IBM Cloud Docs
Creating internal KMS keystores

Creating internal KMS keystores

An internal keystore is a repository that stores the cryptographic keys within your service instance. You can use Unified Key Orchestrator to create internal KMS keystores with the UI, or programmatically with the Unified Key Orchestrator API.

Before you create an internal KMS keystore, keep in mind the following considerations:

  • You can create up to five internal KMS keystores to manage your keys for free. The maximum number of internal KMS keystores for a service instance is 50.
  • To enable cross-region key distribution or specified access permissions, you might want to create additional keystores. For more information about the pricing, see FAQs: Pricing. Other currencies are applied based on the region that the service instance is provisioned in.
  • A managed key can be used for encryption and decryption only after you activate it in at least one keystore.
  • A keystore can be assigned to only one vault.

Creating internal KMS keystores with the UI

To create an internal KMS keystore by using the UI, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Hyper Protect Crypto Services instance.

  2. Click Keystores from the navigation to view all the available keystores.

  3. To create a keystore, click Add keystore.

  4. Under Vault, select a vault for the keystore for access control, and click Next.

    If you want to assign the keystore to a new vault, click Create vault. For more instructions, see Creating vaults.

  5. Under Keystore type, select IBM Cloud KMS Keystore and click Next. You can change the currency that is displayed by selecting your country or location.

  6. Under Keystore properties, enter a name in Keystore name. Optionally, you can add an extended description to your keystore in the Description section. And then, click Next.

    The keystore name must be of 1 to 100 characters in length. The first character must be a letter (case-sensitive) or digit (0-9). The rest can also be symbols (.-_) or spaces. The description can be up to 200 characters in length.

  7. Under Summary, you can view the summary of the keystore that you create, including the keystore type, the assigned vault, and general properties.

  8. After you confirm the keystore details, click Create keystore to create the keystore.

You have successfully created an internal KMS keystore.

Creating internal KMS keystores with the API

To create an internal keystore through the API, follow these steps:

  1. Retrieve your service and authentication credentials to work with keystores in the service.

  2. Create an internal keystore by making a POST call to the following endpoint.


    For detailed instructions and code examples about using the API method, check out the Hyper Protect Crypto Services Unified Key Orchestrator API reference doc.

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