IBM Cloud Docs
Creating actions

Creating actions

IBM Cloud® Functions is deprecated. Existing Functions entities such as actions, triggers, or sequences will continue to run, but as of 28 December 2023, you can’t create new Functions entities. Existing Functions entities are supported until October 2024. Any Functions entities that still exist on that date will be deleted. For more information, see Deprecation overview.

Create an IBM Cloud® Functions action, which is a top-level function that returns a JSON object. You can combine actions into a package to simplify the management of your actions.

Before you begin

To create an action, your source code must meet certain requirements. For example, if you want to create an action from code that is contained in multiple files, package your code as a single .zip file before you create the action.

See Preparing apps for actions for details about the requirements for packaging code for each runtime.

Creating actions from the CLI

  1. Create an action by running the ibmcloud fn action create command.

    ibmcloud fn action create <action_name> <file> --kind <runtime>


    ibmcloud fn action create hello hello.js --kind nodejs:10

    Example output

    ok: created action hello
  2. Verify that the action is in your actions list.

    ibmcloud fn action list

    Example output

    hello       private


  • To save on cost, you can set limits.

    • To set a limit for memory usage, include --memory <value> with your create command, where the value is in megabytes.
    • To set a timeout, include --timeout <value> with your create command, where the value is in milliseconds.
  • If you packaged your code as a Docker image, include --docker <docker_hub_username>/<docker_hub_image>:<tag> with your create command instead of the local path to your app and the --kind flag. Manage your images well by not using the latest tag whenever possible. When the latest tag is used, the image with that tag is used, which might not always be the most recently created image.

    ibmcloud fn action create hello --docker <docker_hub_username>/<docker_hub_image>:<tag>

Combining app files and Docker images to create actions

You can combine your app files with Docker images to create actions. For more information, see Preparing apps for actions.

Run the following command.

ibmcloud fn action create hello --docker <docker_hub_username>/<docker_hub_image>:<tag> <app_file>

Creating actions from the console

  1. From the IBM Cloud Functions Create External link icon page, click Create Action.

    1. Specify a name for your action. Action names must be unique within namespaces.
    2. Specify a package for your action. Packages group actions and feeds together. You can select an existing package or create a new one.
    3. Specify a runtime for your action. Java, .Net, and Docker actions can be created from the CLI only. You can change the runtime for your action after you create it.
    4. Click Create.
  2. Paste in your code. Note that code field toggles between Edit and View modes. You can test your code by clicking Invoke.

From the Actions page, you can add parameters, change the runtime, create endpoints, and more.

Creating actions from binaries

You can create and deploy an executable that runs inside the standard Docker action SDK as an action. By creating this type of action, you can develop by using Rust or even C and C++, so that you can use the right language for the task at hand while you build complex serverless applications. These types of actions can also be created as web actions.

The executable must conform to the following conventions:

  • The program can accept only a single command-line argument as input. The argument is a JSON object that is encoded as a string. The object represents the input argument to the function.

  • The program must return a JSON object as a JSON formatted string, sent to stdout as the final log line before the program completes.

  • The program can also log to stdout and stderr.

  • The program must be called exec and should be self-contained or all dependencies must be packaged with it.

To create your action from an executable, use the --native argument as shorthand for --docker openwhisk/dockerskeleton when running the create action command.

  1. When you create a Docker image, an executable is created inside the container at /action/exec. Copy the /action/exec file to your local file system.
  2. Create a Docker action that receives the executable as initialization data. Compress your app file and deploy it. The --native argument replaces the --docker openwhisk/dockerskeleton argument in the action create command.


ibmcloud fn action create <action_name> --native

For more information about creating actions with Docker images, see Preparing apps in Docker images.

Updating code or runtimes in actions

You can update the code in your app or to migrate to a newer version of a runtime. For example, because Node.js version 8 is in maintenance mode, you might want to switch the runtime to Node.js 10. You can update your actions from the CLI or from the console.

When you migrate to a new runtime version, you might need to change the code in your app to comply with the new runtime version. Usually, the runtime versions are compatible.

When an action is using a disabled runtime, the action can be only read or deleted; no update is possible. In this case, you can view the original action code from the console, copy it, and create a new action with the copied code.

From the CLI, you can get the action code by using the ibmcloud fn action get <action name> --save command and use the saved action file for action create by using the new runtime.

