM platform and IAM service roles.

  10. Click Add+.

  11. In the Access summary pane, review the access policy, and then click Assign.

  12. From the access group Access policies table, verify that the Editor policy is added to the access group.

Assigning access policy to access group with the CLI

Use the IBM Cloud IAM CLI to grant an access policy to an access group to manage Satellite resources as shown in the following example.

  1. Log in to IBM Cloud. If you have a federated account, include the --sso option.

    ibmcloud login [--sso]
  2. Create an IBM Cloud IAM access policy for IBM Cloud Satellite. Scope the access policy based on what you want to assign access to. For more information, review the following example commands and table.

    For example, run the following command to assign a user the Administrator role for all your Satellite locations in the default resource group.

    ibmcloud iam user-policy-create --service-name satellite --resource-group-name default --resource-type location --roles Administrator

    Run the following command to assign an access group the Editor role to a specific Satellite location.

    ibmcloud iam access-group-policy-create team1 --service-name satellite --resource-type location --resource Port-NewYork --roles Editor
    Table 1. Options to scope the access policy.
    Scope Description
    CLI option: N/A
    You can assign the policy to an individual or group of users. Place this positional argument immediately following the command. For an individual user, enter the email address of the user. For an access group, enter the name of the access group of users. You can create an access group with the ibmcloud iam access-group-create command. To list available access groups, run ibmcloud iam access-groups. To add a user to an access group, run ibmcloud iam access-group-user-add <access_group_name> <user_email>.
    IBM Cloud service
    CLI option: --service-name
    Enter satellite to scope the access policy to IBM Cloud Satellite.
    Resource group
    CLI option: --resource-group-name
    You can grant a policy for a resource group. If you do not specify a resource group, the policy applies to all service instances for all resource groups. To list available resource groups, run ibmcloud resource groups.
    Satellite resource
    CLI option: --resource-type
    You can limit the policy to a type of resource within IBM Cloud Satellite, such as all Satellite locations or Satellite configurations. To review resource types, see Understanding Satellite resource types for access. Possible values include location, link, configuration, cluster, clustergroup, and subscription. If you scope an access policy to the location resource type, the users must target the regional endpoint to interact with the location. For more information, see the troubleshooting topic.
    Resource instance
    CLI option: --resource
    If you scope the policy to a resource type, you can further limit the policy to a particular instance of the resource. To list available instances, run the CLI commands for that resource type, such as ibmcloud sat location ls. To grant permissions to create a location, do not include the --resource option, which limits access to only a particular location. Note that you cannot scope a policy to individual configuration or subscription resources. Instead, control access to your Satellite Config resources at the clustergroup level.
    CLI option: --role

    Choose the platform or service access that you want to assign.

    • Platform: Grants access to Satellite platform resources so that users can manage infrastructure resources such as locations, hosts, or link endpoints. For more information, see Platform access roles. Possible values are Administrator, Operator, Editor, or Viewer.
    • Service: Grants access to services that run within Satellite resources so that users can work with Satellite Config subscriptions and Kubernetes resources. For more information, see Service access roles. Possible values are Manager, Writer, or Reader.
  3. Verify that the user or access group has the assigned role.

    • For individual users

      ibmcloud iam user-policies <>
    • For access groups

      ibmcloud iam access-group-policies <access_group>

Checking user permissions

Before you complete a task, you might want to check that you have the appropriate permissions in IBM Cloud® Identity and Access Management (IAM).

Checking IAM platform and service access roles from the UI

  1. Log in to the IBM Cloud IAM console.
  2. From the navigation menu, click the Users tab.
  3. In the table, click the user with the tag self for yourself or the user that you want to check.
  4. Click the Access policies tab.
  5. Review the Resource attributes column for a short description of the access. Click the number tag to view all the allowed actions for the role.
  6. To review what the roles and allowed actions permit, see Platform access roles and Service access roles.
  7. To change or assign new access policies, see Assigning Satellite access.

Checking IAM platform and service access roles from the CLI

  1. Log in to your IBM Cloud account. If you have a federated ID, include the --sso option.
    ibmcloud login -r [--sso]
  2. Find the User ID of the user whose permissions you want to check.
    ibmcloud account users
  3. Check the IAM access policies of the user.
    ibmcloud iam user-policies <user_id>
  4. To review what the roles and allowed actions permit, see Platform access roles and Service access roles.
  5. To change or assign new access policies, see Assigning Satellite access.