IBM Cloud Docs
Deploying or uninstalling Maximo Application Suite deployable architecture

Deploying or uninstalling Maximo Application Suite deployable architecture

You can deploy or remove a deployable architecture from the IBM Cloud catalog. You can choose among different deployment options, including with IBM Cloud projects.

Deploying with IBM Cloud projects

To deploy the IBM Maximo Application Suite® Deployable Architecture (DA) through the IBM Cloud catalog, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure that you comply with the prerequisites in the planning topic.

  2. Select the Add to project deployment type in Deployment options.

  3. Create a project by entering the name of your project, description, and specify a configuration name. Select the same Region where the existing cluster is running.

  4. Click Create.

    An existing project can be used by clicking Add to existing and then selecting the project and entering the configuration name.

  5. Edit and validate the configuration:

    • Select your authentication method. You can use an existing secret in Secrets Manager or add your API key directly.

    For more information, see Using an API key with secrets manager to authorize a project to deploy an architecture.

    1. Enter values for other required fields in the Required tab.
    2. Enter the values for the fields in the Optional tab.
  6. Save the configuration.

  7. Click Validate. Validation takes a few minutes.

    IBM Cloud® projects run a Code Risk Analyzer scan that includes a supported set of Security and Compliance Center rules. Controls that are part of the deployable architecture and that are also supported by IBM Cloud® projects are checked. Any extra controls that are not included in the list of supported Security and Compliance Center rules are not checked when you validate the configuration.

    If the validation fails because of the Code Risk Analyzer scan, you can troubleshoot the failure. Make sure that validation completes and Validation successful message is displayed.

    • In the Approval pending section, enter I approve and click Approve.
  8. Deploy the configuration. After you validate your configuration, you can deploy it to your target account.

    1. Review the input values and make any necessary changes.

    2. Click Deploy. Deploying the deployable architecture for Maximo Application Suite can take around an hour. For Maximo Application Suite Core + Manage, it can take around 4 to 5 hours.

      You are notified when the deployment is complete and with successful or failure message. If it fails, refer to the schematics log.

  9. Review the outputs from the deployable architecture.

    • maximo_admin_url : The admin URL to the deployed offering is displayed here. Login credentials to this admin url can be found under the Workloads > Secrets section on your Red Hat OpenShift cluster. Search for <instance_id>-credentials-superuser name in Secrets section.

      For example, if you entered inst1 as input value to mas_instance_id input field then search for inst1-credentials-superuser name in Secrets section.

      If the deployment fails, the process is exited. You can find the reason for failure in the schematics log.

      After you uninstall the application, some persistent volumes remain. You can choose to either retain or manually remove the data.

  • For information about accessing Maximo Application Suite, see Getting started.

Upgrading or updating with Maximo Application Suite Deployable Architecture

  • IBM Cloud Projects

    Deploy a new instance of Maximo Application Suite 9.0.3 using Maximo Application Suite Deployable Architecture (DA) version 2.0.1 from the IBM Cloud Projects page. For more information, see Deploying with IBM Cloud projects section.

    If you have previously deployed a Maximo Application Suite instance using the now deprecated DA version 1.7.5, you must first remove the deployment and then deploy a new Maximo Application Suite instance. Do not deploy Maximo Application Suite directly with DA version 2.0.1 from the IBM Cloud Projects page as rolling back to the previous DA version is not supported.

    To remove the previous Maximo Application Suite instance, follow the steps that are given in Uninstalling with IBM Cloud projects section.

  • Maximo Application Suite command line utility

    Use the Maximo Application Suite command line utility to deploy a Maximo Application Suite instance. For more information, see Upgrade procedure.

Uninstalling with IBM Cloud projects

  1. To remove the previous Maximo Application Suite DA version, from the Projects page, select the project where you created the previous Maximo Application Suite DA version.

  2. In the Configurations tab, select the Maximo Application Suite DA configuration.

  3. Click the Undeploy option.

  4. On the Undeploy configuration dialog, enter the configuration name.

  5. Click Undeploy.

    This action uninstalls the previous Maximo Application Suite DA version from your cluster and removes the resources that are created by it.

    You can view the uninstallation log on the Schematics workspace. Simultaneously, you can view the uninstall tekton pipeline that is created on your cluster console.

After you uninstall the application, some persistent volumes remain. You can choose to either retain or manually remove the data.

Make sure that the uninstall is successful before you reinstall the same or new DA version.