IBM Cloud Docs
Accepting provider-created connections

Accepting provider-created connections

This topic shows you how to accept provider-created connections (create, edit, delete connections) and enable BGP MD5 authentication.

Accepting a Direct Link creation request

  1. Log in to the IBM Cloud Direct Link console, then click the Direct Link name in the table to show its details.
  2. In the Actions section, click Review to review the direct link configuration. The Review configuration panel displays.
  3. Review your settings and click Accept. The Finalize creation panel displays.
  4. Select a resource group, routing type, and billing type. Then, select the checkbox indicating that you agree to the Direct Link prerequisites and click Create. Optionally, you can enable MD5 authentication. For instructions, see Enabling MD5 authentication for BGP peers.

Accepting a Direct Link edit request

  1. Log in to the IBM Cloud Direct Link console, then click the Direct Link name in the table to show its details.

  2. In the Actions section, click Review to review the direct link configuration.

    The Review configuration panel displays.

  3. Review your settings, select the checkbox indicating that you agree to the Direct Link prerequisites, and click Accept.

Enabling MD5 authentication for BGP peers

Optionally, you can enable MD5 authentication to secure the BGP session by allowing routing of messages only from routers using a shared authentication key.

You must configure the same BGP MD5 authentication key on both your Edge router and the IBM cross-connect router (XCR). The shared authentication key on the IBM device must be stored in your HPCS or Key Protect instance and shared with the Direct Link service.

To enable MD5 authentication after submitting your order, follow these steps:

  1. Set up BGP Message Digest 5 (MD5) authentication keys.

  2. Log in to the IBM Cloud Direct Link console, then click the Direct Link name in the table to show its details.

  3. In the Actions section, click Review to review the direct link configuration. The Review configuration panel displays.

  4. Review your settings and click Accept. The Finalize creation panel displays.

  5. Click the MD5 authentication switch to enable it, then complete the following:

    • For the keystore, select Hyper Protect Crypto Services or Key Protect.
    • Choose an authentication keystore instance and authentication key.
  6. Click Create.