IBM Cloud Docs
Configuring GoSec scans

Configuring GoSec scans

Use gosec to inspect Golang source code in your scanned repositories.

Required parameters

The pipeline needs the parameter in Table 1 to run the Gosec scan. For a full list of pipeline parameters, see Pipeline parameters.

Table 1. gosec scan parameters
Name Type Description Required or Optional
opt-in-gosec text Enables gosec scans Required

Enabling gosec scan for private Git repositories

If your project requires dependencies that are located in a private Git repository and therefore needs SSH-based authentication, you can enable the pipeline to retrieve the dependencies by providing optional parameters. For more information, see Enable download of dependencies for private repositories.

If a proxy must be specified for retrieving dependencies, you can specify its URL along with the credentials (username and token) by using pipeline parameters. For more information, see Enable GOPROXY.

Enable download of dependencies for private repositories

Downloading dependencies for repositories can be enabled by providing all of the following pipeline parameters.

Table 2. pipeline parameters
Name Type Description Required or optional
gosec-private-repository-url text (deprecated) Your private repository base URL. optional
gosec-private-repository-host text Your private repository host. For example, optional
gosec-private-repository-ssh-key secret The SSH key for the private repository optional
gosec-private-repository-user text User for the private repository with https access (default to x-oauth-basic) optional
gosec-private-repository-token secret The token used for https access to private repository (default to the token configured for the first git integration in the toolchain whose repository URL is hosted on gosec-private-repository-host's value) optional


If GOPROXY must be specified, all of the following parameters must be provided.

Table 3. GOPROXY parameters
Name Type Description Required or optional
gosec-proxy-virtual-repository-user text The virtual repository user for gosec proxy optional
gosec-proxy-virtual-repository-token secret The virtual repository token for gosec proxy optional
gosec-proxy-virtual-repository-url text The virtual repository url for gosec proxy optional

Optional parameters

The gosec-scan-image parameter can be used to specify a different gosec image to use, such as a custom image or a specific version of the official gosec image.

Usage of the gosec-additional-flags flag is shown in the examples section below

Table 4. gosec optional parameters
Parameter name Default value Description
gosec-additional-flags text Additional flags to be appended to the start of the gosec command.
gosec-scan-image text Specifies an alternative gosec image, including custom images or specific versions of the official image.


Define the value of gosec-additional-flags as -exclude-dir=<your_folder_1> -exclude-dir=<your_folder_2> -nosec=true and the gosec command run is updated as:

./gosec -exclude-dir=<your_folder_1> -exclude-dir=<your_folder_2> -nosec=true -no-fail -fmt=json -out=gosec-results.json -stdout -verbose=text ./...   

Using your own configuration file

If you want to modify the default configuration, create a config.json file in the target repository. For more information on the analysis parameters in the configuration file, see gosec configuration.

Using another static scan implementation

If you want to use your own static scan implementation, modify your .pipeline-config.yaml file and add your own custom script to the static-scan stage. For more information, see Custom scripts.