IBM Cloud Docs
MongoDB Enterprise Ops Manager

MongoDB Enterprise Ops Manager

The Ops Manager is only available with an IBM Cloud® Databases for MongoDB Enterprise Edition deployment.

Before you begin with the MongoDB Enterprise Ops Manager

  • You need to have an IBM Cloud account.
  • And a Databases for MongoDB Enterprise Edition deployment. You can provision one from the IBM Cloud catalog. Give your deployment a memorable name that appears in your account's Resource List.
  • Set the Admin Password for your deployment.
  • Create an Ops Manager username and password.

Creating an Ops Manager user in the CLI

Before logging in to the Databases for MongoDB Enterprise Edition Ops Manager, you must create an Ops Manager username and password for your deployment by using the Cloud Databases API. To create a new Ops Manager user, run the following command:

ibmcloud cdb user-create <crn> <username> <password> -t ops_manager

Note, the password must be at least 10 characters and contain at least one special character.

Example command:

ibmcloud cdb user-create "crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-mongodb:us-south:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:32bd88c9-1d96-4486-8012-1dgcd629e609::" newuser01 SuperSecure001! -t ops_manager

The Ops Manager user has limited permissions.

Creating roles within Ops Manager in the CLI

When creating an Ops Manager user, you have the option of creating two roles: group_data_access_admin and group_read_only.

If no role is specified, group_data_access_admin is the default user, affording you Ops Manager default access and privileges. The group_data_access_admin role is equivalent to MongoDB's Project Data Access Admin role.

The group_read_only role, which is equivalent to MongoDB's Project Read Only role, can view most components, including activity, operational data, Ops Manager users, and Ops Manager User roles. This user cannot modify or delete anything. group_read_only users also do not have access to view data in the Ops Manager UI.

To create these roles, input the respective parameter within the user_type using the Cloud Databases API.

If you are using the CLI, you can assign a role by appending the -r flag to the user-create command in the above example.

For more information on roles with Ops Manager, see MongoDB's Ops Manager Roles.

When creating an Ops Manager user, you have the option of creating two additional roles:

  • group_data_access_admin
  • group_read_only

To create these roles, input the respective parameter within the user_type API.

By default in the API, users do not input a role, which will default to group_data_access_admin. By creating roles within Ops Manager, you can input group_read_only to prohibit access to view data in the Ops Manager UI.

Initial login

The Databases for MongoDB Enterprise Edition service is provisioned with access to the MongodDB Ops Manager user interface.

As Databases for MongoDB Enterprise Edition uses self-signed certificates, your browser may require you to accept the certificate or add the certificate to your certificate store before being able to log in.

After you create an Ops Manager username and password by using the Cloud Databases API, you must follow these instructions to get access to the Databases for MongoDB Enterprise Edition instance within the Ops Manager UI:

  1. Discover the Ops Manager link with the command:
    ibmcloud cdb deployment-connections <CRN> -t ops_manager

If setting up Ops Manager with private endpoints, you will need to append -e 'private' to your command.

  1. Log in with the Ops Manager username and password you created for your deployment:

  2. In the resulting view, select the 'Invitations' tab:

  3. Click 'Accept' for the invitation as role 'Project Data Access Admin'. This step adds your Ops Manager user ID to the Organization and project shown:

  4. Lastly, to navigate to the instance view:

    • Click the 'Ops Manager' logo in the menu bar,
    • Or select the 'All Clusters' link:

On subsequent logins you arrive at the last view, so the prior procedure is only necessary on the first login.

If a user is removed from the Ops Manager, there is no method to manually resend an invitation. To add a user back to the Ops Manager interface, you need to delete the user with command opsmanager_delete_user first then create the same user again. The invitation is again available in the Invitations section as noted in the prior Initial login steps.

Connecting through private endpoints

Databases for MongoDB Enterprise Edition offers an HTTPS accessible endpoint for the Ops Manager user interface.

Databases for MongoDB Enterprise Edition also offers both private and public cloud service endpoints. If you want to access the Management UI from a browser that is not on the private network, you must take these additional steps as listed in the Connecting Through Private Endpoints documentation for IBM Cloud® Databases.

After you configure your environment for private endpoint access, you can go to to the Databases for MongoDB Enterprise management endpoint URL from your browser. For example,

Ops Manager API key creation and usage

Databases for MongoDB Enterprise Edition provides access to the Ops Manager API through generation of API keys. To do this:

  • Navigate to your Account page
  • From the Public API Access tab, generate up to ten API keys by using the Generate button.

Using the Ops Manager connection string (also found in the Getting connection strings section of your deployment dashboard), you can access API commands with the credentials that you created for Ops Manager user.

Example connection details

Use the following example credentials to query the Ops Manager user API:

  • Example username that you created by using the API:
    • opsmanager-123
  • Example API key that is generated by using the prior steps:
    • d043b2ae-bbf2-4f55-8b09-e1ce0906126f
  • Example connection string obtained from the deployment dashboard Endpoints section:

Combine to form the following example command:

curl -k --digest --user 'opsmanager-123:d043b2ae-bbf2-4f55-8b09-e1ce0906126f'  ''

Updating the Ops Manager user record by using the Ops Manager API

When you create an Ops Manager user before the initial login steps previously noted, you defined the username and password as arguments. This username can't be changed by using the Ops Manager API or UI, and the password can only be changed via the UI. However, you can update these values by using the Ops Manager 'user' API.

The Ops Manager 'user' API requires several other values to be set when creating a user. These fields are set to opsmanager by default:

  • firstName
  • lastName
  • emailAddress

With your own username and API key that is generated in the prior steps, follow this example command to update these fields:

curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -XPATCH -k --digest --user 'opsmanager-123:d043b2ae-bbf2-4f55-8b09-e1ce0906126f'  '' -d '{"firstName": "your first name", "lastName": "your last name, "emailAddress": "your e-mail"}'

After a restore

After a restore completes, you will see the source formation replica set in the Ops Manager interface.