IBM Cloud Docs
Why is my cluster missing the public subdomain?

Why is my cluster missing the public subdomain?

Virtual Private Cloud Classic infrastructure

When you expose an app through a Ingress controller subdomain, you get a local subdomain instead of a public route, in the format: <service_name>-<project_name>.router.default.svc.cluster.local.

When you try to open the Red Hat OpenShift web console or another app route in your browser, you might see an error similar to the following.

Application is not available
The application is currently not serving requests on this endpoint.

After the cluster is created and enters a normal state, the Ingress controller subdomain networking and load balancing components still take some time to deploy.

If you expose your app before the networking components fully provision, or if the components experience an error, your apps can only be exposed internally with the default Ingress controller's svc.cluster.local domain.

When the components fully provision, a public Ingress controller subdomain is available for your apps, in the format <cluster-name>-<accountID-hashed>-<ssll>.<region>

  1. After you create a cluster, wait some time before you expose your apps, even after the cluster enters a normal state.

  2. Check the Master Status. If the Master Status is not Ready, review its status and follow any troubleshooting information to resolve the issue.

    ibmcloud oc cluster get -c <cluster_name_or_ID>
  3. Check that your cluster has public connectivity so that the networking components can talk to the master as they deploy.

    • VPC clusters with public and private cloud service endpoints enabled: Ensure that a public gateway is enabled on each subnet that your cluster is attached to. Public gateway are required for default components such as the web console and OperatorHub to use a secure, public connection to complete actions such as pulling images from remote, private registries. Note that if only the private service endpoint is enabled for your cluster, no public gateway is required because the private cloud service endpoint is used by default to access OpenShift components such as the OpenShift web console or OperatorHub.
    • Classic clusters:
      • In the output of Step 2, check that your cluster has a Public Service Endpoint URL. If your cluster does not have a public cloud service endpoint, enable it.
      • Check that at least some worker nodes in your cluster have a Public IP address. If no worker node does, you must set up public VLANs for at least one worker pool.
        ibmcloud oc workers -c <cluster_name_or_ID>
  4. In the output of Step 2, check that the Ingress Subdomain is available. The Ingress components in your cluster must provision before the Ingress controller components can be created. If the Ingress Subdomain and Ingress Secret are not available, see Why does no Ingress subdomain exist after cluster creation?.

  5. Check that the Hostname of the Ingress controller subdomain is in the format: <cluster-name>-<accountID-hashed>-<ssll>.<region>

    ibmcloud oc nlb-dns ls -c <cluster_name_or_ID>
    • If the Ingress controller subdomain is not updated after two hours of creating the cluster, review the Master Status of the cluster again, and follow any troubleshooting steps to resolve the issue.

If the troubleshooting steps don't resolve the issue, see Getting help.