IBM Cloud Docs
FAQs for Direct Link on Classic

FAQs for Direct Link on Classic

You can review answers to some frequently asked questions about IBM Cloud® Direct Link.

How does Direct Link on Classic differ from the new Direct Link offering?

The new IBM Cloud Direct Link offering differs from "Direct Link on Classic" in that the new Direct Link is decoupled from classic IaaS, and exists only in the local cross-connect router (XCR). This design enables native connectivity to VPC and future capabilities without being forced into the classic IaaS network.

The zone-region model allows for multiple data centers to exist in a single zone.

The new Direct Link offering allows connectivity to both Classic IaaS as well as VPCs, whereas the Classic Direct Link always connects to IaaS network and a global VRF first. Classic Direct Link can only reach VPC on a limited basis utilizing a VPC feature called Classic Access and by adding global routing to the direct link. For more information, see Setting up access to your Classic Infrastructure from VPC.

For information about the differences between the new Direct Link offerings and the "on Classic" versions, see How do I know which Direct Link solution to order? and Getting started with IBM Cloud Direct Link Dedicated.

Can I request to change a VLAN ID on IBM Cloud for a provisioned Direct Link Connect gateway with a VLAN that is already allocated?

For a direct link that was manually provisioned, you can request a VLAN update by opening an IBM Support case. For a Provider API-provisioned gateway, a VLAN ID update is not supported.

Where do I find cost estimates for Direct Link offerings?

You can estimate the cost of a service using the cost estimator on the provisioning pages for Direct Link on Classic offerings. For example, select a tile from the IBM Cloud catalog to view the service's ordering page. As you complete the ordering form, cost estimates appear in the Summary side panel.

Can IBM do IPV6 on the private network?

No. IPv6 is public only.

How do I convert my account to VRF?

During conversion, your shared tenancy is converted to use a customer VRF, most commonly with a new Direct Link on Classic subscription.

A "customer VRF" refers to multiple isolation network connectivity. For more information, see Enabling VRF and service endpoints.