IBM Cloud Docs
Creating an Event Notifications topic

Creating an Event Notifications topic

You can send notifications or alerts to multiple destination types, for example, email, SMS, and others that are subscribed to a particular topic. Configure topics as needed and Event Notifications handles the routing and delivering of alerts reliably to the correct destinations.

Creating a topic

  1. Select Topics in the Event Notifications console.

  2. Click Create, and enter the following topic details:

    • Name: enter a name for the topic.
    • Description: add an optional description for the topic.
    • Source: select a source from the list.

    Step 1 created a topic, step 2 provisions optional custom rules for the topic.

  3. Add the following rules to your topic:

    • Event type: select event type from the list.

    • Event subtype: select event sub type from the event sub type list.

    • Severity: select severity from the severity list.

    • Advanced conditions: create your own custom conditions, which must follow JSONpath specifications. The correctly written rule will extract the appropriate data from the incoming request payload. Event Notifications supports the == operator for JSONPath evaluation. You can validate your JSONPath here.


         "data": {
            "findings": [
                  "severity": "LOW",
                  "provider": "cert-mgr"
                  "severity": "HIGH",
                  "provider": "secrets-mgr"
            "severity": "LOW",
            "payloadType": "findings",
            "issuer": "IBM Cloud Security Advisor",

      Based on the previous JSON input, the following valid JSONPaths can be constructed:

      1. $.data.severity=='LOW'
      Output: True
      2. $.data.findings[1].severity == 'HIGH'
      Output: True
  4. Click Add a condition.

    If you do not select any rules, a default rule is added, which means all notifications route to the topic by default.

  5. Click Create in the topic wizard.