Installing Direct Link to an HPC cluster
IBM® Spectrum LSF multi-cluster capability allows you to share resources between clusters through resource leasing or job forwarding. Multiple LSF clusters can also solve problems related to ease of administration, scalability, and sites in different geographic locations. IBM Cloud hybrid cloud HPC solution uses these core functions of Spectrum LSF to create a seamless integration of IBM Spectrum LSF cluster in IBM Cloud and on-premises. Job forwarding configurations can be used as an easy way to transparently schedule the workload execution on the IBM Spectrum LSF cluster on IBM Cloud, while having the full administration and control possible from the IBM Spectrum LSF cluster on-premises.
You can use IBM Cloud Direct Link for your hybrid connection between on-premises and your IBM Cloud® account. For more information on how to get started and order Direct Link, see Getting started with IBM Cloud Direct Link (2.0).
Next steps
After you configure and validate the connectivity from on-premises to your IBM Cloud account, you are ready to Set up the multi-cluster and job forwarding using Spectrum LSF.