IBM Cloud Docs
Configuring Discovery

Configuring Discovery

Configuring Discovery makes it possible to gain useful insights by enriching your own data and then delivering it in a query-able form.

Before you add your own content to Discovery, you must configure the basic parameters of the service (Preparing the service for your documents). This includes creating an environment and creating one or more collections within that environment.

Preparing the service for your documents

In Discovery, the content that you upload is stored in a collection that is part of your environment. You must create the environment and collection before you can upload your content.

  • Environment — The environment defines the amount of storage space that you have for content in Discovery. A maximum of one environment can be created for each instance of Discovery.

    You have several plans (Lite, Advanced, Premium) to choose from, see the Discovery catalog and Discovery Pricing Plans for details. Your source files do not count against your plan size limit, only the size of the converted JSON that is indexed counts towards your size limit.

  • Collection — A collection is a grouping of your content within the environment. You must create at least one collection to be able to upload your content.

    Collections are comprised of your private data, but Discovery also includes Discovery News, a pre-enriched, public dataset.

    Discovery News, a public data set that is pre-enriched with cognitive insights, is also included with Discovery. You can use it to query for insights; for example: news alerts, event detecting, and trending topics in the news; that you can integrate into your applications. See Watson Discovery News for more information. You cannot adjust the Discovery News configuration or add documents to this collection.

To create an environment and private data collection with the Discovery tooling do the following:

  1. On the Manage Data screen, click the Environment icon on the upper right and choose Create environment. The environment is created based on the IBM Cloud plan you selected earlier. The status of your environment is always available from this drop-down.

  2. Once your environment is ready, click the Upload your own data button, then you can Name your new collection.

    You can select the language of the documents you want to add to this collection: English, German, Spanish, Arabic, Japanese, French, Italian, Korean, or Brazilian Portuguese. There must only be one language in each of your collections. After you click Create, your data collection appears as a tile.

Your environment and data collection are ready. You can start Adding content immediately.

You can use the Discovery tooling or API to crawl various data sources, or do a web crawl. See Connecting to data sources for more information.

Adding enrichments

Discovery enriches (adds cognitive metadata to) the text field of your ingested documents with semantic information collected by these four Watson functions - Entity Extraction, Sentiment Analysis, Category Classification, and Concept Tagging. (There are a total of nine Watson enrichments available; the others are Keyword Extraction, Relation Extraction, Emotion Analysis, Element Classification, and Semantic Role Extraction.)

Some Watson enrichments might be unavailable in certain plans or environments.

You can also integrate one or more custom models from IBM Watson™ Knowledge Studio with Discovery to provide custom entity and relations enrichments. See Integrating with Watson Knowledge Studio.

Only the first 50,000 characters of each JSON field selected for enrichment are enriched.

You can further augment your documents by adding more enrichments to the text field, or enriching other fields. To do so using Smart Document Understanding, open the Enrich Fields tab, choose the field(s) you'd like to enrich and select from the list of available Natural Language Understanding enrichments:

Entity extraction

Returns items such as persons, places, and organizations that are present in the input text. Entity extraction adds semantic knowledge to content to help understand the subject and context of the text that is being analyzed. The entity extraction techniques are based on sophisticated statistical algorithms and natural language processing technology, and are unique in the industry with their support for multilingual analysis and context-sensitive disambiguation. For a complete list of entity type systems, see Entity type systems, or for a list of entity types and subtypes that are used in the Version 1 and Version 2 entity type systems, see Entity types (Version 1) or Entity types (Version 2). You can also create and add a custom entity model with IBM Watson™ Knowledge Studio.

Example portion of a document enriched with Entity Extraction:

  "text": "The stockholders were pleased that Acme Corporation plans to build a new factory in Atlanta, Georgia.",
  "enriched_text": {
    "entities": [
        "count": 1,
        "sentiment": {
          "score": 0
        "text": "Acme Corporation",
        "relevance": 0.98389,
        "type": "Company"
        "count": 1,
        "sentiment": {
          "score": 0
        "text": "Atlanta",
        "relevance": 0.532754,
        "type": "Location",
        "disambiguation": {
          "subtype": [
          "name": "Atlanta",
          "dbpedia_resource": ""
        "count": 1,
        "sentiment": {
          "score": 0
        "text": "Georgia",
        "relevance": 0.469643,
        "type": "Location",
        "disambiguation": {
          "subtype": [

In the preceding example, you could query the entity type by accessing enriched_text.entities.type

sentiment is calculated for entity types even if the sentiment enrichment is not selected. To learn more about sentiment scoring, see Sentiment analysis.

