IBM Cloud Docs
Deleting keys that have a dual-authorization deletion policy

Deleting keys that have a dual-authorization deletion policy

You can use IBM® Key Protect for IBM Cloud® to safely delete encryption keys by using a dual authorization process.

Before deleting keys, make sure to review the Considerations before deleting and purging a key.

Considerations for a key that has a dual-authorization deletion policy

Dual authorization policies are set to ensure that keys are not deleted in error by requiring the authorization of two specified users. Whatever the reason for a dual authorization policy, the method for deletion is the same. One of the users authorized to delete the key schedules it for deletion, which must be confirmed by another user.

Before you delete a key by using dual authorization:

  • Determine who can authorize deletion of your Key Protect resources. To use dual authorization, be sure to identify a user who can set the key for deletion and another who can delete the key. Users with a Writer or Manager role can set keys for deletion, but only users with a Manager role can delete keys.
  • Plan to delete the key within a seven day authorization period. When the first user authorizes a key for deletion, it remains in the Active state for seven days, during which all key operations are allowed on the key. To complete the deletion, another user with a Manager role can use the Key Protect GUI or API to delete the key at any point during those seven days, at which time the key will be moved to the Destroyed state. Note that because it is impossible to purge an active key, another user must delete the key before it can purged.
  • The key and its associated data will be inaccessible 90 days after being deleted. When you delete a key, it is "soft deleted", meaning that the key and its associated data will be restorable up to 30 days after deletion. You are able to still retrieve associated data such as key metadata, registrations, and policies for up to 90 days. After 90 days, the key becomes eligible to be automatically purged, or hard deleted, and its associated data will be permanently removed from the Key Protect service.

Authorize deletion for a key in the console

After you enable dual authorization for an instance or key, you can provide the first authorization to delete a key by using the Key Protect IBM Cloud console.

  1. Log in to the IBM Cloud console.

  2. Go to Menu > Resource List to view a list of your resources.

  3. From your IBM Cloud resource list, select your provisioned instance of Key Protect.

  4. On the application details page, use the Keys table to browse the keys in your service.

  5. Click the ⋯ icon to open a list of options for the key that you want to delete.

  6. From the options menu, click Schedule key deletion and review the key's associated resources.

  7. Click the Next button, enter the key name, and click Schedule deletion.

  8. Contact another user to complete the deletion of the key.

The other user must have Manager access policy for the instance or key in order to authorize the key for deletion.

Purging a key that holds dual authorization in the console

Four hours after the other user with a Manager access policy has authorized the key for deletion, it can be purged by one of the users as long as they hold the KeyPurge attribute.

This can be done by clicking the ⋯ icon to open a list of options for the key that you want to purge and then clicking Purge. If you cannot delete the key, make sure it has been at least four hours since the key was authorized for deleting by another user and that you hold the KeyPurge attribute.

Authorize deletion for a key with the API

After you enable dual authorization for an instance or key, you can provide the first authorization to delete a key by making a POST call to the following endpoint.

  1. Retrieve your authentication credentials to work with keys in the service.

    To set a key for deletion, you must be assigned a Manager or Writer access policy for the instance or key. To learn how IAM roles map to Key Protect service actions, check out Service access roles.

  2. Copy the ID of the key that you want to set or authorize for deletion.

  3. Provide the first authorization to delete the key.

    $ curl -X POST \
        "https://<region><keyID_or_alias>/actions/setKeyForDeletion" \
        -H "accept: application/" \
        -H "authorization: Bearer <IAM_token>" \
        -H "bluemix-instance: <instance_ID>" \
        -H "content-type: application/"

    Replace the variables in the example request according to the following table.

Table 1. Describes the variables that are needed to set a key for deletion.
Variable Description
region Required. The region abbreviation, such as us-south or eu-gb, that represents the geographic area where your Key Protectinstance resides.

For more information, see Regional service endpoints.
key_ID_or_alias Required. The unique identifier or alias for the root key that you want to rotate.
IAM_token Required. Your IBM Cloud access token. Include the full contents of the IAM token, including the Bearer value, in the curl request.

For more information, see Retrieving an access token.
instance_ID Required. The unique identifier that is assigned to your Key Protect service instance.
For more information, see Retrieving an instance ID.

A successful request returns an HTTP 204 No Content response, which indicates that your key was authorized for deletion. Another user with a Manager access policy can now delete the key by using the Key Protect GUI or API.

If you need to prevent the deletion of a key that's already authorized for deletion, you can remove the existing authorization by calling POST /api/v2/keys/<keyID_or_alias>/actions/unsetKeyForDeletion.

Delete the key

After you set a key for deletion, another user with a Manager access policy can safely delete the key by using the Key Protect GUI or API.

Key Protect sets a seven-day authorization period that starts after you provide the first authorization to delete the key. During this seven-day period, the key remains in the Active state and all key operations are allowed on the key. If no action is taken by another user and the seven-day period expires, you must restart the dual authorization process to delete the key.

Delete a key and its contents by making a DELETE call to the following endpoint.

