IBM Cloud Docs
Using virtual private endpoints for VPC to privately connect to IBM Cloud Monitoring

Using virtual private endpoints for VPC to privately connect to IBM Cloud Monitoring

IBM Cloud® Virtual Private Endpoints (VPE) for VPC enables you to connect to IBM Cloud Monitoring from your VPC network by using the IP addresses of your choosing, allocated from a subnet within your VPC.

VPEs are virtual IP interfaces that are bound to an endpoint gateway created on a per service, or service instance, basis (depending on the service operation model). The endpoint gateway is a virtualized function that scales horizontally, is redundant and highly available, and spans all availability zones of your VPC. Endpoint gateways enable communications from virtual server instances within your VPC and IBM Cloud® service on the private backbone. VPE for VPC gives you the experience of controlling all the private addressing within your cloud. For more information, see About virtual private endpoint gateways.

Before you begin

Before you target a virtual private endpoint for IBM Cloud Monitoring you must complete the following tasks.

Configuring an endpoint gateway

To configure a virtual private endpoint gateway, follow these steps:

  1. Create an endpoint gateway for IBM Cloud Monitoring that you want to be privately available to the VPC.
  2. Bind a reserved IP address to the endpoint gateway.
  3. View the created VPE gateways associated with the IBM Cloud Monitoring. For more information, see Viewing details of an endpoint gateway.

Now your virtual server instances in the VPC can access your IBM Cloud Monitoring instance privately through it.


The following limitations exist when using IBM Cloud Monitoring with VPEs.

  • Only agent metrics are available through VPEs. Prometheus clients and REST APIs are not supported.