The relevance score ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. The higher the score, the more relevant the entity. The disambiguation field contains the disambiguation information for the entity, which includes the entity subtype information and links to the resource(s), if applicable. The count is the number of times the entity is mentioned in the document.

Using a custom entity model

If you wish to create a custom enrichment model, you can do so in IBM Watson™ Knowledge Studio and import the model into Discovery by adding the ID in the Custom Model ID box of the Discovery tooling. For more information about integrating with IBM Watson™ Knowledge Studio, see Integrating with IBM Watson™ Knowledge Studio. The custom IBM Watson™ Knowledge Studio model overrides the default Entity Extraction enrichment.

Only one IBM Watson™ Knowledge Studio model can be assigned to an enrichment.

Relation extraction

Recognizes when two entities are related and identifies the type of relation. You can also create and add a custom relation model with IBM Watson™ Knowledge Studio.

Example portion of a document enriched with Relation Extraction:

  "text": "The stockholders were pleased that Acme Corporation plans to build a new factory in Atlanta, Georgia.",
  "enriched_text": {
    "relations": [
        "type": "locatedAt",
        "sentence": "The stockholders were pleased that Acme Corporation plans to build a new factory in Atlanta, Georgia.",
        "score": 0.989245,
        "arguments": [
            "text": "Atlanta",
            "location": [
            "entities": [
                "type": "GeopoliticalEntity",
                "text": "Atlanta"
            "text": "Georgia",
            "location": [
            "entities": [
                "type": "GeopoliticalEntity",
                "text": "Georgia"

In the preceding example, you could query the relation type by accessing enriched_text.relations.type.

The related entities are listed in the arguments.

The score ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. The higher the score, the more relevant the relation.

Using a custom relation model

To create a custom enrichment model, you can use IBM Watson™ Knowledge Studio and import the model into Discovery by adding the ID in the Custom Model ID box of the Discovery tooling. For more information about integrating with IBM Watson™ Knowledge Studio, see Integrating with IBM Watson™ Knowledge Studio. The custom IBM Watson™ Knowledge Studio model overrides the default Relation extraction enrichment.

Only one IBM Watson™ Knowledge Studio model can be assigned to an enrichment.

Keyword extraction

Important topics in your content that are typically used when indexing data, generating tag clouds, or when searching. Discovery automatically identifies supported languages in your input content, and then identifies and ranks keywords in that content.

Example portion of a document enriched with Keyword Extraction:

  "text": "The stockholders were pleased that Acme Corporation plans to build a new factory in Atlanta, Georgia.",
    "enriched_text": {
      "keywords": [
          "text": "Acme Corporation",
          "sentiment": {
            "score": 0
          "relevance": 0.985203
          "text": "new factory",
          "sentiment": {
            "score": 0
          "relevance": 0.821033
          "text": "stockholders",
          "sentiment": {
            "score": 0
          "relevance": 0.66497
          "text": "title",
          "sentiment": {
            "score": 0
          "relevance": 0.332438
          "text": "Atlanta",
          "sentiment": {
            "score": 0
          "relevance": 0.307723
          "text": "Georgia",
          "sentiment": {
            "score": 0
          "relevance": 0.306485

In the preceding example, you could query the keyword text by accessing enriched_text.keywords.text

sentiment is calculated for keywords even if the sentiment enrichment is not selected. To learn more about sentiment scoring, see Sentiment analysis.

The relevance score ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. The higher the score, the more relevant the keyword.

Category classification

Categorizes input text, HTML, or web-based content into a hierarchical taxonomy up to five levels deep. Deeper levels allow you to classify content into more accurate and useful subsegments.

