IBM Cloud Docs
Enabling event notifications for IBM OpenPages

Enabling event notifications for IBM OpenPages

As an administrator of IBM OpenPages, you might want to send notifications of events in IBM OpenPages to other users, or human destinations, by using email, SMS, or other supported delivery channels. Additionally, you might want to send these notifications of events to other applications to build logic by using event-driven programming that uses webhooks, for example. This is made possible by the integration between IBM OpenPages and IBM Cloud® Event Notifications.

To send information to Event Notifications, you must connect your IBM OpenPages instance to Event Notifications. For more information about working with Event Notifications, see Getting started with Event Notifications.

How events are collected and sent by IBM OpenPages

When an event of interest takes place in your IBM OpenPages instance, IBM OpenPages communicates with a connected Event Notifications instance to forward a notification to a supported destination.

Currently, IBM OpenPages supports only email destinations.

Events for IBM OpenPages

The following table lists the IBM OpenPages events. All events are under the subtype.

Actions that generate event notifications
Event type Description An event is generated when you provision a service instance.

Enabling notifications

Events that are generated by an instance of the IBM OpenPages service can be forwarded to an Event Notifications service instance that is available in the same account. You can configure only one IBM OpenPages instance to one Event Notifications service instance. However, a single Event Notifications service instance can have many IBM OpenPages instances pointing to it.

The following table shows the IBM OpenPages service instance regions and the Event Notifications service regions that they can forward events to:

IBM OpenPages service instance regions and their corresponding Event Notifications service regions
IBM OpenPages service instance region Supported Event Notifications service region
AWS US East ( us-east-1 ) IBM Cloud Dallas ( us-south )
AWS Europe ( eu-central-1 ) IBM Cloud Frankfurt ( eu-de )

Adding an Event Notifications service instance

Before you can enable notifications for IBM OpenPages, add an Event Notifications service instance to the same account as your IBM OpenPages instance.

  1. Go to the UI where you manage your IBM OpenPages instance. For more information, see Managing your IBM OpenPages instance.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. In the Event Notifications section, and click Connect.
  4. Expand Before you begin.
  5. Click Create new instance.
  6. On the Event Notifications Pricing page, select a plan, click the checkbox to agree to the license agreement, and then click Create.

Connecting to Event Notifications

Connect IBM OpenPages to the Event Notifications service instance by using Settings > Event Notifications section in the IBM OpenPages UI to connect the services.

  1. Go to the UI where you manage your IBM OpenPages instance. For more information, see Managing your IBM OpenPages instance.
  2. In the IBM OpenPages navigation, click Settings.
  3. In the Event Notifications section, click Connect.
  4. In the Event Notification instances section, click Event Notifications service instance and select the Event Notifications that you created.
  5. To confirm the connection, click Save. The Event Notifications section shows the connection between the IBM OpenPages instance and the Event Notifications instance.
  6. You can verify that a topic and subscription are created for your IBM OpenPages instance in the Event Notification settings by clicking on the Review link.

Your IBM OpenPages instance is ready to send notifications.

Delivering notifications to select destinations

After you enable notifications for IBM OpenPages, create topics and subscriptions in Event Notifications so that alerts can be forwarded and delivered.

IBM OpenPages notifications are in HTML format and are intended for the email delivery channel.

Email notifications

You can use the IBM Cloud email service as a delivery channel for IBM OpenPages event notifications. Create an Event Notifications subscription between an existing topic and the IBM Cloud email service to forward your alerts to various recipients by email. Recipients are automatically set based on the activity within IBM OpenPages that caused the notification to be created.

These emails originate from or, but you can specify your own reply-to address.