Updating actions from the CLI

You can update your actions from the CLI with the ibmcloud fn action update command.

  1. Update your app locally.

  2. If you packaged your app as a Docker image, upload the latest image to Docker Hub. This upload allows the system to pull your new Docker image the next time it runs the code for your action. If you have a running container that uses a previous version of your Docker image, any new invocations continue to use that image. You must run the update command so that new invocations begin running on the new image.

  3. Update an action and include the local path to your app or the Docker image.

    ibmcloud fn action update <action_name> <app_file> --kind <runtime>


    ibmcloud fn action update hello hello.js --kind nodejs:10

    Example output

    ok: updated action hello

    If you packaged your code as a Docker image, include --docker <docker_hub_username>/<docker_hub_image>:<tag> with your create command instead of the path to the local app and the --kind flag. Manage your images well by not using the latest tag whenever possible. When the latest tag is used, the image with that tag is used, which might not always be the most recently created image.

    ibmcloud fn action update hello --docker <docker_hub_username>/<docker_hub_image>:<tag>

Updating actions from the console

You can update your actions directly from the Actions page.

  1. From the IBM Cloud Functions Actions External link icon page, search for the action that you want to change.

  2. From the overflow menu for that action, select Manage Action.

  3. Edit your code by toggling between Edit and View modes. You can test your code by clicking Invoke.

  4. Change your runtime by selecting Runtime from the navigation menu and selecting your new runtime.

  5. When you are finished making changes, save your action.

Binding parameters to actions

You can bind parameters to actions to set default parameters. Bound parameters serve as the default parameters for actions unless parameters are supplied at invocation.

Before you begin, create the action.

To bind the parameters:

  1. Update an action and bind the default parameters to it.

    ibmcloud fn action update <action_name> --param <parameter_name> <parameter_value>


    ibmcloud fn action update MyApp --param name World

    Example output

    ok: updated action MyApp

    If you modify your non-service credential parameters, running an action update command with new parameters removes any parameters that currently exist but are not specified in the action update command. For example, if you run action update -p key1 new-value -p key2 new-value but omit any other parameters that were set, those parameters no longer exist after the action is updated. Any services that were bound to the action are also removed. If you bound a service, you must bind the services to your action again.

  2. Verify that the parameters were bound to the action.

    ibmcloud fn action get MyApp parameters

    Example output

    ok: got action MyApp, displaying field parameters
            "key": "name",
            "value": "World"

Optional: To clear the parameters that were previously bound, update the action without including any parameters.

ibmcloud fn action update <action_name> <app_file>

Packaging actions

In Cloud Functions, you can use packages to bundle together a set of related actions and feeds, and share them with others. Packages also allow parameters to be shared across all entities in the package.

A package can include actions and feeds.

  • An action is a piece of code that runs on Cloud Functions. For example, the IBM Cloudant package includes actions to read and write records to an IBM Cloudant database.
  • A feed is used to configure an external event source to fire trigger events. For example, the Alarm package includes a feed that can fire a trigger at a specified frequency.
  1. Create a package.

    ibmcloud fn package create <package_name>
  2. Get a summary of the package. Notice that the package is empty.

    ibmcloud fn package get --summary <package_name>

    Example output

    package /<namespace>/<package_name>
  3. Create an action and include it in the package. Creating an action in a package requires that you prefix the action name with a package name. Package nesting is not allowed. A package can contain only actions and can't contain another package.

    ibmcloud fn action create <package_name>/<action_name> <app_file>
  4. Get a summary of the package.

    ibmcloud fn package get --summary <package_name>

    Example output

    package /<namespace>/<package_name>
    action /<namespace>/<package_name>/<action_name>

Binding parameters to packages

You can set default parameters for all the entities in a package by setting package-level parameters that are inherited by all actions in the package.

Bound parameters serve as the default parameters for actions in the package unless:

  • The action itself has a default parameter.
  • The action has a parameter that is supplied at invocation time.

Before you begin, create a package that includes at least one action.

  1. Update a package and bind the default parameter to it.

    ibmcloud fn package update <package_name> --param <parameter_name> <parameter_value>


    ibmcloud fn package update MyApp --param name World

    Example output

    ok: updated package MyApp

    If you modify your non-service credential parameters, running an package update command with new parameters removes any parameters that currently exist, but are not specified in the package update command. For example, if you run package update -p key1 new-value -p key2 new-value but omit any other parameters that were set, those parameters no longer exist after the package is updated. Any services that were bound to the package are also removed, so after you update other parameters you must bind services to your package again.