Example portion of a document enriched with Category Classification:

  "text": "The stockholders were pleased that Acme Corporation plans to build a new factory in Atlanta, Georgia.",
    "enriched_text": {
      "categories": [
          "score": 0.361614,
          "label": "/business and industrial"
          "score": 0.329377,
          "label": "/business and industrial/company/merger and acquisition"
          "score": 0.154254,
          "label": "/business and industrial/business operations/business plans"

In the preceding example, you could query the category label by accessing enriched_text.categories.label

The label is the detected category. The hierarchy levels are separated by forward slashes. The score for that category ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. The higher the score, the greater the confidence in that category.

Concept tagging

Identifies concepts with which the input text is associated, based on other concepts and entities that are present in that text. Concept tagging understands how concepts relate, and can identify concepts that are not directly referenced in the text. For example, if an article mentions CERN and the Higgs boson, the Concepts API functions identifies Large Hadron Collider as a concept even if that term is not mentioned explicitly in the page. Concept tagging enables higher level analysis of input content than just basic keyword identification.

Example portion of a document enriched with Concept Tagging:

  "text": "The stockholders were pleased that Acme Corporation plans to build a new factory in Atlanta, Georgia.",
    "enriched_text": {
      "concepts": [
          "text": "Acme Corporation",
          "relevance": 0.91136,
          "dbpedia_resource": ""
          "text": "Factory",
          "relevance": 0.886784,
          "dbpedia_resource": ""

In the preceding example, you can query the concept text type by accessing enriched_text.concepts.text

The relevance score ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. The higher the score, the more relevant the concept. Links to the resource(s) are provided, if applicable.

Semantic Role extraction

Identifies subject, action, and object relations within sentences in the input content. Relation information can be used to automatically identify buying signals, key events, and other important actions.

Example portion of a document enriched with Semantic Role Extraction:

  "text": "The stockholders were pleased that Acme Corporation plans to build a new factory in Atlanta, Georgia.",
      "enriched_text": {
      "semantic_roles": [
          "subject": {
            "text": "The stockholders",
            "keywords": [
                "text": "stockholders"
          "sentence": " The stockholders were pleased that Acme Corporation plans to build a new factory in Atlanta, Georgia.",
          "object": {
            "text": "pleased that Acme Corporation plans to build a new factory in Atlanta, Georgia",
            "keywords": [
                "text": "Acme Corporation"
                "text": "new factory"
                "text": "Atlanta"
                "text": "Georgia"
            "entities": [
                "type": "Company",
                "text": "Acme Corporation"
                "type": "Location",
                "text": "Atlanta",
                "disambiguation": {
                  "subtype": [
                  "name": "Atlanta",
                  "dbpedia_resource": ""
                "type": "Location",
                "text": "Georgia",
                "disambiguation": {
                  "subtype": [
          "action": {
            "verb": {
              "text": "be",
              "tense": "past"
            "text": "were",
            "normalized": "be"

In the preceding example, you could query the relation subject text by accessing enriched_text.relations.subject.text

sentiment is calculated for relations even if the sentiment enrichment is not selected. To learn more about sentiment scoring, see Sentiment analysis. It does not extract entities or keywords (as shown in the example) unless you also select the entity and keyword enrichments. See Entity extraction and Keyword extraction about those enrichments.

The subject, action, and object are extracted for every sentence that contains a relation.

Sentiment analysis

Identifies attitude, opinions, or feelings in the content that is being analyzed. Discovery can calculate overall sentiment within a document, sentiment for user-specified targets, entity-level sentiment, quotation-level sentiment, directional-sentiment, and keyword-level sentiment. The combination of these capabilities supports a variety of use cases ranging from social media monitoring to trend analysis.

Example portion of a document enriched with Sentiment Analysis:

  "text": "The stockholders were pleased that Acme Corporation plans to build a new factory in Atlanta, Georgia.",
    "enriched_text": {
      "sentiment": {
        "document": {
        "score": 0.459813,
        "label": "positive"

In the preceding example, you could query the sentiment label by accessing enriched_text.sentiment.document.label

The label is the overall sentiment of the document (positive, negative, or neutral). The sentiment label is based on the score; a score of 0.0 would indicate that the document is neutral, a positive number would indicate the document is positive, a negative number would indicate the document is negative.

