Getting started with Databases for MongoDB
This tutorial guides you through the steps to quickly start using Databases for MongoDB by provisioning an instance, setting your Admin password, connecting to it and writing and reading a simple document.
Follow these steps to complete the tutorial:
- Before you begin
- Step 1: Choose your plan
- Step 2: Provision through the console
- Step 3: Set your Admin password through the console
- Step 4: Connect to your instance
- Next steps
Follow these steps to complete the tutorial:
- Before you begin
- Step 1: Choose your plan
- Step 2: Provision through the CLI
- Step 3: Set your Admin password through the CLI
- Step 4: Connect to your instance
- Next steps
Follow these steps to complete the tutorial:
- Before you begin
- Step 1: Choose your plan
- Step 2: Provision through the API
- Step 3: Set your Admin password
- Step 4: Connect to your instance
- Next steps
Follow these steps to complete the tutorial:
- Before you begin
- Step 1: Choose your plan
- Step 2: Provision through Terraform
- Step 3: Set your Admin password
- Step 4: Connect to your instance
- Next steps
Before you begin
- You need an IBM Cloud account.
Step 1: Choose your plan
Databases for MongoDB offers two different plans:
Databases for MongoDB Standard is a fully managed NoSQL database service based on the MongoDB Community Edition.
Databases for MongoDB Enterprise offers advanced features, such as the MongoDB Ops Manager, the Analytics add-on, and point-in-time recovery.
Using APIs
Use the Cloud Databases API to work with your Databases for MongoDB instance. The resource controller API is used to provision an instance.
You will need an API key to perform actions via the API. Follow these steps to create an IBM Cloud API key that enables you to use the API to provision infrastructure into your account. You can create up to 20 API keys.
For security reasons, the API key is only available to be copied or downloaded at the time of creation. If the API key is lost, you must create a new API key.
Step 2: Provision through the console
Log in to the IBM Cloud console.
Click the Databases for MongoDB service in the catalog.
Follow these steps to provision a Databases for MongoDB instance.
When your instance is provisioned, click the instance name to view more information.
Step 2: Provision through the CLI
You can provision a Databases for MongoDB instance by using the CLI. If you don't already have it, you need to install the IBM Cloud CLI.
You can follow these steps to provision a Databases for MongoDB instance.
Step 2: Provision through the resource controller API
Follow these steps to provision a Databases for MongoDB instance using the Resource Controller API.
Step 2: Provision through Terraform
You need an API key to perform actions via Terraform. Follow these steps to create an IBM Cloud API key that enables Terraform to provision infrastructure into your account. You can create up to 20 API keys.
For security reasons, the API key is only available to be copied or downloaded at the time of creation. If the API key is lost, you must create a new API key.
Once you have an API Key, follow these steps to provision a Databases for MongoDB instance using Terraform.
Step 3: Set the admin password
The admin user
When you provision a Databases for MongoDB deployment, an admin
user is automatically created.
Set the admin password before using it to connect.
Set the admin password through the UI
Set your admin password through the UI by selecting your instance from the IBM Cloud Resource list. Then, select Settings. Next, select Change Database Admin password.
Set the admin password through the CLI
Use the cdb user-password
command from the IBM Cloud CLI Cloud Databases plug-in to set the admin password.
For example, to set the admin password for your deployment, use the following command:
ibmcloud cdb user-password <INSTANCE_NAME_OR_CRN> admin <NEWPASSWORD>
Set the admin password through the API
YOu can use the id
parameter obtained in the response to Step 2 above with the Set specified user's password endpoint to set the admin password.
curl -X PATCH -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"password":"newrootpasswordsupersecure21"}' \
The id
parameter needs to be URL-encoded for the above API call to work.
Setting the admin password through Terraform
The admin password is passed in as one of the database resource parameters in the Terraform script. There is no need for any further action.
Step 4: Connect to your Databases for MongoDB instance
You can easily connect to your instance by either using the Mongo Shell (a command line interface) or Mongo Compass, a powerful GUI for querying and analyizing your data. Both of these tools are provided my MongoDB.
Using the Mongo Shell
Follow these instructions to download and connect to the Mongo Shell.
You can then test your deployment by inserting a document into a collection:
use sample_mflix
title: "The Favourite",
genres: [ "Drama", "History" ],
runtime: 121,
rated: "R",
year: 2018,
directors: [ "Yorgos Lanthimos" ],
cast: [ "Olivia Colman", "Emma Stone", "Rachel Weisz" ],
type: "movie"
The above command switches to a database called sample_mflix
(and creates it if it does not already exist), and then insert a document into the movies
collection (which gets also be created if it does not already
You can then retrieve the document with:
db.movies.find( { title: "The Favourite" } )
You now connected to your database and wrote and read data using the Mongo Shell.
Using MongoDB Compass
Follow these instructions to download MongoDB Compass and use it to connect to your Databases for MongoDB instance. You can write and read data using the MongoDB Compass documentation.
Next steps
If you are using MongoDB for the first time, see the official MongoDB documentation.
For guidance on best practices, see Best practices for MongoDB on the IBM Cloud.
Secure your deployment by adding context-based restrictions.
Connect your deployment to IBM® Cloud Logs and IBM Cloud® Monitoring for observability and alerting.
Explore the Ops Manager functionality offered in the Databases for MongoDB Enterprise Edition.
Looking for more tools on managing your databases? Connect to your instance with the following tools:
If you plan to use Databases for MongoDB for your applications, see the following topics:
For information on TLS/SSL certificate configuration in the API, see the following topics:
To ensure the stability of your applications and databases, see the following topics: