IBM Cloud Docs


IBM Cloud® Functions is deprecated. Existing Functions entities such as actions, triggers, or sequences will continue to run, but as of 28 December 2023, you can’t create new Functions entities. Existing Functions entities are supported until October 2024. Any Functions entities that still exist on that date will be deleted. For more information, see Deprecation overview.

Your apps can be coded and executed in programming languages such as JavaScript or Python. Many runtimes are available by default with IBM Cloud® Functions.

Available images and runtimes

These runtimes (kinds) are available:

Table 1. Supported runtimes
Language Kind identifier
Node.js nodejs:20 (default)
Python python:3.11 (default)
PHP php:8.1 (default)
Go go:1.21 (default)
Java java (JDK 8) (default)

Other languages are supported by using Docker actions.

Runtimes are updated regularly. These updates include security fixes and minor version updates (bug fixes) to the runtime packages. Minor version updates might introduce breaks in compatibility with earlier versions. Runtime updates might impact your actions.

A runtime might also be deprecated, which means that certain runtime components are no longer supported. A deprecated runtime is still available for a certain time after deprecation and your actions continue to be executed as normal. However, you cannot create or update an action with a deprecated runtime from the console. The console marks actions that use a deprecated runtime. Note that you can create and update actions with a deprecated runtime from the CLI, however, it is highly recommended not to use deprecated runtimes.

After a runtime is deprecated, it becomes disabled. The timeframe between deprecated and disabled is not fixed and can vary from a few months to a few years. After a runtime is disabled, actions that use this runtime fail with the error 400, bad request. An action that uses a disabled runtime can still be read and deleted.

Migrate actions that are running on a deprecated or disabled runtime to a different runtime version by updating it. To update the runtime, see changing action runtime.

These runtimes (kinds) are deprecated:

  • go:1.19 (deprecated)
  • nodejs:12 (deprecated)
  • nodejs:16 (deprecated)
  • python:3.7 (deprecated)
  • python:3.9 (deprecated)

These runtimes (kinds) are disabled:

  • ballerina:0.990 (disabled)
  • dotnet:2.2 (disabled)
  • go:1.11 (disabled)
  • go:1.15 (disabled)
  • go:1.17 (disabled)
  • nodejs (disabled)
  • nodejs:6 (disabled)
  • nodejs:8 (disabled)
  • nodejs:10 (disabled)
  • php:7.1 (disabled)
  • php:7.2 (disabled)
  • php:7.3 (disabled)
  • php:7.4 (disabled)
  • python (disabled)
  • python:2 (disabled)
  • python:3.6 (disabled)
  • ruby:2.5 (disabled)
  • ruby:2.6 (disabled)
  • swift (disabled)
  • swift:3 (disabled)
  • swift:3.1.1 (disabled)
  • swift:4.1 (disabled)
  • swift:4.2 (disabled)

For more information about supported and disabled runtimes, see Available images and runtimes per region.

JavaScript runtimes

By default, all Node.js actions are executed in a version 20 environment.

Node.js version 16 is deprecated and is planned to be removed soon. To continue running your actions, you must update any Node.js version 12 actions to a higher runtime version. For more information, see the Node.js release schedule.

Node.js version 12 is deprecated and is planned to be removed soon. To continue running your actions, you must update any Node.js version 12 actions to a higher runtime version. For more information, see the Node.js release schedule.

Table 1. Node.js versions
Kind Node.js version Description Change log
nodejs:20 20.x By default, all Node.js actions are executed in a version 20 environment.
nodejs:16 16.x Deprecated
nodejs:12 12.x Deprecated
nodejs:10 10.x Disabled
nodejs:8 8.x Disabled

Migrating from Node.js 16 to Node.js 20

Table 2. Migrating details from Node.js 16 to Node.js 20
Package Details
cloudant The @ibm-cloud/cloudant SDK package in the nodejs:20 runtime has been upgraded from to 0.5.5 and includes interface changes. For more information about the @ibm-cloud/cloudant SDK look at the IBM Cloudant Docs.
request-promise The request-promise package has been removed as it is deprecated. If you still require this module, consider packaging request-promise with your action as described in Packaging JavaScript code as NPM files.
mongodb The mongodb package in the nodejs:20 runtime is at version v5.x.
Major version changes can introduce incompatibilities, which might cause your action to fail. If your action uses an earlier version of this package, consider migrating to the current version. For more information about migrating to the current version of mongodb, see the Upgrade Driver Versions for MongoDB.
If you can't migrate, consider packaging the older version of mongodb package with your action as described in Packaging JavaScript code as NPM files.
elasticsearch The elasticsearch SDK package in the nodejs:16 runtime is deprecated and has been replaced with @elastic/elasticsearch in nodejs:20. This is a major change and will cause incompatibilities, which might cause your action to fail. If your action uses elasticsearch consider migrating to @elastic/elasticsearch. For more information about migrating to @elastic/elasticsearch, see Migrating to @elastic/elasticsearch.
If you can't migrate, consider packaging @elastic/elasticsearch with your action as described in Packaging JavaScript code as NPM files. For more information about the @elastic/elasticsearch SDK look at the Official Homepage.

For more information about migrating to Node.js:20, see (Details on GitHub).

Migrating from Node.js 12 to Node.js 16

Table 2. Migrating details from Node.js 12 to Node.js 16
Package Details
cloudant The @cloudant/cloudant SDK package in the nodejs:12 runtime is deprecated and has been replaced with @ibm-cloud/cloudant in nodejs:16. This is a major change and will cause incompatibilities, which might cause your action to fail. If your action uses @cloudant/cloudant consider migrating to @ibm-cloud/cloudant. For more information about migrating to ibm-watson v6.x, see Migrating to the cloudant-node-sdk.
If you can't migrate, consider packaging @cloudant/cloudant with your action as described in Packaging JavaScript code as NPM files. For more information about the @ibm-cloud/cloudant SDK look at the IBM Cloudant Docs.
redis The redis package in the nodejs:16 runtime is at version v4.x.
Major version changes can introduce incompatibilities, which might cause your action to fail. If your action uses an earlier version of this package, consider migrating to the current version. For more information about migrating to redis v4, see v3 to v4 Migration Guide.
If you can't migrate, consider packaging the older version of redis package with your action as described in Packaging JavaScript code as NPM files.
uuid The uuid package in the nodejs:16 runtime is at version v8.x.
Major version changes can introduce incompatibilities, which might cause your action to fail. If your action uses an earlier version of this package, consider migrating to the current version. For more information about migrating to the current version pf uuid, see Upgrading From uuid@3.x.
If you can't migrate, consider packaging the older version of redis package with your action as described in Packaging JavaScript code as NPM files.

For more information about migrating to Node.js:12, see (Details on GitHub).

Migrating from Node.js 10 to Node.js 12

Table 2. Migrating details from Node.js 10 to Node.js 12
Package Details
ibm-watson The current ibm-watson SDK package in the nodejs:12 runtime is at version v6.x.
Major version changes can introduce incompatibilities, which might cause your action to fail. If your action uses an earlier version of this package, consider migrating to the current version.
If you can't migrate, consider packaging the older version of ibm-watson package with your action as described in Packaging JavaScript code as NPM files.
ibmiotf The ibmiotf package is renamed to @wiotp/sdk. For more information, see IBM Watson IoT Platform JavaScript SDK.
request The request package is deprecated and therefore not available in this runtime. You can consider axios, bent, got, or needle as an alternative.

For more information about migrating to Node.js:12, see (Details on GitHub).

Migrating from Node.js 8 to Node.js 10

Table 3. Details for migrating from Node.js 8 to Node.js 10
Package Details
cloudant The cloudant NPM package is not available in nodejs:10. The package is deprecated. You need to use the official NPM package @cloudant/cloudant v3.0.0 when you import the Node.js module (that is, require('@cloudant/cloudant')) also v3.x only returns Promises.
cradle The cradle NPM package is not available in nodejs:10.
watson-developer-cloud The watson-developer-cloud NPM package available in nodejs:10 is version 4.x. This version includes support for Promises. A list of the changes that are made is documented. Note that this package is deprecated and is no longer supported. This package does not receive updates and is planned to be removed in the future. Move your action to the ibm-watson package.
ibm-watson The ibm-watson package available in nodejs:10 is version 4.x. This package is the successor of the watson-developer-cloud package. Upgrade your action code to use this new package, since the former does not receive updates. This package includes support for promises.
ibmiotf The package ibmiotf has been renamed by the maintainers to @wiotp/sdk. Make sure to update your action code to the new package. See @wiotp/sdk for all changes. The package ibmiotf does not receive further updates and is planned to be removed from this runtime in the future.

For more information about migrating to Node.js:10, see (Details on GitHub).

Node.js packages

For information about Node.js 20 packages, see (Details on GitHub).

For information about Node.js 16 packages, see (Details on GitHub).

Table 1. Node.js 12 packages.
Node.js 12 packages Description
@cloudant/cloudant This library is the official Cloudant library for Node.js.
@ibm-functions/iam-token-manager This package is an IAM access token manager library for Node.js.
@sendgrid/mail Provides email support via the SendGrid API.
@wiotp/sdk IBM Watson IoT Platform JavaScript SDK.
amqplib A library for making AMQP 0-9-1 clients for Node.js.
apn A Node.js module for interfacing with the Apple Push Notification service.
async Provides functions for working with asynchronous functions.
axios Promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js.
bent Functional HTTP client for Node.js with async/await.
bodyparser Parse incoming request bodies in a middleware before your handlers, available under the req.body property.
btoa A port of the browser's btoa function.
bufferutil bufferutil is what makes ws fast.
canvas A Cairo-backed Canvas implementation for Node.js.
cassandra-driver DataStax Node.js Driver for Apache Cassandra.
commander The complete solution for Node.js command-line interfaces.
composeaddresstranslator Address translator from Compose UI or API for Scylla databases.
consul A client for Consul, involving service discovery and configuration.
cookie-parser Parse Cookie header and populate req.cookies with an object keyed by the cookie names.
core-js Modular standard library for JavaScript.
elasticsearch The official low-level Elasticsearch client for Node.js.
errorhandler Development-only error handler middleware.
etcd3 A high-quality, production-ready client for the Protocol Buffer-based etcdv3 API.
express A fast, minimalist web framework for node.
express-session A server-side session data storing module.
formidable A Node.js module for parsing form data, especially file uploads.
glob Match files by using the patterns that the shell uses, like stars and stuff.
gm GraphicsMagick and ImageMagick for Node.
got Human-friendly and powerful HTTP request library for Node.js.
ibm-cos-sdk IBM Cloud® Object Storage SDK for Node.js.
ibm_db An asynchronous/synchronous interface for Node.js to IBM DB2 and IBM Informix.
ibm-watson A Node.js client library to use the Watson APIs.
iconv-lite Pure JS character encoding conversion.
jest Delightful JavaScript Testing.
jsdom jsdom is a pure-JavaScript implementation of many web standards, notably the WHATWG DOM and HTML Standards.
jsforce Salesforce API Library for JavaScript applications.
jsonwebtoken An implementation of JSON Web Tokens.
lodash The Lodash library that is exported as Node.js modules.
log4js This package is a conversion of the log4js framework to work with node.
marked A full-featured markdown parser and compiler, which is written in JavaScript. Built for speed.
merge Merge multiple objects into one, optionally creating a new cloned object.
moment A lightweight JavaScript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates.
mongodb The official MongoDB driver for Node.js.
mustache mustache.js is an implementation of the mustache template system in JavaScript.
mysql This package is a Node.js driver for mysql.
nano Minimalistic couchdb driver for Node.js.
needle The leanest and most handsome HTTP client in the Nodelands.
nodemailer Send emails from Node.js – easy as cake!
oauth2-server Complete, compliant, and well-tested module for implementing an OAuth2 Server/Provider with express in Node.js.
openwhisk JavaScript client library for the OpenWhisk platform. Provides a wrapper around the OpenWhisk APIs.
path-to-regex Turn a path string such as /user/:name into a regular expression, which can then be used to match against URL paths.
pg Non-blocking PostgreSQL client for Node.js. Pure JavaScript and optional native libpq bindings.
process require('process');, just like any other module.
pug Implements the Pug templating language.
redis This package is a complete and feature rich Redis client for Node.js.
request-promise The simplified HTTP request client 'request' with Promise support. Powered by Bluebird.
rimraf The UNIX command rm -rf for node.
semver Semantic Versioning for Node.js.
serialize-error Serialize an error into a plain object.
serve-favicon Node.js middleware for serving a favicon. enables real-time bidirectional event-based communication. Realtime application framework for
superagent SuperAgent is a small progressive client-side HTTP request library, and Node.js module with the same API, sporting many high-level HTTP client features.
swagger-tools Package that provides various tools for integrating and interacting with Swagger.
tmp A simple temporary file and directory creator for Node.js.
ts-jest A TypeScript preprocessor with source map support for Jest that enables you use Jest to test projects written in TypeScript.
twilio A wrapper for the Twilio API, related to voice, video, and messaging.
underscore Underscore.js is a utility-belt library for JavaScript that supports the usual functional suspects (each, map, reduce, filter, and so on) without extending any core JavaScript objects.
url-pattern Parse URLs for path parameters more easily than from using a regex string matcher.
utf-8-validate Check whether a buffer contains valid UTF-8 encoded text.
uuid Simple, fast generation of RFC4122 UUIDS.
validator A library of string validators and sanitizers.
vcap_services Parse and return service credentials from VCAP_SERVICES environment variable that IBM Cloud provides.
when when.js is a rock solid, battle-tested, and Promises/A+, and when() implementation, including a complete ES6 Promise shim.
winston A multi-transport async logging library for Node.js. "CHILL WINSTON! ... I put it in the logs."
ws ws is a simple to use, blazing fast, and thoroughly tested WebSocket client and server implementation.
xlsx Parser and writer for various spreadsheet formats.
xml2js Simple XML to JavaScript object converter. It supports bidirectional conversion.
xmlhttprequest node-XMLHttpRequest is a wrapper for the built-in HTTP client to emulate the browser XMLHttpRequest object.
yauzl Yet another extract library for node. For zipping.
yazl Yet another extract library for node. For zipping.

For more information about Node.js 12 packages, see (Details on GitHub).

Python runtimes

By default, all Python actions are executed in a Python version 3.11 environment.

Table 4. Python versions
Kind Python version Description Change log
python:3.11 3.11.x By default, all Python actions are executed in a Python version 3.11.x environment (Debian Buster based) unless you specify the --kind flag when you create or update an action. To explicitly use this runtime, specify the CLI parameter --kind python:3.11 when you create or update an action. The runtime contains SDK packages for IBM Cloud services available for use by Python actions, in addition to the Python 3.11 standard libraries.
python:3.9 3.9.x Python actions are executed in a Python version 3.11.x environment (Debian Buster based) unless you specify the --kind flag when you create or update an action. To explicitly use this runtime, specify the CLI parameter --kind python:3.9 when you create or update an action. The runtime contains SDK packages for IBM Cloud services available for use by Python actions, in addition to the Python 3.9 standard libraries.
python:3.7 3.7.x Python actions are executed in a Python version 3.11.x environment (Debian Stretch based) unless you specify the --kind flag when you create or update an action. To explicitly use this runtime, specify the CLI parameter --kind python:3.7 when you create or update an action. The runtime contains SDK packages for IBM Cloud services available for use by Python actions, in addition to the Python 3.7 standard libraries.
3.6 Python 3.6 reached end of support on 2021/12/23.
See end of life Python Releases.
2.7 Python 2.7 reached end of support on 2020/01/01.
See the Active Python Releases.

Migrating from Python 3.7 to Python 3.9, Python 3.11

Table 2. Migrating details from Python 3.7 to Python 3.9
Package Details
ibmcloudant The cloudant sdk has moved to the new ibmcloudant sdk. It includes a number of breaking changes. See migration guide for more information.
ibm-watson The watson-developer-cloud sdk has renamed to the new ibm-watson sdk and includes breaking changes. See pypi ibm-watson and github ibm-watson for more information.

For more information about migrating to python:3.9, see (Details on GitHub).