Emotion analysis

Detects anger, disgust, fear, joy, and sadness implied in English text. Emotion Analysis can detect emotions that are associated with targeted phrases, entities, or keywords, or it can analyze the overall emotional tone of your content.

Example portion of a document enriched with Emotion Analysis:

  "text": "The stockholders were pleased that Acme Corporation plans to build a new factory in Atlanta, Georgia.",
    "enriched_text": {
      "emotion": {
        "document": {
          "emotion": {
          "disgust": 0.102578,
          "joy": 0.626655,
          "anger": 0.02303,
          "fear": 0.018884,
          "sadness": 0.096802

In the preceding example, you could query the joy Emotion by accessing

Emotion Analysis analyzes your text and calculates a score for each emotion (anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness) on a scale of 0.0 to 1.0. If the score of any emotion is 0.5 or higher, then that emotion is detected. The higher the score above 0.5, the higher the relevance. In the snippet shown, joy has a score above 0.5, so Watson detected joy.

Emotion Analysis is supported in English only.

Element classification

The Element Classification enrichment is deprecated and will no longer be available, effective 10 July 2020.

Parses elements (sentences, lists, tables) in governing documents to classify important types and categories For more information, see Element classification.

Smart Document Understanding is unavailable if this enrichment is used.

Enrichment pricing

Enrichment pricing information is available on IBM Cloud.

Enrichment language support

For information about enrichment language support, see Discovery language support.

Understanding the difference between Entities, Concepts, and Keywords

At first glance, Entity extraction, Concept tagging and Keyword extraction appear to be similar enrichments. We'll use the text from the enrichment examples to show the differences between them.

"text": "The stockholders were pleased that Acme Corporation plans to build a new factory in Atlanta, Georgia."

Since the Entity Extraction enrichment extracts persons, places, and organizations in the input text, Entity extraction returns the following entity types:

"type": "City"
"text": "Atlanta"

"type": "Company"
"text": "Acme"

"type": "StateOrCounty"
"text": "Georgia"

Since the Concept tagging enrichment understands how concepts relate, it can identify concepts that are not directly referenced in the text. For example, if an article mentions CERN and the Higgs boson, it identifies Large Hadron Collider as a concept even if that term is not mentioned explicitly. Since our example document text is only one sentence, there are no related concepts, so Concept tagging returns the following concepts:

"text": "Acme Corporation"
"text": "factory"

Since the Keyword extraction enrichment identifies content typically used when indexing data, generating tag clouds, or searching, Keyword extraction returns the following keywords:

"text": "Acme Corporation"
"text": "new factory"
"text": "stockholders"
"text": "Atlanta"
"text": "Georgia"

These enrichments work together to help you build better queries.

Customizing field extraction

Using CSS selectors to extract fields from HTML documents

You can extract fields from HTML documents using the Discovery API.

If you are ingesting well-formed HTML, you can use CSS selectors to extract JSON fields and then apply enrichments to the extracted fields. Edit your configuration file to enable this feature. Specifically, add an extracted_fields element to the conversions/html hierarchy, then specify field names, CSS selectors, and field types, as follows:

  "name": "Extract JSON config",
  "description": "New configuration enabling extraction of JSON fields from HTML",
  "conversions": {
    "html": {
      "extracted_fields": {
        "{field_name_1}": {
          "css_selector": "{CSS_selector_expression_1}",
          "type": "{field_type}"
        "{field_name_N}": {
          "css_selector": "{CSS_selector_expression_N}",
          "type": "{field_type}"

Specify values for the new fields as follows:

  • field_name — The name of the field that you want to add to the JSON output.
  • CSS_selector_expression — The CSS selector that is to be run against the input HTML to extract the fields. The expression can have one or more matches.

    Valid CSS selectors are those specified by the JSoup parser and its selector syntax. A short list is provided at Common selectors.

  • field_type — Either array or string. If the field type is not specified, it defaults to array. Both the string and array types can be enriched.

If a CSS selector matches both a parent node and one or more of its children, the text content of the nodes are duplicated in the JSON output.

Field names must meet the restrictions defined in Field name requirements.

The following JSON passage shows the relevant section of the configuration to which you add CSS selector information.

  "name": "Default Configuration",
  "description": "The configuration used by default when creating a new collection without specifying a configuration_id.",
  "conversions": {
    "html": {
      "exclude_tags_completely": [
      "exclude_tags_keep_content": [
      "exclude_content": {
        "xpaths": []
      "keep_content": {
        "xpaths": []
      "exclude_tag_attributes": [

The following passage shows the configuration with a new name and description, as well as the location where you can specify CSS selectors.

  "name": "Extract JSON config",
  "description": "New configuration enabling extraction of JSON fields from HTML",
  "conversions": {
    "html": {
      "exclude_tags_completely": [
      "exclude_tags_keep_content": [
      "exclude_content": {
        "xpaths": []
      "keep_content": {
        "xpaths": []
      "exclude_tag_attributes": [
      "extracted_fields": {
        "{field_name_1}": {
          "css_selector": "{CSS_selector_expression_1}",
          "type": "{field_type}"
        "{field_name_N}": {
          "css_selector": "{CSS_selector_expression_N}",
          "type": "{field_type}"

Finally, the following passage shows the configuration the new name and description as well as some CSS selectors. The selectors match items in the HTML example listed below the passage.

  "name": "Extract JSON config",
  "description": "New configuration enabling extraction of JSON fields from HTML",
  "conversions": {
    "html": {
      "exclude_tags_completely": [
      "exclude_tags_keep_content": [
      "exclude_content": {
        "xpaths": []
      "keep_content": {
        "xpaths": []
      "exclude_tag_attributes": [
      "extracted_fields": {
        "chapters": {
          "css_selector": ".chapter",
          "type": "array"
        "authors": {
          "css_selector": ".author"
        "authors_str": {
          "css_selector": ".author",
          "type": "string"
        "comments": {
          "css_selector": "[^comments-content]"

If you load the following HTML document into a collection that uses an updated configuration, the CSS selectors match the appropriate attributes and values in the HTML.

    <div id="authors">
      <div class="author"><span class="first_name">Jane</span> <span class="last_name">Rain</span></div>
      <div class="author">Joe Snow</div>
  <div class="chapter"><h1>The Rain in Spain</h1><p>falls mainly on the plain.</p></div>
  <div class="chapter"><h1>How I Learned to Stop Worrying</h1><p>and love my snowblower.</p></div>
  <span id="comments-section">
    <span id="comments-content-1">Rain gives me pain.</span>
    <span id="comments-content-2">All snow must go!</span>

After the preceding HTML is ingested and enhanced, Discovery returns the following JSON:

  "extracted_metadata": { ... },
  "html": "...",
  "text": "...",
  "extracted_fields": {
    "authors": [ "Jane Rain", "Joe Snow" ],
    "authors_str": "Jane Rain\n\nJoe Snow",
    "chapters": [ "The Rain in Spain\n\nfalls mainly on the plain.", "How I Learned to Stop Worrying\n\nand love my snowblower." ],
    "comments": [ "Rain gives me pain.", "All snow must go!" ]

After deciding which HTML elements you want to extract, you can then further modify the configuration file to specify the enrichments you want to apply to them.

Common selectors

Some common CSS selectors include the following:

  • tag — Matches the tag name
  • .class — Matches the value of class
  • #id — Matches the value of id
  • [attribute] — Matches any tag with the specified attribute, regardless of value
  • [attribute=value] or [attribute="value"] — Matches the specified attribute and value

Splitting documents with document segmentation

If your source documents are supported by Smart Document Understanding (see Supported document types), use document splitting instead of document segmentation. For details, see document splitting.

You can split your HTML documents into segments based on HTML heading tags. Once split, each segment is a separate document that is enriched and indexed separately. Since queries return these segments as separate documents, document segmentation can be used to:

  • Perform aggregations on individual segments of a document. For example, your aggregation would count each time a segment mentions a specific entity, instead of only counting it once for the entire document.
  • Perform relevancy training on segments instead of documents, which improves result reranking.

Documents can be split based on the following HTML tags: h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 and h6.


