IBM Cloud Docs
Why does no Ingress subdomain exist after cluster creation?

Why does no Ingress subdomain exist after cluster creation?

Virtual Private Cloud Classic infrastructure

You create a cluster and run ibmcloud oc cluster get --cluster <cluster> to check its status. The cluster State is normal, but the Ingress Subdomain and Ingress Secret are not available.

Even if the cluster is in a normal state, the Ingress subdomain and secret might still be in progress. The Ingress subdomain and secret creation might take more than 15 minutes to complete:

Classic clusters:

  1. When worker nodes are fully deployed and ready on the VLANs, a portable public and a portable private subnet for the VLANs are ordered.
  2. After the portable subnet orders are successfully fulfilled, the ibm-cloud-provider-vlan-ip-config config map is updated with the portable public and portable private IP addresses.
  3. When the ibm-cloud-provider-vlan-ip-config config map is updated, the Ingress controller is triggered for creation.
  4. A load balancer service that exposes the Ingress controller is created and assigned an IP address.
  5. The load balancer IP address is used to register the Ingress subdomain in Akamai. Akamai might have latency during the registration process.

VPC clusters:

  1. When you create a VPC cluster, one public and one private VPC load balancer are automatically created outside of your cluster in your VPC.
  2. One public Ingress controller per zone is triggered for creation.
  3. A load balancer service that exposes the Ingress controller is created and assigned a hostname.
  4. The load balancer hostname is used to register the Ingress subdomain in Akamai. Akamai might have latency during the registration process.

Creating a cluster after deleting a cluster the same or similar name? See No Ingress subdomain exists after you create clusters of the same or similar name instead.

Typically, after the cluster is ready, the Ingress subdomain and secret are created after 15 minutes. If the Ingress subdomain and secret are still unavailable after your cluster is in a normal state for more than 15 minutes, you can check the progress of the creation process by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your cluster. Because the subdomain is not available, the Red Hat OpenShift console can't open. Instead, you can set the cluster context with the --admin option through the CLI.

    ibmcloud oc cluster config -c <cluster_name_or_ID> --admin
  2. Verify that the worker nodes have a State of normal and a Status of Ready. After you create the cluster, it can take up to 20 minutes for the worker nodes to be ready.

    ibmcloud oc worker ls -c <cluster_name_or_ID>

    Example output

    ID                                                     Public IP         Private IP      Flavor              State     Status   Zone    Version
    kube-blrs3b1d0p0p2f7haq0g-mycluster-default-000001f7   u3c.2x4.encrypted   deployed   Ready    dal10   1.29
  3. Verify that the prerequisite steps for your Ingress controller creation are completed.

    • Classic clusters: Get the details of the ibm-cloud-provider-vlan-ip-config config map.
    oc describe cm ibm-cloud-provider-vlan-ip-config -n kube-system
    • If the config map shows IP addresses, continue to the next step.
    • If the Events section shows a warning message similar to ErrorSubnetLimitReached: There are already the maximum number of subnets permitted in this VLAN, see the VLAN capacity troubleshooting topic.

    Example output of a config map populated with IP addresses:

    NAME:         ibm-cloud-provider-vlan-ip-config
    Namespace:    kube-system
    Labels:       <none>
    Annotations:  <none>
        "vlans": [
          "id": "2234947",
          "subnets": [
              "id": "2215454",
              "ips": [
              "is_public": false,
              "is_byoip": false,
              "cidr": "10.XXX.XXX.X/29"
          "zone": "dal10",
          "region": "us-south"
          "id": "2234945",
          "subnets": [
              "id": "2219170",
              "ips": [
              "is_public": true,
              "is_byoip": false,
              "cidr": "169.XX.XXX.X/29"
          "zone": "dal10",
          "region": "us-south"
        "vlan_errors": [],
        "reserved_ips": []
    Events:  <none>
    • VPC clusters: Verify that the VPC load balancer for your Ingress controllers exists. In the output, look for the VPC load balancer Name that starts with kube-<cluster_ID>. If you did not install the infrastructure-service plug-in, install it by running ibmcloud plugin install infrastructure-service.
    ibmcloud is load-balancers

    Even though the VPC load balancer is listed, its DNS entry might still be registering. When a VPC load balancer is created, the hostname is registered through a public DNS. Sometimes, it can take several minutes for this DNS entry to be replicated to the specific DNS that your client is using.

  4. Verify that the Ingress controller is successfully created.

    1. Check whether a Ingress controller deployment exists for your cluster.

      • If a Ingress controller deployment is listed, continue to the next step.
      • If no Ingress controller deployment is created after several minutes, review ways to get help.
      oc get deployment -n openshift-ingress

      Example output

      NAME             READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
      router-default   2/2     2            2           26m
    2. Check whether the Ingress controller's load balancer service exists and is assigned a public external IP address (classic clusters) or a hostname (VPC clusters).

      • If a service that is named router-default is listed and is assigned an IP address (classic clusters) or a hostname (VPC clusters), continue to the next step.
      • If no router-default service is created after several minutes, review ways to get help.
      oc get svc -n openshift-ingress

      Example output

      NAME                      TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)                      AGE
      router-default            LoadBalancer   169.XX.XX.XX   80:31182/TCP,443:31154/TCP   27m
      router-internal-default   ClusterIP    <none>         80/TCP,443/TCP,1936/TCP      26m
  5. Check again whether the Ingress subdomain and secret are created. If they are not available, but you verified that all the components in steps 1 - 3 exist, review ways to get help.

    ibmcloud oc cluster get -c <cluster_name_or_ID>