IBM Cloud Docs
Configuring streaming to a Log Analysis instance through the UI

Configuring streaming to a Log Analysis instance through the UI

Complete the following steps to configure streaming from a Log Analysis instance to another Log Analysis instance:

As of 28 March 2024 the IBM Log Analysis and IBM Cloud Activity Tracker services are deprecated and will no longer be supported as of 30 March 2025. Customers will need to migrate to IBM Cloud Logs, which replaces these two services, prior to 30 March 2025. IBM Cloud Logs will become generally available during the summer of 2024 in Frankfurt and Madrid with day-one support for EU-managed controls. The service will continue its worldwide multizone region (MZR) roll-out through 3Q2024. For information about IBM Cloud Logs, see the IBM Cloud Logs documentation.

See Configure streaming for more information on roles required for streaming.


  • You must have the ingestion URL and the ingestion key for the Log Analysis instance where you want to stream data.
  • The Log Analysis instance data that will receive data must be configured with a paid service plan. Log Analysis instances on the Lite plan cannot receive streamed data.

Step 1. Configure streaming in the source Log Analysis instance

Complete the following steps to configure the connection between Log Analysis instances:

  1. Launch the Log Analysis web UI.

  2. Click the Settings icon Configuration icon. Then select Streaming > Configuration.

  3. Select Log Analysis / Activity Tracker as the streaming type. Then, enter the following information:

    1. In the Ingestion key field, enter a valid ingestion key for the Log Analysis instance where you want to stream data.

    2. In the Region URL field, enter the ingestion URL for the region where the Log Analysis instance where you want to stream data is available, such as For more information, see Ingestion URLs.

      • If you configure your log sources to send data through private endpoints, make sure you configure a private ingestion endpoint for streaming.

      • If you configure your log sources to send data through private and public endpoints, make sure you configure a private ingestion endpoint for streaming.

    3. Click Save.

Step 2. Verify sample data in the destination Log Analysis instance

To continue, you must verify that sample data reaches the destination Log Analysis instance.

To verify that sample data is streaming, complete the following steps:

  1. Launch the Log Analysis web UI.

  2. In the search bar, run the following query:

    _line:"LogDNA test message" _app:"logdna-selfstream-config-validation"
  3. Check the field _meta._source._account is set to the logging instance ID. The following additional data is also displayed:


    A field for internal support use only.


    The line ID from the original line in the source account.


    The logging instance ID for the account.


    Contains the region where the logging data originated. Additional information is included for internal support use only. The region within this field is region name where the data originated.

    For example, indicates the region originating the log is ca-tor.

If you do not see data, do 1 of the following:

  • Resend sample logs to verify that sample data is streaming.
  • Check my setup to go back to the configuration panel. After you make your changes, retry the verification steps.

If you see data, click YES.

Step 3. Start streaming

After you verify that sample data is reaching the Log Analysis instance, click Start stream.

Streaming may take up to 15 minutes to begin.