Python packages

Ensure that your action uses only the packages that are mentioned in the following table. \n While other Python packages might be part of the runtime, they are included only as indirect dependencies of the other listed packages. These unlisted packages are candidates to be removed as soon as they are not required by the referring package.

Table 1. Python 3.11 packages
Python 3.11 packages
Table 2. Python 3.9 packages
Python 3.9 packages
Table 3. Python 3.7 packages
Python 3.7 packages
Table 4. Python 3.6 packages
Python 3.6 packages

For more information about Python 3.11 packages, see (Details on GitHub).

For more information about Python 3.9 packages, see (Details on GitHub).

For more information about Python 3.7 packages, see (Details on GitHub).

For more information about Python 3.6 packages, see (Details on GitHub).

PHP runtime

By default, all PHP actions are executed in a version 8.1 environment.

For more information about the php:8.1 runtime, see (Details on GitHub).

The following PHP extensions are available in addition to the standard ones.

  • bcmath
  • curl
  • gd
  • intl
  • mbstring
  • mongodb
  • mysqli
  • pdo_mysql
  • pdo_pgsql
  • pdo_sqlite
  • soap
  • zip

Ensure that your action uses only the modules that are mentioned in the following table. \n While other PHP modules might be part of the runtime, they are included only as indirect dependencies of the other listed modules. These unlisted modules are candidates to be removed as soon as they are not required by the referring modules.

Docker runtime

Docker actions run a user-supplied executable in a Docker container. You can include any compilation steps or dependencies by modifying your Dockerfile. You can specify a Docker image to use with your action code by specifying the --docker flag when you run the action create command. When you create an action that uses a Docker image, your app runs in the public Docker image that you specify during action creation.

Cloud Functions provides base images on Docker hub. You can use these images as-is when you create actions, or you can use them as a base image when you write your Dockerfile. You can see a list of the available runtimes images in the Available images and runtimes section.

Cloud Functions actions can be created by using public images on from Docker Hub.

Docker skeleton

You can use the openwhisk/dockerskeleton image to deploy your action. You can use the --native argument as shorthand for --docker openwhisk/dockerskeleton. By using this argument, you can create and deploy an executable that runs inside the standard Docker action SDK.

For more information, see Creating actions from binaries.

More runtime support


By default, all Go actions are executed in a version 1.19 environment. Go Version 1.11, 1.15 and 1.17 are deprecated. When migrating from Go:1.11 to Go:1.17 and higher:

  • Go:1.17 uses Go Modules.
  • File containing the entry function (e.g main.go Main) needs be placed in root, no "main" directory is supported.

For more information about the go runtimes, see (Details on GitHub).

For more information about writing go actions, see Preparing Go apps.


By default, all Java actions are executed in a version 8 environment.

For more information about the java:8 runtime, see (Details on GitHub).

.NET Core (deprecated)

The .NET core runtime is deprecated. There is no replacement. Instead, you must migrate to a different runtime.

Available images and runtimes per region

To view the available runtimes for IBM Cloud Functions in each region. The following links return a JSON response. The runtimes section of the response contains the set of available runtimes. The image section contains the name of the runtime image on Docker Hub and the tag that is used.

The following examples point to the images ibmfunctions/action-nodejs-v12 and openwhisk/java8action on The tags can be version numbers such as 1.1.1 or the short form of a Git commit hash, like a231007.

Example image fields.

image:   "ibmfunctions/action-nodejs-v12:1.1.1"
image:   "openwhisk/java8action:a231007"

This JSON response shows the supported and the disabled runtimes. Disabled runtimes are marked with deprecated=true. Deprecated runtimes are not shown in this response. The deprecated flag that is returned in the response does not correspond to the deprecated runtimes as mentioned in Available images and runtimes.

Deprecated runtimes are not marked as such in this response until the runtime is finally disabled. Deprecated runtimes are only marked as such in the console and in this documentation (Available images and runtimes).

When you troubleshoot a failing action (400, bad request) to identify whether a disabled runtime is used, check for deprecated=true in the query response. Actions that use a disabled runtime can be only read or deleted. You cannot run such an action.

To update the runtime of this action to a supported one, see changing action runtime.