IBM Cloud Docs
Pull request pipeline

Pull request pipeline

Pull request pipeline runs a set of compliance status checks on a pull request for the specified application repository.

Attempts to merge a pull request into the master branch might be blocked because of failed compliance status checks. Opening or updating a pull request against the master branch triggers the pull request pipeline to run. You can run your own setup for the pipelines and tests in Custom scripts.

Stages and tasks

The table below lists the tasks run in a PR Pipeline. In addition, the table also provides an overview of each of these stages:

  • Task or Stage: This refers to the name of the stage as defined within the .pipeline-config.yaml configuration file.

  • Short description: This provides a concise explanation of the actions performed during the execution of the stage.

  • Customisation permissible: This indicates whether users have the flexibility to modify or replace the default behavior of the stage by inserting a custom script in the .pipeline-config.yaml file.

  • Default Reference Implementation: This indicates whether the DevSecOps pipelines come with a pre-defined or default implementation for the stage. Notably, for certain stages like unit-tests or setup, the DevSecOps pipeline doesn't offer any out-of-the-box implementation. Instead, users are required to provide custom scripts or code tailored to their application's requirements.

  • Evidence Collection: This indicates whether the stage performs the collection of standard evidence. When DevSecOps Pipeline provide a reference implementation for a stage, evidence collection is performed out-of-the-box. However, if User choose to modify or replace these predefined stages, they must ensure that their custom implementations include appropriate evidence collection. The same responsibility falls on users for stages where the DevSecOps pipeline doesn't provide an out-of-the-box implementation, necessitating them to perform evidence collection. The column indicates the entity (User/Pipeline) responsible for carrying out the evidence collection.

  • Skip permissible (applicable to version >= v10): This indicates whether users can opt out of running this stage by setting the skip property to true in the .pipeline-config.yaml. However, caution is advised when using this feature, especially for stages designed to collect evidence. Skipping such stages might lead to missing essential evidences for the build.

Pipeline order
Task or stage Short description Customisation permissible in .pipeline-config.yaml Default Reference Implementation Evidence Collection Requirement Skip permissible
start Set up the pipeline environment. No Yes NA No
setup Set up your build and test environment. Yes No NA No
detect-secrets Run detect secrets scan on the application code. Yes Yes NA No
unit-tests Run unit tests and app tests on app code. Yes No NA Yes
compliance-checks Run Code Risk Analyzer scans and other compliance checks on app repos. Yes Yes NA Yes
finish Consolidate the pipeline status. Yes Yes NA Yes

For more information about how to customize stages by using the .pipeline-config.yaml file, see Custom scripts and Pipeline parameters.

Detect Secrets scan

The IBM Detect Secrets tool identifies where secrets are visible in app code. More information on setting up your repo for the scan is available here.

Scans and checks in compliance checks

Compliance scans and checks
Scan or check Description
Code Risk Analyzer vulnerability scan Finds vulnerabilities for all of the app package dependencies, container base images, and operating system packages. Uses the Code Risk Analyzer tool.
Code Risk Analyzer CIS check Runs configuration checks on Kubernetes deployment manifests. Uses the Code Risk Analyzer tool.
Code Risk Analyzer Bill of Material (BOM) check The BOM for a specified repo that captures the pedigree of all of the dependencies. This BOM is collected at different granularities. For example, the BOM captures the list of base images that are used in the build, the list of packages from the base images, and the list of app packages that are installed over the base image. The BOM acts as a ground truth for the analytic results and can potentially be used to enforce policy gates. Uses the Code Risk Analyzer tool.
Mend Unified Agent vulnerability scan The Mend Unified Agent scanning tool scans app repos' open source components for vulnerable libraries and source files. For more information, see Configuring Mend Unified Agent scans.
Repository compliance checking Checks that branch protection settings are correct.

These scripts are run on all of the app repos that the pipeline is aware of. To add repos to these scans, use the pipelinectl interface that is provided in your setup stage.

For more information about the expected output from user script stages, see Custom scripts.

Task jobs

Compliance scans and checks
Task job Description
code-pr-start Clones app and DevSecOps repos, and sets the initial pending state for status checks on Git Repos and Issue Tracking repos.
code-setup The placeholder for a user-defined setup custom script where the user can complete their pipeline setup.
code-detect-secrets Runs the detect secrets scan to identify where secrets are visible in app code.
code-unit-tests The placeholder for a user-defined test custom script where the user can run their own tests.
code-pr-finish Runs all of the required compliance checks, comments the results to the pull request, and sets their result on the Git Repos and Issue Tracking repos.

Merge pull requests with issues

You can use Administrator rights to merge pull requests with failed status checks to the repo. However, these pull requests register a failure result in their evidence for the failing task. This result is included in the evidence summary and change request description, and impacts the final compliance score on the Security and Compliance Center.

Enable evidence collection in PR pipeline

PR pipeline supports evidence collection along with issue management. By default, PR pipeline does not collect evidences or open any issues but users can opt-in to this feature. In order to enable evidence collection and issue management, set the environment variable collect-evidence-in-pr as one of the following enum:

  • none: (default) Set collect-evidence-in-pr to none, to prevent evidence collection in PR pipeline.
  • all: Set collect-evidence-in-pr to all to collect all evidences irrespective of the status of the PR pipeline. Issues will be opened, updated or closed according to collect-evidence script.
  • success: Set collect-evidence-in-pr to success to collect evidences only if the entire PR pipeline ran successfully. If the PR pipeline failed, evidences will be not be collected or published to the evidence locker and issue management will not be taking place.

Note: Since, PR pipelines are generally run quite frequently, choosing the correct mode of collect-evidence-in-pr will save from unnecessary evidence collection. It is suggested to select the success mode during development phase or in cases where failures are anticipated, in order to prevent evidence collection if the pipeline fails.

If the PR pipeline triggers an Async pipeline, collect-evidence-in-pr set to success mode is not supported. Incase the PR pipeline triggers an async pipeline, set collect-evidence-in-pr to all in order to collect evidences.

Note: If the application repository is a GitLab repository and the MR (merge request) being contributed is from a forked repository, user will need to provide a value for git-token env variable which has access to both the source and the target repositories to set the proper statuses on the merge request. This means the git token would need to belong to a user who is a contributor in both the base repository and the forked repository and the token has permissions to set status on a commit.