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FAQs: Pricing

FAQs: Pricing

Read to get answers for questions about IBM Cloud® Hyper Protect Crypto Services pricing.

How am I charged for my use of Hyper Protect Crypto Services standard plan?

Each provisioned operational crypto unit is charged $2.13 USD per hour. If you also enable failover crypto units, each failover crypto unit is also charged the same as the operational crypto unit.

The first 5 keystores, including KMS key rings and EP11 keystores, are free of charge. Each additional key ring or EP11 keystore is charged with a tiered pricing starting at $225 USD per month. For keystores that are created or connected less than a month, the cost is prorated based on actual days within the month.

The detailed pricing plan is available for your reference.

The following example shows a total charge of 30 days (720 hours). The user enables two operational crypto units and two failover crypto units for cross-region high availability. The user also creates 10 KMS keystores and 12 GREP11 keystores. The first five keystores, including both KMS key rings and GREP11 keystores, are free of charge.

A standard plan billing example of 30 days
Pricing components Cost for 30 days (720 hours)
Operational crypto unit 1 $1533.6 (30x24x2.13)
Operational crypto unit 2 $1533.6 (30x24x2.13)
Failover crypto unit 1 $1533.6 (30x24x2.13)
Failover crypto unit 2 $1533.6 (30x24x2.13)
10 KMS key rings and 12 GREP11 keystores $3795 (5x0+15x225+2x210)
Total charge $9929.4

How am I charged for my use of Hyper Protect Crypto Services with Unified Key Orchestrator?

Each provisioned operational crypto unit is charged $2.13 USD per hour. After you connect to an external keystore of any type, the Unified Key Orchestrator base price of $5.00 USD/hour is charged.

The first 5 internal keystores and the very first external keystore are free of charge. Each additional internal or external keystore is charged with a tiered pricing starting at $225 USD or $70 USD per month, respectively. For keystores that are created or connected less than a month, the cost is prorated based on actual days within the month.

The detailed pricing plan is available for your reference.

The following example shows a total charge of 30 days (720 hours). The user enables two operational crypto units in the service instance, and creates 22 internal keystores and 15 external keystores. The first 5 internal keystores and the first external keystore are free of charge.

A Unified Key Orchestrator billing example of 30 days
Pricing components Cost for 30 days (720 hours)
Operational crypto unit 1 $1533.6 (30x24x2.13)
Operational crypto unit 2 $1533.6 (30x24x2.13)
22 internal keystores $3795 (5x0+15x225+2x210)
15 external keystores $980 (1x0+14x70)
Unified Key Orchestrator connection $3600 (30x24x5.00)
Total charge $11442.2

Is there a free trial for Hyper Protect Crypto Services?

If you have a promo code, you can apply your promo code and get two crypto units at no charge for 30 days.