  • In the Lite plan, the number of segments per document is limited to 250. Any document content remaining after 249 segments are stored within segment 250. In the Advanced plan, the number of segments per document is limited to 1,000. Any document content remaining after 999 segments are stored within segment 1,000. Segmentation limits are dependent on your plan. For more information, see Discovery pricing plans.

  • Each segment counts towards the document limit of your plan. Discovery indexes segments until the plan limit is reached. See Discovery pricing plans for document limits.

  • You can not use CSS selectors to extract fields (see Using CSS selectors to extract fields) when using document segmentation.

  • Documents are segmented each time the specified HTML tag is detected. Consequently, segmentation could lead to malformed HTML because the documents could be split before closing tags and after opening tags.

  • HTML metadata; the title; plus any custom metadata, is extracted and included in the index with each segment. Every segment of a document includes identical metadata.

  • Document segmentation is not supported when the Element Classification (elements) enrichment is specified.

  • Re-ingesting a segmented document has additional considerations, see Updating a segmented document.

Performing segmentation

If your source documents are supported by Smart Document Understanding (see Supported document types), use document splitting instead of document segmentation. For details, see document splitting.

Segmentation is setup via the API in the conversions section.

  "configuration_id": "a23c467d-1212-4b3a-5555-93e788a3622a",
  "name": "Example configuration",
  "conversions": {
    "segment": {
      "enabled": true,
      "selector_tags": ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"]

enabled = true turns on document segmentation.

selector_tags is an array that specifies the heading tags documents can be segmented on.



"conversions": {
  "segment": {
    "enabled": true,
    "selector_tags": ["h1", "h2"]

Original HTML document:

  <title>My Document</title>
  first line
   <div name="section 1">
    <h1>heading 1</h1>
     <div name="section 2">This is the text that falls under <b>heading 1</b> and should be therefore split into its own segment.
      <h2>heading 2</h2>
      line under heading 2
       <h3>heading 3</h3>
       line under heading 3
  last line

The first document segment looks like this:

  "id": "94c686c3-a790-4d8d-ba42-2bddf01b311c",
  "result_metadata": {
    "parent_id": "94c686c3-a790-4d8d-ba42-2bddf01b311c",
    "segment": 1,
    "total_segments": 3
  "text": "This is the text that falls under heading 1 and should be therefore split into its own segment."
  "extracted_metadata": {
    "sha1": "45ede479df67d78f2205ea7e714843375d3029c0",
    "filename": "doc-with-different-heading-levels.html",
    "file_type": "html",
    "title": "My Document"
  "title": "My Document",
  "html": "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?><html>\n<head>"

All segments include an:

  • id - The id of this segment.
  • title - The title field is extracted from the HTML title field. (2019-03-25 or later API version string.)
  • segment_metadata section which contains:
    • parent_id - The parent_id is the id of the original document. For the first segment, the id and parent_id are identical.
    • segment - The number of this segment.
    • total_segments - The total number of segments the document was split into.
  • extracted_metadata section which contains:
    • sha1 - Corresponds to the original document.
    • title - The title field is extracted from the HTML title field. (2019-03-25 or later API version string.)
    • filename - Corresponds to the original document.
    • file_type- Corresponds to the original document.
  • text field
  • html field

Updating a segmented document

If a segmented document is updated and needs to be ingested again, it can be replaced by using the Update document method.

When updating a segmented document, you must upload the document by using the POST method of the /environments/{environment_id}/collections/{collection_id}/documents/{document_id} API, specifying the contents of the parent_id field of one of the current segments as the {document_id} path variable.

When updating, all segments are overwritten, unless the updated version of the document has fewer total sections than the original. Those older segments remain in the index and might be individually deleted, using the API. See the API Reference for details. You can identify how many segments were created by querying the notices. Each segment is given a document_id field that is comprised of the {parent_id}, followed by an underscore, followed by the segment number.

If any of the segments of the document that you intend to update are ranked for relevancy training, you must first delete all the segments of that document and then ingest the updated document as a new document. This results in a new document_id for each segment and any trained segments must be retrained. The trained index becomes inaccurate if you don't delete the old content first.

Alternately, consider creating a new document that contains only the new content and ingest it separately.