  2. Verify that the parameters were bound to the package.

    ibmcloud fn package get MyApp parameters

    Example output

    ok: got package MyApp, displaying field parameters
            "key": "name",
            "value": "World"
  3. Verify that the parameters were inherited by the package.

    ibmcloud fn package get MyApp/MyAction parameters

    Example output

    ok: got package MyApp/MyAction, displaying field parameters
            "key": "name",
            "value": "World"

Sharing packages of actions

After the actions and feeds that comprise a package are debugged and tested, the package can be shared with all Cloud Functions users. Sharing the package makes it possible for the users to bind the package, invoke actions in the package, and author Cloud Functions rules and sequence actions. Actions and feeds within a shared package are public. If the package is private, then all its contents are also private.

  1. Run the ibmcloud fn package update command to share the package with all users.

    ibmcloud fn package update <package_name> --shared yes
  2. Use the ibmcloud fn package get command to display the publish property of the package to verify that it is now true.

    ibmcloud fn package get <package_name> publish

    Example output

    ok: got package demo, displaying field publish
  3. Get a description of the package to provide others with the fully qualified name of the package so that they can bind it or invoke actions in it. The fully qualified name includes the namespace.

    ibmcloud fn package get --summary <package_name>

    Example output

    package /<namespace>/<package_name>
    action /<namespace>/<package_name>/<action_name>

Environment variables for actions

The action environment contains several environment variables that are specific to the running action. The properties are accessible in the system environment for all supported runtimes. These properties allow actions to programmatically work with assets through the REST API or set an internal alarm when the action is about to use up its allotted time budget.

Environment variables for actions.
Property Description
__OW_ACTION_NAME The fully qualified name of the running action.
__OW_ACTIVATION_ID The activation ID for this running action instance.
__OW_API_HOST The API host for the deployment that is running this action.
__OW_API_KEY The API key for the subject that is invoking the action. This variable is only provided for classic CF-based namespaces.
__OW_DEADLINE The approximate time, in epoch milliseconds, when this action consumes its entire duration quota.
__OW_IAM_API_URL The service endpoint used for IAM operations, such as getting a token from API key. This variable is only available for IAM-enabled namespaces.
__OW_IAM_NAMESPACE_API_KEY The API key for IAM-enabled namespaces. See Setting access policies for usage.
__OW_NAMESPACE The namespace ID (GUID). For classic CF-based namespaces, this ID is constructed from org and space names.
__OW_NAMESPACE_CRN The namespace cloud resource name CRN. The CRN is only available for IAM-enabled namespaces.
__OW_TRANSACTION_ID The transaction ID for the running action instance. If the action is running as part of a sequence, then the transaction ID is the same for the sequence and all its actions. If this ID is used as part of a user log line, then the logs can be filtered for a specific transaction.

Incorporating action environment variables in your app

To view the values for an action, include the display of them in your app code and output them in the results.

Example for Python

def main(dict):
    import os
    __OW_ACTION_NAME = os.environ.get('__OW_ACTION_NAME')
    result = {'__OW_ACTION_NAME':__OW_ACTION_NAME}
    return result

After you updated and activated the code in an action, the result includes the fully qualified name for the action.

"response": {
        "status": "success",
        "statusCode": 0,
        "success": true,
        "result": {
                "__OW_ACTION_NAME": "/<namespace>/<package_name>/<action_name>"

Versioning your actions

Versioning your actions allows you to track any code modifications that you might make to your actions and to switch between different versions of the code.

Version control systems

If you need to fully track and manage changes of your code, typically on larger software projects, use a version control system such as GIT. Version control software tracks code modifications, and if needed, allows you to switch back to previous versions of the code.

Cloud Functions can access only the most recently used version that was provided when you created or updated an action and stores only the latest version of action code.

Naming conventions

If you do not have a version control system, you can create a naming scheme for your actions to track multiple versions of an action. For example, consider appending a three-part semantic versioning number to the action name, such as myAction_1.0.1.

To use these different actions versions in triggers, assign the appropriate version of an action to the trigger by using the ibmcloud fn rule create or the ibmcloud fn rule update CLI commands.


ibmcloud fn rule update myRule myTrigger myAction_1.0.1