  1. Retrieve your authentication credentials to work with keys in the service.

  2. Retrieve the ID of the key that you would like to delete.

    You can retrieve the ID for a specified key by making a GET /v2/keys request, or by viewing your keys in the Key Protect dashboard.

  3. Run the following curl command to delete the key and its contents.

    $ curl -X DELETE \
        "https://<region><keyID_or_alias>" \
        -H "authorization: Bearer <IAM_token>" \
        -H "bluemix-instance: <instance_ID>" \
        -H "prefer: <return_preference>"

    Replace the variables in the example request according to the following table.

Table 2. Describes the variables that are needed to delete a key.
Variable Description
region Required. The region abbreviation, such as us-south or eu-gb, that represents the geographic area where your Key Protect instance resides.

For more information, see Regional service endpoints.
key_ID_or_alias Required. The unique identifier or alias for the key that you would like to delete.
IAM_token Required. Your IBM Cloud access token. Include the full contents of the IAM token, including the Bearer value, in the curl request.

For more information, see Retrieving an access token.
instance_ID Required. The unique identifier that is assigned to your Key Protect service instance.

For more information, see Retrieving an instance ID.
return_preference Optional. A header that alters server behavior for POST and DELETE operations.

When you set the return_preference variable to return=minimal, the service returns a successful deletion response. When you set the variable to return=representation, the service returns both the key material and the key metadata.

If the return_preference variable is set to return=representation, the details of the DELETE request are returned in the response entity-body.

After you delete a key, it transitions to the Deactivated key state. After 24 hours, if a key is not reinstated, the key transitions to the Destroyed state. Destroyed keys can be recovered after up to 30 days or their expiration date, whichever is sooner. After this the key contents are permanently erased and no longer accessible.

The following JSON object shows an example returned value.

    "metadata": {
        "collectionType": "application/",
        "collectionTotal": 1
    "resources": [
          "type": "application/",
          "id": "02fd6835-6001-4482-a892-13bd2085f75d",
          "name": "test-root-key",
          "aliases": [
          "state": 5,
          "extractable": false,
          "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/f047b55a3362ac06afad8a3f2f5586ea:12e8c9c2-a162-472d-b7d6-8b9a86b815a6:key:02fd6835-6001-4482-a892-13bd2085f75d",
          "imported": false,
          "creationDate": "2020-03-10T20:41:27Z",
          "createdBy": "...",
          "algorithmType": "Deprecated",
          "algorithmMetadata": {
              "bitLength": "256",
              "mode": "Deprecated"
          "algorithmBitSize": 256,
          "algorithmMode": "Deprecated",
          "lastUpdateDate": "2020-03-16T20:41:27Z",
          "dualAuthDelete": {
              "enabled": false
          "deleted": true,
          "deletionDate": "2020-03-16T21:46:53Z",
          "deletedBy": "..."

For a detailed description of the available parameters, see the Key Protect REST API reference doc.

Key purge

When you delete a key, you immediately deactivate its key material and move it to a backstore in the Key Protect service. Four hours after a key is deleted, the key becomes available to be manually purged. Thirty days after a key is deleted, the key becomes non-restorable and the key material is destroyed. After a key has been deleted for 90 days, if not manually purged, the key becomes eligible to be automatically purged and all its associated data will be permanently removed, or "hard deleted", from the Key Protect service.

For more information about deleting and purging keys, check out About deleting and purging keys.

The following table lists which APIs you can use to retrieve data related to a deleted key.

Table 4. Lists the API that users can use to view details about a key and its registrations.
API Description
Get key Retrieve key details
Get key metadata Retrieve key metadata
Get registrations Retrieve a list of registrations associated with the key

Removing an existing authorization

If you need to cancel an authorization for a key before the seven-day authorization period expires, you can remove the existing authorization by making a POST call to the following endpoint.

  1. Retrieve your authentication credentials to work with keys in the service.

    To remove an authorization to delete a key, you must be assigned a Manager or Writer access policy for the instance or key. To learn how IAM roles map to Key Protect service actions, check out Service access roles.

  2. Copy the ID of the key that you want to unset or deauthorize for deletion.

  3. Remove an existing authorization to delete the key.

    $ curl -X POST \
        "https://<region><keyID_or_alias>/actions/unsetKeyForDeletion" \
        -H "accept: application/" \
        -H "authorization: Bearer <IAM_token>" \
        -H "bluemix-instance: <instance_ID>" \
        -H "content-type: application/"

    Replace the variables in the example request according to the following table.

Table 5. Describes the variables that are needed to unset a key for deletion.
Variable Description
region Required. The region abbreviation, such as us-southor eu-gb, that represents the geographic area where your Key Protect instance resides.
For more information, see Regional service endpoints.
key_ID_or_alias Required. The unique identifier or alias for the root key that you want to rotate.
IAM_token Required. Your IBM Cloud access token. Include the full contents of the IAM token, including the Bearer value, in the curl request.

For more information, see Retrieving an access token.
instance_ID Required. The unique identifier that is assigned to your Key Protect service instance.

For more information, see Retrieving an instance ID.

A successful request returns an HTTP 204 No Content response, which indicates that your key is no longer authorized for deletion. If you need to restart the dual authorization process, you can issue another authorization to set the key for deletion.